How much of your success was because of Government? ....

Correct. Government is incapable of producing anything. They must rely on outside sources. Name something the government invented for the good/the benefit of the masses ?

The government is fully capable of producing products. However, they are prohibited by law from openly competing with private industry

Things the government invented

The Internet
Jet Aircraft
Medical advances

No way Solyndra could have survived without the government... :thup:

No, neither could Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Haliburton, Lockheed and thousands of other companies
Zero. Government punishes success and impedes it.

grow up

Hey, I found you online...
Zero. Government punishes success and impedes it.

really? you never went to school? rode on a bus? a train? a road? drank clean water because of government regulations preventing pollution?

how old are you again? 10?
It looks like the President is now using the same rhetoric that the fully clothed Marxist Elizabeth Warren is using, "no one made it on their own, including Steve Jobs". I'm just curious to know on a percentage basis, how much did Government have to do with your success?

I'll be generous and say maybe 15% for me, what say you?

About 30%. Naval Aviation Technical schools gave me the training for my career. My military retirement check funds my retirement investments and I use low premium government subsidized health insurance.
Did the governmet provide all those things out of the kindness of their hearts...
-Well no. It's called the Social Contract.

...or were these things paid for by tax payers working in the private sector?
-It seems to me it isn't a question of the government being "them" and you and me being "us." Some believe that when it get's right down to it, the government is an expression of our (your's and mine) collective priorities:
-Economic Opportunity;

I think I am starting to figure out where you are coming from; at least we are in partial agreement :)
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How about enforcement of contracts?

How many of you would have a pot to piss in if somebody wasn't enforcing contracts?
It looks like the President is now using the same rhetoric that the fully clothed Marxist Elizabeth Warren is using, "no one made it on their own, including Steve Jobs". I'm just curious to know on a percentage basis, how much did Government have to do with your success?

I'll be generous and say maybe 15% for me, what say you?

Marxist? wow! It's not rhetoric the internet was a government project sponsored by Al Gore as well as other computer research paid for by taxpayers. Government doesn't get all the credit but....
Has anyone on the right thought through how cutting federal spending would truly effect the economy? What impact on economic activity would result after the federal government stops spending on not only the entitlement programs, but all the other ancillary spending?

It's been established that the right does not consider the true impact on those receiving entitlement spending. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, WIC, and HUD spending would severely impact those depending on such services. But at the very least, the Righties would stop having all those tax dollars confiscated from them unwillingly. That should make them so satisfied. Don't consider the poverty left in their wake, only the notion that they might save $.65 of every tax dollar unjustly confiscated by an uncaring and benevolent federal government.

Maybe, they can use that $.65 to off set the jump in gasoline prices oil companies charge during the peak summer driving season!

The economies of Afghanistan and of Iraq would loose a HUGE revenue stream!
gvt, created our military, our police, our firemen, our roads and highways and train tracks....well, many of them, and our electric grid with huge subsidies, even building gas stations across our country was subsidized and our phone lines, our schools, our universities our libraries, the library of congress for goodness sake, our sewer systems, water resources !

you are completely viewing this through tunnel vision driveby, if you think our country's government contributed only 15% to your success....a tad self centered too, imho! :eek:
gvt, created our military, our police, our firemen, our roads and highways and train tracks....well, many of them, and our electric grid with huge subsidies, even building gas stations across our country was subsidized and our phone lines, our schools, our universities our libraries, the library of congress for goodness sake!

you are completely viewing this through tunnel vision driveby, if you think our country's government contributed only 15% to your success....a tad self centered too, imho! :eek:

most of the success is due to being pushed out of the womb on or above US territory.
How about enforcement of contracts?

How many of you would have a pot to piss in if somebody wasn't enforcing contracts?

I was going to say patents and trademarks... Same concept.

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