How many white supremacists are there?

That's only because white racist like scruffy are nothing but cucks and cowards in real life. They don't want the shame associated with publicly coming out as a white supremacist but they'll come online and through the protection of anonymity say things like Chauvin did nothing wrong.
What exactly did Scruffy say that makes him a white supremacist? What’s been happening is that ANYTHING other than glowing praise for blacks, or holding them responsible for their actions, or commiserating over the so-called “systemic racism,” earns one the label of racist, or worse.
So, supporting Trump makes one a white supremacist?
Not necessarily.

But you guys sure don't mind that he is #1 with white supremacists and other hate know...the guys he told to "stand by"?

So yeah, the average blobber has no problem with white supremacists.
What exactly did Scruffy say that makes him a white supremacist? What’s been happening is that ANYTHING other than glowing praise for blacks, or holding them responsible for their actions, or commiserating over the so-called “systemic racism,” earns one the label of racist, or worse.
In this case we aren't talking about someone who refused to toss black salad, we're talking about a racist piece of shit who didn't think Chauvin did anything wrong when he murdered a black man by kneeling on his neck for 9 mins.
Not necessarily.

But you guys sure don't mind that he is #1 with white supremacists and other hate know...the guys he told to "stand by"?

So yeah, the average blobber has no problem with white supremacists.

The only reason those groups support Trump is because of his tough stance on the border which the offenders (as usual) are people of color. When did the left ever speak out against groups like Buy Lotsa Mansions (BLM) and Antifa? Your cowardly leader won't even tell his lowlifes at the homes of Supreme Court justices they are breaking the law yet alone have them arrested. It's your now VP that told her followers to donate to a Go Fund Me account to bailout the lowlifes that rioted across the country from coast to coast so they can go out and damage more property and attack more police officers.
It is true that it is EXTREMELY rare for an unarmed black male to be shot unless he was threatening the police office. The whole “cops are hunting down black men” was a MASSIVE lie.

And we know this because out of the 50 million (!!) encounters cops have with people - many drunk, belligerent, defiant - only about a dozen unarmed black males were shot, and other than a couple of exceptions, were acting in a threatening manner. That’s why libersls keep bringing up the same few names - like Philip Castile - over and over again, and from years past. The incidences are THAT rare.

The MSM has been very successful in brainwashing. When was the last time they reported on an unarmed white being shot and killed by police? I can't think of one situation. Why is that? Because whites will usually side with the police. We say "the asshole must have deserved it!" The MSM can't rile up whites like they can blacks, so they only report the blacks being shot leaving their puppets to believe these things only happen to black people.

Protests and riots are great for the MSM. People go to their blogs, turn on their news stations, create a large audience. The more viewers, the higher they can charge for advertisement.

What they don't understand is they are being played like pawns. What happens when the media is able to excite blacks? More black deaths, more blacks being arrested and sent to prison, more destruction of black neighborhoods, and the media just laughs while counting their money.
that's all of them? wow. not too many. More blacks are killed at planned parenthood daily. What a scam.
Yup. I said that blacks can move out of poverty the same way whites can - by making wise choices - and that makes me a racist.
anyone enabling a black person is a supremist. Anyone killing black babies at abortion clinics are supremist.

No one is afraid of you, you old fuck.

You shouldn't of raised your children to be soft then.

You're going to shoot people because we convinced your countrymen to piss on racist white southern culture? You're going to shoot people because we convinced your countrymen to point and laugh and ridicule you for being a racist fuckwit? 😄

Why would I care about boundaries erected by soft ass cucks like you? 😄

And yet white children today are overwhelmingly progressive because we've been teaching them for decades that southern white culture is a shit culture that needs to be torn down.

We already have cuck boy. 😄

Threaten someone who isn't incredibly amused by you. 😄

Dumbass, you haven't won the popular vote since 2004, buy yourself a clue you cuck. 😄
You are a TOTAL fucking moron.

You're so stupid you probably even believe the stuff you're saying.

I'm not a Republican, you stupid asshole.

I've never won the popular vote EVER. But I don't care. Cause that's the way I roll

You, on the other hand, care. Which is your Achilles heel.

