How Republicans can get Keystone passed


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Obama mentioned it last night. Why center on one small infrastructure project when America has so much infrastructure to be built and improved?

Why not wrap Keystone in as part of a much larger infrastructure package and send it to the President?

I bet he would sign it
You people are still under the delusion that the Lying Cocksucker in Chief is a democrat in the mold of Bill the rapist Clinton, Hitlery Clinton or even Jimmy the peanut.

He is not. The Liar in Chief is a FAR LEFT radical. A dimocrap. A scumbag of the highest order


It also seriously cracks me up when leftist retards (which is redundant) profess their hatred of 'Big Oil' and then come out in full support for cracking down on Fossil Fuels because they contribute to the campfire bogeyman AGW theory.

Guess who would benefit most from high Oil Prices, libturds. Go ahead, take a WAG.

The while makeup of the dimocrap party is astonishingly stupid.
Obama mentioned it last night. Why center on one small infrastructure project when America has so much infrastructure to be built and improved?

Why not wrap Keystone in as part of a much larger infrastructure package and send it to the President?

I bet he would sign it
Why not...I'm sure the money is China.
I can't Understand the GOP obsession with Keystone. It is just one project and it helps Canada

There are thousands of infrastructure projects in the US that benefit the American people, why aren't Republicans concerned with them?
I'm still waiting (6 years and counting) for those "shovel ready" jobs Obama spoke about in 2009. .... :cool:

I can't understand the outrage the right has with the term "shovel ready"

Shovel ready was never a promise of jobs. It was a condition of receiving stimulus money. If you were going to receive stimulus funds...YOU had to show the project was shovel ready

It was never a promise of jobs
I can't Understand the GOP obsession with Keystone. It is just one project and it helps Canada

There are thousands of infrastructure projects in the US that benefit the American people, why aren't Republicans concerned with them?

I can't Understand the GOP obsession with Keystone.

I can't understand why Keystone makes libs wet their panties.

It is just one project and it helps Canada.

Helps us too.

There are thousands of infrastructure projects in the US that benefit the American people, why aren't Republicans concerned with them?

We are. Let's cut some of Obama's wasteful spending to pay for them.
I can't Understand the GOP obsession with Keystone. It is just one project and it helps Canada

There are thousands of infrastructure projects in the US that benefit the American people, why aren't Republicans concerned with them?

I can't Understand the GOP obsession with Keystone.

I can't understand why Keystone makes libs wet their panties.

It is just one project and it helps Canada.

Helps us too.

There are thousands of infrastructure projects in the US that benefit the American people, why aren't Republicans concerned with them?

We are. Let's cut some of Obama's wasteful spending to pay for them.

Yea....Keystone will bring less than 50 permanent jobs

Where is the vision of the Republican Party? Why are they so wrapped up in one relatively small project when there is so much to do

Gas prices are ridiculously low. Add 15 cents to the gas tax
Interest rates are historically low. Issue some 30 year bonds at 4%
Our infrastructure is in horrible shape. We just had a bridge collapse yesterday which killed someone. We need to look at our power grid, our communications infrastructure, the internet,water, sewers, roads, bridges, tunnels

Meanwile, Republicans tie up Congress over one stinking project (a Canadian project)
Yea....Keystone will bring less than 50 permanent jobs

Where is the vision of the Republican Party? Why are they so wrapped up in one relatively small project when there is so much to do

Gas prices are ridiculously low. Add 15 cents to the gas tax
Interest rates are historically low. Issue some 30 year bonds at 4%
Our infrastructure is in horrible shape. We just had a bridge collapse yesterday which killed someone. We need to look at our power grid, our communications infrastructure, the internet,water, sewers, roads, bridges, tunnels

Meanwile, Republicans tie up Congress over one stinking project (a Canadian project)

This post above hi-lites the stupidity and Nazi Goose-Stepping typical leftist scumbag.....

I mean, drool cup carrying, mouth-breathing stupid dimocrap scumbag.

Keystone XL is a CONSTRUCTION PROJECT you stupid shit.

ALL Construction Jobs are temporary. Every last one of them.

So what if it will produce 'only' 6,000 - 10,000 jobs for two to three years, right dirtbag?

Those guys don't need jobs, right dirtbag? They can go on the dole like you are, right dirtbag?

This is a good illustration of one reason why I despise dimocrap scum so much -- They're just stoopid.

They take every lie told to them by their political masters, who do nothing but lie, and swallow it like a porn star doing her first Hollywood Movie interview.

I don't hate liberal scumbags because they're the opposition, I hate them because 1) They're stupid, 2) They're stupid, and 3) They're really, really dangerously stupid.

But if they used their brains, they wouldn't be libturds, right?

