How Old Is The Earth?

It's not a disagreement. It's pointing out error, and I apologize for me passion in doing so. It is so incredibly ridiculous that people think that wine and wafers literally turns into Jesus' blood and body.
I agree, they should stop at the simply ridiculous, like believing in a talking snake, and an invisible being who hates gays.

God does not hate people that are attracted to the same sex.
But, because acting upon those feelings is unholy, God hates the action, just as he hates when a husband cheats on his wife, or, people having sex outside of marriage. God hates all sin.

God can make anything possible.... his is of unlimited power, knowledge and time.

But no one HAS to believe that. We all have free will
So god made actions that he hates? That doesn't even make any sense. If "God can make anything possible" then he can make sin disappear. Me, I get rid of shit I don't like in my life. :D

But he created us with free will, and we chose to disobey him all the time.
Otherwise we would be robots
So god makes things, then gives us a choice to use them, but if we do we're toast? Seriously, thinking people consider that nonsense. Now for you to choose what kind of person you are. :D

Yes... I know who you are. Bye!
I agree, they should stop at the simply ridiculous, like believing in a talking snake, and an invisible being who hates gays.

God does not hate people that are attracted to the same sex.
But, because acting upon those feelings is unholy, God hates the action, just as he hates when a husband cheats on his wife, or, people having sex outside of marriage. God hates all sin.

God can make anything possible.... his is of unlimited power, knowledge and time.

But no one HAS to believe that. We all have free will
So god made actions that he hates? That doesn't even make any sense. If "God can make anything possible" then he can make sin disappear. Me, I get rid of shit I don't like in my life. :D

But he created us with free will, and we chose to disobey him all the time.
Otherwise we would be robots
So god makes things, then gives us a choice to use them, but if we do we're toast? Seriously, thinking people consider that nonsense. Now for you to choose what kind of person you are. :D

Yes... I know who you are. Bye!
Your concession is duly noted.
You see, Bonzi... back in 1956, a scientist proclaimed the Earth was 4.1 billion years old, so that is an irrefutable FACT now... .we can't question it or doubt it. Only another scientist can do that at some later date. This is how some people assume "science" works.

I was recently watching a documentary about black holes and dark matter, quantum physics and the multiverse theory.... What astonished me was how the various talking heads were framing their comments. They would constantly say, "we now know..." followed by something that is a theory with no evidence whatsoever in observation. Example: "We now know there are multiple universes..." We certainly do not know this. What they do is develop a theory that can't be dismissed and then proclaim the theory is fact that can't be disputed.

Evolution is my all-time favorite. Although it has no explanation for how the first living organism came to be it is supposed to be the rational counter to creationism. There is no evidence of any genus arising through process of evolution. The fossil record doesn't support the transitional species theories of evolution. And the whole of Evolution theory simply doesn't deal with origin.

We have to remember, science is only about 80 years removed from the Copenhagen interpretation. The Copenhagen interpretation holds that quantum mechanics is not necessarily a description of an objective reality, but predicts the probabilities that measurements will produce certain results. The act of measurement affects the system, and causes the set of probabilities to immediately and randomly assume only one of the possible values. This feature is known as wavefunction collapse. Our understanding of the atom is still in it's infancy, relatively speaking... no pun intended.

So science discovers at every turn, the fingerprints of God. It's in everything from our DNA molecules or the simplest atom to the entirety of the cosmos itself. 95% of our universe is comprised of dark matter and dark energy which we have no understanding of because we can't observe it. It defies our interaction. Dark energy particles are passing through our bodies as we type and read these posts. The observer effect, double slit experiment, wavefunction collapse, quantum entanglement, Schrödinger's cat, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle... a finely tuned universe. If you are a Scientist trying to develop a plausible theory for God, what sort of evidence would you hope to see?

lmao... idiot young earthers are funny.

Well you can label people however you want, I think it's sort of intellectually cheap to attach "-ers" as a suffix and dismiss what someone is saying. It shows lack of imagination if nothing else.

