How much longer should Pelosi keep it shut down to punish Trump?

How much longer should Pelosi use the shutdown to punish Trump?

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  • November 2020

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  • Forever, to hell with FedZilla

    Votes: 13 72.2%

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How much longer should Pelosi use the shutdown to punish Trump?

Pelosi has already passed legislation to end the shutdown. McConnell refuses to bring it to a vote.

The legislation is the same Bill that the House and Senate passed previously and there’s every likelihood that it would pass with a veto proof majority if McConnell put it to a vote.

Not without the $5.8 billion for the southern border wall. No way, no how. Look, you have two choices here:

1. Build the wall.

2. Commit national suicide.

The future of not only this country, but of western civilization is on the line here. Europe is dead or dying because of their "open borders" immigration policies, and we are the last truly free country in line. The mass immigration to European countries has successfully flooded them with people who have absolutely no inclination to become Europeans. And now the Democrats want to flood this country with illegals who will never truly become Americans.

Wall or national suicide, take your pick.

its a fence, not a wall - a partial fence

stupid Trumpbrones dont even have a clue how Goldilocks is screwing you.


Nice try, but you are ate up with FAIL, sonny boy.

When someone posts such an ignorant statement as you just did, the truth becomes evident and clear as day: There is one and only one reason Pelosi, Schumer, the Democrat Party, and the entire left are stubbornly rejecting a wall at the southern border:

They know that there's nothing they can do to unseat or stop this President. Not one single thing. Therefore, they erroneously believe that they can somehow bring him down by causing his supporters to lose faith in him.

That is the underhanded and devious tactic the left has been using for the last two years: Every fake news story ginned up by the shit-eating disingenuous media, every hate-filled diatribe spewed by brain-dead Hollywood personalities, as well as every hateful anti-Trump thread or post on social media and discussion boards like this one, has only one goal in mind: To attempt to sway Trump-supporters into losing faith in him. You might think that because you're a liberal, you're one of the "smart people" but truthfully, I can see right through you like a piece of glass.

In your desperation, you people are doing the only thing you have left: You tried fake "investigations" based on imaginary or outright false allegations, but none of those have seemed to have worked, because he is still sitting in the White House. So you think that by going after his voter base, you'll finally defeat him in 2020, or maybe 2024.

But guess what? You severely underestimated the loyalty and support this President has among his voters, just like you underestimated that he would win in 2016. So believe me, nothing you can shitpost on some discussion board is going to change a single voter's opinion of him, certainly not mine.
How much longer should Pelosi use the shutdown to punish Trump?

Pelosi has already passed legislation to end the shutdown. McConnell refuses to bring it to a vote.

The legislation is the same Bill that the House and Senate passed previously and there’s every likelihood that it would pass with a veto proof majority if McConnell put it to a vote.

Not without the $5.8 billion for the southern border wall. No way, no how. Look, you have two choices here:

1. Build the wall.

2. Commit national suicide.

The future of not only this country, but of western civilization is on the line here. Europe is dead or dying because of their "open borders" immigration policies, and we are the last truly free country in line. The mass immigration to European countries has successfully flooded them with people who have absolutely no inclination to become Europeans. And now the Democrats want to flood this country with illegals who will never truly become Americans.

Wall or national suicide, take your pick.

its a fence, not a wall - a partial fence

stupid Trumpbrones dont even have a clue how Goldilocks is screwing you.

Do you or any of the Libturds here know how many miles of border is unprotected with no walls, fences or just barbed wire (to keep ranchers livestock from wandering into Mexico)?
Funny how you people choose lies over true fact.

trump shutdown the government. He said he was proud to do it. At the time all his supporters said they were too.

Now since things didn't go as you expected, you want to lie and blame Pelosi. Who by the way has passed a few bills that will open the government. mcconnell killed them in the senate.

Your problem is that video on line lasts forever.

Let it be shut down forever. I don't give a rat's ass.


I prove you're a liar and you react with a childish reply. I don't care.

You must have cared.

You started this stupid thread.

Or is it that you just want to hurt America?

If so you're doing a very good job.

Your problem is you don't have the capacity to look down the road for possible consequences to your actions.

