How Republicans will turn Obama into a "Great American President"

Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.3%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, got us out of Iraq, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 11 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job.

Wow, are you EVER delusional! Let's address your claims one at a time...shall we?

The Obama Stimulus didn't save us from another Great Depression...TARP did much more to stave off that happening and TARP was W's creature, not Barry's. The Stimulus blew 800 billion and unemployment went up! It was so ineffective that the Obama White House had to invent a new economic created or saved to hide how bad job creation was.

He didn't rebuild GM...he restructured GM's debt so the unions who supported him didn't lose as many of their benefits as they would have if GM had simply declared bankruptcy and reorganized. We the taxpayers took it in the shorts to help out Barry's buddies in the UAW.

He brought unemployment down to 6.3%? Well when he took office it was 7.8% and then it skyrocketed up over 10%. Of course the 6.3% number is suspect because unemployment have consistently been adjusted to a higher number at later dates. Then there is the "real unemployment" number which takes into account the millions of Americans who would like to be working full time jobs but have been forced to take part time work because that's all that is available. Nor does it count all the long term unemployed who have simply given up looking for work and are dropped from the counts.

He passed ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation...something that this Administration is scared to death to implement in all it's "glory" so they keep postponing large parts of it until after Barry is out of office!

Wall Street reform? I've got news for you...they didn't reform any of the things that led to the crash. Your belief that they did simply shows how naive you are.

The stock market rebounded because of non-stop quantitative easing by the Fed allowed wealthy people essentially interest free money to invest. The rich got richer while the Middle Class sat on the sidelines licking their wounds from the beating they took in the markets during the crash. Then Obama turns around and talks about how wrong it is that the rich got richer while the rest of the country got poorer? LOL It's Obama's lack of an economic plan to grow the economy that made THAT happen!

Barry got OBL with intel derived from interrogation methods approved by the Bush Administration and outlawed by his own. Just like with TARP...if Bush doesn't start the ball rolling...Barry doesn't accomplish squat! As for Ghaddafi? Barry diddled himself trying to figure out what to do in Libya...he didn't GET anyone...the Libyan people got Ghaddafi.

The fact that you actually believe that Obama got Syria to give up it's WMD's or the Iranians to stop their nuclear program demonstrates that you're as naive as Barry. Neither has happened...nor will it be happening anytime soon. Our Middle East foreign policy is in tatters. Barack Obama doesn't have a plan in place to deal with Syria, Iran or a resurgent Al Queda. He's just hoping nobody notices until he leaves office.

He "freed" gays in the military? I didn't realize they were imprisoned!

Since the vast majority of jobs that were created in the Private Sector were created in States with GOP Governors with economic plans in stark contrast to the President's it's laughable to credit Barack Obama for job creation that took place in Texas and North Dakota. A more apt description would be that the Private Sector managed to create jobs DESPITE the Obama Administration.
Then of course we need to discuss the failures of the Obama White House...

Let's start with bipartisanship. If you remember, Barry started his Presidency with large majorities in the House and the Senate. He lectured the GOP that "elections have consequences...I won!" and then told them to go wait in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid drew up ObamaCare and the Stimulus. Well guess what? When the 2010 midterms came and Democrats lost historically high numbers of seats because the American people were unhappy with the direction Harry and Nancy had taken us. So now we have the most polarized government in our long history and a President who has displayed ZERO ability to forge political compromise!
Fast & Furious? What can you say about one of the most outrageously idiotic programs in memory! Obama's Justice Department decided to restart a Bush era program that hoped to track the sale of guns in the US that were then being smuggled across the US/Mexican border for resale...a program that the Bush Justice Department scuttled because they found that even with cooperation from the Mexican authorities that they were unable to keep track of the weapons. The Bush White House had the good sense to halt that program. Yet somehow...someone in the Holder Justice Department decided that they'd let guns walk again...only this time they wouldn't even try to track them. Apparently they WANTED the guns to end up in the hands of narco-terrorists in Mexico so as to prove their contention that stricter gun control laws were needed here in the US. And if some Mexican nationals got killed...they didn't seem to care! It was only after a US Border Patrolman was killed and angry whistle blowers went to the press with what was being done that the Obama Justice Department stopped the walking of guns.
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The Obama Stimulus? Progressives want SO bad to put this in the "success" column for Barry but when you simply do the math it becomes patently obvious that it was a colossal failure. Given almost 800 billion dollars to play with, Obama let Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid reward Democratic supporters in the Public Sector with continued employment even as the Private Sector was getting decimated with massive job cuts. The "shovel ready" jobs that Obama, Reid and Pelosi promised never materialized and the roll out of the Stimulus was so mismanaged that unemployment spiked all the way up over 10%. The lack of job creation was so acute that the Obama White House invented a new economic statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide how bad it was. Bottom line? Obama has overseen the worst recovery from a recession in modern political history while spending more money than any President in history.
"The most transparent Administration ever"! That was Barack Obama's promise to the American people right before they became the LEAST transparent Administration EVER! Quite frankly this White House puts Nixon to shame when it comes to hiding things from the American people.
How about foreign policy successes? Well let's see...Iran is working on their nukes...Syria is still butchering it's own people...Russia senses such weakness from us that they thumb their noses at the International community as they invade neighbors...China is hacking our secrets...Al Queda is growing and increasingly emboldened and many of the world's leaders are pissed at the US because we got caught spying on their personal communications. What is good in any of that?
Obama already is a great American president.

And he will become hugely popular if the Republicans end up controlling both houses of Congress.

With whom? The moochers that won't get off their asses and get a job?

99% of Republicans end up on public assistance.