I am intrigued by the "young earth theory" because I wonder about these calculations they've made to come up with the 6,000 years. How are they measuring years before there was a Julian Calendar? The Hebrew translation for the creation story uses the word "yom" for days. Well, studying Hebrew texts, we find that "yom" is a word which simply means "period of time." It can mean a day, a moon cycle, a season or epoch/era. Now since the advent of the Julian Calendar, most 'modern' Hebrew uses "yom" to mean day. But even then, Yom Kippur is celebrated for 25 hours... that's not precisely a day. So there is at least some ambiguity with regard to the words we've come to know as the Scriptures and an actual number of years it proscribes. I don't understand how anyone could calculate an accurate time this way.

On the other side is Science. Carbon dating tells us things are as old as they are, but carbon dating is still a relatively new technology and we don't know everything. It could be that carbon dating is not as accurate as we believe? It's not like Science is never wrong.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them

You see, Bonzi... back in 1956, a scientist proclaimed the Earth was 4.1 billion years old, so that is an irrefutable FACT now... .we can't question it or doubt it. Only another scientist can do that at some later date. This is how some people assume "science" works.

I was recently watching a documentary about black holes and dark matter, quantum physics and the multiverse theory.... What astonished me was how the various talking heads were framing their comments. They would constantly say, "we now know..." followed by something that is a theory with no evidence whatsoever in observation. Example: "We now know there are multiple universes..." We certainly do not know this. What they do is develop a theory that can't be dismissed and then proclaim the theory is fact that can't be disputed.

Evolution is my all-time favorite. Although it has no explanation for how the first living organism came to be it is supposed to be the rational counter to creationism. There is no evidence of any genus arising through process of evolution. The fossil record doesn't support the transitional species theories of evolution. And the whole of Evolution theory simply doesn't deal with origin.

We have to remember, science is only about 80 years removed from the Copenhagen interpretation. The Copenhagen interpretation holds that quantum mechanics is not necessarily a description of an objective reality, but predicts the probabilities that measurements will produce certain results. The act of measurement affects the system, and causes the set of probabilities to immediately and randomly assume only one of the possible values. This feature is known as wavefunction collapse. Our understanding of the atom is still in it's infancy, relatively speaking... no pun intended.

So science discovers at every turn, the fingerprints of God. It's in everything from our DNA molecules or the simplest atom to the entirety of the cosmos itself. 95% of our universe is comprised of dark matter and dark energy which we have no understanding of because we can't observe it. It defies our interaction. Dark energy particles are passing through our bodies as we type and read these posts. The observer effect, double slit experiment, wavefunction collapse, quantum entanglement, Schrödinger's cat, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle... a finely tuned universe. If you are a Scientist trying to develop a plausible theory for God, what sort of evidence would you hope to see?

lmao... idiot young earthers are funny.

Well you can label people however you want, I think it's sort of intellectually cheap to attach "-ers" as a suffix and dismiss what someone is saying. It shows lack of imagination if nothing else.

I am intrigued by the "young earth theory" because I wonder about these calculations they've made to come up with the 6,000 years. How are they measuring years before there was a Julian Calendar? The Hebrew translation for the creation story uses the word "yom" for days. Well, studying Hebrew texts, we find that "yom" is a word which simply means "period of time." It can mean a day, a moon cycle, a season or epoch/era. Now since the advent of the Julian Calendar, most 'modern' Hebrew uses "yom" to mean day. But even then, Yom Kippur is celebrated for 25 hours... that's not precisely a day. So there is at least some ambiguity with regard to the words we've come to know as the Scriptures and an actual number of years it proscribes. I don't understand how anyone could calculate an accurate time this way.

On the other side is Science. Carbon dating tells us things are as old as they are, but carbon dating is still a relatively new technology and we don't know everything. It could be that carbon dating is not as accurate as we believe? It's not like Science is never wrong.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them


Carbon dating isn't what's used for geology. Only works on organic samples to about 50k years. Buncha other radiometric methods that get used.

Earth spun faster in the distant past. Moon's been slowing us down ever since it formed.

Did the Earth rotate faster in the past?

