How many years will it take the conservative movement to recover from the damage done by Trump?

The man is a walking time bomb going off in slow motion. The damage being done in this age of social media is significant
Personally, if the GOP can rebuild itself as a fiscally conservative party....really, not just lip service...and shitcan those social cons....I'd jump on board.
None, Trump didn't do the damage the backstabbing GOP establishment did the damage. They ran over 60,000 ads advocating conservative positions on the issues then after the election took a giant shit on conservatives, openly mocking them, bragging that they could win the White House without the conservative base. Trump is a product of the GOP establishment.
Trump is the product of people like you that would support an asshole simply because he shared your bigotries.

You will be in jail with Hillary you and the rest of the traitorous liberal filth.
^ This is the kind of anti-Constitutional baggage the GOP needs to jettison.
None, Trump didn't do the damage the backstabbing GOP establishment did the damage. They ran over 60,000 ads advocating conservative positions on the issues then after the election took a giant shit on conservatives, openly mocking them, bragging that they could win the White House without the conservative base. Trump is a product of the GOP establishment.
Trump is the product of people like you that would support an asshole simply because he shared your bigotries.

You will be in jail with Hillary you and the rest of the traitorous liberal filth.
^ This is the kind of anti-Constitutional baggage the GOP needs to jettison.

But they do sound so convincing when they speak up at Trump rallies
The man is a walking time bomb going off in slow motion. The damage being done in this age of social media is significant
I don't think the GOP'ers will ever recover after we won the war against them.....
Congratulations, you're making the GOP a regional party.

Evidently this is good news for you, so by all means, enjoy.
Not really.
Not really what?
The man is a walking time bomb going off in slow motion. The damage being done in this age of social media is significant
I don't think the GOP'ers will ever recover after we won the war against them.....
Congratulations, you're making the GOP a regional party.

Evidently this is good news for you, so by all means, enjoy.
Not really.
Not really what?
We will never let you fascists back.....
trump is unhinged, I'm not certain the R party will ever recover, it is the GOP'S doing though and all the lying right wing sites filled with hatred. over the years, finally turned against their creators... imho
The fact that fucking Salon, Slate, Alternet and all the other similar disgusting left sites exist prove how stupid you are.
None, Trump didn't do the damage the backstabbing GOP establishment did the damage. They ran over 60,000 ads advocating conservative positions on the issues then after the election took a giant shit on conservatives, openly mocking them, bragging that they could win the White House without the conservative base. Trump is a product of the GOP establishment.
You righties can't hate everything....including yourselves.

At some point you have to start facing facts.

The "so called Conservative" platforms of the Tea Party, and Alt Right...are a huge turn off for anyone who isn't an uneducated white male over 50, who attends Church once a week.

The problem with Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump, is that the average voter DOES understand their agandas

Tea Party kicked the living shit out of the Democrats, historic losses so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a Democratic party beating that bad, losing both the House and the Senate with a black president in the White House...and your argument is that the Tea Party positions on the issues are a huge turn off :laugh: we have huge blow out elections that prove you are wrong. :eusa_boohoo:
That's a load of drama.

The Tea Party has very few Senate seats and not very many House seats. It was just a mid term that lefties overlooked. That's all. The "so called Conservative" media made you think it was historic.

These things go back and forth all the time. Only Rush Limbaugh has been trying to convince people Liberalism is dead.

The GOP leadership ran over 60,000 ads advocating Tea Party positions to win back the House and Senate, FACT! did that work out for you?
I think his long term impact is being greatly overestimated.

His impact, if he loses, will be in a progressive supreme court for the next 30 years, and the power centralizing, freedom removing wave that will result.
But running Kasich would have done what? Probably a win and a GOPr picking Justices.

Kasich had no popular support as long as Bush, Cruz et al were still in the race. They were all taking bites from the same slice of the pie.

There should have been only 1 non-Trump Candidate after the 3rd of 4th primary. Cruz was the only one getting any real support, and the others should have bowed out.

Of course, the left would have gone after Cruz just as hard, but he has far less baggage than Trump does, or even Hillary does.
I think the Republican base will "normalize" faster than people think. Republicans voters have shown that they are quick to turn on those they once supported. Bush, McCain, Romney, Ryan... They'll be calling Trump a RINO by January.
Trump is a RINO lol. We, not me, let an outsider into the henhouse and he is wrecking the place.
It reminds me of the blacks who riot & loot in their own neighborhoods when they're angry about something.
Yet blacks now control the Democratic Party....

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