How Obama Compares - Historic Presidential Approval Ratings


passed by dems only in the middle of the night on Christmas eve
no floor discussion allowed in either house
passed by reconciliation in the senate, first time ever for such legislation
no amendments were allowed to be presented or voted on'
written by dem staffers in a sealed room
not a single person had read it before it became law

if you think that our govt should operate like that, then you would be very happy living in north korea.

The topic of the OP is not the ACA. Problems concentrating, what?

wytchey brought up ACA, not me. Lodge your complaint with her.

No, I did not. Someone else posted it as an example of what he will be remembered for. You seized on that as an opportunity to attack with Fox falsehoods which were rebutted with actual facts and figures.

The Real Numbers On 'The Obamacare Effect' Are In-Now Let The Crow Eating Begin

You cite an opinion piece by Rick Unger, a dem/lib hack and claim it as truth?? you are as dumb, or disengenuous, as I suspected

I also provided you numbers from Kaiser Health. You probably ignored all the links Mr Unger provided in the "opinion piece" didn't you?

You, on the other hand, still have offered nothing but your opinion. The ACA is not perfect. It needs a lot of work and a Congress willing to work on it, but to say it is failing is a blatant falsehood.

there are as many uninsured today as there were before ACA. it accomplished nothing except to change the demographic mix of the uninsured, and I suspect that was the real goal----------punish the people who were paying the bills---------typical libtardianism.

passed by dems only in the middle of the night on Christmas eve
no floor discussion allowed in either house
passed by reconciliation in the senate, first time ever for such legislation
no amendments were allowed to be presented or voted on'
written by dem staffers in a sealed room
not a single person had read it before it became law

if you think that our govt should operate like that, then you would be very happy living in north korea.

The topic of the OP is not the ACA. Problems concentrating, what?

wytchey brought up ACA, not me. Lodge your complaint with her.

No, I did not. Someone else posted it as an example of what he will be remembered for. You seized on that as an opportunity to attack with Fox falsehoods which were rebutted with actual facts and figures.

The Real Numbers On 'The Obamacare Effect' Are In-Now Let The Crow Eating Begin

You cite an opinion piece by Rick Unger, a dem/lib hack and claim it as truth?? you are as dumb, or disengenuous, as I suspected

I also provided you numbers from Kaiser Health. You probably ignored all the links Mr Unger provided in the "opinion piece" didn't you?

You, on the other hand, still have offered nothing but your opinion. The ACA is not perfect. It needs a lot of work and a Congress willing to work on it, but to say it is failing is a blatant falsehood.

If your premium and deductibles doubled---------it failed

if you are getting free insurance--------it worked

if you lose a policy you liked------------it falied

if govt subsidy pays most of your premium -------------it worked

depends on whether you are a taker or a payer, doesn't it?

In the long run that is going to help his standings historically.His accomplishments with healthcare are significant and his ability to lead in spite of obstruction will survive the test of time IMO.

you and wytch need to get a room. only if you are a woman since she doesn't do men.

obama will go down in history as the worst president ever. media manipulation of approval ratings means nothing.
his signature piece of legislation, ACA, is the worst piece of legislation in our history, a complete disaster that is destroying the best medical system in the world.

but continue worshiping the kenyan messiah, maybe he will send you some free cheese.

Nothing in your posting, not a single word, is even remotely cogent to the data in the OP. Not even close. Sure you are welcome to your opinion, which you make sure that the whole world hears all the time, but your opinion is not based in fact or approval ratings, to be sure.


passed by dems only in the middle of the night on Christmas eve
no floor discussion allowed in either house
passed by reconciliation in the senate, first time ever for such legislation
no amendments were allowed to be presented or voted on'
written by dem staffers in a sealed room
not a single person had read it before it became law

if you think that our govt should operate like that, then you would be very happy living in north korea.
Obamacare was passed in March after months of debate

the cloture bill was passed on Christmas eve using reconciliation procedures. Reid changed the rules and you fricken well know it.