Non-technical article here about it.
You see, Bonzi... back in 1956, a scientist proclaimed the Earth was 4.1 billion years old, so that is an irrefutable FACT now... .we can't question it or doubt it. Only another scientist can do that at some later date. This is how some people assume "science" works.

I was recently watching a documentary about black holes and dark matter, quantum physics and the multiverse theory.... What astonished me was how the various talking heads were framing their comments. They would constantly say, "we now know..." followed by something that is a theory with no evidence whatsoever in observation. Example: "We now know there are multiple universes..." We certainly do not know this. What they do is develop a theory that can't be dismissed and then proclaim the theory is fact that can't be disputed.

Evolution is my all-time favorite. Although it has no explanation for how the first living organism came to be it is supposed to be the rational counter to creationism. There is no evidence of any genus arising through process of evolution. The fossil record doesn't support the transitional species theories of evolution. And the whole of Evolution theory simply doesn't deal with origin.

We have to remember, science is only about 80 years removed from the Copenhagen interpretation. The Copenhagen interpretation holds that quantum mechanics is not necessarily a description of an objective reality, but predicts the probabilities that measurements will produce certain results. The act of measurement affects the system, and causes the set of probabilities to immediately and randomly assume only one of the possible values. This feature is known as wavefunction collapse. Our understanding of the atom is still in it's infancy, relatively speaking... no pun intended.

So science discovers at every turn, the fingerprints of God. It's in everything from our DNA molecules or the simplest atom to the entirety of the cosmos itself. 95% of our universe is comprised of dark matter and dark energy which we have no understanding of because we can't observe it. It defies our interaction. Dark energy particles are passing through our bodies as we type and read these posts. The observer effect, double slit experiment, wavefunction collapse, quantum entanglement, Schrödinger's cat, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle... a finely tuned universe. If you are a Scientist trying to develop a plausible theory for God, what sort of evidence would you hope to see?

lmao... idiot young earthers are funny.

Well you can label people however you want, I think it's sort of intellectually cheap to attach "-ers" as a suffix and dismiss what someone is saying. It shows lack of imagination if nothing else.

I am intrigued by the "young earth theory" because I wonder about these calculations they've made to come up with the 6,000 years. How are they measuring years before there was a Julian Calendar? The Hebrew translation for the creation story uses the word "yom" for days. Well, studying Hebrew texts, we find that "yom" is a word which simply means "period of time." It can mean a day, a moon cycle, a season or epoch/era. Now since the advent of the Julian Calendar, most 'modern' Hebrew uses "yom" to mean day. But even then, Yom Kippur is celebrated for 25 hours... that's not precisely a day. So there is at least some ambiguity with regard to the words we've come to know as the Scriptures and an actual number of years it proscribes. I don't understand how anyone could calculate an accurate time this way.

On the other side is Science. Carbon dating tells us things are as old as they are, but carbon dating is still a relatively new technology and we don't know everything. It could be that carbon dating is not as accurate as we believe? It's not like Science is never wrong.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them


Carbon dating isn't what's used for geology. Only works on organic samples to about 50k years. Buncha other radiometric methods that get used.

Earth spun faster in the distant past. Moon's been slowing us down ever since it formed.

Did the Earth rotate faster in the past?

Non-technical article here about it.
Sorry, but that is basically pondering just like my own.
None of it can be proven any more than I can be expected to prove that God exists
You see, Bonzi... back in 1956, a scientist proclaimed the Earth was 4.1 billion years old, so that is an irrefutable FACT now... .we can't question it or doubt it. Only another scientist can do that at some later date. This is how some people assume "science" works.

I was recently watching a documentary about black holes and dark matter, quantum physics and the multiverse theory.... What astonished me was how the various talking heads were framing their comments. They would constantly say, "we now know..." followed by something that is a theory with no evidence whatsoever in observation. Example: "We now know there are multiple universes..." We certainly do not know this. What they do is develop a theory that can't be dismissed and then proclaim the theory is fact that can't be disputed.

