How much better would be with Romney?

I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

Honestly, it wouldn't even matter. Democracy in this country and the two-party system are a facade created to give the illusion that the people have a say. Considering that Congress has been bought and paid for by corporations and banking cartels to pass private legislation to protects their interests, your question is irrelevant.

That hackneyed old nonsense is pointless, whiny bullshit. Get some new material.

Doesn't make it any less true. Sorry I don't adopt bullshit pseudo-intellectual viewpoints about how much better the right boot feels in my ass than the left one. Wake the fuck up asshole.
I will assert here that both men were/are different sides of the same coin. So, we would not be any better off under Romney than Obama, with one exception--people would still have their healthcare insurance.
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If Romney had been elected in 2008, we would have been worlds better. He would have overseen a robust recovery. Can blame Huckabee's supporters for hating Romney so much that they would help the least conservative candidate win the nomination when they saw Huckabee couldn't do it.

I don't know how much better we might be if he had won in 2012. Obama had already done so much damage, Romney would have had to be careful not to make things worse. It would have been tricky no matter what. But Obamacare could have been quickly stopped by executive order if Romney was willing to follow Obama's example and disregard what the law actually said. And without all those disincentives to full employment, there would likely have been at least slightly faster improvement on the employment front.

The DOW hovers around 1600 and no one I know with a 20+ year old 401K plan is complaining.

Yeah, the people with secure jobs aren't complaining.

Imagine that.

I already know the CEOs aren't complaining.
Honestly, it wouldn't even matter. Democracy in this country and the two-party system are a facade created to give the illusion that the people have a say. Considering that Congress has been bought and paid for by corporations and banking cartels to pass private legislation to protects their interests, your question is irrelevant.

That hackneyed old nonsense is pointless, whiny bullshit. Get some new material.

Doesn't make it any less true. Sorry I don't adopt bullshit pseudo-intellectual viewpoints about how much better the right boot feels in my ass than the left one. Wake the fuck up asshole.

Democrats are better. Check their record for the last 80 years. They'll try to help a guy when he's down. A republican will kick you when you're down just because your down. Read their posts on this forum. They defend the rich and chastise the poor. Always and without fail. Food stamps, unemployment, nutrition programs for low income kids in school are a help when your down. Don't make no difference. Republicans hate these programs with a vengeance and will always try to end them but of course they will quote the constitution or the budget or the founding fathers first.
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That hackneyed old nonsense is pointless, whiny bullshit. Get some new material.

Doesn't make it any less true. Sorry I don't adopt bullshit pseudo-intellectual viewpoints about how much better the right boot feels in my ass than the left one. Wake the fuck up asshole.

Democrats are better. Check their record for the last 80 years. They'll try to help a guy when he's down. A republican will kick you when you're down just because your down. Just read their posts on this forum. They defend the rich and chastise the poor. Always and without fail. Food stamps, unemployment, nutrition programs for low income kids in school are a help when your down. Don't make no difference. Republicans hate these programs with a vengeance and will always try to end them but of course they will quote the constitution or the budget or the founding fathers first.

And these presumptions are based on what, exactly? Talking points? Over the past 80 years, Republicans passed welfare reform and civil rights legislation among other things. What have Democrats done for America in the past 80 years?
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If Obama had told the truth about Obamacare, which means Romney would have won, we would be much better off! All of Obama's EOs many of them unconstitutional would not have been created.

Our jobs improvement would be better, and our credit rating would be better. More jobs equals more taxes and less welfare and food stamps.

Obamacare would be repealed especially if the Senate had flipped.
If Obama had told the truth about Obamacare, which means Romney would have won, we would be much better off! All of Obama's EOs many of them unconstitutional would not have been created.

Our jobs improvement would be better, and our credit rating would be better. More jobs equals more taxes and less welfare and food stamps.

Obamacare would be repealed especially if the Senate had flipped.

So you agree with Romney that GW's economic policies were wrong?
If Obama had told the truth about Obamacare, which means Romney would have won, we would be much better off! All of Obama's EOs many of them unconstitutional would not have been created.

