How many years will it take the conservative movement to recover from the damage done by Trump?

I think the Republican base will "normalize" faster than people think. Republicans voters have shown that they are quick to turn on those they once supported. Bush, McCain, Romney, Ryan... They'll be calling Trump a RINO by January.
Trump is a RINO lol. We, not me, let an outsider into the henhouse and he is wrecking the place.
It reminds me of the blacks who riot & loot in their own neighborhoods when they're angry about something.
Yet blacks now control the Democratic Party....
Only in your mind.
I think the Republican base will "normalize" faster than people think. Republicans voters have shown that they are quick to turn on those they once supported. Bush, McCain, Romney, Ryan... They'll be calling Trump a RINO by January.
Trump is a RINO lol. We, not me, let an outsider into the henhouse and he is wrecking the place.
It reminds me of the blacks who riot & loot in their own neighborhoods when they're angry about something.
Yet blacks now control the Democratic Party....
Only in your mind.
Then why do Democrats always give into BLM?

Why can BLM burn down whole cities and kill police officers in cold blood and the Democrats still give them speakers at the convention?

Democrats are nothing without La Raza and BLM. You are just not intelligent enough to understand politics.
What's a 'Conservative Republican'? Does anyone even know at this point? I mean, some Republicans still believe the Bush's are Conservative Republicans. And those assholes are fully supporting the Clinton Crime Family. The Republican Party is crumbling, but Donald Trump isn't to blame for it. Phony lying Republican bastards are to blame.

They've been duping their voters for many years. Frauds like Paul Ryan, McCain, Boehner, and McConnell have killed the Party. Loyal members of the Party have lost faith. However the Party can recover. But not till the RINO's and Neocons are purged from it.
What's a 'Conservative Republican'? Does anyone even know at this point? I mean, some Republicans still believe the Bush's are Conservative Republicans. And those assholes are fully supporting the Clinton Crime Family. The Republican Party is crumbling, but Donald Trump isn't to blame for it. Phony lying Republican bastards are to blame.

They've been duping their voters for many years. Frauds like Paul Ryan, McCain, Boehner, and McConnell have killed the Party. Loyal members of the Party have lost faith. However the Party can recover. But not till the RINO's and Neocons are purged from it.
The Republican Party has been nothing but a speed bump for Democrats since Reagan.

It is time for Gramps and the rest to admit that they haven't "conserved" a goddamn thing.
What's a 'Conservative Republican'? Does anyone even know at this point? I mean, some Republicans still believe the Bush's are Conservative Republicans. And those assholes are fully supporting the Clinton Crime Family. The Republican Party is crumbling, but Donald Trump isn't to blame for it. Phony lying Republican bastards are to blame.

They've been duping their voters for many years. Frauds like Paul Ryan, McCain, Boehner, and McConnell have killed the Party. Loyal members of the Party have lost faith. However the Party can recover. But not till the RINO's and Neocons are purged from it.
The Republican Party has been nothing but a speed bump for Democrats since Reagan.

It is time for Gramps and the rest to admit that they haven't "conserved" a goddamn thing.

It all started going downhill when the Neocon Globalists hijacked the Party. The Bush Family orchestrated the takeover. They're considered high Royalty in the New World Order.

Today's Republican Party bears no resemblance to the Party of the past. It's completely controlled by Big Government Warmongering NWO assholes. They've merely duped Republican voters into believing they're 'Conservative Republicans.' Until they're purged from the Party, it will continue to collapse.
What's a 'Conservative Republican'? Does anyone even know at this point? I mean, some Republicans still believe the Bush's are Conservative Republicans. And those assholes are fully supporting the Clinton Crime Family. The Republican Party is crumbling, but Donald Trump isn't to blame for it. Phony lying Republican bastards are to blame.

They've been duping their voters for many years. Frauds like Paul Ryan, McCain, Boehner, and McConnell have killed the Party. Loyal members of the Party have lost faith. However the Party can recover. But not till the RINO's and Neocons are purged from it.
The Republican Party has been nothing but a speed bump for Democrats since Reagan.