Evolution is my all-time favorite. Although it has no explanation for how the first living organism came to be it is supposed to be the rational counter to creationism. There is no evidence of any genus arising through process of evolution. The fossil record doesn't support the transitional species theories of evolution. And the whole of Evolution theory simply doesn't deal with origin.

We have to remember, science is only about 80 years removed from the Copenhagen interpretation. The Copenhagen interpretation holds that quantum mechanics is not necessarily a description of an objective reality, but predicts the probabilities that measurements will produce certain results. The act of measurement affects the system, and causes the set of probabilities to immediately and randomly assume only one of the possible values. This feature is known as wavefunction collapse. Our understanding of the atom is still in it's infancy, relatively speaking... no pun intended.

So science discovers at every turn, the fingerprints of God. It's in everything from our DNA molecules or the simplest atom to the entirety of the cosmos itself. 95% of our universe is comprised of dark matter and dark energy which we have no understanding of because we can't observe it. It defies our interaction. Dark energy particles are passing through our bodies as we type and read these posts. The observer effect, double slit experiment, wavefunction collapse, quantum entanglement, Schrödinger's cat, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle... a finely tuned universe. If you are a Scientist trying to develop a plausible theory for God, what sort of evidence would you hope to see?

lmao... idiot young earthers are funny.

Well you can label people however you want, I think it's sort of intellectually cheap to attach "-ers" as a suffix and dismiss what someone is saying. It shows lack of imagination if nothing else.

I am intrigued by the "young earth theory" because I wonder about these calculations they've made to come up with the 6,000 years. How are they measuring years before there was a Julian Calendar? The Hebrew translation for the creation story uses the word "yom" for days. Well, studying Hebrew texts, we find that "yom" is a word which simply means "period of time." It can mean a day, a moon cycle, a season or epoch/era. Now since the advent of the Julian Calendar, most 'modern' Hebrew uses "yom" to mean day. But even then, Yom Kippur is celebrated for 25 hours... that's not precisely a day. So there is at least some ambiguity with regard to the words we've come to know as the Scriptures and an actual number of years it proscribes. I don't understand how anyone could calculate an accurate time this way.

On the other side is Science. Carbon dating tells us things are as old as they are, but carbon dating is still a relatively new technology and we don't know everything. It could be that carbon dating is not as accurate as we believe? It's not like Science is never wrong.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them


Carbon dating isn't what's used for geology. Only works on organic samples to about 50k years. Buncha other radiometric methods that get used.

Earth spun faster in the distant past. Moon's been slowing us down ever since it formed.

Did the Earth rotate faster in the past?

Non-technical article here about it.
Sorry, but that is basically pondering just like my own.
None of it can be proven any more than I can be expected to prove that God exists

How are you on this site right now? Wanna refute electrons and circuits too? Face facts, science kicked the snot out of your puny gods.

Hulk, a scientist. Loki (arguably) a god. :)
lmao... idiot young earthers are funny.

Well you can label people however you want, I think it's sort of intellectually cheap to attach "-ers" as a suffix and dismiss what someone is saying. It shows lack of imagination if nothing else.

I am intrigued by the "young earth theory" because I wonder about these calculations they've made to come up with the 6,000 years. How are they measuring years before there was a Julian Calendar? The Hebrew translation for the creation story uses the word "yom" for days. Well, studying Hebrew texts, we find that "yom" is a word which simply means "period of time." It can mean a day, a moon cycle, a season or epoch/era. Now since the advent of the Julian Calendar, most 'modern' Hebrew uses "yom" to mean day. But even then, Yom Kippur is celebrated for 25 hours... that's not precisely a day. So there is at least some ambiguity with regard to the words we've come to know as the Scriptures and an actual number of years it proscribes. I don't understand how anyone could calculate an accurate time this way.

On the other side is Science. Carbon dating tells us things are as old as they are, but carbon dating is still a relatively new technology and we don't know everything. It could be that carbon dating is not as accurate as we believe? It's not like Science is never wrong.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them


Carbon dating isn't what's used for geology. Only works on organic samples to about 50k years. Buncha other radiometric methods that get used.

Earth spun faster in the distant past. Moon's been slowing us down ever since it formed.

Did the Earth rotate faster in the past?

