How many years will it take the conservative movement to recover from the damage done by Trump?

You righties can't hate everything....including yourselves.

At some point you have to start facing facts.

The "so called Conservative" platforms of the Tea Party, and Alt Right...are a huge turn off for anyone who isn't an uneducated white male over 50, who attends Church once a week.

The problem with Sarah Palin, Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump, is that the average voter DOES understand their agandas

Tea Party kicked the living shit out of the Democrats, historic losses so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a Democratic party beating that bad, losing both the House and the Senate with a black president in the White House...and your argument is that the Tea Party positions on the issues are a huge turn off :laugh: we have huge blow out elections that prove you are wrong. :eusa_boohoo:
That's a load of drama.

The Tea Party has very few Senate seats and not very many House seats. It was just a mid term that lefties overlooked. That's all. The "so called Conservative" media made you think it was historic.

These things go back and forth all the time. Only Rush Limbaugh has been trying to convince people Liberalism is dead.

The GOP leadership ran over 60,000 ads advocating Tea Party positions to win back the House and Senate, FACT! did that work out for you?
I don't think he realizes that the Tea Party was simply a GOP rebranding effort to give Republicans a place to hide from the economic disaster left by the Bush admin.

Of course enough time went by for them to blame the speed of the recovery on Obama.

He thinks that 2010 mid term is relevant still. The House and Senate are in jeopardy, and not from the Tea Party, but from Democrats poised to retake both. If not this cycle, the next mid term


Bull shit, you don't understand the GOP establishment AT ALL. The Tea Party was a grass roots movement that the GOP establishment initially mocked and shit on, until it grew incredibly popular. Then the GOP establishment scabs all rushed in to try to claim they supported the Tea Party and cash in on the popularity, running 60,000 plus ads advocating conservative and Tea Party positions. Then after this grass roots movement delivered the win, the House and the Senate the GOP establishment assholes shit on both the Tea Party and the conservative base. There now you are informed.

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