Our jobs improvement would be better, and our credit rating would be better. More jobs equals more taxes and less welfare and food stamps.

Obamacare would be repealed especially if the Senate had flipped.

So you agree with Romney that GW's economic policies were wrong?

And where did he mention Bush or his economic policies, exactly? Do you agree you have no argument?
If Obama had told the truth about Obamacare, which means Romney would have won, we would be much better off! All of Obama's EOs many of them unconstitutional would not have been created.

Our jobs improvement would be better, and our credit rating would be better. More jobs equals more taxes and less welfare and food stamps.

Obamacare would be repealed especially if the Senate had flipped.

So you agree with Romney that GW's economic policies were wrong?

No, you should remember Obama was President from 1-9! His Stimulus and Clunker spending were dismal expensive failures! His economic policies were just plain bad!
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

Even if he was just as miserable in performance as Obama, I'd go with Mitt because at least he loves our history, our traditions, our Government system, our people and our Constitution.

And THAT ALONE would be enough to help me feel less like this country could go under any day.

If it's not one thing Obama's doing to screw us over its another!

Romney would have been more reliable, accountable, honest, low key, inclusive and competent. He'd cause less drama than Obama.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

If Romney had been elected in 2008, we would have been worlds better. He would have overseen a robust recovery. Can blame Huckabee's supporters for hating Romney so much that they would help the least conservative candidate win the nomination when they saw Huckabee couldn't do it.

I don't know how much better we might be if he had won in 2012. Obama had already done so much damage, Romney would have had to be careful not to make things worse. It would have been tricky no matter what. But Obamacare could have been quickly stopped by executive order if Romney was willing to follow Obama's example and disregard what the law actually said. And without all those disincentives to full employment, there would likely have been at least slightly faster improvement on the employment front.

A robust recovery based on what? Republican dreams?

Really, where does this come from? I thought the government did not create jobs. Are you now telling me that a Romney one would?

Look, I understand the sentiment that Obama is getting in the way but the reality here is that our economy is experiencing some fundamental flaws and Romney’s policies were not so different from Obama that we would have seen a stagnated mess suddenly explode into a great recovery. What exactly do you think would be driving the excellent recovery?
Honestly, it wouldn't even matter. Democracy in this country and the two-party system are a facade created to give the illusion that the people have a say. Considering that Congress has been bought and paid for by corporations and banking cartels to pass private legislation to protects their interests, your question is irrelevant.

That hackneyed old nonsense is pointless, whiny bullshit. Get some new material.

Even though both parties continuously invite Wall Street CEOs to run the government?
There obviously has to be SOME ideology involved.

Who would you call for specialized business advice? Someone who has been on unemployment for two years?
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

If Romney had been elected in 2008, we would have been worlds better. He would have overseen a robust recovery. Can blame Huckabee's supporters for hating Romney so much that they would help the least conservative candidate win the nomination when they saw Huckabee couldn't do it.

I don't know how much better we might be if he had won in 2012. Obama had already done so much damage, Romney would have had to be careful not to make things worse. It would have been tricky no matter what. But Obamacare could have been quickly stopped by executive order if Romney was willing to follow Obama's example and disregard what the law actually said. And without all those disincentives to full employment, there would likely have been at least slightly faster improvement on the employment front.

A robust recovery based on what? Republican dreams?

Really, where does this come from? I thought the government did not create jobs. Are you now telling me that a Romney one would?

Look, I understand the sentiment that Obama is getting in the way but the reality here is that our economy is experiencing some fundamental flaws and Romney’s policies were not so different from Obama that we would have seen a stagnated mess suddenly explode into a great recovery. What exactly do you think would be driving the excellent recovery?