Non-technical article here about it.
Sorry, but that is basically pondering just like my own.
None of it can be proven any more than I can be expected to prove that God exists

How are you on this site right now? Wanna refute electrons and circuits too? Face facts, science kicked the snot out of your puny gods.

Hulk, a scientist. Loki (arguably) a god. :)


And I just took you off of ignore.
Well you can label people however you want, I think it's sort of intellectually cheap to attach "-ers" as a suffix and dismiss what someone is saying. It shows lack of imagination if nothing else.

I am intrigued by the "young earth theory" because I wonder about these calculations they've made to come up with the 6,000 years. How are they measuring years before there was a Julian Calendar? The Hebrew translation for the creation story uses the word "yom" for days. Well, studying Hebrew texts, we find that "yom" is a word which simply means "period of time." It can mean a day, a moon cycle, a season or epoch/era. Now since the advent of the Julian Calendar, most 'modern' Hebrew uses "yom" to mean day. But even then, Yom Kippur is celebrated for 25 hours... that's not precisely a day. So there is at least some ambiguity with regard to the words we've come to know as the Scriptures and an actual number of years it proscribes. I don't understand how anyone could calculate an accurate time this way.

On the other side is Science. Carbon dating tells us things are as old as they are, but carbon dating is still a relatively new technology and we don't know everything. It could be that carbon dating is not as accurate as we believe? It's not like Science is never wrong.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them


Carbon dating isn't what's used for geology. Only works on organic samples to about 50k years. Buncha other radiometric methods that get used.

Earth spun faster in the distant past. Moon's been slowing us down ever since it formed.

Did the Earth rotate faster in the past?

Non-technical article here about it.
Sorry, but that is basically pondering just like my own.
None of it can be proven any more than I can be expected to prove that God exists

How are you on this site right now? Wanna refute electrons and circuits too? Face facts, science kicked the snot out of your puny gods.

Hulk, a scientist. Loki (arguably) a god. :)


And I just took you off of ignore.

Love how dumb people think having me on ignore hurts me. Less I hear from you guys the better. :)
You see, Bonzi... back in 1956, a scientist proclaimed the Earth was 4.1 billion years old, so that is an irrefutable FACT now... .we can't question it or doubt it. Only another scientist can do that at some later date. This is how some people assume "science" works.

I was recently watching a documentary about black holes and dark matter, quantum physics and the multiverse theory.... What astonished me was how the various talking heads were framing their comments. They would constantly say, "we now know..." followed by something that is a theory with no evidence whatsoever in observation. Example: "We now know there are multiple universes..." We certainly do not know this. What they do is develop a theory that can't be dismissed and then proclaim the theory is fact that can't be disputed.

Evolution is my all-time favorite. Although it has no explanation for how the first living organism came to be it is supposed to be the rational counter to creationism. There is no evidence of any genus arising through process of evolution. The fossil record doesn't support the transitional species theories of evolution. And the whole of Evolution theory simply doesn't deal with origin.

We have to remember, science is only about 80 years removed from the Copenhagen interpretation. The Copenhagen interpretation holds that quantum mechanics is not necessarily a description of an objective reality, but predicts the probabilities that measurements will produce certain results. The act of measurement affects the system, and causes the set of probabilities to immediately and randomly assume only one of the possible values. This feature is known as wavefunction collapse. Our understanding of the atom is still in it's infancy, relatively speaking... no pun intended.

So science discovers at every turn, the fingerprints of God. It's in everything from our DNA molecules or the simplest atom to the entirety of the cosmos itself. 95% of our universe is comprised of dark matter and dark energy which we have no understanding of because we can't observe it. It defies our interaction. Dark energy particles are passing through our bodies as we type and read these posts. The observer effect, double slit experiment, wavefunction collapse, quantum entanglement, Schrödinger's cat, Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle... a finely tuned universe. If you are a Scientist trying to develop a plausible theory for God, what sort of evidence would you hope to see?

lmao... idiot young earthers are funny.

Well you can label people however you want, I think it's sort of intellectually cheap to attach "-ers" as a suffix and dismiss what someone is saying. It shows lack of imagination if nothing else.

