How much better would be with Romney?

I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

We might be better off right now with Romney, because as soon as he took office, Republicans would pass all the job-creating bills that Obama and the Democrats have been trying to pass.

They would come up with a huge stimulus, pass infrastructure bills, get construction and housing going again.

They would just lie their asses off about it, and say they were always for it.

Worth repeating and absolutely true. Hell we would have even had some sort of Romney Care replacing Obama care. Cause Romney KNOWS it worked in his state when gov.
Mitt Romney's "forte" was turning around troubled organizations...which pretty much sums up the US government at the moment. His proven track record of passing bi-partisan legislation would have been a refreshing change from the legislative grid lock that Barry has given us since he lost the 2010 mid-terms.

And who would Romney's VP have been? The very same Paul Ryan who sat down with Patty Murray and hammered out a budget deal? Think Joe "I've drooled on myself" Biden is ever going to give us something like that? Dream on, kiddies...

Yeah, what's that recipe? Fire everybody. Mitt Romney is just 'Chainsaw' Al Dunlop with a bit more respectability. Just a bit.
I will assert here that both men were/are different sides of the same coin. So, we would not be any better off under Romney than Obama, with one exception--people would still have their healthcare insurance.

You don't think he'd do for the nation what he did for Mass?

Oh, speaking of which - how did he do for Mass?
They wouldn't have done what Obama did to directly harm the economy.

There would have been stimulus, and it would have been allowed to take hold. Obama killed the stimulus.


Republicans HATED the stimulus. Between the House and Senate, only 3 Republican Senators voted for it.

SO, are you admitting that Republicans only voted against it because Obama is a Democrat?

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On January 28, 2009, the House passed the bill by a 244–188 vote. All but 11 Democrats voted for the bill, and 177 Republicans voted against it (one Republican did not vote).

On February 10, the Senate voted 61–37 (with one not voting) All the Democrats voted in favor, but only three Republicans voted in favor
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

Romney would have been president with a Democratic Congress, so none of his plans would have been implemented.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

Romney would have been president with a Democratic Congress, so none of his plans would have been implemented.

Romney was Governor with a Democratically controlled Massachusetts House and yet managed to govern quite ably. That's the difference between him and Barry. Obama is from the political school of confrontation to achieve your goals and Romney is from the political school of compromise to get the job done.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

Romney would have been president with a Democratic Congress, so none of his plans would have been implemented.

true for the first two years only. But obozo had both houses for his first two years, and what did we get-------------the failed law known as ACA, high unemployment, an increase in the number of people in poverty, the gap between rich and poor larger than ever, a divided country.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

There is no real data since Romney was rejected soundly, authoritatively, and will never be heard from again.

Further there is no guarantee that any of his campaign promises/plans would be carried out. GWB talked about the US assuming a "more humble" place in the world during the campaign...then invaded two nations in his first term alone.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

Romney would have been president with a Democratic Congress, so none of his plans would have been implemented.

Romney was Governor with a Democratically controlled Massachusetts House and yet managed to govern quite ably. That's the difference between him and Barry. Obama is from the political school of confrontation to achieve your goals and Romney is from the political school of compromise to get the job done.

Because the teabaggers would go along with Romney's compromises?

Wake up.
They wouldn't have done what Obama did to directly harm the economy.

There would have been stimulus, and it would have been allowed to take hold. Obama killed the stimulus.


Republicans HATED the stimulus. Between the House and Senate, only 3 Republican Senators voted for it.

SO, are you admitting that Republicans only voted against it because Obama is a Democrat?

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On January 28, 2009, the House passed the bill by a 244–188 vote. All but 11 Democrats voted for the bill, and 177 Republicans voted against it (one Republican did not vote).

On February 10, the Senate voted 61–37 (with one not voting) All the Democrats voted in favor, but only three Republicans voted in favor

Republicans hated the stimulus because they saw it for what it was...a liberal pork fest that took advantage of the financial crisis to reward the Democratic base. Republicans didn't like it because they didn't think it would work as constituted...and guess what? They were right! The shovel ready jobs that Barry and Nancy promised never materialized and six months later the Obama Administration had invented a new economic statistic "jobs saved or created" to hide the fact that after spending close to a trillion dollars on stimulus the unemployment rate continued to go up...not down.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

Romney would have been president with a Democratic Congress, so none of his plans would have been implemented.

true for the first two years only. But obozo had both houses for his first two years, and what did we get-------------the failed law known as ACA, high unemployment, an increase in the number of people in poverty, the gap between rich and poor larger than ever, a divided country.
The ACA is a success. And will only get better.
I know it's only a year into it, but that's plenty of time to get some policies in place and maybe other policies wouldn't have been enacted.

Using real data and Romney's plans to make your point, can someone please tell me how much better off the US would be at this very moment had Romney won the election?