Have you ever heard of backlash?

Did you pay any attention to the 2018 election results beyond the lies and excuses from right wing propaganda?

You do care. A lot. Or you wouldn't have started this thread.

You care so much you're wiling to lie through your teeth and make a fool of yourself by trying to blame Pelosi for this.

The shutdown happened BEFORE she became speaker. Why didn't paul ryan pass legislation that included money for a wall? Why didn't mcconnell pass legislation that included money for a wall? Republicans had full control of the government. Why didn't they fund that wall?

The very first day she became speaker she passed legislation that will open the government. Legislation that was written by republicans in the senate and passed by nearly a unamimous yes vote. She sent it to the Senate where mcconnell promptly killed it. mcconnell killed his own republican written legislation that will open the government.

If you didn't care about this you wouldn't have started this thread and you wouldn't be lying through your teeth about the whole thing.
So, I assume you would vote for a shutdown until 2020, at least?


I don't vote for any shutdown.

I vote for responsible and mature adults.

trump shutdown the government. It's up to him and the republicans to grow up and start acting like adults and open the government.

Posting lies about it on line isn't going to change anything.

All it's doing is showing every intelligent person what a total fool you are. It's apparent to me you love being laughed at.

Carry on.
That pretty much describes me.

Why are we letting these do-nothings on both sides pressure us into business as usual. A wall may not be the answer but it sure as hell makes it more difficult and somebody is resisting hard, for some reason.

I don't care who has to pay the political price.


I have never understood the misplaced hate towards the worker-bees in the Fed Govt. They are just normal people try to provide for their families like you and I.

It is not their fault our elected officials cannot do their jobs
There simply is no way that this awful situation can be laid on Pelosi's doorstep. Trump has the power to re-open the government any time he damned well pleases. He personally said that Mexico would pay for his wall. He also said that he owns the shutdown. The shutdown also began when Pelosi was not yet speaker, and republicans were in control of the House.
I propose Mexico should pay for all the other government costs. Go collect it from Mexico. Until then, no government!!!

He needs to reopen the government before more people get hurt. Then he can negotiate with Congress over border security funding, including the wall that he wants.
Fuck that. If Pelosi is concerned about people "getting hurt" she should go ahead and fund the w

all to get government re-opened.

Otherwise, fuck people getting hurt.

That bitch stays shut down FOREVER!!!



Excuse me? The orange whore whom you sent to the Oval Office lied constantly, and is now acting like the spoiled scum he is.

Pelosi has nothing to do with his outlandish, un-American conduct. No member of law enforcement should be protecting him now. No one should ever take a bullet for him.

Remember that he was the one who told us that Mexico would pay for the wall, and he owned the shutdown on TV in December. Why do you people keep "forgetting" these facts? You voted for a liar.

No excuse for you. This is ALL on Pelosi and the dimbocraps now. SHE is acting like the spoiled rotten POS she is. Running away, refusing to negotiate, and proving once and for all dimbos don't care one bit about working people. Trump is not running away to Europe. Trump is not refusing to negotiate. It's YOUR side that is the scum allowing this to continue. Your hysterical non-factual rants don't change that. Suggesting the Secret Service not do their duty? YOU can leave the country.
There simply is no way that this awful situation can be laid on Pelosi's doorstep. Trump has the power to re-open the government any time he damned well pleases. He personally said that Mexico would pay for his wall. He also said that he owns the shutdown. The shutdown also began when Pelosi was not yet speaker, and republicans were in control of the House.
I propose Mexico should pay for all the other government costs. Go collect it from Mexico. Until then, no government!!!

He needs to reopen the government before more people get hurt. Then he can negotiate with Congress over border security funding, including the wall that he wants.
Fuck that. If Pelosi is concerned about people "getting hurt" she should go ahead and fund the w

all to get government re-opened.

Otherwise, fuck people getting hurt.

That bitch stays shut down FOREVER!!!



Excuse me? The orange whore whom you sent to the Oval Office lied constantly, and is now acting like the spoiled scum he is.

Pelosi has nothing to do with his outlandish, un-American conduct. No member of law enforcement should be protecting him now. No one should ever take a bullet for him.

