How Old Is The Earth?

I've never heard of any Christians claiming the Earth is only 6000 years old. Just because a few kooky Christians interpreted it that way doesn't mean most do. I certainly don't.

It's usually just rabid liberals running around proclaiming that all Christians believe this.

As for evolution and Darwin, they can't even explain how life sprung out of an inorganic universe.
I have seen it on TV, heard in Church, have people testify to me personally that they believe in a 6000 year earth. No, it is far more than "a few kooky Christians" talking stupidly as you just did above.
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These calculations result in an age for the Earth and meteorites, and hence the Solar System, of 4.54 billion years with an uncertainty of less than 1 percent.

Geologic Time: Age of the Earth

In your opinion, if this is/were true, does it necessarily "disprove" the existence of God, the Bible or merely the interpretation of the Bible and/or interpretation of what many Christians view as God?

I'm not debating the existence of God. That is a very different issue. It is strictly an issue of science disagreeing with the book of Genesis.

Genesis says God created earth in 7 days. It doesn't give an exact date.
These calculations result in an age for the Earth and meteorites, and hence the Solar System, of 4.54 billion years with an uncertainty of less than 1 percent.

Geologic Time: Age of the Earth

In your opinion, if this is/were true, does it necessarily "disprove" the existence of God, the Bible or merely the interpretation of the Bible and/or interpretation of what many Christians view as God?

I'm not debating the existence of God. That is a very different issue. It is strictly an issue of science disagreeing with the book of Genesis.

Genesis says God created earth in 7 days. It doesn't give an exact date.
Genesis says? No a book says .. a book written by old superstitious tribal people who would be amazed at teh science of the 19th century, forget about the 21st century
I've never heard of any Christians claiming the Earth is only 6000 years old. Just because a few kooky Christians interpreted it that way doesn't mean most do. I certainly don't.

It's usually just rabid liberals running around proclaiming that all Christians believe this.

As for evolution and Darwin, they can't even explain how life sprung out of an inorganic universe.
I have seen it on TV, heard in Church, have people testify to me personally that they believe in a 6000 year earth. No, it is far more than "a few kooky Christians" talking stupidly as you just did above.

Sure you have Fakey....sure you have...
I've never heard of any Christians claiming the Earth is only 6000 years old. Just because a few kooky Christians interpreted it that way doesn't mean most do. I certainly don't.

It's usually just rabid liberals running around proclaiming that all Christians believe this.

As for evolution and Darwin, they can't even explain how life sprung out of an inorganic universe.
I have seen it on TV, heard in Church, have people testify to me personally that they believe in a 6000 year earth. No, it is far more than "a few kooky Christians" talking stupidly as you just did above.

Sure you have Fakey....sure you have...

:lol: You talked stupidly and got caught. You know many people and congregations believe that kookiness.
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What percentage of people believe in creationism?

God created human beings in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years.

Around 44% have consistently endorsed that last option, a consistent 37% take the middle option (which could cover beliefs in intelligent design, various forms of old-earth creationisms, or theistic evolution), and about 12% back a nontheistic evolutionary account. This breakdown has been remarkably consistent over the decades.

Just How Many Young-Earth Creationists Are There in the U.S.? | NCSE
People use and abuse True Christianity for that is sad and damaging
Who gets to say what is and what isn't True Christianity?

I don't know, but I would think if you read what Christianity is about in the Bible, you would know.
If people do what is contradictory to what Jesus did and said, I would maybe not say there were not Christian, but, perhaps, not acting in a Christian way or manner.....
These calculations result in an age for the Earth and meteorites, and hence the Solar System, of 4.54 billion years with an uncertainty of less than 1 percent.

Geologic Time: Age of the Earth

In your opinion, if this is/were true, does it necessarily "disprove" the existence of God, the Bible or merely the interpretation of the Bible and/or interpretation of what many Christians view as God?
The age of the earth is not a salvation issue. Young earth Christians, imo, are simply in error, nothing more. If they condemn other Christians because for believing in a much older earth, then they are both in error and wrong.
Much of Christianity is about condemning others. Christians will and can wrap themselves up in nice parts of their message, but that wrap is no consolation to those constantly condemned

also, Christians should not condemn others... if asked, they may say what they believe is acceptable in God's sight and/or what we should do and/or how we should try to live as Christians.

