How out to lunch is the DNC? In 4 or 5 nights of their convention they never once mention the violence ravaging our cities

Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

No, there is no comparison to some fringe group on the right. Black lives matter is a Marxist group who riots, pillagers, murders, loots and is accepted by the Democrat party. Don't even try it.
Yeah, wingers on both ends claim it's all just "fringe groups".

You folks need each other. Peas in a pod.
So who are you voting for as President?
Biden. You?

Just kidding.
Where's Biden campaigning today? Trump is traveling all over the place.
Couldn't tell you. Don't care.
Do you think Biden is mentally strong enough to be President for 4 years?
50/50. They'd have to keep his work load as light as possible. Harris would be the most important VP in long time.
So you're okay with her being President?
Compared to what we have now, yes.
Thanks for being honest.
Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.
Addressing safety concerns of Americans has nothing to do with your white boogeyman.

Thats the dumbest post I've seen from you in awhile
It's a State issue, we are a Democratic REPUBLIC, ya know? They'll handle it, if they don't, then their state citizens, will vote them out...
I doubt this insanity will end before there are bodies lying in the road. The Democrat party is too far gone to listen to reason. MAGA. But if you hate your kids and grandkids, vote for Biden.

There already have been dead bodies lying in the road. The gun violence and murder rates in their Democrat-run cities are record numbers & people and businesses that CAN leave are doing so, which is part of he reason the Democrats are completely ignoring it all during the convention like it isn't even happening.

I'm thinking more along the lines of a direct confrontation with the people they are terrorizing, which could be citizens or the police, where guns are drawn and fired in self defense. Almost like a war.
Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.
White Nationalists aren't wholesale burning cities, killing folks, looting, setting patrol cars on fire and attempting to take over part of an American city either.
Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.
White Nationalists aren't wholesale burning cities, killing folks, looting, setting patrol cars on fire and attempting to take over part of an American city either.
There aren't mobs of hundreds of white nationalists storming residential neighborhoods screaming "wake up. Wake up motherfuckers wake up." What are they protesting? They want the whites to give their homes to blacks. They believe mob violence can force them to do it.

No there aren't mobs of hundreds of white nationalists in these neighborhoods. Not today. The sooner the better. Burn Loot Murder is in great need of a Kent State moment
That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

Yeah, except when is the last time any of these groups have caused even close to as much chaos as the lefty loonies? They aren't even a blip on the radar, unlike BLM and Antifa.
I disagree. So there ya go.

There is nothing to disagree with. The groups you mentioned are not doing the damage that BLM and Antifa are doing. That is an indisputable fact, not an opinion with which you can disagree.
I disagree on that, too. There is property damage and there is social/cultural damage.

But you go on believing whatever you want. I don't care. Sorry.

There are only a handful of White Supremacists in this country. Nowhere near the same numbers that have been rioting all over, but I would be willing to bet you are one of those that has fully bought into the narrative pushed by the left that they are everywhere. The real proof is in the pudding. We hear about BLM and Antifa on a daily basis. We don't hear about the white supremacists.
You appear to be pretending that only people who officially call themselves "white supremacists" can be ignorant racists and paranoid bigots.


LOL..I knew you were going to say that. You seem to be of the brainwashed mindset that all white people are closet racist, particularly if they vote for a Republican or disagree with programs like affirmative action, reparations, etc. You fall right in line with what the Democrats have been molding for years.
You lack the capacity to have known that I "was going to say that."

You are what you are. I don't care.

It is easy to predict how who parrot the Democratic Party line are going to respond.

You are correct. I am what I unapologetic white male who doesn't have any reason to feel guilty because I know for a fact that I hold no resentment for people simply because of the color or their skin or their gender. Somewhat ironically, to the extent that racism, sexism or any other isms exist in this country, many, if not most, folks harboring these feelings are guilt ridden Democrats. Maybe they feel voting for the Democratic Party is a way to offset their deep seeded ism they can't seem to shake.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

And it’s happening under Trump. Time for change.

It isn't Trump's fault that the leftist have been throwing a huge temper tantrum that for 3.5 years that ha culminated in the rioting. Maybe the left just needs to grow up and stop acting like 5 year old children.
No? It’s under his watch. Sure wasn’t like this 4 years ago.
Well, that is as dishonest an answer as you'll find anywhere.

4, 6, 8 years ago, the left were not trying to make Obama look bad.
4 years ago was like heaven compared to now.

I assume mean pre-COVID, because just prior to COVID, the US was winning BIG TIME. Only idiot Democrats who are told what to think by CNN though otherwise.
Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.

No, there is no comparison to some fringe group on the right. Black lives matter is a Marxist group who riots, pillagers, murders, loots and is accepted by the Democrat party. Don't even try it.
Yeah, wingers on both ends claim it's all just "fringe groups".

You folks need each other. Peas in a pod.
So who are you voting for as President?
Biden. You?

Just kidding.
Where's Biden campaigning today? Trump is traveling all over the place.
Couldn't tell you. Don't care.
Do you think Biden is mentally strong enough to be President for 4 years?
50/50. They'd have to keep his work load as light as possible. Harris would be the most important VP in long time.
So you're okay with her being President?
Compared to what we have now, yes.
Thanks for being honest.
Always am.
Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.
White Nationalists aren't wholesale burning cities, killing folks, looting, setting patrol cars on fire and attempting to take over part of an American city either.
Yes, that's the idiots in Antifa and various other idiots who should be locked the fucked up. As I said, "the worst shit from their end of the spectrum".