I am intrigued by the "young earth theory" because I wonder about these calculations they've made to come up with the 6,000 years. How are they measuring years before there was a Julian Calendar? The Hebrew translation for the creation story uses the word "yom" for days. Well, studying Hebrew texts, we find that "yom" is a word which simply means "period of time." It can mean a day, a moon cycle, a season or epoch/era. Now since the advent of the Julian Calendar, most 'modern' Hebrew uses "yom" to mean day. But even then, Yom Kippur is celebrated for 25 hours... that's not precisely a day. So there is at least some ambiguity with regard to the words we've come to know as the Scriptures and an actual number of years it proscribes. I don't understand how anyone could calculate an accurate time this way.

On the other side is Science. Carbon dating tells us things are as old as they are, but carbon dating is still a relatively new technology and we don't know everything. It could be that carbon dating is not as accurate as we believe? It's not like Science is never wrong.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them

It's the opposite. The planet's rotation is slowing.
lmao... idiot young earthers are funny.

Well you can label people however you want, I think it's sort of intellectually cheap to attach "-ers" as a suffix and dismiss what someone is saying. It shows lack of imagination if nothing else.

I am intrigued by the "young earth theory" because I wonder about these calculations they've made to come up with the 6,000 years. How are they measuring years before there was a Julian Calendar? The Hebrew translation for the creation story uses the word "yom" for days. Well, studying Hebrew texts, we find that "yom" is a word which simply means "period of time." It can mean a day, a moon cycle, a season or epoch/era. Now since the advent of the Julian Calendar, most 'modern' Hebrew uses "yom" to mean day. But even then, Yom Kippur is celebrated for 25 hours... that's not precisely a day. So there is at least some ambiguity with regard to the words we've come to know as the Scriptures and an actual number of years it proscribes. I don't understand how anyone could calculate an accurate time this way.

On the other side is Science. Carbon dating tells us things are as old as they are, but carbon dating is still a relatively new technology and we don't know everything. It could be that carbon dating is not as accurate as we believe? It's not like Science is never wrong.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them


Carbon dating isn't what's used for geology. Only works on organic samples to about 50k years. Buncha other radiometric methods that get used.

Earth spun faster in the distant past. Moon's been slowing us down ever since it formed.

Did the Earth rotate faster in the past?

Non-technical article here about it.
Sorry, but that is basically pondering just like my own.
None of it can be proven any more than I can be expected to prove that God exists

How are you on this site right now? Wanna refute electrons and circuits too? Face facts, science kicked the snot out of your puny gods.

Hulk, a scientist. Loki (arguably) a god. :)

I love Loki .... :( He's my boyfriend! ;)

God does not claim the earth is 6000 years old, nor does the Bible. Further it is clear the bible tells us we can not know God's mind or time. The bible can not be used to establish a time line anyone that claims so does not understand how the bible works.
I've often pondered if, during earth's infancy, our planet rotated slower and revolved the sun much slower making days and years much longer than how we currently measure them


You raise a very interesting point. Also, what sort of an effect would these earliest physical properties possibly have on methods of carbon dating? Perhaps the heat or atmosphere of early Earth creates a flawed parameter in the testing? All it takes is one little tiny detail that we are unaware of or haven't discovered yet, and everything changes. We can run around saying Earth is 4.2 billion years old, then we discover something we didn't realize and oops, science was wrong, Earth is only a few million years old.

We are currently seeing this happen with regard to the infamous Big Bang. Now, for years, we've learned that the universe was created in a Big Bang. Disregard the fact that "Big Bang" was actually a pejorative term coined by critics of the theory to ridicule it. This has been the prevailing thought in science for about a century.

Now, we aren't so sure a "big bang" ever happened. The previous theory posited the notion of Singularity. This was a real problem for physics because Singularity defies laws of thermodynamics as well as several other physics principles, including the Uncertainty Principle.

