How out to lunch is the DNC? In 4 or 5 nights of their convention they never once mention the violence ravaging our cities

Do you believe the Democrat party supports BLM and antifa?
Sure, some of it does. Most of the rest of it enables them and their worst behaviors, which is probably worse.

Just like you Trumpsters either support or enable the white racism that still exists in this country.

You two groups feed into the other. You help each other. You need each other.

I have no use for either of you. You're both causing this country great harm.
Where is this white racism you speak of? It can't be the police shootings because half of them cops are BLACK includingthe police chiefs. It can't be the judicial branch because the majority of prosecutors and city councils in the inner cities are black.

Please cite examples of white racism in America and none of the bullshit from online forums. I want examples of real life policies or actions that eminate from whites towards blacks.
So you don't think white racism still exists. You're one of those.

If you were really curious, you'd just click around a bit and you'd have all the examples you needed. You're on the "internet", right now. It's all at your fingertips.

I have to admit, Gramps, I'm a little surprised. I thought you were better than that.

Okay. Never mind. You're right.
Racism exists on all sides INCLUDING WHITES. But you know damn well that wasn't my question or point. Now try to be honest and ANSWER MY QUESTION.
What question? You want examples of racism? Seriously?

Would you like a Google link?

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. No need for me to burn that energy.
The fact that you can't point to a single policy enacted by Trump or the GOP that targets blacks with racism tells me all I need to know.

I don't give two shits about individuals expressing personal thoughts against others based on their skin color because all sides do it and there's nothing I can do to change that. The black man/woman who expresses hate for me because of my color has zero impact on me so complaining about it accomplishes what exactly?
Yes, I can't think of any policies off the top of my head. Nor have I ever claimed there are.

I've only said this a thousand or so times, and I'll bet you know that, but again: The Regressive Left has been extremely effective in leveraging race to pander to blacks and other minorities. But what they have done, by constantly ignoring and forgiving and deflecting from American Blacks' worst behaviors and actions is enable more of them.

But here's the problem: The old saying, "the best lies always contain a kernel of truth". So when you guys do the same things for racists (constantly ignoring and forgiving and deflecting from their worst behaviors) all you do is enable more of them.

See a trend here? And all the Regressive Left has to do is point at that shit and say, SEE? And the cycle continues.

This is why I think the two ends of this need each other. You feed off each other. And that's the fucking problem.

That's as clear as I can make this, Gramps.
What is the KKK doing that is being enabled by the gop & trump?
Why single them out? Racists in general, including them, are enabled when Donald Trump lies and says he doesn't know who David Duke is, after previously calling him "a racist and a problem". You couldn't ask for a more blatant example than that.

Why is it that a vast majority of White Nationalists and White Separatists and White Supremacists -- and you know damn well they fully represented here - are Trump fans?

That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

And it’s happening under Trump. Time for change.
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

And it’s happening under Trump. Time for change.

It isn't Trump's fault that the leftist have been throwing a huge temper tantrum that for 3.5 years that ha culminated in the rioting. Maybe the left just needs to grow up and stop acting like 5 year old children.
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

And it’s happening under Trump. Time for change.

It isn't Trump's fault that the leftist have been throwing a huge temper tantrum that for 3.5 years that ha culminated in the rioting. Maybe the left just needs to grow up and stop acting like 5 year old children.
No? It’s under his watch. Sure wasn’t like this 4 years ago.
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
I disagree on that, too. There is property damage and there is social/cultural damage.

But you go on believing whatever you want. I don't care. Sorry.
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
BLM and antifa are Democrats? Prove it.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

The DNC is embarrassed by the destruction and death they have caused so they hide it. It's kind of like when you have a crazy relative that embarrasses you so you keep him in the basement.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

And it’s happening under Trump. Time for change.

It isn't Trump's fault that the leftist have been throwing a huge temper tantrum that for 3.5 years that ha culminated in the rioting. Maybe the left just needs to grow up and stop acting like 5 year old children.
No? It’s under his watch. Sure wasn’t like this 4 years ago.
Well, that is as dishonest an answer as you'll find anywhere.