Yea....Keystone will bring less than 50 permanent jobs

Where is the vision of the Republican Party? Why are they so wrapped up in one relatively small project when there is so much to do

Gas prices are ridiculously low. Add 15 cents to the gas tax
Interest rates are historically low. Issue some 30 year bonds at 4%
Our infrastructure is in horrible shape. We just had a bridge collapse yesterday which killed someone. We need to look at our power grid, our communications infrastructure, the internet,water, sewers, roads, bridges, tunnels

Meanwile, Republicans tie up Congress over one stinking project (a Canadian project)

This post above hi-lites the stupidity and Nazi Goose-Stepping typical leftist scumbag.....

I mean, drool cup carrying, mouth-breathing stupid dimocrap scumbag.

Keystone XL is a CONSTRUCTION PROJECT you stupid shit.

ALL Construction Jobs are temporary. Every last one of them.

So what if it will produce 'only' 6,000 - 10,000 jobs for two to three years, right dirtbag?

Those guys don't need jobs, right dirtbag? They can go on the dole like you are, right dirtbag?

This is a good illustration of one reason why I despise dimocrap scum so much -- They're just stoopid.

They take every lie told to them by their political masters, who do nothing but lie, and swallow it like a porn star doing her first Hollywood Movie interview.

I don't hate liberal scumbags because they're the opposition, I hate them because 1) They're stupid, 2) They're stupid, and 3) They're really, really dangerously stupid.

But if they used their brains, they wouldn't be libturds, right?


Keystone is just one small construction job out of literally thousands that are waiting to be approved?

Where is the Republican passion to support infrastructure to help Americans?
Keystone is just one small construction job out of literally thousands that are waiting to be approved?

Where is the Republican passion to support infrastructure to help Americans?

More stupidity from our resident mouth breathing dimocrap moron......

Keystone XL is a PRIVATE endeavor. Got that?

Infrastructure spending is a GOOBERMINT endeavor.

With me so far, imbecile? IOW, one is using MY money (not yours, you don't pay taxes) and the other is using PRIVATE money.

Now, sit down and take a deep breath ---


Remember the last time we gave dimocrap scum a lot of money for goobermint spending? Remember that?

Almost a TRILLION DOLLARS, remember?

Know where that went? I do.

They pissed it away on bribes and payoffs.

No way we're giving the scum of the earth dimocraps more money to steal.

Just ain't gonna happen.
How about it Republicans?

Are you willing to put forward a major infrastructure bill that can include Keystone? Or is the failed Republican Congress incapable of doing anything significant
How about it Republicans?

Are you willing to put forward a major infrastructure bill that can include Keystone? Or is the failed Republican Congress incapable of doing anything significant

You lost the debate already. Run along and lick your wounds.
You lost the debate already. Run along and lick your wounds.

You think a series of insults is a debate? You're a fucking idiot.
Try writing something worth reading. If you can, which I seriously doubt.
The ODS is just to strong.
How about it Republicans?

Are you willing to put forward a major infrastructure bill that can include Keystone? Or is the failed Republican Congress incapable of doing anything significant

You lost the debate already. Run along and lick your wounds.

Still looking for any reason the failed Republican Congress has no plans for any infrastructure outside of Keystone
I can't Understand the GOP obsession with Keystone. It is just one project and it helps Canada

There are thousands of infrastructure projects in the US that benefit the American people, why aren't Republicans concerned with them?

I can't Understand the GOP obsession with Keystone.

I can't understand why Keystone makes libs wet their panties.

It is just one project and it helps Canada.

Helps us too.

There are thousands of infrastructure projects in the US that benefit the American people, why aren't Republicans concerned with them?

We are. Let's cut some of Obama's wasteful spending to pay for them.

Yea....Keystone will bring less than 50 permanent jobs

Where is the vision of the Republican Party? Why are they so wrapped up in one relatively small project when there is so much to do

Gas prices are ridiculously low. Add 15 cents to the gas tax
Interest rates are historically low. Issue some 30 year bonds at 4%
Our infrastructure is in horrible shape. We just had a bridge collapse yesterday which killed someone. We need to look at our power grid, our communications infrastructure, the internet,water, sewers, roads, bridges, tunnels

Meanwile, Republicans tie up Congress over one stinking project (a Canadian project)

Yea....Keystone will bring less than 50 permanent jobs

It's awful when private companies build infrastructure and create jobs. Wait, what?

Interest rates are historically low. Issue some 30 year bonds at 4%

Or at 2.4%.

Our infrastructure is in horrible shape.

The crisis is passed. We've defeated terrorism. The economy is better than ever.
Why are we spending so much more on welfare and foodstamps than when Boosh was President?
Imagine the infrastructure we could build with that money.

We just had a bridge collapse yesterday which killed someone.

It's terrible when a demolition goes wrong.

Meanwile, Republicans tie up Congress over one stinking project

How long has Obama been stalling it? Pass it already, then it won't tie up anything.

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