It is time for Gramps and the rest to admit that they haven't "conserved" a goddamn thing.

It all started going downhill when the Neocon Globalists hijacked the Party. The Bush Family orchestrated the takeover. They're considered high Royalty in the New World Order.

Today's Republican Party bears no resemblance to the Party of the past. It's completely controlled by Big Government Warmongering NWO assholes. They've merely duped Republican voters into believing they're 'Conservative Republicans.' Until they're purged from the Party, it will continue to collapse.
The sad thing is that even the Republicans who have always hated Bush are followers of Jack Kemp.

Trump's followers are the only deviation from both the Bush and Kemp camp.
What's a 'Conservative Republican'? Does anyone even know at this point? I mean, some Republicans still believe the Bush's are Conservative Republicans. And those assholes are fully supporting the Clinton Crime Family. The Republican Party is crumbling, but Donald Trump isn't to blame for it. Phony lying Republican bastards are to blame.

They've been duping their voters for many years. Frauds like Paul Ryan, McCain, Boehner, and McConnell have killed the Party. Loyal members of the Party have lost faith. However the Party can recover. But not till the RINO's and Neocons are purged from it.
The Republican Party has been nothing but a speed bump for Democrats since Reagan.

It is time for Gramps and the rest to admit that they haven't "conserved" a goddamn thing.

It all started going downhill when the Neocon Globalists hijacked the Party. The Bush Family orchestrated the takeover. They're considered high Royalty in the New World Order.

Today's Republican Party bears no resemblance to the Party of the past. It's completely controlled by Big Government Warmongering NWO assholes. They've merely duped Republican voters into believing they're 'Conservative Republicans.' Until they're purged from the Party, it will continue to collapse.
The sad thing is that even the Republicans who have always hated Bush are followers of Jack Kemp.

Trump's followers are the only deviation from both the Bush and Kemp camp.

Once the Big Government Warmongering Globalist jerks hijacked the Party, it quickly began to collapse. Too many Republicans have lost faith in the Party. They're completely over the frauds.
Not only that the so called conservative base sat out when Romney ran. Then blamed the loss on Romney
Well, Romney was no conservative.

Are you a republican or a conservative? Can you think of any reason why any conservative would want hillary as a president? You think she is better, and that is quite clear.

I have not seen many things from you bashing hillary.

Do you think Romney was a conservative?
The conservative movement is done, and it isn't Trump's fault.

The republican party is done as well if Hillary wins. She will import millions of new democratic voters... the country won't last much longer thereafter.
Not only that the so called conservative base sat out when Romney ran. Then blamed the loss on Romney
Well, Romney was no conservative.

Are you a republican or a conservative? Can you think of any reason why any conservative would want hillary as a president? You think she is better, and that is quite clear.

I have not seen many things from you bashing hillary.

Do you think Romney was a conservative?
Romney was not Obama. That is the Trump logic being applied to me but everyone fails to see their own hypocrisy. And if you haven't seen me bashing Clinton it's because you can't see past your ridiculous tantrum that never ends because I don't support Trump.
The conservative movement is done, and it isn't Trump's fault.

The republican party is done as well if Hillary wins. She will import millions of new democratic voters... the country won't last much longer thereafter.

Yes, and her winning will result in a Globalist Elite hijacking of our Supreme Court. And that's what really ends our Republic as we know it. Globalist Elites like the Clintons, don't care about American Citizens. They don't have their best interests in mind.
Not only that the so called conservative base sat out when Romney ran. Then blamed the loss on Romney
Well, Romney was no conservative.

Are you a republican or a conservative? Can you think of any reason why any conservative would want hillary as a president? You think she is better, and that is quite clear.

I have not seen many things from you bashing hillary.

Do you think Romney was a conservative?
Romney was not Obama. That is the Trump logic being applied to me but everyone fails to see their own hypocrisy. And if you haven't seen me bashing Clinton it's because you can't see past your ridiculous tantrum that never ends because I don't support Trump.
Trump > hillary

That is the point. I don't trust him either. Then again I don't trust any of them. I know he is not bought and paid for and NOT part of the so called two party system.

