How much do Dems really <3 Megan Kelly?


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Hillary loves her and called her "Impressive" and might also have said Kelly is the kind of girl Bill would love to fuck.

But the real question is: Will any democrats allow Megan Kelly to question them and/or moderate a Dem debate?
I dont like her surgeried up michael jackson face. I know that wont be the popular opinion, but i am me and you are not.

Anyhoo, why dont we have someone like Rachael Maddow moderate a GOP debate and Megan moderate a DNC one and air them on consecutive nights and that would be.....

Fffffffffuckin awesome
I dont like her surgeried up michael jackson face. I know that wont be the popular opinion, but i am me and you are not.

Anyhoo, why dont we have someone like Rachael Maddow moderate a GOP debate and Megan moderate a DNC one and air them on consecutive nights and that would be.....

Fffffffffuckin awesome
Her ugliness would scare away all the viewers. I have a Panasonic 60" plasma TV and have MSNBC blocked because I'm concerned that Maddow's profound stupidity, ugliness or shrillness might crack the glass screen. I'm not sure whether that would be covered by the warranty or not.
I dont like her surgeried up michael jackson face. I know that wont be the popular opinion, but i am me and you are not.

Anyhoo, why dont we have someone like Rachael Maddow moderate a GOP debate and Megan moderate a DNC one and air them on consecutive nights and that would be.....

Fffffffffuckin awesome
Her ugliness would scare away all the viewers. I have a Panasonic 60" plasma TV and have MSNBC blocked because I'm concerned that Maddow's profound stupidity, ugliness or shrillness might crack the glass screen. I'm not sure whether that would be covered by the warranty or not.
That's some retarded shit right there. If you are that afraid of an opinion that differs from yours then just watch wrasslin' and give up on politics.
I dont like her surgeried up michael jackson face. I know that wont be the popular opinion, but i am me and you are not.

Anyhoo, why dont we have someone like Rachael Maddow moderate a GOP debate and Megan moderate a DNC one and air them on consecutive nights and that would be.....

Fffffffffuckin awesome
Her ugliness would scare away all the viewers. I have a Panasonic 60" plasma TV and have MSNBC blocked because I'm concerned that Maddow's profound stupidity, ugliness or shrillness might crack the glass screen. I'm not sure whether that would be covered by the warranty or not.
That's some retarded shit right there. If you are that afraid of an opinion that differs from yours then just watch wrasslin' and give up on politics.
I'm not afraid of opinions, dumbass. If you had reading comprehension skills at least on par with a 2nd grade elementary school student you would know that .

You're a SADFI.
You don't have to like a woman to point out that vile sexist attacks are unacceptable behavior.

Sadly, some people, Frank especially, have trouble understanding how anyone else could hold such consistent principles, being they're so unfamiliar with the concept of consistent principles themselves.

Look at the ugly slurs here from Muhammed and Soggy. Frank sees nothing wrong with them, because they're directed at a liberal woman. If they were directed at a conservative woman, he'd be howling. In contrast, the liberals condemn such ugliness no matter who the target is.
I dont like her surgeried up michael jackson face. I know that wont be the popular opinion, but i am me and you are not.

Anyhoo, why dont we have someone like Rachael Maddow moderate a GOP debate and Megan moderate a DNC one and air them on consecutive nights and that would be.....

Fffffffffuckin awesome
Her ugliness would scare away all the viewers. I have a Panasonic 60" plasma TV and have MSNBC blocked because I'm concerned that Maddow's profound stupidity, ugliness or shrillness might crack the glass screen. I'm not sure whether that would be covered by the warranty or not.
That's some retarded shit right there. If you are that afraid of an opinion that differs from yours then just watch wrasslin' and give up on politics.
I'm not afraid of opinions, dumbass. If you had reading comprehension skills at least on par with a 2nd grade elementary school student you would know that .

You're a SADFI.
Whatever that is, so you are just one of those numbskulls who are interested in politics for the opportunity it affords to be a dick on the internet? Gotcha.
You don't have to like a woman to point out that vile sexist attacks are unacceptable behavior.

Sadly, some people, Frank especially, have trouble understanding how anyone else could hold such consistent principles, being they're so unfamiliar with the concept of consistent principles themselves.

Look at the ugly slurs here from Muhammed and Soggy. Frank sees nothing wrong with them, because they're directed at a liberal woman. If they were directed at a conservative woman, he'd be howling. In contrast, the liberals condemn such ugliness no matter who the target is.

is sliding a cigar in your interns vagina at the office considered a "vile, sexist" attack?
No, as it's consensual. That seems to be another issue you have problems grasping.

So had Jeb Bush done it, you'd be OK with that and with him visiting his friends sex slave island to fuck 16 year old girls

So had Jeb Bush done it, you'd be OK with that

Obviously yes. What about consistency are you failing to get? We've never dinged conservatives for affairs. We've dinged them for hypocrisy about affairs.

and with him visiting his friends sex slave island to fuck 16 year old girls

Well, no, as minors can't give consent, and there's the issue of forced prostitution to consider.

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