There was NO floor debate in either house on the ACA bill. none, zero, zilch. Reid and Pelosi blocked all debate and woud not allow any amendments. This mess belongs to the dems and obama 100%. and its bringing them all down. its really fun to watch.

Obamacare was debated to death for nine months
It passed with an overwhelming percent of the vote
as obama, his ratings go down every week.

They Do?

Obamas ratings have stayed within a ten percent range for the last six years
you and wytch need to get a room. only if you are a woman since she doesn't do men.

obama will go down in history as the worst president ever. media manipulation of approval ratings means nothing.
his signature piece of legislation, ACA, is the worst piece of legislation in our history, a complete disaster that is destroying the best medical system in the world.

but continue worshiping the kenyan messiah, maybe he will send you some free cheese.

Nothing in your posting, not a single word, is even remotely cogent to the data in the OP. Not even close. Sure you are welcome to your opinion, which you make sure that the whole world hears all the time, but your opinion is not based in fact or approval ratings, to be sure.


passed by dems only in the middle of the night on Christmas eve
no floor discussion allowed in either house
passed by reconciliation in the senate, first time ever for such legislation
no amendments were allowed to be presented or voted on'
written by dem staffers in a sealed room
not a single person had read it before it became law

if you think that our govt should operate like that, then you would be very happy living in north korea.
Obamacare was passed in March after months of debate

the cloture bill was passed on Christmas eve using reconciliation procedures. Reid changed the rules and you fricken well know it.

There was NO floor debate in either house on the ACA bill. none, zero, zilch. Reid and Pelosi blocked all debate and woud not allow any amendments. This mess belongs to the dems and obama 100%. and its bringing them all down. its really fun to watch.

Obamacare was debated to death for nine months
It passed with an overwhelming percent of the vote

that is a lie. there was no floor debate on the ACA bill in either house. Reid and Pelosi blocked all discussion of the bill prior to the vote, which was passed by dems only in both houses. There was one republican in the house who voted for it. he was from the district that includes the 9th ward in New Orleans and he lost his next election by a wide margin.

There was no open debate of the ACA bill------------stop lying.
as obama, his ratings go down every week.

They Do?

Obamas ratings have stayed within a ten percent range for the last six years

so 600 or so out of 1200 in the poll out of 330,000,000 million in the US approve of the job he is doing-------------------------------Wow, strike up the band.

polls of such a small sample prove nothing. Its a statistical joke.

Statistical sampling theory and Republicans

Mutually exclusive concepts
The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.


"New things are better than old things. I want all new things."

- "Brave New World"

Correct me if I"m wrong, but over the course of every President's term(s) in office, towards the end everyone's over the guy and looking fowards to the new guy.

Clinton's high approval ratings came after he was acquitted and towards the end of presidency.


And approval ratings go up for all of them when they leave office...even Nixon.

Nixon's ratings went up because people realized that he cared more about the country than his personal legacy. He did the honorable thing, unlike clinton.

Using the word "honorable" in the same sentence with Richard Nixon is hysterical.
The "liberal media" loves to seize on stories of a falling Obama approval rating (and completely ignore it when his approval goes up) but with only two years left in his 2nd term, President Obama is on his way to have one of the highest lows...3rd behind Kennedy and Eisenhower.

Obama get the most favorable media coverage of any president in American history, plus the "first black president" thing. People are afraid to criticize at risk of being labeled a racist by the lame stream media. His highs are lower than any other president on the list, but as far as the low goes? Obama is always going to have his core brainwashed leftist support


The Fox entertainment/phony news network lies about him every single day. So do Rush, Breitbart, Drudge, Beck, Jones and the rest of the RW hacks.
The mainstream media loves Obama they are the ones who should have been investigating all the scandals like the IRS scandal, certainly not the worst attorney general in American history Eric Holder, but they all but ignored them

"The mainstream media loves Obama they are the ones who should have been investigating all the scandals ..."

Wrong again.

It is not the job of media to investigate anything at all.

Where do you fools get this nonsense?