The only thing being truly revealed is how we are not a two party system. It is a one party system and we have been dupes.

I voted for romney, cause he was the best we had. What is clear to me however, is he is a clear establishment politician.

Which means he is part of the true problem. All career politicians are bought and paid for. All of them and there are no exceptions.

Either they play ball, or they are steamrolled. Allen West perfect example. Herman Cain perfect example. They were taken out quickly. Allen West for standing up for what he said and not willing to "play ball" and Cain for being a real threat to the entire American political apparatus.

Trump is a threat to all of it and if it takes to him to blow up this fucking foundation of corrupt system, then so be it.

You, bashing trump, is you being and advocate for the mass corruption. That is you supporting politicians cause their buttons and shoes are polished.

You bashing Trump is you supporting hillary. Period.
Not only that the so called conservative base sat out when Romney ran. Then blamed the loss on Romney
Well, Romney was no conservative.

Are you a republican or a conservative? Can you think of any reason why any conservative would want hillary as a president? You think she is better, and that is quite clear.

I have not seen many things from you bashing hillary.

Do you think Romney was a conservative?
Romney was not Obama. That is the Trump logic being applied to me but everyone fails to see their own hypocrisy. And if you haven't seen me bashing Clinton it's because you can't see past your ridiculous tantrum that never ends because I don't support Trump.
Trump > hillary

That is the point. I don't trust him either. Then again I don't trust any of them. I know he is not bought and paid for and NOT part of the so called two party system.

The only thing being truly revealed is how we are not a two party system. It is a one party system and we have been dupes.

I voted for romney, cause he was the best we had. What is clear to me however, is he is a clear establishment politician.

Which means he is part of the true problem. All career politicians are bought and paid for. All of them and there are no exceptions.

Either they play ball, or they are steamrolled. Allen West perfect example. Herman Cain perfect example. They were taken out quickly. Allen West for standing up for what he said and not willing to "play ball" and Cain for being a real threat to the entire American political apparatus.

Trump is a threat to all of it and if it takes to him to blow up this fucking foundation of corrupt system, then so be it.

You, bashing trump, is you being and advocate for the mass corruption. That is you supporting politicians cause their buttons and shoes are polished.

You bashing Trump is you supporting hillary. Period.

What is it like to be such a willing lemming? You don't trust Trump yet you're gonna vote for him. That is the height of stupidity.
Not only that the so called conservative base sat out when Romney ran. Then blamed the loss on Romney
Well, Romney was no conservative.

Are you a republican or a conservative? Can you think of any reason why any conservative would want hillary as a president? You think she is better, and that is quite clear.

I have not seen many things from you bashing hillary.

Do you think Romney was a conservative?
Romney was not Obama. That is the Trump logic being applied to me but everyone fails to see their own hypocrisy. And if you haven't seen me bashing Clinton it's because you can't see past your ridiculous tantrum that never ends because I don't support Trump.
Trump > hillary

That is the point. I don't trust him either. Then again I don't trust any of them. I know he is not bought and paid for and NOT part of the so called two party system.

The only thing being truly revealed is how we are not a two party system. It is a one party system and we have been dupes.

I voted for romney, cause he was the best we had. What is clear to me however, is he is a clear establishment politician.

Which means he is part of the true problem. All career politicians are bought and paid for. All of them and there are no exceptions.

Either they play ball, or they are steamrolled. Allen West perfect example. Herman Cain perfect example. They were taken out quickly. Allen West for standing up for what he said and not willing to "play ball" and Cain for being a real threat to the entire American political apparatus.

Trump is a threat to all of it and if it takes to him to blow up this fucking foundation of corrupt system, then so be it.

You, bashing trump, is you being and advocate for the mass corruption. That is you supporting politicians cause their buttons and shoes are polished.

You bashing Trump is you supporting hillary. Period.

What is it like to be such a willing lemming? You don't trust Trump yet you're gonna vote for him. That is the height of stupidity.
I have news for you grandpa. We are not suppose to trust any politician. That is why there is a constitution grandpa.

