How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a human archetype. Thats it. simple.

Your question, as usual, is stupid.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus was a froward Jewish man who fulfilled Moses's prophecy for "one of their own race" chosen and sent by God to explain all the divine commands as described in Deuteronomy 18:18

"He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts"

This shows that Jesus was living in Roman towns beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, presumably doing what Romans

Jesus is the Son of God sent to the World to provide salvation to those who would believe.

Yet, Romans 11:32 states, "God has concluded them ALL in UNBELIEF, THAT he might have mercy on ALL"

Universalism 101
Basic Gospel

Nope. John 1:12 dispels the idea of universalism. Salvation is not given to everybody. G-d is still Holy and righteous He will not allow sin into His presence. ONLY those who are born again in Christ go to Heaven.

Nope. John 1:12 dispels the idea of universalism. Salvation is not given to everybody. G-d is still Holy and righteous He (they) will not allow sin into His (their) presence. ONLY those who are born again in Christ go to Heaven.
that's as far as it goes - there is no christ. triumph over sin and you'll do just fine.

There is a Christ and without Him you can't triumph over sin.

There is a Christ and without Him you can't triumph over sin.
- and for those made to perish what was for them any different than the present.
you're quote makes no sense, especially for a christian.

sorry, I'll stay with the prescribed religion of antiquity - to acquire judgement for admission to the Everlasting.

You don't know your Bible.

Ok. What is it that you know about the bible that I don't?
I know there is not one provable fact in it. I know virgin births etc don't exist.
Tell me exactly how you have a unique insight that no one else has because I say you have nothing of the sort.

Millions of people know what I know. Billions don't. Jesus invites everyone in the human race to him, few accept it.
How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a human archetype. Thats it. simple.

Your question, as usual, is stupid.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus was a froward Jewish man who fulfilled Moses's prophecy for "one of their own race" chosen and sent by God to explain all the divine commands as described in Deuteronomy 18:18

"He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts"

This shows that Jesus was living in Roman towns beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, presumably doing what Romans

Jesus is the Son of God sent to the World to provide salvation to those who would believe.

Yet, Romans 11:32 states, "God has concluded them ALL in UNBELIEF, THAT he might have mercy on ALL"

Universalism 101
Basic Gospel

Nope. John 1:12 dispels the idea of universalism. Salvation is not given to everybody. G-d is still Holy and righteous He will not allow sin into His presence. ONLY those who are born again in Christ go to Heaven.

Nope. John 1:12 dispels the idea of universalism. Salvation is not given to everybody. G-d is still Holy and righteous He (they) will not allow sin into His (their) presence. ONLY those who are born again in Christ go to Heaven.
that's as far as it goes - there is no christ. triumph over sin and you'll do just fine.

There is a Christ and without Him you can't triumph over sin.

Christ is a title or label to Jews.

Jesus was never anointed to the position of Christ.

Your other statement is a lie. You have no way of knowing this.

How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


I don't want this to come as a shock but there is no God and never has been. For 2000 years we've been waiting and he has done nothing to reveal himself. I'm surprised you still believe that rubbish.

I do not.

I just point out weird consequences to scriptures and bad moth those who venerate the genocidal gods like Yahweh and Jesus.


Ahhhh, so it is YOU who does the bd mouthing, got it. Jesus is God and Lord and Savior of the Believers.

" Ahhhh, so it is YOU who does the bad mouthing, got it. Jesus is God and Lord and Savior of the Believers. "

Enjoy your bondage.

You stupidly and callously call Jesus Lord, when scriptures have him saying he came to serve, not to be served.

I am not surprised that you do the opposite to what Jesus wants.

And yes, moral people will bad mouth satanic genocidal gods and their vile religions.

God has never revealed himself to anyone on this earth.

A supernatural one; no argument.

One could argue that gods and other ideals can only exist in our minds.

In that sense god reveals him or herself to every one of us.

All that happens in the bible we are to take as happening within us.

See the first half of this link.

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

John 14:23 Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him.

Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.

Allan Watts explain those quotes in detail.

How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a human archetype. Thats it. simple.

Your question, as usual, is stupid.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus was a froward Jewish man who fulfilled Moses's prophecy for "one of their own race" chosen and sent by God to explain all the divine commands as described in Deuteronomy 18:18

"He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts"

This shows that Jesus was living in Roman towns beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, presumably doing what Romans

Jesus is the Son of God sent to the World to provide salvation to those who would believe.