It's not?They sure as hell brought down Nixon who is nowhere near as corrupt as the current occupant of the White House ....Not for much longer thank G-d:eusa_pray:
Fascinating comparison.

What was interesting to note is that both Bush's have the greatest range swings, 60 and 64 percent. Carter comes next with a mere 47 and Nixon with 44. At this stage Obama has the smallest range swing of just 23 percent.

:lol: drama, Obama. Steady, even keel.

OMG, just when I didn't think you could be more stupid. better stick to the gay threads where you at least have some personal knowledge.
What is your need to make personal insults? Do you think that is an effective debate tactic? Do you think it makes you look clever or superior? It doesn't. I reflects badly on you, not the person you are insulting. It just makes you look like a total jerk with nothing to add to the discussion, nothing intelligent to say, no rebuttal to the OP's thesis, etc. You are really acting like a loser.

I am clever and superior, sorry if that makes you angry. I destroy you libs on every topic by posting truth, logic, and common sense.

the losers are you libs and your false messiah obama the magnificent kenyan.

I've found that when people feel that they have to inform others that they are clever and supior...neither is the truth. You've posted nothing but your opinion on the facts provided to you and very little to do with the topic.

If he remains on the current trajectory, President Obama is on track to have one of the highest low approval ratings of a modern President. The fact that annoys the hell out of you is just icing on the cake.

And the lowest high approval rating:thup:

passed by dems only in the middle of the night on Christmas eve
no floor discussion allowed in either house
passed by reconciliation in the senate, first time ever for such legislation
no amendments were allowed to be presented or voted on'
written by dem staffers in a sealed room
not a single person had read it before it became law

if you think that our govt should operate like that, then you would be very happy living in north korea.

The topic of the OP is not the ACA. Problems concentrating, what?

wytchey brought up ACA, not me. Lodge your complaint with her.

No, I did not. Someone else posted it as an example of what he will be remembered for. You seized on that as an opportunity to attack with Fox falsehoods which were rebutted with actual facts and figures.

The Real Numbers On 'The Obamacare Effect' Are In-Now Let The Crow Eating Begin

You cite an opinion piece by Rick Unger, a dem/lib hack and claim it as truth?? you are as dumb, or disengenuous, as I suspected

I also provided you numbers from Kaiser Health. You probably ignored all the links Mr Unger provided in the "opinion piece" didn't you?

You, on the other hand, still have offered nothing but your opinion. The ACA is not perfect. It needs a lot of work and a Congress willing to work on it, but to say it is failing is a blatant falsehood.

Only you liberals think corny deals and payoffs are a good thing. Obamacare is a failure and hasn't even been fully implemented yet. We could have simply brought insurance for everyone who didn't have insurance and saved 100s of millions of dollars...what is it with you liberals and your love of government bureaucracies? Really you people are screwy :uhoh3:
as obama, his ratings go down every week.

They Do?

Obamas ratings have stayed within a ten percent range for the last six years

so 600 or so out of 1200 in the poll out of 330,000,000 million in the US approve of the job he is doing-------------------------------Wow, strike up the band.

polls of such a small sample prove nothing. Its a statistical joke.

Statistical sampling theory and Republicans

Mutually exclusive concepts

statistical sampling requires a sample of at least 5% of the population to have any statistical validity.

I understand that the pollsters have convinced math midgets like you that they can create a 1000 person sample that matches all of the variations of a 330,000,000 population. Its bullshit math.

you have a better chance of winning the lottery or getting eaten by a horned toad.
Wow! Bush41 lost all those points in less than 18 months. And that is why politicians don't say "Read my lips" anymore..
The topic of the OP is not the ACA. Problems concentrating, what?

wytchey brought up ACA, not me. Lodge your complaint with her.

No, I did not. Someone else posted it as an example of what he will be remembered for. You seized on that as an opportunity to attack with Fox falsehoods which were rebutted with actual facts and figures.

