How many white supremacists are there?

What an asshole. :p

Just so you know, I can be a bigger asshole than you can.

If called upon to do so.

Just sayin.

My version of it is different from yours, though. It's a lot meaner
Who gives a shit? My arguments get to you because they're true. Cucks like Big Bend Texas are why Chauvin is in prison. I don't care about your mean words you soft ass clown. I care about pushing your culture to the fringes and that's working just fine.
Who gives a shit? My arguments get to you because they're true. Cucks like Big Bend Texas are why Chauvin is in prison. I don't care about your mean words you soft ass clown. I care about pushing your culture to the fringes and that's working just fine.
Get some new material and go bother someone else. You're just old, weak, ignorant, and tiring.
This is exactly what the left imperialists in Europe were doing: they completely exterminated the mighty bull, the symbol of the ancient Aryans.

In this sense, the "white race" is the anti-Aryan race of the Proto-Germans. The Germans-Litvins falsely attributed to themselves belonging to the Aryans, they never had an Aryan culture. They come from the forest swamps of pig breeders and hunters.

I don't need your respect you clown
Yes, you do.

Your plan to take over by stealthy numbers is not going to work.

Your plan to "manipulate white racists" is not going to work.

In case you haven't noticed, the Koreans are on our side. And they're more racist than you or I will ever be. They're also better shooters.

You leftards will not and can not tear down an institution ON WHICH YOU DEPEND

Not even that dumb fucking **** Hillary Clinton is that stupid. That's why she needs you in house. It stabilizes her corrupt institution. The one that will be left after you tear down the one that matters.
The Trumpsters are ultra-left. There is no doubt about it, there is nothing right about them at all. No one could find even a drop of right-wing politics in them.
Yes, you do.

Your plan to take over by stealthy numbers is not going to work.
Who's being stealthy about it? 😄 It's happening in the open right in front of your face.
Your plan to "manipulate white racists" is not going to work.
Chauvin is in prison ain't he? 😄
In case you haven't noticed, the Koreans are on our side. And they're more racist than you or I will ever be. They're also better shooters.
Koreans? You should probably be more concerned that there aren't more Americans on your side. As I said, you haven't won the popular vote since 2004.
You leftards will not and can not tear down an institution ON WHICH YOU DEPEND
And yet Confederate culture is getting torn down and pissed on and by other whites. NASCAR and Country music festivals are pissing on Confederate culture. 😄
Not even that dumb fucking **** Hillary Clinton is that stupid. That's why she needs you in house. It stabilizes her corrupt institution. The one that will be left after you tear down the one that matters.
You're still worried about the Clintons... 😄
You are seriously deranged.
Once again: not a single bitch could name what exactly was in the trampsters "right". Everything is limited only by the empty words of autistic people like you, there is nothing behind these words.
Once again: not a single bitch could name what exactly was in the trampsters "right". Everything is limited only by the empty words of autistic people like you, there is nothing behind these words.
Your gobbledy gook is non sensical word salad.
Your gobbledy gook is non sensical word salad.
Autistic people cannot understand the meaning of words, so for them the sign of "right" is when someone claims that he is right. You, mentally handicapped, cannot determine who is right and who is not right, you do this only by labels. If trumpsters pour urine into a glass and write "beer" on it, you will drink urine like beer.
Autistic people cannot understand the meaning of words, so for them the sign of "right" is when someone claims that he is right. You, mentally handicapped, cannot determine who is right and who is not right, you do this only by labels. If trumpsters pour urine into a glass and write "beer" on it, you will drink urine like beer.
The problem is that sane, rational people have a hard time communicating with the insane and severely mentally challenged.
The problem is that sane, rational people have a hard time communicating with the insane and severely mentally challenged.
The problem is that autistic people like you don't have brains at all, and what you call "communication" is just playing mantras that have been put into your brain like a floppy disk.
If some swindler calls himself "right" - this does not mean that he is really right. A simple thought that is nonetheless inaccessible to autistic people because they can only reason at the level of labels. It doesn't even occur to an autist that it is necessary to substantiate something here, and not just call oneself "right."
Autism is the basis of ochlocracy.
If some swindler calls himself "right" - this does not mean that he is really right. A simple thought that is nonetheless inaccessible to autistic people because they can only reason at the level of labels. It doesn't even occur to an autist that it is necessary to substantiate something here, and not just call oneself "right."
Autism is the basis of ochlocracy.
In other words:

- Trump is right

Why do you think he's right?

- Because he calls himself right.

This is typical autistic reasoning. And that's the reason why scammers need to grow as many mindless cretins as possible. He still has enough brains to follow orders, but he doesn't have the brains to tell which is which. This is the perfect slave.
A drunk whore spreads her legs, gets fucked by freaks, faggots, degenerates, whatever, she gives birth to brainless bastards, and then the state floods her with social benefits so that she "educates" these degenerates for the system, all that is required of them is to be obedient and serve owners like dogs.

So Trumpsters and Bidens to the same extent need alcohol, social benefits and a rainbow flag.
What did Trump do that the right did?

Cut taxes and social benefits?

Fighting faggots, supporting the traditional American family?

Military buildup, defense financing?

Decentralization of power, weakening of the feds?

Support for anti-communism and the fight against terrorists in the world?


Where then do they get the label "Right" or "Republican"?


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