Romney would have been president with a Democratic Congress, so none of his plans would have been implemented.

true for the first two years only. But obozo had both houses for his first two years, and what did we get-------------the failed law known as ACA, high unemployment, an increase in the number of people in poverty, the gap between rich and poor larger than ever, a divided country.

Okay, then tell us how Romney would have kept unemployment at 7.3%.

and be specific.
Romney would have been president with a Democratic Congress, so none of his plans would have been implemented.

Romney was Governor with a Democratically controlled Massachusetts House and yet managed to govern quite ably. That's the difference between him and Barry. Obama is from the political school of confrontation to achieve your goals and Romney is from the political school of compromise to get the job done.

Because the teabaggers would go along with Romney's compromises?

Wake up.

So now it's the Tea Party that would have blocked Romney? Not the Democrats? LOL Can't quite make up your mind...can you, Synth?
They wouldn't have done what Obama did to directly harm the economy.

There would have been stimulus, and it would have been allowed to take hold. Obama killed the stimulus.


Republicans HATED the stimulus. Between the House and Senate, only 3 Republican Senators voted for it.

SO, are you admitting that Republicans only voted against it because Obama is a Democrat?

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On January 28, 2009, the House passed the bill by a 244–188 vote. All but 11 Democrats voted for the bill, and 177 Republicans voted against it (one Republican did not vote).

On February 10, the Senate voted 61–37 (with one not voting) All the Democrats voted in favor, but only three Republicans voted in favor

Republicans hated the stimulus because they saw it for what it was...a liberal pork fest that took advantage of the financial crisis to reward the Democratic base. Republicans didn't like it because they didn't think it would work as constituted...and guess what? They were right! The shovel ready jobs that Barry and Nancy promised never materialized and six months later the Obama Administration had invented a new economic statistic "jobs saved or created" to hide the fact that after spending close to a trillion dollars on stimulus the unemployment rate continued to go up...not down.

You know, you're just full of shit.

Back up your accusation.
Romney would have been president with a Democratic Congress, so none of his plans would have been implemented.

true for the first two years only. But obozo had both houses for his first two years, and what did we get-------------the failed law known as ACA, high unemployment, an increase in the number of people in poverty, the gap between rich and poor larger than ever, a divided country.
The ACA is a success. And will only get better.
Now that's funny!:lol:
Romney was Governor with a Democratically controlled Massachusetts House and yet managed to govern quite ably. That's the difference between him and Barry. Obama is from the political school of confrontation to achieve your goals and Romney is from the political school of compromise to get the job done.

Because the teabaggers would go along with Romney's compromises?

Wake up.

So now it's the Tea Party that would have blocked Romney? Not the Democrats? LOL Can't quite make up your mind...can you, Synth?
If Romney tried to compromise with Democrats? Hell yes, the teabaggers would have blocked it.

They can't even say 'compromise'. They say 'find common ground' because Frank Luntz told them that 'compromise' polls badly.
true for the first two years only. But obozo had both houses for his first two years, and what did we get-------------the failed law known as ACA, high unemployment, an increase in the number of people in poverty, the gap between rich and poor larger than ever, a divided country.
The ACA is a success. And will only get better.
Now that's funny!:lol:
In what way has it been a failure? A website? :lol:
Romney had said that the first thing he would do, was issue 50-state waviers to allow states to opt out of Obamacare if they wanted.

And they all would want to, especially after "passing the bill to find out what was in it".

Also a pretty good chance he would have elected not to fight the Supreme Court cases against the mandate, and against forcing people to violate their religions, etc. So the Court probably would have made quick work of Obamacare.

It's VERY unlikely Romney would have OK'ed the lawyers to insist to the Supreme Court, that the penalties called for in the mandate, weren't penalties but taxes... after the only way the bill had passed Congress was by insisting it had no taxes.

Basically, Obamacare would have died a timely death, after going into a coma. And then employers could be a lot more sure of what expenses they faced for the next years (nobody can be 100% sure, but employers would have been al lot better than they have been now), instead of having an out-of-control Fed govt constantly showing new rules and taxes and mandates at them from every direction. And they might have even been confident enough to HIRE some people, instead of letting millions quit the work force altogether as Obama is causing.

And people actually COULD keep their doctors and the insurance plans they liked. And they wouldn't have to listen to a crowd of slavering liberals telling them the plans they had had for years, were suddenly "junk plans".

We might even have ANSWERS by now, on questions about who gave the order to stop the rescue attempt for our guys in Benghazi; who authorized the IRS to hold up applications for tax exemptions for liberal groups, who authorized the govt to build huge databases in violation of the 4th amendment etc.

That's just for starters.

To be continued, ^^^. Time is out for a Kool-Ade drink. Today's choice, as always, sour grape.

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