If you are not a Christian, there is no reason to live for God. That makes no sense. Why would you follow Biblical rules or obey God or Christ if you were not a Christian?

What I THINK many Christians believe is that even if you are NOT a Christian, if you live by Biblical rules/doctrine what have you, thinks will go better in your life regardless, because God's laws are perfect.
are you talking to me? if so I started this thread, why would I want to stop watching it?

it's what the script says when somebody is opting to STOP watching a thread.

it was a joke.

put down THAT book. get outside more often. you might actually learn to live and laugh a little

no I just can be dense at times.... went out to see an epic football game yesterday! Maybe that will engage my brain a bit :)
People use and abuse True Christianity for that is sad and damaging
Who gets to say what is and what isn't True Christianity?

I don't know, but I would think if you read what Christianity is about in the Bible, you would know.
If people do what is contradictory to what Jesus did and said, I would maybe not say there were not Christian, but, perhaps, not acting in a Christian way or manner.....
The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.

The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were Jews
People use and abuse True Christianity for that is sad and damaging
Who gets to say what is and what isn't True Christianity?

I don't know, but I would think if you read what Christianity is about in the Bible, you would know.
If people do what is contradictory to what Jesus did and said, I would maybe not say there were not Christian, but, perhaps, not acting in a Christian way or manner.....
The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.

The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were Jews

The only reason communion exists.
People use and abuse True Christianity for that is sad and damaging
Who gets to say what is and what isn't True Christianity?

I don't know, but I would think if you read what Christianity is about in the Bible, you would know.
If people do what is contradictory to what Jesus did and said, I would maybe not say there were not Christian, but, perhaps, not acting in a Christian way or manner.....
The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.

The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were Jews

Sure it does. Follow the example of Jesus. Jesus told the Apostles to preach to all nations. Not just Jews.
The discussion of Gentiles is rampant. Peter even had a dream which indicated this as well.

In any event, it's very clear how a Christian should be in this world and toward others.....
People use and abuse True Christianity for that is sad and damaging
Who gets to say what is and what isn't True Christianity?

I don't know, but I would think if you read what Christianity is about in the Bible, you would know.
If people do what is contradictory to what Jesus did and said, I would maybe not say there were not Christian, but, perhaps, not acting in a Christian way or manner.....
The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.

The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were Jews

The only reason communion exists.
People use and abuse True Christianity for that is sad and damaging
Who gets to say what is and what isn't True Christianity?

I don't know, but I would think if you read what Christianity is about in the Bible, you would know.
If people do what is contradictory to what Jesus did and said, I would maybe not say there were not Christian, but, perhaps, not acting in a Christian way or manner.....
The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.

The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were Jews

The only reason communion exists.

Pardon my French but that is CATHOLIC BULLSHIT
People use and abuse True Christianity for that is sad and damaging
Who gets to say what is and what isn't True Christianity?

I don't know, but I would think if you read what Christianity is about in the Bible, you would know.
If people do what is contradictory to what Jesus did and said, I would maybe not say there were not Christian, but, perhaps, not acting in a Christian way or manner.....
The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.

The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were Jews

The only reason communion exists.


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Who gets to say what is and what isn't True Christianity?

I don't know, but I would think if you read what Christianity is about in the Bible, you would know.
If people do what is contradictory to what Jesus did and said, I would maybe not say there were not Christian, but, perhaps, not acting in a Christian way or manner.....
The Bible does not tell anyone how to be a good Christian.

The supposed historical Jesus Christ was a Jew, preaching only to Jews and his earliest followers before, during, and after his death were Jews

The only reason communion exists.

Pardon my French but that is CATHOLIC BULLSHIT
Sure it does. Follow the example of Jesus. Jesus told the Apostles to preach to all nations. Not just Jews.
The discussion of Gentiles is rampant. Peter even had a dream which indicated this as well.

In any event, it's very clear how a Christian should be in this world and toward others.....
The history (supposed) of Jesus is he did NOT preach to non Jews. The first followers after the death of Christ were still all Jews. They all went to major Jewish centers throughout the Mediterranean area spreading the Good News of the Jewish Messiah. It is later Paul changes things and the Bible books? The synoptic and canonical gospels all come after Jesus death. They are unreliable as they contradict each other -- but they were the best the Council of Nicea could cobble together for their own intra-political purposes,

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