Yet, Romans 11:32 states, "God has concluded them ALL in UNBELIEF, THAT he might have mercy on ALL"

Universalism 101
Basic Gospel

Nope. John 1:12 dispels the idea of universalism. Salvation is not given to everybody. G-d is still Holy and righteous He will not allow sin into His presence. ONLY those who are born again in Christ go to Heaven.

Nope. John 1:12 dispels the idea of universalism. Salvation is not given to everybody. G-d is still Holy and righteous He (they) will not allow sin into His (their) presence. ONLY those who are born again in Christ go to Heaven.
that's as far as it goes - there is no christ. triumph over sin and you'll do just fine.

There is a Christ and without Him you can't triumph over sin.

There is a Christ and without Him you can't triumph over sin.
- and for those made to perish what was for them any different than the present.
you're quote makes no sense, especially for a christian.

sorry, I'll stay with the prescribed religion of antiquity - to acquire judgement for admission to the Everlasting.

You don't know your Bible.

Ok. What is it that you know about the bible that I don't?
I know there is not one provable fact in it. I know virgin births etc don't exist.
Tell me exactly how you have a unique insight that no one else has because I say you have nothing of the sort.

Millions of people know what I know. Billions don't. Jesus invites everyone in the human race to him, few accept it.

How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a human archetype. Thats it. simple.

Your question, as usual, is stupid.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus was a froward Jewish man who fulfilled Moses's prophecy for "one of their own race" chosen and sent by God to explain all the divine commands as described in Deuteronomy 18:18

"He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts"

This shows that Jesus was living in Roman towns beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, presumably doing what Romans

Jesus is the Son of God sent to the World to provide salvation to those who would believe.

Yet, Romans 11:32 states, "God has concluded them ALL in UNBELIEF, THAT he might have mercy on ALL"

Universalism 101
Basic Gospel

Nope. John 1:12 dispels the idea of universalism. Salvation is not given to everybody. G-d is still Holy and righteous He will not allow sin into His presence. ONLY those who are born again in Christ go to Heaven.

Nope. John 1:12 dispels the idea of universalism. Salvation is not given to everybody. G-d is still Holy and righteous He (they) will not allow sin into His (their) presence. ONLY those who are born again in Christ go to Heaven.
that's as far as it goes - there is no christ. triumph over sin and you'll do just fine.

There is a Christ and without Him you can't triumph over sin.

There is a Christ and without Him you can't triumph over sin.
- and for those made to perish what was for them any different than the present.
you're quote makes no sense, especially for a christian.

sorry, I'll stay with the prescribed religion of antiquity - to acquire judgement for admission to the Everlasting.

You don't know your Bible.

Ok. What is it that you know about the bible that I don't?
I know there is not one provable fact in it. I know virgin births etc don't exist.
Tell me exactly how you have a unique insight that no one else has because I say you have nothing of the sort.

Millions of people know what I know. Billions don't. Jesus invites everyone in the human race to him, few accept it.

If fact you know nothing about God because God has never existed other than your delusional mind.
The bible was written by uneducated charlatans grasping an opportunity to con people like you..
How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a human archetype. Thats it. simple.

Your question, as usual, is stupid.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus was a froward Jewish man who fulfilled Moses's prophecy for "one of their own race" chosen and sent by God to explain all the divine commands as described in Deuteronomy 18:18

"He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts"

This shows that Jesus was living in Roman towns beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, presumably doing what Romans

Jesus is the Son of God sent to the World to provide salvation to those who would believe.

Yet, Romans 11:32 states, "God has concluded them ALL in UNBELIEF, THAT he might have mercy on ALL"

Universalism 101
Basic Gospel

There are more quotes that indicates that god wills to save us all, and god is always supposed to be able to do and get what he wills.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


I don't want this to come as a shock but there is no God and never has been. For 2000 years we've been waiting and he has done nothing to reveal himself. I'm surprised you still believe that rubbish.

And did not Christ Himself state that no man shall know the day nor the hour, not even the Son but the Father only? We are living in a time where Christ will return. And God has already revealed Himself through His people and His written Word.

God has never revealed himself to anyone on this earth. God and every other man made religious diety do not exist and never did. How arrogant to speak of a unique revelation known only to you and other delusional believers and I don't know. The revelations is pure bible passages. Threatening people by suggesting the end is near because of my recalcitrance and I will face judgement by a ghost, is laughable. It's ridiculous quotes from mature humans like that which are the best advertisement for atheism I could wish for.

The Bible says differently son.

Yes, and the fools who read it literally cannot even thow the talking serpents that are supposed to still be flying around.