Romney would have let the stimulus measures deployed in 2009 take hold. He wouldn't have gone out of his way to stomp all over them with destructive measures like the ACA and destructive attitudes such as that which allowed Democrats to think it was a good idea to push the ACA through with lies and tricks no matter how great the angst of the nation was.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

If Romney had been elected in 2008, we would have been worlds better. He would have overseen a robust recovery. Can blame Huckabee's supporters for hating Romney so much that they would help the least conservative candidate win the nomination when they saw Huckabee couldn't do it.

I don't know how much better we might be if he had won in 2012. Obama had already done so much damage, Romney would have had to be careful not to make things worse. It would have been tricky no matter what. But Obamacare could have been quickly stopped by executive order if Romney was willing to follow Obama's example and disregard what the law actually said. And without all those disincentives to full employment, there would likely have been at least slightly faster improvement on the employment front.

How would he have done that?

What would Romney and the Republicans in Congress have done that would directly help the economy?

Oh, and Huckameenajad has no influence in the Republican Party. Zero.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

If Romney had been elected in 2008, we would have been worlds better. He would have overseen a robust recovery. Can blame Huckabee's supporters for hating Romney so much that they would help the least conservative candidate win the nomination when they saw Huckabee couldn't do it.

I don't know how much better we might be if he had won in 2012. Obama had already done so much damage, Romney would have had to be careful not to make things worse. It would have been tricky no matter what. But Obamacare could have been quickly stopped by executive order if Romney was willing to follow Obama's example and disregard what the law actually said. And without all those disincentives to full employment, there would likely have been at least slightly faster improvement on the employment front.

The DOW hovers around 1600 and no one I know with a 20+ year old 401K plan is complaining.
Obama may be the greatest wealth creator ever!

Pretty damn good for a Socialist. :lol:
If Romney had been elected in 2008, we would have been worlds better. He would have overseen a robust recovery. Can blame Huckabee's supporters for hating Romney so much that they would help the least conservative candidate win the nomination when they saw Huckabee couldn't do it.

I don't know how much better we might be if he had won in 2012. Obama had already done so much damage, Romney would have had to be careful not to make things worse. It would have been tricky no matter what. But Obamacare could have been quickly stopped by executive order if Romney was willing to follow Obama's example and disregard what the law actually said. And without all those disincentives to full employment, there would likely have been at least slightly faster improvement on the employment front.

The DOW hovers around 1600 and no one I know with a 20+ year old 401K plan is complaining.

Yeah, the people with secure jobs aren't complaining.

Imagine that.
Right-Wingers say: do your job exceptionally and your job will be secure. If your job isn't secure, it's YOUR fault. Then something about laziness....I forget....
Romney had said that the first thing he would do, was issue 50-state waviers to allow states to opt out of Obamacare if they wanted.

And they all would want to, especially after "passing the bill to find out what was in it".

Also a pretty good chance he would have elected not to fight the Supreme Court cases against the mandate, and against forcing people to violate their religions, etc. So the Court probably would have made quick work of Obamacare.

It's VERY unlikely Romney would have OK'ed the lawyers to insist to the Supreme Court, that the penalties called for in the mandate, weren't penalties but taxes... after the only way the bill had passed Congress was by insisting it had no taxes.

Basically, Obamacare would have died a timely death, after going into a coma. And then employers could be a lot more sure of what expenses they faced for the next years (nobody can be 100% sure, but employers would have been al lot better than they have been now), instead of having an out-of-control Fed govt constantly showing new rules and taxes and mandates at them from every direction. And they might have even been confident enough to HIRE some people, instead of letting millions quit the work force altogether as Obama is causing.

And people actually COULD keep their doctors and the insurance plans they liked. And they wouldn't have to listen to a crowd of slavering liberals telling them the plans they had had for years, were suddenly "junk plans".

We might even have ANSWERS by now, on questions about who gave the order to stop the rescue attempt for our guys in Benghazi; who authorized the IRS to hold up applications for tax exemptions for liberal groups, who authorized the govt to build huge databases in violation of the 4th amendment etc.

That's just for starters.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

There would be a shit ton of topics critical of Romney here. Everyone would swap hats.

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