How many white supremacists are there?

They actually have more educational opportunities than whites, they just fail to take advantage of them.

There are thousands of scholarships for blacks nobody else is eligible for and massive tuition assistance for anyone who is the first generation in their family to go to college. That has been the case starting way back in the seventies and beyond.

They even had all black universities for many decades.

It's hard to get a college or professional degree though if you drop out of HS, can't stay sober, and end up in prison.
Quite true. The worst enemy of blacks is their inner city culture. And welfare. The democrats have removed all motivation.
Quite true. The worst enemy of blacks is their inner city culture. And welfare. The democrats have removed all motivation.
Not quite all. More and more blacks are realizing they've been sold a bill of goods and are fighting their way out of the inner city/ghettos controlled by democrats.

Blacks moved into the middle class at the highest rates in history under the Trump administration and Black median income hit it's all time highs as well along with the lowest black unemployment since such figures have been kept.

This is a big part of why he had to be destroyed.
They actually have more educational opportunities than whites, they just fail to take advantage of them.

There are thousands of scholarships for blacks nobody else is eligible for and massive tuition assistance for anyone who is the first generation in their family to go to college. That has been the case starting way back in the seventies and beyond.

They even had all black universities for many decades.

It's hard to get a college or professional degree though if you drop out of HS, can't stay sober, and end up in prison.

Or even after leaving prison. Once you have a felony on your record, it's very hard to find a decent paying job. In fact studies show that about one-third of all black males have a prison record in our country. It's impossible to get anywhere with that on your record, so they are forced to stay into lower paying jobs even if they have an education.
But you're talking about 90% of black voters. What is it about them, do you think, that makes them so susceptible to brainwashing?

Lack of interest in politics and history. All they know is vote for D because that's how their friends and family vote. If you dare vote otherwise, you are an Uncle Tom, a back stabber, a turn coat.
Not quite all. More and more blacks are realizing they've been sold a bill of goods and are fighting their way out of the inner city/ghettos controlled by democrats.

Blacks moved into the middle class at the highest rates in history under the Trump administration and Black median income hit it's all time highs as well along with the lowest black unemployment since such figures have been kept.

This is a big part of why he had to be destroyed.
They still as a group voted for Biden. So we have a ways to go. Hispanics seem to be waking up fast.
They still as a group voted for Biden. So we have a ways to go. Hispanics seem to be waking up fast.
Yeah, the Hispanics have woken up. I wish the Jews would move a little faster, but their liberalism is a force to be reckoned with. Just look at how they idolized FDR - a big antisemite.
They actually have more educational opportunities than whites, they just fail to take advantage of them.

There are thousands of scholarships for blacks nobody else is eligible for and massive tuition assistance for anyone who is the first generation in their family to go to college. That has been the case starting way back in the seventies and beyond.

They even had all black universities for many decades.

It's hard to get a college or professional degree though if you drop out of HS, can't stay sober, and end up in prison.
Not just that, but blacks get admitted to prestigious universities with a B+ average while 4.0 GPA valedictorians are told to take a hike.
Yeah, the Hispanics have woken up. I wish the Jews would move a little faster, but their liberalism is a force to be reckoned with. Just look at how they idolized FDR - a big antisemite.
Look at how many of them are hesitant to support Israel ( The tiny Jewish State) in any way that could be considered “ knee Jerk “ , they will almost always seek neutrality or side with the Arabs / Palestinians ( especially if Ethnic only and non practicing ...
Look at how many of them are hesitant to support Israel ( The tiny Jewish State) in any way that could be considered “ knee Jerk “ , they will almost always seek neutrality or side with the Arabs / Palestinians ( especially if Ethnic only and non practicing ...
Even worse. They actively campaign AGAINST Israel.

And the double standards are blatant. Omar was very opposed to sanctions against Iran because she said innocent people (IOW, Muslims) would be punished for the government’s actions. At the same time, she actively cheers on BDS (boycott Israel) because, obviously, THOSE innocent people (IOW, Jews) can go ahead and suffer.

And the Jews still vote for the Party that defends Omar and Tlaib. Their liberalism trumps their Judiasm.
Not quite all. More and more blacks are realizing they've been sold a bill of goods and are fighting their way out of the inner city/ghettos controlled by democrats.

Blacks moved into the middle class at the highest rates in history under the Trump administration and Black median income hit it's all time highs as well along with the lowest black unemployment since such figures have been kept.

This is a big part of why he had to be destroyed.
Yup. The Dems need blacks dependent on the government.
You can't show that they have. It's not up to me to prove your case.
I did you moron. I posted a link to an article about a study that found that police officers in Minneapolis racially discriminated against black people. You claimed that is because blacks have a higher crime rate but the article never said that. If you want to claim the article and the study are flawed you need to provide evidence. Moron.
I did you moron. I posted a link to an article about a study that found that police officers in Minneapolis racially discriminated against black people. You claimed that is because blacks have a higher crime rate but the article never said that. If you want to claim the article and the study are flawed you need to provide evidence. Moron.
Your article did not prove a damned thing, it said a by percentage blacks had more stops and arrests, it shows nowhere that those stops and arrests are not proportional to the number of blacks committing crimes or or giving them either RAS or Probable cause for those stops.

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