No one's afraid of your race baiting bullshit anymore, asshole.

Go ahead and push the culture to the fringes. Knock yourself out. Make my day
How is it Republicans when anybody wanting to join our party can do so? If minorities don't want to join you can't blame Republicans for that. I have a better explanation: Every time you on the left see or hear of a black Republican, your entire community castigates him or her. Do you think that has something to do with it?
That's like saying "sure...Jews can join the Nazi party!"...but why would they
What exactly did Scruffy say that makes him a white supremacist? What’s been happening is that ANYTHING other than glowing praise for blacks, or holding them responsible for their actions, or commiserating over the so-called “systemic racism,” earns one the label of racist, or worse.
This asswipe Goats is just a fucktard troll.

If I were a racist, Goats would know about it by now

I love exposing leftist hypocrites, though.

Of which Goats is one of the biggest on this forum.

What a fucking moron. "Push the culture". Yeah sure. That's how you win friends and influence elections.

I don't think Goats will be influencing any culture anytime soon. She's too much of an asshole.
The leftists ^^^ revert to nasty sarcasm in order to deflect from the truth. I point out how the leftists are protesting illegally in front of the justices’ homes, and that they should be arrested and jailed just like the 1/6 trespassers, so Instead of acknowledging the disparate treatment by the FBI depending on what one’s politics is, it’s mock, mock, mock, and by misstating the situation.

White supremacists are on the fringe of society, and few in number. The main threat are the far leftists as they try to bring down our country’s institutions, and teach our children that we are a racist country.

As far as the disproportionate number of blacks on advertising material, that’s a sign of the overcompensation being done. The bigger concern is when our president announces “no whites will be considered!” when looking to fill important roles.
It's all they've got. They pull out the race card because they have no other way to feel superior.

They certainly can't feel superior via their intellect, that's for sure.
In this case we aren't talking about someone who refused to toss black salad, we're talking about a racist piece of shit who didn't think Chauvin did anything wrong when he murdered a black man by kneeling on his neck for 9 mins.
Are you really this stupid?

You can't be, no one can be this dumb

On the other hand, commies can be pretty good liars.

This particular one is just retarded, though.
You are a TOTAL fucking moron.

You're so stupid you probably even believe the stuff you're saying.

I'm not a Republican, you stupid asshole.

I've never won the popular vote EVER. But I don't care. Cause that's the way I roll

You, on the other hand, care. Which is your Achilles heel.

No one's afraid of your race baiting bullshit anymore, asshole.

Go ahead and push the culture to the fringes. Knock yourself out. Make my day
That's difference between me and you cuck, I do believe the things I say and I'm not ashamed to say them. I'm proud of them. I'm proud we dismantled Robert E Lee's statue right in the face of crying, white racist cucks who were impotent to do anything about it. I love that white sports like NASCAR are shitting on the Confederate flags of their customers and that kneeling black players and hundreds of millions of dollars in donations to black social causes made angry white racists quit the NFL. There is so much we have taken from you cucks already and hopefully you're not too old that you miss us taking a lot more. 😄
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In this case we aren't talking about someone who refused to toss black salad, we're talking about a racist piece of shit who didn't think Chauvin did anything wrong when he murdered a black man by kneeling on his neck for 9 mins.
Chauvin did what he was trained to do. Your premise is wrong. You use words that show you to be a racist. Your type enables blacks to keep them in line. Makes you the worse kind of racist. I bet you are for killing black babies at abortion clinics right? Let us see who you really are.
This asswipe Goats is just a fucktard troll.

If I were a racist, Goats would know about it by now

I love exposing leftist hypocrites, though.

Of which Goats is one of the biggest on this forum.

What a fucking moron. "Push the culture". Yeah sure. That's how you win friends and influence elections.

I don't think Goats will be influencing any culture anytime soon. She's too much of an asshole.
And yet racist white culture gets shit on all day everyday by the mainstream. 😄
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.

All whites (Der Juden) are "white supremacists."

But don't worry, democrats have a final solution to the white people problem in mind.

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