How many white supremacists are there?

Stupid thread premise

Since most views on race are personal, it is impossible to establish a number
Most Americans today know enough to keep their racist views private
At the same time, “racism” and “racist” have such broad applications these days. People are called racist because they don’t support a particular Black politician or the policy(s) of a political party.
Just enough to portray the perpetual victims as commonplace and in need of whatever it is that perpetual victims are in need of.
yes…because liberals are always spouting about blacks replacing us and building military style arsenals

But blacks are already here. Have been for quite some time and their population percentages hardly ever change. Nobody who gives serious consideration to the "replacement theory" ever believed black people are the ones who will be doing the replacing.
But blacks are already here. Have been for quite some time and their population percentages hardly ever change. Nobody who gives serious consideration to the "replacement theory" ever believed black people are the ones who will be doing the replacing.
This kid didn’t care
At the same time, “racism” and “racist” have such broad applications these days. People are called racist because they don’t support a particular Black politician or the policy(s) of a political party.
And then there are Payton and his online buddies

All anyone has to do is read USMB and you can still see the racists are still with us
I have it and yes, he is a mentally ill pile of racist anti Jew shit.

From the Manifesto:

Page 4:

Did the groups you support/are aligned with order or promote your attack? No, I am the sole perpetrator of this attack. I’ve had many influences from others but it was only me who decided to continue this
Yeah, I went looking for it too, he is off his rocker.

It took me a bit to understand the question and answer, format - portion organization of it, till I looked up Brenton Tarrant's, I had never read that one. . . .

". . . But then after browsing /pol/ one day I saw a short gif of a man walking into a building
and shooting a shotgun through a dark hallway. I didn’t think anything of it, but then I saw it
again, and I looked up who this person was. I thought to myself, “Why did this person do it?”
That person was Brenton Tarrant, and after some searches I found the 17 minute
livestream of him attacking the Al-Noor mosque. I eventually found his manifesto and I read it,
and I found that I mostly agreed with him.
Finally I thought to myself, perhaps there is a chance that we can combat this. Maybe
there is a chance that we can take control and prevent our genocide. .. "

I am surprised he didn't shoot up a Jewish location, he railed against Jews and immigrants more than blacks. :eusa_think:

He is nuts, absolutely insane.

Obsessed with guns and armor.

"To incite violence, retaliation and further divide between the European people and the
replacers currently occupying European soil.
To show the effect of direct action, lighting a path forward for those that wish to follow.
A path for those that wish to free their ancestors lands from the replacers grasp and to be a
beacon for those that wish to create a lasting culture, to tell them they are not alone."

wtf? That makes no sense. . . this is North America. He continually states, all people belong where they evolved, except for Americans, Australians, Canadians, and folks in N. Zealand. . . but doesn't say why?

Nut bag.

That diatribe is a mishmash of fear, and search for reasons and targets to blame for the fear this kid is experiencing . . . and xenophobia. Much of it, as old as civilization itself.

He would have done better taking classes in cultural Anthropology, and statistics at that university he was enrolled in, rather than trying to interpret things as his eighteen year old brain thought they should be seen. . .
And then there are Payton and his online buddies

All anyone has to do is read USMB and you can still see the racists are still with us
Racial referencing is not racist but that’s not a wish nor feeling libs can work with
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
Fewer than black supremacist
Racial referencing is not racist but that’s not a wish nor feeling libs can work with

We have a forum on Race Relations and Racism

It should be a venue for discussing issues like this weekends attack

Instead it is a place for USMB‘s resident racists to hang out
Are you a fed/shill/mossad agent/false flag/patsy/imposter/antifa/“three letter agent glow so
bright” ect?

No, I don’t think so. Who knows maybe it’s the two shots of covid vaccine juice going
through my bloodstream that’s really making me do this.
It’s healthy to have skepticism of course, but don’t let your skepticism turn you away
from people who support you.


It seems, maybe the vaccine is turning folks into mass shooters?
I have it and yes, he is a mentally ill pile of racist anti Jew shit.

From the Manifesto:

Page 4:

Did the groups you support/are aligned with order or promote your attack? No, I am the sole perpetrator of this attack. I’ve had many influences from others but it was only me who decided to continue this
you are one of a very few people who are going to read that thing. People were apoplectic over that bill in Florida but wouldnt read it and it was only 7 pages. No way people are reading some 184 page rant of a madman.
The white dude is uber anti-semitic.... like a democrat... like this piece of shit:

ilhan 4.jpg

In fact, they could be brother and sister.... which, technically, would make them husband and wife.... hmm?
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.

Federal law enforcement considers White Supremacists more dangerous because they tend to hit what they are shooting at more than gang bangers.
It increases the body count per incident, and draws more focus from the media, and support from the nut cases.


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