As an offshoot of the Big Bang Theory there is the theory of the Big Crunch. The idea that our expanding universe will eventually reverse and collapse back in on itself into another Singularity. For years, this has been thought to be the highest intellectual understanding of how our universe works.... but it has been totally destroyed by the evidence. The universe is not only expanding, it is accelerating. Anyone understanding Newton's Laws of Motion understands an accelerating universe poses a fatal problem for the Big Crunch theory.
6,000 years or 4.1 billion?

Here is one argument .....

How Old Is the Earth?

"The age of the earth debate ultimately comes down to this foundational question: Are we trusting man’s imperfect and changing ideas and assumptions about the past? Or are we trusting God’s perfectly accurate eyewitness account of the past, including the creation of the world, Noah’s global flood, and the age of the earth?"

Actually 5,755 years. Ol' Gawd waved he magic wand on a Tuesday morning and all hell broke pun intended.
People who use the Bible rather than science to try to figure out the age of the Earth are sorely misguided.

God doesn't run on man's time, He runs on His own, and since He's eternal, I'm guessing His view of a day is much different than mine.

Me? I prefer science to tell me the facts, and I prefer spirituality to guide what I learn from science in a beneficial and humane manner.
I say it's only about 4.5 billion years old.

Civilization is much younger, only going back around 10,000 years or so. Maybe that's why the Bible people are confused, they are dating the Earth to be as old as what civilization is.
God doesn't run on man's time, He runs on His own, and since He's eternal, I'm guessing His view of a day is much different than mine.

This is true, but remove God from consideration and think about the universe... What does an Earth year mean to the cosmos? We dispelled the notion that the universe revolves around the Earth but apparently the universe still revolves around Earth time?

And when we say "time" what do we mean? Future time doesn't exist, past time no longer exists and present time takes no time at all. Are we believing in a fairy tale that doesn't exist? What IS reality? Can we define it or quantify it in any rational way? It is a perception of this thing we call time passing. Our realities are individual. There is no universal reality. Your experience of reality is different than anyone else on the planet.

Then we have to look at the weird behavior of atoms when we try to observe them at the subatomic level. The double-slit experiment is a mind blower, there is no rational explanation. It poses a paradox we cannot understand. Photons behave as waves until we observe them, then they behave as particles. Not only that, but if we try to trick them, they can ostensibly "go back in time" and change their state.

Quantum entanglement... something else you can Google and research... mind blowing stuff! A quantum particle can be entangled with another particle billions of light years away and a change to one affects the other instantly. This means information is traveling instantly. Where is Tesla when you need him?

Then... there is the Dark Matter and Dark Energy. It makes up 96% of the universe and we have no clue what it is. We only know that our universe could not exist without it. ....Kind of like God, ain't it?
God doesn't run on man's time, He runs on His own, and since He's eternal, I'm guessing His view of a day is much different than mine.

This is true, but remove God from consideration and think about the universe... What does an Earth year mean to the cosmos? We dispelled the notion that the universe revolves around the Earth but apparently the universe still revolves around Earth time?

And when we say "time" what do we mean? Future time doesn't exist, past time no longer exists and present time takes no time at all. Are we believing in a fairy tale that doesn't exist? What IS reality? Can we define it or quantify it in any rational way? It is a perception of this thing we call time passing. Our realities are individual. There is no universal reality. Your experience of reality is different than anyone else on the planet.

Then we have to look at the weird behavior of atoms when we try to observe them at the subatomic level. The double-slit experiment is a mind blower, there is no rational explanation. It poses a paradox we cannot understand. Photons behave as waves until we observe them, then they behave as particles. Not only that, but if we try to trick them, they can ostensibly "go back in time" and change their state.

Quantum entanglement... something else you can Google and research... mind blowing stuff! A quantum particle can be entangled with another particle billions of light years away and a change to one affects the other instantly. This means information is traveling instantly. Where is Tesla when you need him?

Then... there is the Dark Matter and Dark Energy. It makes up 96% of the universe and we have no clue what it is. We only know that our universe could not exist without it. ....Kind of like God, ain't it?
I really enjoyed reading that.
You apparently have a more extensive knowledge of physics than I can even envy, and it's always fun to learn.
You had me until you mentioned "dark matter" and "dark energy".
How can we claim their existence with zero trails to track, no measurable trace of where it goes or what it does?
God doesn't run on man's time, He runs on His own, and since He's eternal, I'm guessing His view of a day is much different than mine.

