How much can renewable energy save us?

i just haven't been paying to your arguments.
no you don't pay attention to anything but your own babbling

Hey maybe that's why you still live with Mommy
no, it is just You.

and, someone has to be responsible.
well we know that's not you since you can't even support yourself
yet, it is You who has to resort to fallacy; just crony capitalism?
you're the one who admitted that you still have to live with Mommy
proof i am not just a crony.
Nuclear is the best way to keep power centralized and in the hands of a priest-like echelon of crucial technicians.
no you don't pay attention to anything but your own babbling

Hey maybe that's why you still live with Mommy
no, it is just You.

and, someone has to be responsible.
well we know that's not you since you can't even support yourself
yet, it is You who has to resort to fallacy; just crony capitalism?
you're the one who admitted that you still have to live with Mommy
proof i am not just a crony.
no proof that you're a fucking loser who can't make it on his own
The problem with plasma is that it must be contained in some geometry by magnetic field. The good thing would be if this wasn't necessary and the plasma could still survive even if just for minutes.
A sun has enormous gravity effect to work with. We don't until we develop anti-grav and pro-grav.

Now that is interesting. Remotely controlling the shape of plasma would be useful.
Nuclear is the best way to keep power centralized and in the hands of a priest-like echelon of crucial technicians.

It's also the best way to produce the abundant reliable emission free power we need to meet our ever growing demands

and next generation reactors won't need the infrastructure or manpower our current LWRs do
no, it is just You.

and, someone has to be responsible.
well we know that's not you since you can't even support yourself
yet, it is You who has to resort to fallacy; just crony capitalism?
you're the one who admitted that you still have to live with Mommy
proof i am not just a crony.
no proof that you're a fucking loser who can't make it on his own
Only cronies say that.
well we know that's not you since you can't even support yourself
yet, it is You who has to resort to fallacy; just crony capitalism?
you're the one who admitted that you still have to live with Mommy
proof i am not just a crony.
no proof that you're a fucking loser who can't make it on his own
Only cronies say that.
do you even kn ow what a crony is?
yet, it is You who has to resort to fallacy; just crony capitalism?
you're the one who admitted that you still have to live with Mommy
proof i am not just a crony.
no proof that you're a fucking loser who can't make it on his own
Only cronies say that.
do you even kn ow what a crony is?
sure; the ones who Only have propaganda and rhetoric, instead of Any valid argument.
you're the one who admitted that you still have to live with Mommy
proof i am not just a crony.
no proof that you're a fucking loser who can't make it on his own
Only cronies say that.
do you even kn ow what a crony is?
sure; the ones who Only have propaganda and rhetoric, instead of Any valid argument.
you need to learn how to use a dictionary
According to a recent report, even a massive Marshall like plan (huge investment) in renewables will not meet the goals laid out in the Paris Accords.

"Moreover, the share of fossil fuels—nearly 87 percent—has not budged due to a retreat in nuclear power over the same 15-year period."

"Even a renewables Marshall Plan would face an unyielding deadline: To stay under 2C, the global economy must be carbon neutral—producing no more CO2 than can be absorbed by oceans and forests—by mid-century."

Renewables can't deliver Paris climate goals: study

So how are they going to spend that "carbon tax" money many politicians are so eager to start collecting?

technology is improving all the time. many wind energy farms merely need to upgrade to the latest wind generating technologies, to sextuple their energy output. that is where our tax dollars should be going; not, playing "shellgames" with Statism.

no you can't make the wind blow more than it already does and that is the only way to get more power out of a windmill

and in case you haven't bothered to look into windmills you might want to know that even the newest windmills on average only produce 25% of their rated capacity
And if it can deliver that 25% cheaper than any other form of energy generation, what does that matter.
According to a recent report, even a massive Marshall like plan (huge investment) in renewables will not meet the goals laid out in the Paris Accords.

"Moreover, the share of fossil fuels—nearly 87 percent—has not budged due to a retreat in nuclear power over the same 15-year period."

"Even a renewables Marshall Plan would face an unyielding deadline: To stay under 2C, the global economy must be carbon neutral—producing no more CO2 than can be absorbed by oceans and forests—by mid-century."

Renewables can't deliver Paris climate goals: study

So how are they going to spend that "carbon tax" money many politicians are so eager to start collecting?

technology is improving all the time. many wind energy farms merely need to upgrade to the latest wind generating technologies, to sextuple their energy output. that is where our tax dollars should be going; not, playing "shellgames" with Statism.

no you can't make the wind blow more than it already does and that is the only way to get more power out of a windmill

and in case you haven't bothered to look into windmills you might want to know that even the newest windmills on average only produce 25% of their rated capacity
And if it can deliver that 25% cheaper than any other form of energy generation, what does that matter.
should it be ok for Firms to go, "over the counter" for funds?
According to a recent report, even a massive Marshall like plan (huge investment) in renewables will not meet the goals laid out in the Paris Accords.

"Moreover, the share of fossil fuels—nearly 87 percent—has not budged due to a retreat in nuclear power over the same 15-year period."

"Even a renewables Marshall Plan would face an unyielding deadline: To stay under 2C, the global economy must be carbon neutral—producing no more CO2 than can be absorbed by oceans and forests—by mid-century."

Renewables can't deliver Paris climate goals: study

So how are they going to spend that "carbon tax" money many politicians are so eager to start collecting?

technology is improving all the time. many wind energy farms merely need to upgrade to the latest wind generating technologies, to sextuple their energy output. that is where our tax dollars should be going; not, playing "shellgames" with Statism.

no you can't make the wind blow more than it already does and that is the only way to get more power out of a windmill

and in case you haven't bothered to look into windmills you might want to know that even the newest windmills on average only produce 25% of their rated capacity
And if it can deliver that 25% cheaper than any other form of energy generation, what does that matter.
it doesn't

A 2MW turbine costs 4 million to install but it only produces .5MW so in reality to get 2 MW you have to spend 16 million

that'ss 8 million per MW
According to a recent report, even a massive Marshall like plan (huge investment) in renewables will not meet the goals laid out in the Paris Accords.

