How many white supremacists are there?

Well no, they show that police interactions with minorities directly correlate to crimes committed in minority neighborhoods and by minorities.

Cops abuse the rights of whites and kill far more whites than they ever have blacks at least in the modern era.
Wrong again clown. The latest look at police departments, the Minneapolis police department, found racial disparities in policing that do not correlate to crimes. They found the police department was disportionately brutal to blacks.
Wrong again clown. The latest look at police departments, the Minneapolis police department, found racial disparities in policing that do not correlate to crimes. They found the police department was disportionately brutal to blacks.
That isn't what your article shows, and Minneapolis is one city, not the entire state much less the US.
That isn't what your article shows, and Minneapolis is one city, not the entire state much less the US.
I fixed the link and it does show that cops were discriminatory to blacks.
The report said police department data “demonstrates significant racial disparities with respect to officers’ use of force, traffic stops, searches, citations and arrests”.
That's directly from the article.
I don't recall claiming he said only blacks were brainwashed.

You called him racist for saying it. That only makes sense if you were implying that he meant "only blacks". Unless you really are a retarded moron.

If this propaganda is so successful why wouldn't you target everyone?

That would be a question to ask the propagandists.

And yet you clowns belong to the least diverse party in an America of increasing diversity. The proof is in the pudding clown. 😄

YOu mean, proof that your race baiting is working? PErhaps. YOu are still a piece of shit human.
There is another population that you think is 90% brainwashed? Which one?
Any population that votes in such huge numbers for a single party for generations when that party while pandering to them works against their interests.

Trump sycophants are no different, they won't accept any facts contrary to their beliefs.
Republicans refuse to take police reform seriously though every in depth look at police departments find rampant amounts of racial bias. You can't decrease crime if the citizens you're policing don't trust you and look at you as no better than the violent criminals they'd be calling you to protect them from.

Every major city is dominated by dems. The dems have had GENERATIONS to implement whatever reforms they wanted.

YOu don't like what they did, take it up with them.
Wrong again clown. The latest look at police departments, the Minneapolis police department, found racial disparities in policing that do not correlate to crimes. They found the police department was disportionately brutal to blacks.

Said the lying whore race baiting retard.
You called him racist for saying it. That only makes sense if you were implying that he meant "only blacks". Unless you really are a retarded moron.
It also makes sense if he's talking about the vast majority of black voters, which he was.
That would be a question to ask the propagandists.
I'm asking you because it doesn't make sense with your theory. Do you have an answer?
YOu mean, proof that your race baiting is working? PErhaps. YOu are still a piece of shit human.
It's proof your bullshit arguments don't seem to be that convincing to minority voters.
Any population that votes in such huge numbers for a single party for generations when that party while pandering to them works against their interests.

Trump sycophants are no different, they won't accept any facts contrary to their beliefs.
But you're talking about 90% of black voters. What is it about them, do you think, that makes them so susceptible to brainwashing?
I fixed the link and it does show that cops were discriminatory to blacks.

That's directly from the article.
That still doesn't support your claim. Blacks commit crimes at 4-7x higher rates than whites so of course they are going to have more interactions, stops, questioning, arrests, and convictions.

You are failing miserably.

The use of force shows to be directly proportional to the number of people who resist as well.
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It also makes sense if he's talking about the vast majority of black voters, which he was.

Got it. YOu are stilling with being a race baiting retard.

I'm asking you because it doesn't make sense with your theory. Do you have an answer?

YOu are asking me to explain the reasons of other people for their actions. That is not my responsibility.

It's proof your bullshit arguments don't seem to be that convincing to minority voters.

My "bullshit" arguments? I'm not the one pretending to be retarded so I can strawman my enemies argument. That is you.
Democrats provide blacks with educational opportunities, jobs programs, healthcare, food and housing support

What have Republicans done for blacks other than build prisons?
They don’t get educational opportunities as a group. Most drop out or graduate with subpar skills. But the teachers get paid well.

The jobs programs are minimal. Drive thru attendant is the top of the line.

Healthcare, food and housing. Yep, a life of welfare reliant poverty. That is indeed the only thing democrats have done for blacks, or anyone really.
That still doesn't support your claim. Blacks commit crimes at 4-7x higher rates than blacks so of course they are going to have more interactions, stops, questioning, arrests, and convictions.

You are failing miserably.

The use of force shows to be directly proportional to the number of people who resist as well.
People who do these types of analysis know how to account for crime rates. Can you show that the forgot to do that here?
Got it. YOu are stilling with being a race baiting retard.

YOu are asking me to explain the reasons of other people for their actions. That is not my responsibility.

My "bullshit" arguments? I'm not the one pretending to be retarded so I can strawman my enemies argument. That is you.
It's simple, if you talk about blacks and are neither black nor a democrat you are a racist.
They don’t get educational opportunities as a group. Most drop out or graduate with subpar skills. But the teachers get paid well.

The jobs programs are minimal. Drive thru attendant is the top of the line.

Healthcare, food and housing. Yep, a life of welfare reliant poverty. That is indeed the only thing democrats have done for blacks, or anyone really.
They actually have more educational opportunities than whites, they just fail to take advantage of them.

There are thousands of scholarships for blacks nobody else is eligible for and massive tuition assistance for anyone who is the first generation in their family to go to college. That has been the case starting way back in the seventies and beyond.

They even had all black universities for many decades.

It's hard to get a college or professional degree though if you drop out of HS, can't stay sober, and end up in prison.

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