How much longer should Pelosi keep it shut down to punish Trump?

How much longer should Pelosi use the shutdown to punish Trump?

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  • November 2020

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  • Forever, to hell with FedZilla

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Trump can end the shut down with he stroke of a pen. But, he has bone spurs in his wrist, which he developed in a fist fight with an illegal alien who was raping Stormy Daniels while impersonating him, and he can not sign the order to reopen it.
Pelosi can end it too.....she will be sorry in the end if she doesn't make a deal.....


Funny how you people choose lies over true fact.

trump shutdown the government. He said he was proud to do it. At the time all his supporters said they were too.

Now since things didn't go as you expected, you want to lie and blame Pelosi. Who by the way has passed a few bills that will open the government. mcconnell killed them in the senate.

Your problem is that video on line lasts forever.

Let it be shut down forever. I don't give a rat's ass.


I prove you're a liar and you react with a childish reply. I don't care.

You must have cared.

You started this stupid thread.

Or is it that you just want to hurt America?

If so you're doing a very good job.

Your problem is you don't have the capacity to look down the road for possible consequences to your actions.

Have you ever heard of backlash?

Did you pay any attention to the 2018 election results beyond the lies and excuses from right wing propaganda?

You do care. A lot. Or you wouldn't have started this thread.

You care so much you're wiling to lie through your teeth and make a fool of yourself by trying to blame Pelosi for this.

The shutdown happened BEFORE she became speaker. Why didn't paul ryan pass legislation that included money for a wall? Why didn't mcconnell pass legislation that included money for a wall? Republicans had full control of the government. Why didn't they fund that wall?

The very first day she became speaker she passed legislation that will open the government. Legislation that was written by republicans in the senate and passed by nearly a unamimous yes vote. She sent it to the Senate where mcconnell promptly killed it. mcconnell killed his own republican written legislation that will open the government.

If you didn't care about this you wouldn't have started this thread and you wouldn't be lying through your teeth about the whole thing.

Look in the mirror for your liar. This is all on the coward Piglosi who ran away rather than negotiate since she's getting her ass kicked all over town. Public opinion has shifted against the dimbocraps. Trump is not running out of the country to hide. Trump is not refusing to negotiate. Piglosi is a POS who has proven she cares not one bit for the Amercian people. She's too busy getting tanked while running away. Enjoy 6 more years of Trump. And your wall.

Public opinion?

Neither side is going to allow a TOTAL shutdown.

They all understand that once the public has had a few days to savor it they'll never allow government to reopen.

just the opposite actually. Trump brings back thousands more people each week so that nobody feels any pain at all...except those not getting paid.
How much longer should Pelosi use the shutdown to punish Trump?

Pelosi has already passed legislation to end the shutdown. McConnell refuses to bring it to a vote.

The legislation is the same Bill that the House and Senate passed previously and there’s every likelihood that it would pass with a veto proof majority if McConnell put it to a vote.

Not without the $5.8 billion for the southern border wall. No way, no how. Look, you have two choices here:

1. Build the wall.

2. Commit national suicide.

The future of not only this country, but of western civilization is on the line here. Europe is dead or dying because of their "open borders" immigration policies, and we are the last truly free country in line. The mass immigration to European countries has successfully flooded them with people who have absolutely no inclination to become Europeans. And now the Democrats want to flood this country with illegals who will never truly become Americans.

Wall or national suicide, take your pick.

You falsely assume that there are no other choices. There are lots of other choices.

If the wall isn't built, it is Trump who is committing political suicide, and he's willing to leave 800,000 federal employees - working people, who unlike Donald Trump, are mostly working paycheck to paycheck. Who are currently relying on food banks and soup kitchens to feed their families. People who can't go to work because they can't pay for gas.

Trump was elected by working people who wanted Trump to stand up FOR them, not use them as bargaining chips in a political battle. Furthermore, Trump is on TV complaining that he can't go golfing in Florida because of the shutdown. Aw, gee, poor baby. There was a woman on TV this morning who was told not to bother coming in for her chemo since she couldn't pay the co-pay for her treatment.

Trump thanks these people for their "sacrifice" but that's cold comfort for the workers who can't pay their day care, or their buy groceries, because they have no cash. That's what nearly 40 years of the Republican tax code has done for working class Americans. 40% of the population is one paycheck away from the food bank.

The discussioin around immigration and border security should be held in a thoughtful, well considered, way, not some deal that Trump rammed through with a gun to everyone's head. That's not a very artful deal. There should be public hearings, and studies, including what kinds of immigration you want and how to attract it.

No good has ever come from a deal when one side had only two choices: Take it or leave it. If you believe in the strength of your position and your arguments, sit down at the table, and start listening to what the other side is saying.

Trump shot himself in the foot by walking out of the first meeting. He played his weakest hand in proferring a deal without knowing what the Democrats were looking for, and telling them what he was prepared to give up, which was, in fact, nothing.