Son, my best advice to you is to suspect a supernatural, if you must, but do not be stupid enough to believe it is real.

Put away the things of children, son.

Nothing quite so good for a soul, as a Christian leading him to honor a genocidal god.

All of Hitler's S S agree with you.
what you choose to believe or not believe about God is of no interest to me

It is to the women or gays in your family line that Christian teachings will effect in a negative way.

Most Christians do not even care enough about their own.

Your genocidal god would not be pleased.

You are responsible for you.

As we should all be. Right?

That being the case, why is it Christian policy to abdicate their responsibility for their sins and put them onto Jesus?

Quite an injustice that Christians do not take responsibility for doing.

How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a human archetype. Thats it. simple.

Your question, as usual, is stupid.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus was a froward Jewish man who fulfilled Moses's prophecy for "one of their own race" chosen and sent by God to explain all the divine commands as described in Deuteronomy 18:18

"He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts"

This shows that Jesus was living in Roman towns beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, presumably doing what Romans

Jesus is the Son of God sent to the World to provide salvation to those who would believe.

Yet, Romans 11:32 states, "God has concluded them ALL in UNBELIEF, THAT he might have mercy on ALL"

Universalism 101
Basic Gospel

There are more quotes that indicates that god wills to save us all, and god is always supposed to be able to do and get what he wills.

2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

1 Timothy 2:4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


I don't want this to come as a shock but there is no God and never has been. For 2000 years we've been waiting and he has done nothing to reveal himself. I'm surprised you still believe that rubbish.

And did not Christ Himself state that no man shall know the day nor the hour, not even the Son but the Father only? We are living in a time where Christ will return. And God has already revealed Himself through His people and His written Word.

God has never revealed himself to anyone on this earth. God and every other man made religious diety do not exist and never did. How arrogant to speak of a unique revelation known only to you and other delusional believers and I don't know. The revelations is pure bible passages. Threatening people by suggesting the end is near because of my recalcitrance and I will face judgement by a ghost, is laughable. It's ridiculous quotes from mature humans like that which are the best advertisement for atheism I could wish for.

The Bible says differently son.

It doesn't matter what your bible says. There is no evidence that God exists and you can lean on that until the sun rises in the West and it will not prove anything.
The only thing provable and correct in the bible is the page numbers.

If believers had proof they would produce it in a heartbeat if only to silence critics. But alas, your ghost has failed you again.

The sad part is godbotherers want me to believe in immaculate conception and virgin births, talking snakes and resurrection. There's very little evidence Jesus ever existed and was NOT the son of a god. Virgin birth? Sorry son. Mary had 6 children and your God was number three.
Mary Magdalene is portrayed as some kind benevolent hand maiden to your Jesus but in fact he was his bit on the side by all reports. She didn't have any immaculate conceptions although it is suggested she did have children.

Get your dial out of the bible and get some facts.

the fool in his heart says "there is no God". You have no clue who you're messing with.

That first is correct but the last applies to you more than our friend.

To add to your fools saying, let me give you swines a pearl.

The fool may say in his heart, there is no god, --- IDK, I am not a fool, --- but the wise man says it out loud.

That truth trumps your assumption, unless of course you admit to being a fool.

to the women or gays in your family line that Christian teachings will effect in a negative way.

Most Christians do not eve
Your concern for Christians is misplaced

they have God and will be just fine in life and death

sorry that i have run out of patience with heathens and cannot return the favor
to the women or gays in your family line that Christian teachings will effect in a negative way.

Most Christians do not eve
Your concern for Christians is misplaced

they have God and will be just fine in life and death

sorry that i have run out of patience with heathens and cannot return the favor

As if people are waiting on your every word to help them. The arrogance of you godbotherers is breathtaking.
Save your "regards" DL.
The question you might want to ask (yourself) is why it's such an obsession for you to drive others away from any kind of faith in a Creator. I understand you reject the reality of a Creator and of course that is your right to choose. No harm, no foul. But WHY is it so important to advocate for others to believe as you do? Can you not see the irony of being every bit as much an "evangelist" as those you casually mock as being less intelligent than yourself?
They say that the fear (respect) of God is the beginning of wisdom. In your case, I'd suggest starting with simple self-awareness.
Toodle-pip. ;)

Why shouldn't people tell others how they feel?

Religious people have their symbols? Why is it so important for them to show these? To tell people what they believe?

It's the same thing.

No one has to read this thread, or any other. If you want to be ignorant and believe in your God or gods, then fine. If you want to discover something, see things differently, interact with others then they can.
How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a human archetype. Thats it. simple.

