How much does CNN lie?

Seriously. It amazes me how much they are in for the democratic party and they all appear to be united against Trump. It is one thing if CNN was a political organization dispersing propaganda to the public but they are suppose to be as objective as possible since they are a news organization. I'm not saying that FOX news doesn't distort things but at least if they get it wrong conservatives don't try to google-fuck the truth in order to make FOX news appear truthful when they weren't being truthful in the first place.

I'm convinced that 'liberals' have no idea what TRUTH is anymore or what a clear logical argument sounds like.
give an example of a cnn lie

They lied that Trump insulted the Khan family and they also lied that Trump wanted Russia to hack Hillary's server. They also lied that NC HB2 dictates use of bathrooms when in fact it was Charlotte that was forcing use of bathrooms and they undid government dictating bathroom use, they didn't dictate bathroom use
wow. you have a reality problem

Exactly, you can't show any quotes he actually insulted the Khans as was reported.

And again, you can't tell when he's OBVIOUSLY mocking Hillary and you think he meant the Russians should hack a server that had been offline for a year.

I wouldn't be questioning the grip others have on reality until you address your own issues
is this a 'cnn' lie , lying by omission or cutting , hiding or what ehh ?? ---------------------------- --- CNN editing turns interview with Milwaukee victim’s sister on its head, sparks anger online --- just asking . :afro:
if that's the big lie, good on them.
----------------------- its a good example of CNN doing some lying . And they might have a history of lying . Was it 'cnn' that lied about ' George Zimmerman' Ogibilim ??
not sure what you are referring to - my point was simply that if they edited a piece to make it look lie a call for calm and an end to violence i'm not going to get upset with them
--------------------------------- my point is that it is a 'cnn' lie. As far as calling for calm , well , feck that . Let them riot and do their work , just make sure to televise and report their riotsand iolence Ogibilim .
'cnn' news media making a decision to edit or make news is not correct and my link shows 'cnn' lying Ogibilim .
Seriously. It amazes me how much they are in for the democratic party and they all appear to be united against Trump. It is one thing if CNN was a political organization dispersing propaganda to the public but they are suppose to be as objective as possible since they are a news organization. I'm not saying that FOX news doesn't distort things but at least if they get it wrong conservatives don't try to google-fuck the truth in order to make FOX news appear truthful when they weren't being truthful in the first place.

I'm convinced that 'liberals' have no idea what TRUTH is anymore or what a clear logical argument sounds like.
give an example of a cnn lie

They lied that Trump insulted the Khan family and they also lied that Trump wanted Russia to hack Hillary's server. They also lied that NC HB2 dictates use of bathrooms when in fact it was Charlotte that was forcing use of bathrooms and they undid government dictating bathroom use, they didn't dictate bathroom use
wow. you have a reality problem

Exactly, you can't show any quotes he actually insulted the Khans as was reported.

And again, you can't tell when he's OBVIOUSLY mocking Hillary and you think he meant the Russians should hack a server that had been offline for a year.

I wouldn't be questioning the grip others have on reality until you address your own issues
"She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me," Trump continued. "But a plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet, and it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that."
“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it?”

Read more: People Are Shocked At What Trump Said To The Father Of A Fallen Soldier
'cnn' news media making a decision to edit or make news is not correct and my link shows 'cnn' lying Ogibilim .
you have so far shown the only evidence of any 'lies'
and again, i'm not going to criticize a decision to broadcast a call for peace over a call for violence
weird. seems all the fact checking people take issue with that statement. i wonder why the propaganda outlet breitbart doesn't?


Fact, you view lies as that which harms the party. Because the lies of CNN serve the party, you try and cover for them.

You DO grasp that no one here believes you now, right? You sold your credibility to cover for you party.

Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin issued a response to Christiane Amanpour after the CNN anchor lashed out at the diplomat over his inability to appear on her show and brought his daughter into the equation.

In her Thursday show, Amanpour said: “And one more note: we continue to reach out to the Russian government for their comment, including officials such as UN Ambassador, Vitaly Churkin. We haven’t had much luck, but perhaps people like Churkin feel they don’t really have to leave their comfort zone.”}

Amanpour…CNN’s Anchor in Lies, Distortions and Disinformation — By Wm. Dorich — 1389 Blog - Counterjihad!
weird. seems all the fact checking people take issue with that statement. i wonder why the propaganda outlet breitbart doesn't?