There is no way, at this point, that Trump can shift the blame for the shutdown to the Democrats. They went to the meeting, and Trump walked out without asking what they wanted. Dumb move.

The Dems passed the funding bills to re-open the government and are prepared to negotiate border security and immigration reform, once the government has been re-opened, and not before. None of this is unreasonable, but $5 billion to begin construction of a wall to nowhere that hasn't been discussed, studied or agreed to, is never going to happen, nor should it.
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just the opposite actually. Trump brings back thousands more people each week so that nobody feels any pain at all...except those not getting paid.

Ah but we have only a sham shutdown. Now a total shutdown - that's a flower of a difference fragrance. You do know the meaning of the word "total", nu?
How much longer should Pelosi use the shutdown to punish Trump?

Pelosi has already passed legislation to end the shutdown. McConnell refuses to bring it to a vote.

The legislation is the same Bill that the House and Senate passed previously and there’s every likelihood that it would pass with a veto proof majority if McConnell put it to a vote.

Not without the $5.8 billion for the southern border wall. No way, no how. Look, you have two choices here:

1. Build the wall.

2. Commit national suicide.

The future of not only this country, but of western civilization is on the line here. Europe is dead or dying because of their "open borders" immigration policies, and we are the last truly free country in line. The mass immigration to European countries has successfully flooded them with people who have absolutely no inclination to become Europeans. And now the Democrats want to flood this country with illegals who will never truly become Americans.

Wall or national suicide, take your pick.

You falsely assume that there are no other choices. There are lots of other choices.

If the wall isn't built, it is Trump who is committing political suicide, and he's willing to leave 800,000 federal employees - working people, who unlike Donald Trump, are mostly working paycheck to paycheck. Who are currently relying on food banks and soup kitchens to feed their families. People who can't go to work because they can't pay for gas.

Trump thanks these people for their "sacrifice" but that's cold comfort for the workers who can't pay their day care, or their buy groceries, because they have no cash. That's what nearly 40 years of the Republican tax code has done for working class Americans. 40% of the population is one paycheck away from the food bank.
Just the opposite is true. If Trump gives up without getting money for the smart fence, he will lose the support of his base and won't be able to run in 2020, so however long it takes, if he wants to run in 2020, he must not accept any legislation that does not provide funding for the fence. The good news is he won't have to because the Democratic leadership is already cracking. A few days ago, Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat, said he was considering supporting the President's offer of an extension for the dreamers in exchange for funding for the fence, and today, Jim Clyburn, Democratic whip in the House said he favors funding the fence in exchange for a permanent solution for the dreamers, which is what the President offered in his 2018 State of the Union address. Others will follow.
Look at this freak show. Trump literally said he was proud to shut the government down and own it. The trump supporters even pretend to like the shutdown, precisely because he said this. Yet still they put on their little act and clutch their pearls and blame everyone but Trump, because they think that is what they are supposed to do. It's just so odd to see adults act this way.
just the opposite actually. Trump brings back thousands more people each week so that nobody feels any pain at all...except those not getting paid.

Ah but we have only a sham shutdown. Now a total shutdown - that's a flower of a difference fragrance. You do know the meaning of the word "total", nu?

And they would never do a full shutdown, people like you would riot.

No mail, no ATC, no border patrol, no ICE, no Coast Guard, no Military, no nothing.
Trump is a pig of a human being, Trump says to Pelosi I could deport eleven million people if you don't play ball with me. What kind of person let alone a President of the United States would use peoples lives as leverage? Trump is a narcissistic sociopath but we all knew that already. May a Hamberger get lodged in his throat.

Riot if there were a full shutdown?

Not hardly.

No plans to go anywhere (no TSA, no air traffic controllers, no Amtrak) so what's not to like?

Plenty of food for a year or so - no federal inspectors? No worry.

Nay, liberals would be crippled, cowering in their burrows, whining, begging and pleading for succor.


Fortunately a starved liberal won't have the energy to riot and destroy much of anything except their own hovels.
With no food inspections. No courts including immigration courts.
How will we ever live without FedZilla NOT inspecting our food?

How will we ever survive without immigration courts granting residence to illegals?

The Horror!


You don't waste a bunch of time rounding up stray cattle and putting them back in the pasture if you have a huge hole in the fence.


How do you feel about the coast guard and TSA not being paid?
Trump can end the shut down with he stroke of a pen. But, he has bone spurs in his wrist, which he developed in a fist fight with an illegal alien who was raping Stormy Daniels while impersonating him, and he can not sign the order to reopen it.
Pelosi can end it too.....she will be sorry in the end if she doesn't make a deal.....

Yeah, Trump really showed Nancy last Saturday!
Trump can end the shut down with he stroke of a pen. But, he has bone spurs in his wrist, which he developed in a fist fight with an illegal alien who was raping Stormy Daniels while impersonating him, and he can not sign the order to reopen it.

Thank you! That was delicious!

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