The Real Numbers On 'The Obamacare Effect' Are In-Now Let The Crow Eating Begin

You cite an opinion piece by Rick Unger, a dem/lib hack and claim it as truth?? you are as dumb, or disengenuous, as I suspected

I also provided you numbers from Kaiser Health. You probably ignored all the links Mr Unger provided in the "opinion piece" didn't you?

You, on the other hand, still have offered nothing but your opinion. The ACA is not perfect. It needs a lot of work and a Congress willing to work on it, but to say it is failing is a blatant falsehood.

Only you liberals think corny deals and payoffs are a good thing. Obamacare is a failure and hasn't even been fully implemented yet. We could have simply brought insurance for everyone who didn't have insurance and saved 100s of millions of dollars...what is it with you liberals and your love of government bureaucracies? Really you people are screwy :uhoh3:
Republican turd polishers like you think Estupido 43 was a genius....
obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.

You really think that George W Bush is going to relinquish that position? You're delusional.

actually Obozo has made peanut head carter look like a great president. Carter is very happy that obozo has taken the all time title of worst president away from him.

Bush isn't even in the same class as obama when it comes to terrible presidents. Sure, Bush did some dumb things, but he did it out of ignorance, not in an attempt to destroy the US as Obama has done.

History will record that Obama was the first president who did not agree with the constitution and whose goal was to bring the USA down and punish it for its previous successes. Obama is the first president who claimed that the US succeeded at the expense of the rest of the world.

Worst president is not a good description---------------Traitor is much more accurate.
obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.

You really think that George W Bush is going to relinquish that position? You're delusional.

actually Obozo has made peanut head carter look like a great president. Carter is very happy that obozo has taken the all time title of worst president away from him.

Bush isn't even in the same class as obama when it comes to terrible presidents. Sure, Bush did some dumb things, but he did it out of ignorance, not in an attempt to destroy the US as Obama has done.

History will record that Obama was the first president who did not agree with the constitution and whose goal was to bring the USA down and punish it for its previous successes. Obama is the first president who claimed that the US succeeded at the expense of the rest of the world.

Worst president is not a good description---------------Traitor is much more accurate.
wytchey brought up ACA, not me. Lodge your complaint with her.

No, I did not. Someone else posted it as an example of what he will be remembered for. You seized on that as an opportunity to attack with Fox falsehoods which were rebutted with actual facts and figures.

The Real Numbers On 'The Obamacare Effect' Are In-Now Let The Crow Eating Begin

You cite an opinion piece by Rick Unger, a dem/lib hack and claim it as truth?? you are as dumb, or disengenuous, as I suspected

I also provided you numbers from Kaiser Health. You probably ignored all the links Mr Unger provided in the "opinion piece" didn't you?

You, on the other hand, still have offered nothing but your opinion. The ACA is not perfect. It needs a lot of work and a Congress willing to work on it, but to say it is failing is a blatant falsehood.

Only you liberals think corny deals and payoffs are a good thing. Obamacare is a failure and hasn't even been fully implemented yet. We could have simply brought insurance for everyone who didn't have insurance and saved 100s of millions of dollars...what is it with you liberals and your love of government bureaucracies? Really you people are screwy :uhoh3:
Republican turd polishers like you think Estupido 43 was a genius....

Obama shit eaters think obama is the kenyan messiah who came to the USA from Indonesia to rescue it from the evil capitalists.
obama will go down in history as the worst president ever.

You really think that George W Bush is going to relinquish that position? You're delusional.

actually Obozo has made peanut head carter look like a great president. Carter is very happy that obozo has taken the all time title of worst president away from him.

Bush isn't even in the same class as obama when it comes to terrible presidents. Sure, Bush did some dumb things, but he did it out of ignorance, not in an attempt to destroy the US as Obama has done.

History will record that Obama was the first president who did not agree with the constitution and whose goal was to bring the USA down and punish it for its previous successes. Obama is the first president who claimed that the US succeeded at the expense of the rest of the world.

Worst president is not a good description---------------Traitor is much more accurate.

the truth puts you to sleep? not surprising, that defective liberal gene does some strange things.

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