This is true, but remove God from consideration and think about the universe... What does an Earth year mean to the cosmos? We dispelled the notion that the universe revolves around the Earth but apparently the universe still revolves around Earth time?

And when we say "time" what do we mean? Future time doesn't exist, past time no longer exists and present time takes no time at all. Are we believing in a fairy tale that doesn't exist? What IS reality? Can we define it or quantify it in any rational way? It is a perception of this thing we call time passing. Our realities are individual. There is no universal reality. Your experience of reality is different than anyone else on the planet.

Then we have to look at the weird behavior of atoms when we try to observe them at the subatomic level. The double-slit experiment is a mind blower, there is no rational explanation. It poses a paradox we cannot understand. Photons behave as waves until we observe them, then they behave as particles. Not only that, but if we try to trick them, they can ostensibly "go back in time" and change their state.

Quantum entanglement... something else you can Google and research... mind blowing stuff! A quantum particle can be entangled with another particle billions of light years away and a change to one affects the other instantly. This means information is traveling instantly. Where is Tesla when you need him?

Then... there is the Dark Matter and Dark Energy. It makes up 96% of the universe and we have no clue what it is. We only know that our universe could not exist without it. ....Kind of like God, ain't it?
I really enjoyed reading that.
You apparently have a more extensive knowledge of physics than I can even envy, and it's always fun to learn.
You had me until you mentioned "dark matter" and "dark energy".
How can we claim their existence with zero trails to track, no measurable trace of where it goes or what it does?
Gets better. They claim the Universe is expanding when all they can observe is THIS system.
God doesn't run on man's time, He runs on His own, and since He's eternal, I'm guessing His view of a day is much different than mine.

This is true, but remove God from consideration and think about the universe... What does an Earth year mean to the cosmos? We dispelled the notion that the universe revolves around the Earth but apparently the universe still revolves around Earth time?

And when we say "time" what do we mean? Future time doesn't exist, past time no longer exists and present time takes no time at all. Are we believing in a fairy tale that doesn't exist? What IS reality? Can we define it or quantify it in any rational way? It is a perception of this thing we call time passing. Our realities are individual. There is no universal reality. Your experience of reality is different than anyone else on the planet.

Then we have to look at the weird behavior of atoms when we try to observe them at the subatomic level. The double-slit experiment is a mind blower, there is no rational explanation. It poses a paradox we cannot understand. Photons behave as waves until we observe them, then they behave as particles. Not only that, but if we try to trick them, they can ostensibly "go back in time" and change their state.

Quantum entanglement... something else you can Google and research... mind blowing stuff! A quantum particle can be entangled with another particle billions of light years away and a change to one affects the other instantly. This means information is traveling instantly. Where is Tesla when you need him?

Then... there is the Dark Matter and Dark Energy. It makes up 96% of the universe and we have no clue what it is. We only know that our universe could not exist without it. ....Kind of like God, ain't it?
I really enjoyed reading that.
You apparently have a more extensive knowledge of physics than I can even envy, and it's always fun to learn.
You had me until you mentioned "dark matter" and "dark energy".
How can we claim their existence with zero trails to track, no measurable trace of where it goes or what it does?

The problem emerged in the early part of the 20th century when Einstein and others were contemplating relativity and physics, or our understanding of such in principle. In doing their calculations, the numbers didn't add up. The physical matter we could measure in the universe was not close to the number it needed to be in order to account for the ntirety of the universe. We knew there must be something else. Einstein even built this into his equations for relativity using what he called the "cosmological constant" which we now have confirmed is this 'force' expanding our universe and holding it together.

We have been able to measure certain aspects of dark matter and dark energy. We can't observe them except for rarely, in obscurity. What we believe is, this dark energy and matter is holding our universe together and also expanding and accelerating it at the same time. ....He's got the whole word in His hands.

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