Fact, you view lies as that which harms the party. Because the lies of CNN serve the party, you try and cover for them.

You DO grasp that no one here believes you now, right? You sold your credibility to cover for you party.

Russian ambassador to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin issued a response to Christiane Amanpour after the CNN anchor lashed out at the diplomat over his inability to appear on her show and brought his daughter into the equation.

In her Thursday show, Amanpour said: “And one more note: we continue to reach out to the Russian government for their comment, including officials such as UN Ambassador, Vitaly Churkin. We haven’t had much luck, but perhaps people like Churkin feel they don’t really have to leave their comfort zone.”}

Amanpour…CNN’s Anchor in Lies, Distortions and Disinformation — By Wm. Dorich — 1389 Blog - Counterjihad!
Trump’s Terrorism Speech
maybe cnn really needs trump to be president, maybe that's the only way to prompt them to become real journalists instead of presstitutes, or how can anyone down at the cnn studio have any self respect when they know that all they are is a mouthpiece. it can't be very comfortable having the shillary's hand parked so far up their back passage that it controls their vocal chords. but, in the trump administration, cnn reporters are free to be as critical of the government as they've always wanted.
Seriously. It amazes me how much they are in for the democratic party and they all appear to be united against Trump. It is one thing if CNN was a political organization dispersing propaganda to the public but they are suppose to be as objective as possible since they are a news organization. I'm not saying that FOX news doesn't distort things but at least if they get it wrong conservatives don't try to google-fuck the truth in order to make FOX news appear truthful when they weren't being truthful in the first place.

I'm convinced that 'liberals' have no idea what TRUTH is anymore or what a clear logical argument sounds like.
give an example of a cnn lie

They lied that Trump insulted the Khan family and they also lied that Trump wanted Russia to hack Hillary's server. They also lied that NC HB2 dictates use of bathrooms when in fact it was Charlotte that was forcing use of bathrooms and they undid government dictating bathroom use, they didn't dictate bathroom use
wow. you have a reality problem

Exactly, you can't show any quotes he actually insulted the Khans as was reported.

And again, you can't tell when he's OBVIOUSLY mocking Hillary and you think he meant the Russians should hack a server that had been offline for a year.

I wouldn't be questioning the grip others have on reality until you address your own issues
"She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me," Trump continued. "But a plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet, and it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that."
“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it?”

Read more: People Are Shocked At What Trump Said To The Father Of A Fallen Soldier

People are "shocked" at that, he didn't even insult her in that, and it's the closest he comes by far. It shows what a whacked out bunch of extremists you are
give an example of a cnn lie

They lied that Trump insulted the Khan family and they also lied that Trump wanted Russia to hack Hillary's server. They also lied that NC HB2 dictates use of bathrooms when in fact it was Charlotte that was forcing use of bathrooms and they undid government dictating bathroom use, they didn't dictate bathroom use
wow. you have a reality problem

Exactly, you can't show any quotes he actually insulted the Khans as was reported.

And again, you can't tell when he's OBVIOUSLY mocking Hillary and you think he meant the Russians should hack a server that had been offline for a year.

I wouldn't be questioning the grip others have on reality until you address your own issues
"She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me," Trump continued. "But a plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet, and it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that."
“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it?”

Read more: People Are Shocked At What Trump Said To The Father Of A Fallen Soldier

People are "shocked" at that, he didn't even insult her in that, and it's the closest he comes by far. It shows what a whacked out bunch of extremists you are
you have a reality problem
They lied that Trump insulted the Khan family and they also lied that Trump wanted Russia to hack Hillary's server. They also lied that NC HB2 dictates use of bathrooms when in fact it was Charlotte that was forcing use of bathrooms and they undid government dictating bathroom use, they didn't dictate bathroom use
wow. you have a reality problem

Exactly, you can't show any quotes he actually insulted the Khans as was reported.

And again, you can't tell when he's OBVIOUSLY mocking Hillary and you think he meant the Russians should hack a server that had been offline for a year.

I wouldn't be questioning the grip others have on reality until you address your own issues
"She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me," Trump continued. "But a plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet, and it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that."
“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it?”