"Moreover, the share of fossil fuels—nearly 87 percent—has not budged due to a retreat in nuclear power over the same 15-year period."

"Even a renewables Marshall Plan would face an unyielding deadline: To stay under 2C, the global economy must be carbon neutral—producing no more CO2 than can be absorbed by oceans and forests—by mid-century."

Renewables can't deliver Paris climate goals: study

So how are they going to spend that "carbon tax" money many politicians are so eager to start collecting?

technology is improving all the time. many wind energy farms merely need to upgrade to the latest wind generating technologies, to sextuple their energy output. that is where our tax dollars should be going; not, playing "shellgames" with Statism.

no you can't make the wind blow more than it already does and that is the only way to get more power out of a windmill

and in case you haven't bothered to look into windmills you might want to know that even the newest windmills on average only produce 25% of their rated capacity
I don't take your arguments seriously; simply because you seem to have, lousy reading comprehension.

technology is improving all the time.

many wind energy farms merely need to upgrade to the latest wind generating technologies, to sextuple their energy output. that is where our tax dollars should be going; not, playing "shellgames" with Statism.

No our tax dollars should be spent on the energy source that provides the most consistent reliable output not wind which only supplies 25% or less of its rated capacity and what you don't understand is that that measly 25% is provided by the latest and best wind technology
Let’s look at the entirety of the week during which the latest wind energy record occurred. Wind energy was producing at exceptional levels for essentially the entirety of December 19 and 20. However, wind production was significantly lower for most of December 18 and December 21. Wind energy is great when the wind is blowing — but it's important to have flexible resources like natural gas or storage in the system that can ramp up when the wind ramps down.


Zooming out further to examine temporal variations in wind energy production over a year, we see that wind energy is not only intermittent from one day to the next, but also tends to produce more in the winter than in the summer, when electricity demand is highest. The data in the figure below are for 2014, because 2015 data are not yet available.

Texas Sets New All-Time Wind Energy Record


If Oncor and others are allowed to install the grid scale batteries as they wish to, then that jagged line would be considerably smoothed out. Add in the solar that is being added, and they can shut down the coal fired plants permanetly.
How much can renewable energy save us?

Since it has the capacity to satisfy human needs in ways that will prevent poisoning ourselves out of existence, it could be said that it will save us everything.

it really doesn't have the capacity to meet our power needs
we need a better grid and increased capacitance, to "catch and store" lighting energy.
Yes, we do. Don't be a "big chicken."
a sporadic unpredictable energy source such as lightning is not where we should be investing money you moron

we need a power generation method that provides reliable abundant power 24/7/365 and is emission free

That is nuclear power plain and simple
Fukushima, and far too expensive.
...wind energy farms merely need to upgrade to the latest wind generating technologies, to sextuple their energy output. that is where our tax dollars should be going...
Why tax dollars, why not your dollars?

If you think the farms can actually produce electricity cheaper than what we already have then you're free to go right ahead w/o waiting for congress. The fact that neither of us wants our own money going there tells me that we both know they're a waste of time and money.

One option we got now however is that we could have the taxers take your money and invest it in say nuke&coal plants, but we won't for 2 reasons. One is that we don't need to, and the other is that taxing others for my own personal schemes is wrong.

People are investing in renewables, big time.

Renew Power backed by Japanese funding

15 February 2017 by David Weston , Be the first to comment

INDIA: Major Indian wind developer Renew Power has sold a 10% stake to Japanese investment joint venture Jera for $200 million.


Renew Power operates over 1.5GW of renewable power in India
Jera comprises Japanese power firms Tokyo Electric Power and Chubu Electric Power. Its acquisition of the stake in Renew Power marks Jera's first foray in to the Indian energy sector, as well as its first in renewables.

Renew Power owns around 1.5GW of renewables capacity, with a further 1.8GW under construction, Jera said.

In April 2016, the developer said it was the first company in India to commission 1GW of wind power in the country.

"As a Renew Power shareholder, we will seek to contribute to the company by making available technical, operational, project development, and management experience gained through our global power businesses," said Jera president Yuji Kakimi.

Renew Power backed by Japanese funding
According to a recent report, even a massive Marshall like plan (huge investment) in renewables will not meet the goals laid out in the Paris Accords.

"Moreover, the share of fossil fuels—nearly 87 percent—has not budged due to a retreat in nuclear power over the same 15-year period."

"Even a renewables Marshall Plan would face an unyielding deadline: To stay under 2C, the global economy must be carbon neutral—producing no more CO2 than can be absorbed by oceans and forests—by mid-century."

Renewables can't deliver Paris climate goals: study

So how are they going to spend that "carbon tax" money many politicians are so eager to start collecting?

technology is improving all the time. many wind energy farms merely need to upgrade to the latest wind generating technologies, to sextuple their energy output. that is where our tax dollars should be going; not, playing "shellgames" with Statism.

no you can't make the wind blow more than it already does and that is the only way to get more power out of a windmill

and in case you haven't bothered to look into windmills you might want to know that even the newest windmills on average only produce 25% of their rated capacity
And if it can deliver that 25% cheaper than any other form of energy generation, what does that matter.
it doesn't

A 2MW turbine costs 4 million to install but it only produces .5MW so in reality to get 2 MW you have to spend 16 million

that'ss 8 million per MW
moot point; the latest wind energy technologies increase energy output up to six times current wing turbine technologies. upgrading is the only requirement.

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