How Much Money Would You Give To Prove The Election Was Stolen??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??

Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about it....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...


"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??
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Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...

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Exhibit A...


"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??
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Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...

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Interesting that you bring up a quote of a guy who said

Interesting that you bring up a quote of a guy who said

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Except, first...he never said that....

Second, even if he did....I am still glad the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and Medicare were signed into law...

Because what you morons don't understand, POLICIES OUTLIVE POLITICIANS.....I don't give a fuck who signed something into law -- as long as it is a good policy...

Why did it take a racist Democratic president to sign these bills into law anyway -- shouldn't he have vetoed it?

"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??
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Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about it....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...

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figures that our biggest troll of usmb,the paid shill of langley leftwinger likes this propaganda piece which automatically proves the op is full of shit as always.:auiqs.jpg:
Isn't that more reason to call out Herschel??

You are basically saying "Well, Biden did it, so it's OK"

Republicans are supposed to be better and more moral than Democrats bro, right?
Dude, can i call you dude? Back in 2018 there were 5 states that were in a run off, all 5 went for the Democrat. Nancy Piglosi assumed the gavel. The story about good guys win, is a farce as was proved by said election. The only way to fight fire, is with fire...

Except, first...he never said that....

Second, even if he did....I am still glad the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, and Medicare were signed into law...

Because what you morons don't understand, POLICIES OUTLIVE POLITICIANS.....I don't give a fuck who signed something into law -- as long as it is a good policy...

Why did it take a racist Democratic president to sign these bills into law anyway -- shouldn't he have vetoed it?
So you are saying that LBJ didnt say what you showed in your picture?
figures that our biggest troll of usmb,the paid shill of langley leftwinger likes this propaganda piece which automatically proves the op is full of shit as always.:auiqs.jpg:
Can you show me what voter fraud case that Trump has financed -- that actually litigated voter fraud in a court??

I'll wait

Because the people who were there and helped set up this fake voter fraud fund all testified under oath that it was all bullshit...

Did Trump testify under oath yet?
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Dude, can i call you dude? Back in 2018 there were 5 states that were in a run off, all 5 went for the Democrat. Nancy Piglosi assumed the gavel. The story about good guys win, is a farce as was proved by said election. The only way to fight fire, is with fire...

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So you are saying that LBJ didnt say what you showed in your picture?
Yes, that was proven.......

Bill Moyers even gave the background story that added context to the quote...

"That’s the context of one of the most famous statements on race ever attributed to President Johnson, an off-the-cuff observation he made to a young staffer, Bill Moyers, after encountering a display of blatant racism during a political visit to the South. Moyers tells it in the first person:

We were in Tennessee. During the motorcade, he spotted some ugly racial epithets scrawled on signs. Late that night in the hotel, when the local dignitaries had finished the last bottles of bourbon and branch water and departed, he started talking about those signs.
“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it,” he said. “If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”

It was also confirmed by 4 or 5 other people......What you are doing is what they call attacking the messenger because the message can't be attacked -- because of how true it is....

Can you show me what voter fraud case that Trump has financed -- that actually litigated voter fraud in a court??

I'll wait

Because the people who were helped set up this fake voter fraud all testified under oath that it was all bullshit...

Did Trump testify under oath yet?
rightwinger,err leftwinger is a paid shill from langley who has NEVER posted one fact in his life,the fact he likes your thread alwaready is proof you are full of shit sense every poster at usmb knows he has no credibility,you should have told him to not put a like to your thrread.that itself made you lose before anything started. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

rightwingers nose grows miles long cause thats all he knows how to do is LIE,the stupid fuck cant even own up to admitting he was proven wrong when he said the rams would never come back to LA and STILL trys to convince himself they are playing in st louis,you seriously want someone like THAT liking your post? :auiqs.jpg:
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"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??
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Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about it....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...

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All these quotes from LBJ who was as evil as one can get while accruing power in what was the ending of the Republic that started in 1913 and the advancing of the Democracy.

"The Trump campaign sent “millions” of emails to Trump supporters about how they needed to “step up” to protect election integrity, according to the Jan. 6 committee. The money would go to the so-called the “Official Election Defense Fund” — which doesn’t appear to have actually existed, according to testimony. The fund — which, again, did not actually exist — raised $250 million, most of which did not go to election litigation, but to Trump’s newly created Save America PAC. The PAC then made contributions to Mark Meadows’ charity, to a conservative organization employing former Trump staffers, to the Trump Hotel Collection, and to the company that organized the rally that preceded the attack on the Capitol last Jan. 6."