Read more: People Are Shocked At What Trump Said To The Father Of A Fallen Soldier

People are "shocked" at that, he didn't even insult her in that, and it's the closest he comes by far. It shows what a whacked out bunch of extremists you are
you have a reality problem

Why didn't your wife speak? Yes, that was a vicious insult, an unrelenting attack. It would make the strongest of hearts crumble in a crying heap. Unbelievable.

You're a total lying douche. The most that would draw from a normal person is a head scratch. You're a lying hack of a Democrat party bitch. Own it
wow. you have a reality problem

Exactly, you can't show any quotes he actually insulted the Khans as was reported.

And again, you can't tell when he's OBVIOUSLY mocking Hillary and you think he meant the Russians should hack a server that had been offline for a year.

I wouldn't be questioning the grip others have on reality until you address your own issues
"She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me," Trump continued. "But a plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet, and it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that."
“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it?”

Read more: People Are Shocked At What Trump Said To The Father Of A Fallen Soldier

People are "shocked" at that, he didn't even insult her in that, and it's the closest he comes by far. It shows what a whacked out bunch of extremists you are
you have a reality problem

Why didn't your wife speak? Yes, that was a vicious insult, an unrelenting attack. It would make the strongest of hearts crumble in a crying heap. Unbelievable.

You're a total lying douche. The most that would draw from a normal person is a head scratch. You're a lying hack of a Democrat party bitch. Own it
more people agree with me than you. that was insulting, and you know it.
When CNN reports the lies of the liberals, is CNN really lying? Are they parroting the lies of others, not knowing that they're broadcasting lies? I think not. Every time Hillary speaks, she lies....and EVERYBODY knows it. I think CNN and MSNBC are the most biased networks of them all.

The only 'network' that is close to being totally unbiased is C-SPAN. They cover events, they take calls from Democrats, Republicans and Others, listen to the comments and move on to the next call.

I find the least biased network to be Fox. Even then, Fox will pit a liberal against a conservative and let them try to talk over each other. When CNN has a 'panel', it's usually 3 to 1 liberal.
Exactly, you can't show any quotes he actually insulted the Khans as was reported.

And again, you can't tell when he's OBVIOUSLY mocking Hillary and you think he meant the Russians should hack a server that had been offline for a year.

I wouldn't be questioning the grip others have on reality until you address your own issues
"She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me," Trump continued. "But a plenty of people have written that. She was extremely quiet, and it looked like she had nothing to say. A lot of people have said that."
“Who wrote that? Did Hillary’s script writers write it?”

Read more: People Are Shocked At What Trump Said To The Father Of A Fallen Soldier

People are "shocked" at that, he didn't even insult her in that, and it's the closest he comes by far. It shows what a whacked out bunch of extremists you are
you have a reality problem

Why didn't your wife speak? Yes, that was a vicious insult, an unrelenting attack. It would make the strongest of hearts crumble in a crying heap. Unbelievable.

You're a total lying douche. The most that would draw from a normal person is a head scratch. You're a lying hack of a Democrat party bitch. Own it
more people agree with me than you. that was insulting, and you know it.

Bull, only partisan Democrat mind swilling leftists agree with you. Other people have been swayed by the lies of the liberal media, but when you present them with the actual quotes of what he actually said, they're like wow, the media is liberal ...
'cnn' news media making a decision to edit or make news is not correct and my link shows 'cnn' lying Ogibilim .
you have so far shown the only evidence of any 'lies'
and again, i'm not going to criticize a decision to broadcast a call for peace over a call for violence
I show the lie from 'cnn' , Ogibilim says that 'cnn' can makes news if he approves of the news that they make . That pretty funny Comrade Ogibilim . --- repeat of 'cnn' lying . --------------- --- CNN editing turns interview with Milwaukee victim’s sister on its head, sparks anger online ---
'cnn' news media making a decision to edit or make news is not correct and my link shows 'cnn' lying Ogibilim .
you have so far shown the only evidence of any 'lies'
and again, i'm not going to criticize a decision to broadcast a call for peace over a call for violence
I show the lie from 'cnn' , Ogibilim says that 'cnn' can makes news if he approves of the news that they make . That pretty funny Comrade Ogibilim . --- repeat of 'cnn' lying . --------------- --- CNN editing turns interview with Milwaukee victim’s sister on its head, sparks anger online ---
which would you rather they broadcast? a call for peace or violence? which is more responsible?

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