Your question, as usual, is stupid.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus was a froward Jewish man who fulfilled Moses's prophecy for "one of their own race" chosen and sent by God to explain all the divine commands as described in Deuteronomy 18:18

"He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts"

This shows that Jesus was living in Roman towns beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, presumably doing what Romans do.

Jesus is the Son of God sent to the World to provide salvation to those who would believe.

And what does "believe" mean?
people are waiting on your every word to help them. The arrogance of you godbotherers is breathtaking.
You are thirsty for the attention you used to get from Christians trying to save your soul

every word you write is dripping with loneliness

but its too late for you now

I simply no longer care what happens to to your soul
people are waiting on your every word to help them. The arrogance of you godbotherers is breathtaking.
You are thirsty for the attention you used to get from Christians trying to save your soul

every word you write is dripping with loneliness

but its too late for you now

I simply no longer care what happens to to your soul
I never asked for you to care or save me. You arrogantly forced your hideous beliefs on atheists like some crusade from your silly God, then suddenly dismiss me after failing to convince me. So generous. So considerate.
How could I be lonely? What makes you think believers have access to happiness any more than me? Where does this exclusive accusations that atheists are lonely? It's a silly rebuttal invented by you charlatans attempting to say you're happy.

Atheists don't watch over their shoulders continuously, ensuring that advertise their religion to all who would watch. Carrying prayer books attempting to make atheists guilty. Insanely believing they have unique access to God who told them to do his work. What a load of bollocks. You have no evidence of any God and never will have.
No one has ever interacted with any God. Not one word in the bible is irrefutably facts. Immaculate conception and virgin births? Don't make me vomit. How ridiculous.
If you follow religion forever, it is you who should be pitied more than despised.
The only sad part is you will never know if it has been worthwhile. You'll be dead.
How much of the universe will god suffer losing to Satan?

Religions posit that in the beginning, there was only a good god. Yin without Yang.

Religions also posit that god created a hell for his loses, in terms of souls.

God calls many but few hear his call, as many wise men have noted. Not that the wise believe in the supernatural. We do not.

Imagine if you will, that the Yahweh Jesus twins had to report for a report card from a better god. Yahweh the horrible, would have to admit to genocide and infanticide and accepting bribes to change his justice. Jesus, although more likable, will also have to admit to that same crime.

The count is on, as you can see, and the twins are losing big time. All a part of god’s plan, I guess.

Gnostic Jesus saves all. He has a universalist policy that is tied to the righteousness of god.

The Christian Jesus is the same as his genocidal father. He has to whine that he could only save a few.

He said he came to cure, but scriptures have him also killing instead of curing.

Just like his vile father. A shame that, as some like Jesus, although most do not like him enough to live as he did.

Satan is though to have lost round one in heaven, but I see Yahweh as the loser as he lost a third of the host.

Round two is all Satan’s, as shown by the religious who mostly follow fascist thinking.

God is said to have the Gold Medal for all things, but he is sure a loser when it comes to making good souls.

I am pleased that the Gnostic God makes all souls good. He is not the loser Yahweh is.

Do you hope Jesus wins Armageddon, given that he and his twin Yahweh are such immoral gods?


Satan, the talking serpent, is a metaphor for a human archetype. Thats it. simple.

Your question, as usual, is stupid.

Who is Jesus?

Jesus was a froward Jewish man who fulfilled Moses's prophecy for "one of their own race" chosen and sent by God to explain all the divine commands as described in Deuteronomy 18:18

"He lived in the wilderness among the wild beasts"

This shows that Jesus was living in Roman towns beyond the jurisdiction of Jewish law, the wilderness, presumably doing what Romans do.

Jesus is the Son of God sent to the World to provide salvation to those who would believe.

And what does "believe" mean?

Look it up in the dictionary.
Revelation speaks of unremitting torment in the Lake of Fire for those who refuse to believe.

To the believer in the ridiculous, the delusional, reality is an unremitting torment and consuming fire that will never go out.
The fact that the Christians run from a logical part of their illogical religion confuses them and scares them into reality.

The problem is that many are toilet trained into thinking that any rational thought, question, or doubt about the garbage they are force fed since birth is a demonic attack and assault from Satan himself in the form of a disembodied entity that whispers into peoples heads.

This in effect turns the believers mind against itself until the ability to be rational is murdered rendering the person completely defenseless, bewildered, and dependant on the only real devils in existence, the one's who poison their mind daily, weekly, and every other high holiday.
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