Remember that he was the one who told us that Mexico would pay for the wall, and he owned the shutdown on TV in December. Why do you people keep "forgetting" these facts? You voted for a liar.

No excuse for you. This is ALL on Pelosi and the dimbocraps now. SHE is acting like the spoiled rotten POS she is. Running away, refusing to negotiate, and proving once and for all dimbos don't care one bit about working people. Trump is not running away to Europe. Trump is not refusing to negotiate. It's YOUR side that is the scum allowing this to continue. Your hysterical non-factual rants don't change that. Suggesting the Secret Service not do their duty? YOU can leave the country.

Running away to Afghanistan? Are you nuts? You are still lying about what the spoiled orange whore said and when he said it. These are facts and well recorded.
Pelosi has nothing to negotiate. She bears no responsibility for his failure to get his shit together and go through the normal budget process.
Nobody should get killed to protect this scumbag.
I have never understood the misplaced hate towards the worker-bees in the Fed Govt. They are just normal people try to provide for their families like you and I.

It is not their fault our elected officials cannot do their jobs
I agree. But, everyone is guilty of using them as political pawns.

I am tired of this theatre. I must be hard-hearted and say "fuck them" when we are being manipulated.

Either both sides want to compromise or they don't.

I am not compromising, nor am I required.

Neither side is going to allow a TOTAL shutdown.

They all understand that once the public has had a few days to savor it they'll never allow government to reopen.
Till at least the next presidential election. This could be their greatest tool by which to sway voters.
So, nearly 2 years?

Pelosi should keep it shut down for nearly 2 years.

I agree.

There simply is no way that this awful situation can be laid on Pelosi's doorstep. Trump has the power to re-open the government any time he damned well pleases. He personally said that Mexico would pay for his wall. He also said that he owns the shutdown. The shutdown also began when Pelosi was not yet speaker, and republicans were in control of the House.

He needs to reopen the government before more people get hurt. Then he can negotiate with Congress over border security funding, including the wall that he wants.

Why should he re-open it? One of his campaign promises was a smaller government, now that's what we have.

It's all good with me.

With no food inspections. No courts including immigration courts.
With no food inspections. No courts including immigration courts.
How will we ever live without FedZilla NOT inspecting our food?

How will we ever survive without immigration courts granting residence to illegals?

The Horror!


You don't waste a bunch of time rounding up stray cattle and putting them back in the pasture if you have a huge hole in the fence.

Till at least the next presidential election. This could be their greatest tool by which to sway voters.
So, nearly 2 years?

Pelosi should keep it shut down for nearly 2 years.

I agree.

There simply is no way that this awful situation can be laid on Pelosi's doorstep. Trump has the power to re-open the government any time he damned well pleases. He personally said that Mexico would pay for his wall. He also said that he owns the shutdown. The shutdown also began when Pelosi was not yet speaker, and republicans were in control of the House.

He needs to reopen the government before more people get hurt. Then he can negotiate with Congress over border security funding, including the wall that he wants.

Why should he re-open it? One of his campaign promises was a smaller government, now that's what we have.

It's all good with me.

With no food inspections. No courts including immigration courts.

Then pony up the $5.8 billion and let's get started on that wall.

We're waiting. There are plenty of Americans who would love having a job building the wall. The Democrat's are incessantly babbling about "high-tech electronic security" and shit but they don't realize that most of that equipment is made in China.
How much longer should Pelosi use the shutdown to punish Trump?

Pelosi has already passed legislation to end the shutdown. McConnell refuses to bring it to a vote.

The legislation is the same Bill that the House and Senate passed previously and there’s every likelihood that it would pass with a veto proof majority if McConnell put it to a vote.

Not without the $5.8 billion for the southern border wall. No way, no how. Look, you have two choices here:

1. Build the wall.

2. Commit national suicide.

The future of not only this country, but of western civilization is on the line here. Europe is dead or dying because of their "open borders" immigration policies, and we are the last truly free country in line. The mass immigration to European countries has successfully flooded them with people who have absolutely no inclination to become Europeans. And now the Democrats want to flood this country with illegals who will never truly become Americans.