4, 6, 8 years ago, the left were not trying to make Obama look bad.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.


You expect them to rat themselves out,
When their media covers it up and their little cult explains it away on social media?

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
I disagree on that, too. There is property damage and there is social/cultural damage.

But you go on believing whatever you want. I don't care. Sorry.

There are only a handful of White Supremacists in this country. Nowhere near the same numbers that have been rioting all over, but I would be willing to bet you are one of those that has fully bought into the narrative pushed by the left that they are everywhere. The real proof is in the pudding. We hear about BLM and Antifa on a daily basis. We don't hear about the white supremacists.
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
I disagree on that, too. There is property damage and there is social/cultural damage.

But you go on believing whatever you want. I don't care. Sorry.

There are only a handful of White Supremacists in this country. Nowhere near the same numbers that have been rioting all over, but I would be willing to bet you are one of those that has fully bought into the narrative pushed by the left that they are everywhere. The real proof is in the pudding. We hear about BLM and Antifa on a daily basis. We don't hear about the white supremacists.
You appear to be pretending that only people who officially call themselves "white supremacists" can be ignorant racists and paranoid bigots.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
I disagree on that, too. There is property damage and there is social/cultural damage.

But you go on believing whatever you want. I don't care. Sorry.

There are only a handful of White Supremacists in this country. Nowhere near the same numbers that have been rioting all over, but I would be willing to bet you are one of those that has fully bought into the narrative pushed by the left that they are everywhere. The real proof is in the pudding. We hear about BLM and Antifa on a daily basis. We don't hear about the white supremacists.
Do you object to a group of adults beating up a 7 year old? You are a white supremacist. Would you deny a black man the right to beat and rape a white girl because of slavery? Would you not respect the savage beating of a Macy's clerk by a black? You are a white supremacist. Don't deny it now.
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
I disagree on that, too. There is property damage and there is social/cultural damage.

But you go on believing whatever you want. I don't care. Sorry.

There are only a handful of White Supremacists in this country. Nowhere near the same numbers that have been rioting all over, but I would be willing to bet you are one of those that has fully bought into the narrative pushed by the left that they are everywhere. The real proof is in the pudding. We hear about BLM and Antifa on a daily basis. We don't hear about the white supremacists.
You appear to be pretending that only people who officially call themselves "white supremacists" can be ignorant racists and paranoid bigots.


LOL..I knew you were going to say that. You seem to be of the brainwashed mindset that all white people are closet racist, particularly if they vote for a Republican or disagree with programs like affirmative action, reparations, etc. You fall right in line with what the Democrats have been molding for years.
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
I disagree on that, too. There is property damage and there is social/cultural damage.

But you go on believing whatever you want. I don't care. Sorry.

There are only a handful of White Supremacists in this country. Nowhere near the same numbers that have been rioting all over, but I would be willing to bet you are one of those that has fully bought into the narrative pushed by the left that they are everywhere. The real proof is in the pudding. We hear about BLM and Antifa on a daily basis. We don't hear about the white supremacists.
You appear to be pretending that only people who officially call themselves "white supremacists" can be ignorant racists and paranoid bigots.


LOL..I knew you were going to say that. You seem to be of the brainwashed mindset that all white people are closet racist, particularly if they vote for a Republican or disagree with programs like affirmative action, reparations, etc. You fall right in line with what the Democrats have been molding for years.
You lack the capacity to have known that I "was going to say that."

You are what you are. I don't care.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

And it’s happening under Trump. Time for change.

It isn't Trump's fault that the leftist have been throwing a huge temper tantrum that for 3.5 years that ha culminated in the rioting. Maybe the left just needs to grow up and stop acting like 5 year old children.
No? It’s under his watch. Sure wasn’t like this 4 years ago.
Well, that is as dishonest an answer as you'll find anywhere.

4, 6, 8 years ago, the left were not trying to make Obama look bad.
4 years ago was like heaven compared to now.

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