So if 250 million wasn't enough to get any voter fraud claims much more would you be willing to give before some, anyone, finally puts YOUR MONEY where their mouth is -- and litigate this voter fraud in court??
View attachment 657874

Or is this whole "big lie" talk just another in a long line of grifts and scams?? It isn't like Trump is above scamming his supporters....we have a sham Trump university that had to be shut down for fraud....let's not forget that cancer charity that Trump also had to shut down...for fraud...even the bullshit he used to get morons to support him in the first place -- THE BIRTHER MOVEMENT -- is a fraud... ..the guy was literally able to tell you he hired private investigators to find Obama's birth certificate and how what they found was explosive..and then he never said anything else about it....ever.....only to find out, he never hired anyone to investigate anything....and despite all of this, Trump knows that his sycophants will gladly part ways with their money for the very next scam.....why is this?? Well, another president gave the answer a long time ago...

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dont have to put out one dime that it was stolen,the evidence is overwhelming in this thread,not one of you liars have ever been able to disprove the the facts the op stated in this can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls you are.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

there were mountains of threads from many posters that had mountains of evidence that it was the most massive election fraud ever,dead people voting,more votes of people voting than lived in those cities voting,people turned away to go home early and cameras caught them people that stayed behind pulling crates from underneath taking them out.independent voters and republicans both turned away from overlooking the counting,whistleblowers from the post office coming forward,yep nop evidence of vote fraud,you paid shills for the DNC are getting desperate and live so much in the past with your obsession over trump the fact you KNOW they stole it.:auiqs.jpg:
All these quotes from LBJ who was as evil as one can get while accruing power in what was the ending of the Republic that started in 1913 and the advancing of the Democracy.
He probably was evil......JFK was probably evil too....lots of presidents before them and after were probably evil
But you have a serious flaw in your mentality --which is-- you have this desire to want to worship presidents, I don't


For all of that shit you morons talk about government programs like Medicare....I GUARANTEE YOU that you will use it when you age into it.....and you won't give a fuck about if the president who signed it into law was nice or not...

And for all of this effort you are putting into illustrating how racist LBJ was -- you are basically making the case that this country was built on systemic else would a country elect a racist evil man...thanks for making my point, clown...
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Time to move on ... besides, in this Bidenflation, I can't afford to spend money on anything but sky-rocketing gas prices, increasing energy costs, the exploding cost of food - if you can find some, etc...

And since I can't afford $6 a gallon for gas, I guess I will have to take Biden's & Buttigieg's advice by going out and buying a $60,000 electric car with what little money Biden's failed policies have left me to live on.
He probably was evil......JFK was probably evil too....lots of presidents before them and after were probably evil
But you have a serious flaw in your mentality -- you have this desire to want to worship presidents, I don't


For all of that shit you morons talk about government programs like Medicare....I GUARANTEE YOU that you will use it when you age into it.....and you won't give a fuck about if the president who signed it into law was nice or not...
dumbass,there is no probably on LBJ,every serious researcher knows he was evil and they also know he had a major hand in the jfk assassination and you really prove what a dumbass you are because jfk was assassinated by the CIA because he was not part of the corrupt two party system you stupid fuck and that is why there have been multiple assassination attemps on trump as well cause he is also not part of the corrupt two party system you stupid fuck,dont you ever get tired of having shit all over your face in embarrassment?:auiqs.jpg:

that is ANOTHER one of those times where wrongwinger wont own up to being wrong and always runs off and never address the evidence there were multiple shooters that killed him and oswald was innocent.:auiqs.jpg:
All these quotes from LBJ who was as evil as one can get while accruing power in what was the ending of the Republic that started in 1913 and the advancing of the Democracy.
stupid fucks like him try to deny reality that there have been MANY Illigitimate presidents for several decades way before biden and LBJ for sure manipulated how to get into the senate

trollboys like the op and rightwinger,err wrongwinger,and the rest of the americam haters always play dodgeball with this link and deny the reality of the overwhelming evidence biden stole the election. :auiqs.jpg:

figures that our biggest troll of usmb,the paid shill of langley leftwinger likes this propaganda piece which automatically proves the op is full of shit as always.:auiqs.jpg:
What specific facts in the article are you disputing?

As video testimony from former Trump campaign officials revealed, small-dollar donors were bombarded with emails to donate to an official “Election Defense Fund” in the wake of the 2020 election. Those donors were told that fund was aimed at combating (nonexistent) election fraud. In reality, however, no such fund existed, according to the House committee investigating the January 6, 2021, Capitol riot.

“I don’t believe there was actually a fund called the Election Defense Fund,” Hanna Allred, a former Trump campaign staffer, testified to the committee. Ultimately, the fund was what another staffer categorized as a “marketing tactic” to bring in more money, most of which did not go to election-related litigation.

Instead, many of the funds were directed to a newly created Save America PAC, which has contributed millions to other pro-Trump groups. That includes $1 million to the Conservative Partnership Institute, a charity foundation helmed by Meadows, $5 million to Event Strategies Inc., the vendor that put on Trump’s January 6 rally, and $204,857 to the Trump Hotel Collection.

“Donors deserve to know where their funds are really going,” Lofgren emphasized. During Monday’s hearing, House lawmakers made the case that Trump not only pushed election claims after being told repeatedly that they were false, but that he also used these claims to swindle people of their money.

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