Wall or national suicide, take your pick.

its a fence, not a wall - a partial fence

stupid Trumpbrones dont even have a clue how Goldilocks is screwing you.


Nice try, but you are ate up with FAIL, sonny boy.

When someone posts such an ignorant statement as you just did, the truth becomes evident and clear as day: There is one and only one reason Pelosi, Schumer, the Democrat Party, and the entire left are stubbornly rejecting a wall at the southern border:

They know that there's nothing they can do to unseat or stop this President. Not one single thing. Therefore, they erroneously believe that they can somehow bring him down by causing his supporters to lose faith in him.

That is the underhanded and devious tactic the left has been using for the last two years: Every fake news story ginned up by the shit-eating disingenuous media, every hate-filled diatribe spewed by brain-dead Hollywood personalities, as well as every hateful anti-Trump thread or post on social media and discussion boards like this one, has only one goal in mind: To attempt to sway Trump-supporters into losing faith in him. You might think that because you're a liberal, you're one of the "smart people" but truthfully, I can see right through you like a piece of glass.

In your desperation, you people are doing the only thing you have left: You tried fake "investigations" based on imaginary or outright false allegations, but none of those have seemed to have worked, because he is still sitting in the White House. So you think that by going after his voter base, you'll finally defeat him in 2020, or maybe 2024.

But guess what? You severely underestimated the loyalty and support this President has among his voters, just like you underestimated that he would win in 2016. So believe me, nothing you can shitpost on some discussion board is going to change a single voter's opinion of him, certainly not mine.

Trump supporters are the ones who make stupid statements. American voters resist a border wall and do not see a wall as a needed item. He will be defeated in 2020 and the shutdown will be a major cause of it.

The fact is that we are seeing a potential realignment. Suburban voters and especially women and better educated voters are fleeing the GOP. That is why the House went to the Democrats and the GOP lost a Senate seat in Arizona.

What you fail to acknowledge is that Trump's hardcore support is in red states. We saw many cracks in these states. The Republicans had to pull every dirty trick in the book to keep the Governor's mansion in Georgia. Democrats picked up a Senate seat in Arizona. Democrats picked up the Governor's seat in Kansas.

These are not fake investigations. They are very serious and voters realize that.
Till at least the next presidential election. This could be their greatest tool by which to sway voters.
So, nearly 2 years?

Pelosi should keep it shut down for nearly 2 years.

I agree.

There simply is no way that this awful situation can be laid on Pelosi's doorstep. Trump has the power to re-open the government any time he damned well pleases. He personally said that Mexico would pay for his wall. He also said that he owns the shutdown. The shutdown also began when Pelosi was not yet speaker, and republicans were in control of the House.

He needs to reopen the government before more people get hurt. Then he can negotiate with Congress over border security funding, including the wall that he wants.

Why should he re-open it? One of his campaign promises was a smaller government, now that's what we have.

It's all good with me.

With no food inspections. No courts including immigration courts.

Then pony up the $5.8 billion and let's get started on that wall.

We're waiting. There are plenty of Americans who would love having a job building the wall. The Democrat's are incessantly babbling about "high-tech electronic security" and shit but they don't realize that most of that equipment is made in China.

I stand with the majority of Americans who do not support a wall. Democrats should not pony up a dime. Once it is re-opened then we can talk about trading DACA for a wall.
Will Hurd the only GOP congressman left with a border district calls the wall a speed bump and a total waste of money
With no food inspections. No courts including immigration courts.
How will we ever live without FedZilla NOT inspecting our food?

How will we ever survive without immigration courts granting residence to illegals?

The Horror!


You don't waste a bunch of time rounding up stray cattle and putting them back in the pasture if you have a huge hole in the fence.


You also cannot deport anyone either.
Trump can end the shut down with he stroke of a pen. But, he has bone spurs in his wrist, which he developed in a fist fight with an illegal alien who was raping Stormy Daniels while impersonating him, and he can not sign the order to reopen it.
After 30 days Trump should begin personnel terminations in the bloated departments in DC......we have between 3 and 9 people to do the same job!....cut them loose especially if they were their under Obama....

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