You do not know that grandpa?

Learn grandpa. Never trust the government grandpa.
Not only that the so called conservative base sat out when Romney ran. Then blamed the loss on Romney
Well, Romney was no conservative.

Are you a republican or a conservative? Can you think of any reason why any conservative would want hillary as a president? You think she is better, and that is quite clear.

I have not seen many things from you bashing hillary.

Do you think Romney was a conservative?
Romney was not Obama. That is the Trump logic being applied to me but everyone fails to see their own hypocrisy. And if you haven't seen me bashing Clinton it's because you can't see past your ridiculous tantrum that never ends because I don't support Trump.
Trump > hillary

That is the point. I don't trust him either. Then again I don't trust any of them. I know he is not bought and paid for and NOT part of the so called two party system.

The only thing being truly revealed is how we are not a two party system. It is a one party system and we have been dupes.

I voted for romney, cause he was the best we had. What is clear to me however, is he is a clear establishment politician.

Which means he is part of the true problem. All career politicians are bought and paid for. All of them and there are no exceptions.

Either they play ball, or they are steamrolled. Allen West perfect example. Herman Cain perfect example. They were taken out quickly. Allen West for standing up for what he said and not willing to "play ball" and Cain for being a real threat to the entire American political apparatus.

Trump is a threat to all of it and if it takes to him to blow up this fucking foundation of corrupt system, then so be it.

You, bashing trump, is you being and advocate for the mass corruption. That is you supporting politicians cause their buttons and shoes are polished.

You bashing Trump is you supporting hillary. Period.

What is it like to be such a willing lemming? You don't trust Trump yet you're gonna vote for him. That is the height of stupidity.
I have news for you grandpa. We are not suppose to trust any politician. That is why there is a constitution grandpa.

You do not know that grandpa?

Learn grandpa. Never trust the government grandpa.

None, Trump didn't do the damage the backstabbing GOP establishment did the damage. They ran over 60,000 ads advocating conservative positions on the issues then after the election took a giant shit on conservatives, openly mocking them, bragging that they could win the White House without the conservative base. Trump is a product of the GOP establishment.
Trump is the product of people like you that would support an asshole simply because he shared your bigotries.

You will be in jail with Hillary you and the rest of the traitorous liberal filth.
^ This is the kind of anti-Constitutional baggage the GOP needs to jettison.

You in particular would never get out of jail under my administration.
None, Trump didn't do the damage the backstabbing GOP establishment did the damage. They ran over 60,000 ads advocating conservative positions on the issues then after the election took a giant shit on conservatives, openly mocking them, bragging that they could win the White House without the conservative base. Trump is a product of the GOP establishment.
You righties can't hate everything....including yourselves.

At some point you have to start facing facts.

The "so called Conservative" platforms of the Tea Party, and Alt Right...are a huge turn off for anyone who isn't an uneducated white male over 50, who attends Church once a week.

The problem with Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump, is that the average voter DOES understand their agandas

Tea Party kicked the living shit out of the Democrats, historic losses so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a Democratic party beating that bad, losing both the House and the Senate with a black president in the White House...and your argument is that the Tea Party positions on the issues are a huge turn off :laugh: we have huge blow out elections that prove you are wrong. :eusa_boohoo:
That's a load of drama.

The Tea Party has very few Senate seats and not very many House seats. It was just a mid term that lefties overlooked. That's all. The "so called Conservative" media made you think it was historic.

These things go back and forth all the time. Only Rush Limbaugh has been trying to convince people Liberalism is dead.

The GOP leadership ran over 60,000 ads advocating Tea Party positions to win back the House and Senate, FACT! did that work out for you?
I don't think he realizes that the Tea Party was simply a GOP rebranding effort to give Republicans a place to hide from the economic disaster left by the Bush admin.

Of course enough time went by for them to blame the speed of the recovery on Obama.

He thinks that 2010 mid term is relevant still. The House and Senate are in jeopardy, and not from the Tea Party, but from Democrats poised to retake both. If not this cycle, the next mid term


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