How many white supremacists are there?

I count 23 torches. So the answer to the question in the OP is 23.

A lot of the answers from the Left, are trending towards the idea of w.s. are a tiny fringe, similar in scale to the number of Al Queda OPERATIVES, in the us at the time of 9-11 (for example).

I'm actually a little surprised at this. I thought the consensus would be moving more towards a number in the hundreds of thousands.

But, it seems the Left thinks otherwise.
A lot of the answers from the Left, are trending towards the idea of w.s. are a tiny fringe, similar in scale to the number of Al Queda OPERATIVES, in the us at the time of 9-11 (for example).

I'm actually a little surprised at this. I thought the consensus would be moving more towards a number in the hundreds of thousands.

But, it seems the Left thinks otherwise.

The SPLC identified hundreds of white nationalists groups. I think they should list all of the militias too. Essentially anyone whose attended a Trump Rally on their own should be in the group as well. Several hundred thousand is the low estimate.
You dumb fucking asshole. You have no idea what you're asking for. You're asking for TROUBLE, is what you're asking for.

No one is afraid of you, you old fuck.
Your arguments SCARE THE HELL OF MY CHILDREN, you stupid uncaring unfeeling unaware leftist prick.
You shouldn't of raised your children to be soft then.
And if you threaten someone's children, regardless of whether you're trying to "push the culture to the fringe" or any other thing, you can expect to be summarily shot between the eyes with no questions asked

Is that what you want?
You're going to shoot people because we convinced your countrymen to piss on racist white southern culture? You're going to shoot people because we convinced your countrymen to point and laugh and ridicule you for being a racist fuckwit? 😄
This is why progtards are evil fucking bastards, because they don't know or care about boundaries.
Why would I care about boundaries erected by soft ass cucks like you? 😄
Children are a boundary, imprinted into HUMAN nature for tens of thousands of years, and no "black activist" is going to change that.
And yet white children today are overwhelmingly progressive because we've been teaching them for decades that southern white culture is a shit culture that needs to be torn down.
You better reconsider, Goats. If you touch my kids I'll come after you. It ain't a racial thing, it's because you're a dumb leftist fucktard who likes to trample on boundaries.
We already have cuck boy. 😄
Beware, progtard. You're playing with fire. And there's gasoline nearby. It's a dumb, stupid, entirely fucking retarded thing to do.
Threaten someone who isn't incredibly amused by you. 😄

Actually, AMERICANS are on my side.

AMERICANS, it turns out, care about their children

Which is why the progtard left is going to get DESTROYED in this next election.
Dumbass, you haven't won the popular vote since 2004, buy yourself a clue you cuck. 😄
The SPLC identified hundreds of white nationalists groups. I think they should list all of the militias too. Essentially anyone whose attended a Trump Rally on their own should be in the group as well. Several hundred thousand is the low estimate.

Counting groups, is not valid. They are too likely to have overlapping memberships.

The bit about TRump rallies is just you trolling. Knock it off. Militias are a different issue too.

W.S. is a term with actual meaning, not just a club you can use to attack your enemies with.

That you WANT to avoid getting real with this, isn't that weird to you?
A lot of the answers from the Left, are trending towards the idea of w.s. are a tiny fringe, similar in scale to the number of Al Queda OPERATIVES, in the us at the time of 9-11 (for example).

I'm actually a little surprised at this. I thought the consensus would be moving more towards a number in the hundreds of thousands.

But, it seems the Left thinks otherwise.
If so, yeah, that would be surprising. Their dramatic kvetching makes it sound like there's a white supremacist behind every bush.
The SPLC identified hundreds of white nationalists groups. I think they should list all of the militias too. Essentially anyone whose attended a Trump Rally on their own should be in the group as well. Several hundred thousand is the low estimate.
Counting groups, is not valid.
Sure it is.
They are too likely to have overlapping memberships.
What does that tell you--that there are overlapping memberships?
The bit about TRump rallies is just you trolling.
Nope. Hate is the common currency on the right.
Knock it off.
No. I don't think I will.
Militias are a different issue too.
Yeah, they're armed whackos.
W.S. is a term with actual meaning, not just a club you can use to attack your enemies with.
You should be proud if you're a white nationalist. Do you disagree? Interesting.
That you WANT to avoid getting real with this, isn't that weird to you?
Yet meanwhile back in reality...all the right wing has done since one of your tribe did what he was radicalized into doing--mowing down black people--is try to downplay or rationalize it.
Counting groups, is not valid. They are too likely to have overlapping memberships.

The bit about TRump rallies is just you trolling. Knock it off. Militias are a different issue too.

W.S. is a term with actual meaning, not just a club you can use to attack your enemies with.

That you WANT to avoid getting real with this, isn't that weird to you?
They like using words that they don't know the meaning of, for some reason. Wish I could figure out why.''

On second thought, I'll take that back. I don't care why.
The SPLC identified hundreds of white nationalists groups. I think they should list all of the militias too. Essentially anyone whose attended a Trump Rally on their own should be in the group as well. Several hundred thousand is the low estimate.
Many of these groups have 6 or 12 or 23 members.

The BIG LIE is that there is a massive problem with widespread white supremacists in this country. What the libs have done is take the exaggerated racist! racist! racist! narrative, since it was so overdone to the point of being meaningless, and moved on to a new lie with white supremacists.

I posted earlier about a neo-Nazi group that got a permit and then planned to rally in Arlington. A total of 6 showed up.
Many of these groups have 6 or 12 or 23 members.

The BIG LIE is that there is a massive problem with widespread white supremacists in this country. What the libs have done is take the exaggerated racist! racist! racist! narrative, since it was so overdone to the point of being meaningless, and moved on to a new lie with white supremacists.