That doesn't change what I said, and I'm sure you know that. Neither end has the balls to hold its own accountable. Maybe both should start doing that.
Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.
White Nationalists aren't wholesale burning cities, killing folks, looting, setting patrol cars on fire and attempting to take over part of an American city either.
Yes, that's the idiots in Antifa and various other idiots who should be locked the fucked up. As I said, "the worst shit from their end of the spectrum".

That doesn't change what I said, and I'm sure you know that. Neither end has the balls to hold its own accountable. Maybe both should start doing that.
I don't see any Republican terrorists.
Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.
Addressing safety concerns of Americans has nothing to do with your white boogeyman.

Thats the dumbest post I've seen from you in awhile
It's a State issue, we are a Democratic REPUBLIC, ya know? They'll handle it, if they don't, then their state citizens, will vote them out...
Funny because Charlotte was considered a national issue and blamed on Trump endlessly.
Since when do political parties highlight the worst shit from their end of the spectrum, especially at their convention?

Partisan politics forbids that.

That would be like the GOP celebrating all the White Nationalists, White Separatists and White Supremacists who adore Trump.
Addressing safety concerns of Americans has nothing to do with your white boogeyman.

Thats the dumbest post I've seen from you in awhile
And yet you chose not to answer the clear question I asked in the first line of my post.

That's okay. I get it. Other tribe bad.
Other tribe isn't bad, THEY ARE TERRIBLE.

And your example of what the gop isn't addressing is asinine. White Supremacy is a non issue. Anyone who says otherwise is a complete loon. Are you one of those loons?
Roughly 30 dead so far from the protesting. Those killed weren't killed by the KKK

He is, absolutely.
Pence blasts Biden, DNC for ignoring violence and unrest rocking America's streets's streets's streets's streets's streets's streets's streets's streets
Pence blasts Biden, DNC for ignoring violence and unrest rocking America's streets

"Joe Biden said last night ... democracy is on the ballot, character is on the ballot. The economy is on the ballot. Law and order is on the ballot. And the American people know it.... the contrast with what Joe Biden and the Democrats are offering is astonishing."

Welcome To The FUTURE Biden& Democrats Are Offering Based On What They Are Facilitating / Supporting NOW....

View attachment 377754 Fake 'Kill A White' flyers in Edinburgh have nothing to do with ...'Kill A White' flyers in Edinburgh have nothing to do with ...'Kill A White' flyers in Edinburgh have nothing to do with ...'Kill A White' flyers in Edinburgh have nothing to do with ...'Kill A White' flyers in Edinburgh have nothing to do with ...'Kill A White' flyers in Edinburgh have nothing to do with ...'Kill A White' flyers in Edinburgh have nothing to do with ...'Kill A White' flyers in Edinburgh have nothing to do with ... View attachment 377758
Did you see pinhead Pence on CNN today? What a crock of shit out of the VP's mouth. Nothing but regurgitated talking points devoid of reality... and then the Qanon answers...

Not only did the Democrats REFUSE to mention the un-checked violence, murder, and domestic terrorism being facilitated in their cities around the country, they hailed as one of the 'Most Impactful American (Democrat) Leaders' a woman who kidnapped a 62 year old man and for THREE (3) WEEKs starved him, beat him, burned him, squeezed his testicles with pliers, and sodomized him with a 3-foot metal rod until he died...and then STILL tried to ransom his body back to one of his friends.......

Bravo, Democrats.

(Read the thread: Convicted Rapist, Torturer and Killer Who Squeezed Her Victim's Testicles with Pliers Speaks at DNC as "Impactful Community Leader")

They are simply not good people
They know that they abandoned good people and good people abandoned them.

They are not the Democrats of even a few years ago
A Joe Liberman would be allowed no where near their party.
The Communist Democrats don't mention Communist domestic terrorists Antifa and BLM because they're behind what they're doing 100% and think if they don't mention it nobody will notice :smoke:


But Biden did mention Charlottesville. Specifically, lied about what president Trump said about it.

Once again, democrats blame others of what they are doing - ignoring their extremists.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

Because they know these are Democrat riots.

Vote for Democrats or this can get worse.

That was the one mention that they actually did make about it.
That simple fact should disqualify them from holding ANY office, much less the presidency. People are fleeing the cities and trying to escape the violence and the left never mentioned it.

And it’s happening under Trump. Time for change.

We get thats the plan
Put us back in charge
Or we will burn it down.
You can stuff that right up your ass
It's not going to work.
Do you believe the Democrat party supports BLM and antifa?
Sure, some of it does. Most of the rest of it enables them and their worst behaviors, which is probably worse.

Just like you Trumpsters either support or enable the white racism that still exists in this country.

You two groups feed into the other. You need each other.

I have no use for either of you. You're both causing this country great harm.
Bullshit. Republicans aren't supporting racism. That's a lie and you know it.
You asked, I answered. If you don't like my answer, tough shit.
Give us some examples.
Do you believe the Democrat party supports BLM and antifa?
Sure, some of it does. Most of the rest of it enables them and their worst behaviors, which is probably worse.

Just like you Trumpsters either support or enable the white racism that still exists in this country.

You two groups feed into the other. You need each other.

I have no use for either of you. You're both causing this country great harm.
Bullshit. Republicans aren't supporting racism. That's a lie and you know it.
You asked, I answered. If you don't like my answer, tough shit.
Give us some examples.
Every single moment that goes by, in which you're not holding your end accountable.

Every single moment that goes by, in which you ignore, avoid, deny, downplay, and dismiss the bigotry and racism that still exists on your end of the spectrum.

That's an "enabling" behavior. It's happening every second of every day. Pretty simple.

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