How Republicans will turn Obama into a "Great American President"

Look at how Republicans treated Clinton. And now he's one of the most popular political figures in the world. Republicans even tried to use him against Obama by saying what a good president Clinton was and how they were able to work with Clinton.

Now look at what Republicans gave to Obama. Before Obama was even inaugurated, Republicans were holding secret strategy sessions and making secret plans on how to bring down his presidency. And look at what they handed President Obama.

A horribly mismanaged war in Afghanistan.

An illegal debacle in Iraq.

Attempts at keeping not only the cost of the wars "hidden" but also the bodies.

Economic deregulation leading to an economic meltdown.

Bush Tax Cuts with most going to the top 1% costing the country trillions in deficit creation.

During the Bush years, millions of jobs were moved to China meaning millions lost their health care insuring that the number one cause of bankruptcy would stay medical bills by a wide margin.

The huge VA Hospital scandal that started under Bush when tens of thousands of horribly maimed veterans began returning from the Middle East.

Republicans cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security.

Gun running to Mexico.

Republicans using the IRS to target the NAACP and other organizations.

The list of GOP failure is endless. It goes on and on.

Then all the racist attacks with the GOP showing their true colors. Put white back in the White House, Obama bucks, attacks on Obama's family. Saying his mother was a porn star, his father wasn't his "real" father and his wife being "uppity".

So what will history say?

First, history will say the GOP has devolved into teanuts and loons.

Then it will say Republicans did everything in their power to stop Obama from fixing a single one of their fiascoes.

And it will say:

Obama ended the war in Iraq
Saved the Auto industry
Helped the stock market break records
Took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him
Showed a lot of restraint even when Republicans were attacking his wife and his dead mother

He even managed to get a 20 billion commitment from BP before Republicans stopped this administration from investigating all the Americans that died in the platform blow up and the destruction of our gulf. We now have shrimp with no eyes, crabs with no claws, dolphins with no teeth and lung disease. And there have been reports of children playing in the water getting blisters and lesions. This is long term destruction that Republicans are still defending or denying.

and one of his greatest successes will be that he not only re-insured millions who lost their jobs and medical insurance under Bush and the GOP majorities, but also insured millions more and put a plan into place that will insure millions into the future. He passed Lily Ledbetter, and ended Don't ask don't tell.

But his single greatest success is that he put an end to the GOP's horrendous run of bad policy, destruction and failure.

History will be very kind to Obama and very unkind to this Republican Party. Even now you can guarantee it, but every day, Republicans only make themselves look worse.

They prove the adage that "All one has to do to defeat the eXtreme rw is to hand them a mic & stand back :D
same chit different day

Here's how Obama turned rdean into a cult memeber

FOLLOW me the Dear wonderful leader...I promise I won't give you kool aide laced with poison..


The funny part is, sycophantic zealots like rdean would knowingly suck HIV infected semen from the moonbat messiah's cock if he told them too. These retards make the Jim Jones' cult look like rational people.

yea Dean makes everyone look like ignorant boobs.....if you believe half the shit Dean says about how ALL Republicans are then i think are pretty fucking ignorant yourself.....
NOTED: soggy does not like to hear or see the truth. If you are unhappy with what rjean posted prove rjean wrong (if you can). Calling me names does not change the truth or make you look smarter.

so you agree with "Rjean"....that ALL Republicans hate Minorities?......that ALL Republicans hate gays?......that ALL Republicans would rather see people die then get health care?.....that ALL Republicans are against Education?....that ALL Republicans are against science?.....well Ronny do you agree with "Rjean" with his very strange and ignorant way of thinking?...

guess Ronny did not want to answer......
Look at how Republicans treated Clinton. And now he's one of the most popular political figures in the world. Republicans even tried to use him against Obama by saying what a good president Clinton was and how they were able to work with Clinton.

Now look at what Republicans gave to Obama. Before Obama was even inaugurated, Republicans were holding secret strategy sessions and making secret plans on how to bring down his presidency. And look at what they handed President Obama.

A horribly mismanaged war in Afghanistan.

An illegal debacle in Iraq.

Attempts at keeping not only the cost of the wars "hidden" but also the bodies.

Economic deregulation leading to an economic meltdown.

Bush Tax Cuts with most going to the top 1% costing the country trillions in deficit creation.

During the Bush years, millions of jobs were moved to China meaning millions lost their health care insuring that the number one cause of bankruptcy would stay medical bills by a wide margin.

The huge VA Hospital scandal that started under Bush when tens of thousands of horribly maimed veterans began returning from the Middle East.

Republicans cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security.

Gun running to Mexico.

Republicans using the IRS to target the NAACP and other organizations.

The list of GOP failure is endless. It goes on and on.

Then all the racist attacks with the GOP showing their true colors. Put white back in the White House, Obama bucks, attacks on Obama's family. Saying his mother was a porn star, his father wasn't his "real" father and his wife being "uppity".

So what will history say?

First, history will say the GOP has devolved into teanuts and loons.

Then it will say Republicans did everything in their power to stop Obama from fixing a single one of their fiascoes.

And it will say:

Obama ended the war in Iraq
Saved the Auto industry
Helped the stock market break records
Took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him
Showed a lot of restraint even when Republicans were attacking his wife and his dead mother

He even managed to get a 20 billion commitment from BP before Republicans stopped this administration from investigating all the Americans that died in the platform blow up and the destruction of our gulf. We now have shrimp with no eyes, crabs with no claws, dolphins with no teeth and lung disease. And there have been reports of children playing in the water getting blisters and lesions. This is long term destruction that Republicans are still defending or denying.

and one of his greatest successes will be that he not only re-insured millions who lost their jobs and medical insurance under Bush and the GOP majorities, but also insured millions more and put a plan into place that will insure millions into the future. He passed Lily Ledbetter, and ended Don't ask don't tell.

But his single greatest success is that he put an end to the GOP's horrendous run of bad policy, destruction and failure.

History will be very kind to Obama and very unkind to this Republican Party. Even now you can guarantee it, but every day, Republicans only make themselves look worse.

They prove the adage that "All one has to do to defeat the eXtreme rw is to hand them a mic & stand back :D

Isn't it REALLY "All one has to do to defeat the right wing is get a compliant main stream media who goes to a rally with thousands of people and ignores everyone but the one guy carrying a Confederate flag"? Isn't THAT what really defeated Mitt Romney? God knows he was far more qualified than Barack Obama could ever HOPE to be...and we had four years of inept leadership by Barry to prove that point yet when the two were discussed in the main stream media instead of talking about Obama's lack of a plan to help the economy and put people back to work...they were talking about Mitt Romney's "war on women"? Seriously? Instead of concentrating on REAL things...we were concentrating on something that doesn't even fucking exist? A made up problem when we had so many REAL problems to deal with...problems that six years later STILL haven't been dealt with because the President we have is so monumentally ill prepared for the job that he was given. A President who was never properly vetted by the media because they were so caught up in the Barack Obama "myth".

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