I posted earlier about a neo-Nazi group that got a permit and then planned to rally in Arlington. A total of 6 showed up.
That's only because white racist like scruffy are nothing but cucks and cowards in real life. They don't want the shame associated with publicly coming out as a white supremacist but they'll come online and through the protection of anonymity say things like Chauvin did nothing wrong.
If everywhere else is so much better, why do you choose to live here?
I actually live in Ireland with business interests in US..

I was just showing that the US doesn't even recommend the US style of democracy anymore... Every country has tackled the various internal problems in different ways, outside US there is a lot of idea robbing/adoption going on... Finland's education system, Germany's Healthcare, Ireland's Policing Organised Crime,... Everyone is trying different things and seeing what works... Everyone is looking at Portugal drug laws and wondering could it work in there own country..

Now lets look at healthcare, Bernie is pushing towards a UK/French type system while I say Biden is more a German type system (mandatory health insurance)... All these systems simple core premise, unless you are going to let people(Citizens) die, you better manage healthcare... Can anyone explain what the GOP one is and what country has tried it before..

IT is only arrogance that says we shouldn't look how other people solve problems and consider it in your solution... If your doctor said he is going to try something that no one in the world has tried before even though there is a perfectly working cure, would you be filled with confidence?
Well no, they show that police interactions with minorities directly correlate to crimes committed in minority neighborhoods and by minorities.

Cops abuse the rights of whites and kill far more whites than they ever have blacks at least in the modern era.


So WTF is "more likely" supposed to mean?

n fact, as of July 9, whites were 54 percent of the 440 police shooting victims this year whose race was known, blacks were 28 percent and Hispanics were 18 percent, according to The Washington Post’s ongoing database of fatal police shootings. Those ratios are similar to last year’s tally, in which whites made up 50 percent of the 987 fatal police shootings, and blacks, 26 percent. (The vast majority of those police homicide victims were armed or otherwise threatening the officer.) But Butterfield could be forgiven his error, given the virtually exclusive media focus on black victims of police officers.

n 2015, the police fatally shot 36 unarmed black males, according to The Washington Post’s typology, and 31 unarmed white males. The Post’s classification of victims as “unarmed” is literally accurate but sometimes misleading. The label can fail to convey the charged situation facing the officer who used deadly force.

At least five “unarmed” black victims had tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. One had the officer on the ground and was beating him on the head so violently, breaking bones and causing other injuries, as to risk the officer’s loss of consciousness. And one individual included in the Post’s “unarmed black male victim” category was a bystander unintentionally struck by an officer’s bullet after an illegal-gun trafficker opened fire at the officer and the officer shot back. If a victim was not the intended target of a police shooting, race could have had no possible role in his death.

I actually live in Ireland with business interests in US..

I was just showing that the US doesn't even recommend the US style of democracy anymore... Every country has tackled the various internal problems in different ways, outside US there is a lot of idea robbing/adoption going on... Finland's education system, Germany's Healthcare, Ireland's Policing Organised Crime,... Everyone is trying different things and seeing what works... Everyone is looking at Portugal drug laws and wondering could it work in there own country..

Now lets look at healthcare, Bernie is pushing towards a UK/French type system while I say Biden is more a German type system (mandatory health insurance)... All these systems simple core premise, unless you are going to let people(Citizens) die, you better manage healthcare... Can anyone explain what the GOP one is and what country has tried it before..

IT is only arrogance that says we shouldn't look how other people solve problems and consider it in your solution... If your doctor said he is going to try something that no one in the world has tried before even though there is a perfectly working cure, would you be filled with confidence?
Look, I am one who actually believes the GOP should co opt the universal Healthcare policy.

Can you tell me though that a Euro model is actually better than the innovation of free markets?
The SPLC identified hundreds of white nationalists groups. I think they should list all of the militias too. Essentially anyone whose attended a Trump Rally on their own should be in the group as well. Several hundred thousand is the low estimate.
So, supporting Trump makes one a white supremacist?
So WTF is "more likely" supposed to mean?

n fact, as of July 9, whites were 54 percent of the 440 police shooting victims this year whose race was known, blacks were 28 percent and Hispanics were 18 percent, according to The Washington Post’s ongoing database of fatal police shootings. Those ratios are similar to last year’s tally, in which whites made up 50 percent of the 987 fatal police shootings, and blacks, 26 percent. (The vast majority of those police homicide victims were armed or otherwise threatening the officer.) But Butterfield could be forgiven his error, given the virtually exclusive media focus on black victims of police officers.

n 2015, the police fatally shot 36 unarmed black males, according to The Washington Post’s typology, and 31 unarmed white males. The Post’s classification of victims as “unarmed” is literally accurate but sometimes misleading. The label can fail to convey the charged situation facing the officer who used deadly force.

At least five “unarmed” black victims had tried to grab the officer’s gun, or had been beating the cop with his own equipment. Some were shot from an accidental discharge triggered by their own assault on the officer. One had the officer on the ground and was beating him on the head so violently, breaking bones and causing other injuries, as to risk the officer’s loss of consciousness. And one individual included in the Post’s “unarmed black male victim” category was a bystander unintentionally struck by an officer’s bullet after an illegal-gun trafficker opened fire at the officer and the officer shot back. If a victim was not the intended target of a police shooting, race could have had no possible role in his death.

It is true that it is EXTREMELY rare for an unarmed black male to be shot unless he was threatening the police office. The whole “cops are hunting down black men” was a MASSIVE lie.

And we know this because out of the 50 million (!!) encounters cops have with people - many drunk, belligerent, defiant - only about a dozen unarmed black males were shot, and other than a couple of exceptions, were acting in a threatening manner. That’s why libersls keep bringing up the same few names - like Philip Castile - over and over again, and from years past. The incidences are THAT rare.

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