If collecting Social Security is considered 'public assistance' you are correct. 99% of the Republicans I know work for a living and pay into FICA. (the I in FICA stands for INSURANCE) And, when you pay the insurance premium you collect the benefit.
Then there are the nonstop scandals...besides Fast & Furious...we were treated to Solyndra...the IRS targeting conservatives...the Justice Department labeling James Rosen a criminal so they could spy on his emails...the debacle that was Benghazi and the subsequent cover-up that ensued...the NSA illegally spying on Americans...and now the VA "secret waiting lists".

What's amazing about most of these is that Barack Obama didn't seem to know anything about any of them! His stock response is that he found out about them from the news or reading the paper! So here's your choice of bad conclusions, Progressives...either Barry is lying about that...or he is the most clueless Chief Executive this country may have ever had! Pick your poison!
Attacking a populist makes them more relevant and the attacker seem like a toady to the ivory tower douches.

What has Obama done that's actually popular?

Oh, I don't know. How about:

Obama ended the war in Iraq
Saved the Auto industry
Helped the stock market break records
Took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him
Showed a lot of restraint even when Republicans were attacking his wife and his dead mother
He even managed to get a 20 billion commitment from BP before Republicans stopped this administration from investigating all the Americans that died in the platform blow up and the destruction of our gulf.

Bush had the status of forces agreement signed before he left office ending the Iraq war on date certain.
All but Ford saved themselves by filing bankruptcy. Ford is thriving while GM is on the verge of filing bankruptcy again because of covering up defects in their cars for years that have caused thousands of deaths.
The Bush capital gain tax cut that Obama kept in place and the Federal Reserve printing several billion dollars for the rich investors to use in the stock market.
The military that Bush left Obama with took out bin Laden and Bush did not quit looking for him.
What you call attacks were merely statements of fact.
BP did the right thing and Obama was late in coming to the table on that one.

And your line...."republicans only make themselves look worse" is not an attack?


That's an "observation". Like Republicans are 90% white or think education is for snobs or kept this administration from investigating BP or feel they don't want 47% of the country or hate science. None of those are attacks. They are observations backed up with video and quotes.

Now, Republicans smell bad could be either. Depending on whether or not it's true.

thats called being can make the same point you are trying to make without saying that.....but you say it anyway.....because you are very racial person...who hates white republicans....

You hate white Republicans? Why?
Look at how Republicans treated Clinton. And now he's one of the most popular political figures in the world. Republicans even tried to use him against Obama by saying what a good president Clinton was and how they were able to work with Clinton.

Now look at what Republicans gave to Obama. Before Obama was even inaugurated, Republicans were holding secret strategy sessions and making secret plans on how to bring down his presidency. And look at what they handed President Obama.

A horribly mismanaged war in Afghanistan.

An illegal debacle in Iraq.

Attempts at keeping not only the cost of the wars "hidden" but also the bodies.

Economic deregulation leading to an economic meltdown.

Bush Tax Cuts with most going to the top 1% costing the country trillions in deficit creation.

During the Bush years, millions of jobs were moved to China meaning millions lost their health care insuring that the number one cause of bankruptcy would stay medical bills by a wide margin.

The huge VA Hospital scandal that started under Bush when tens of thousands of horribly maimed veterans began returning from the Middle East.

Republicans cutting hundreds of millions of dollars from embassy security.

Gun running to Mexico.

Republicans using the IRS to target the NAACP and other organizations.

The list of GOP failure is endless. It goes on and on.

Then all the racist attacks with the GOP showing their true colors. Put white back in the White House, Obama bucks, attacks on Obama's family. Saying his mother was a porn star, his father wasn't his "real" father and his wife being "uppity".

So what will history say?

First, history will say the GOP has devolved into teanuts and loons.

Then it will say Republicans did everything in their power to stop Obama from fixing a single one of their fiascoes.

And it will say:

Obama ended the war in Iraq
Saved the Auto industry
Helped the stock market break records
Took out Bin Laden after Republicans let him go and stopped looking for him
Showed a lot of restraint even when Republicans were attacking his wife and his dead mother

He even managed to get a 20 billion commitment from BP before Republicans stopped this administration from investigating all the Americans that died in the platform blow up and the destruction of our gulf. We now have shrimp with no eyes, crabs with no claws, dolphins with no teeth and lung disease. And there have been reports of children playing in the water getting blisters and lesions. This is long term destruction that Republicans are still defending or denying.

and one of his greatest successes will be that he not only re-insured millions who lost their jobs and medical insurance under Bush and the GOP majorities, but also insured millions more and put a plan into place that will insure millions into the future. He passed Lily Ledbetter, and ended Don't ask don't tell.

But his single greatest success is that he put an end to the GOP's horrendous run of bad policy, destruction and failure.

History will be very kind to Obama and very unkind to this Republican Party. Even now you can guarantee it, but every day, Republicans only make themselves look worse.

The difference between Clinton and Obama is that Clinton was at least smart enough to go along with the Republican Congress that forced him to accept their will. He may of done it with gnashing teeth, but he did it. Obama on the other hand, is such a stubborn Marxist he'd rather stand his ground and become a lame duck President then accept the will of the people and work with a Republican House.

His long list of failures as Commander-in-Chief are all on his own, and no matter how much you (D)-bags try to blame Republicans, the Hussein will always be seen as a total failure. Lying about Benghazi, appointees like Eric Holder....history will undoubtable judge the Hussein administration as the most corrupt to occupy the office.

And what exactly was it they did? Make it good.
Obama saved us from another Great Depression with the stimulus, rebuilt GM, brought unemployment down to 6.3%, passed healthcare reform and Wall Street banking reform, saw the stock market soar and housing rebound, got bin Laden, got Ghaddafi, secured WMDs from Syria, got the Iranians to give up their nukes, passed START, got us out of Iraq, accelerated the end of the war in Afghanistan, freed gays in the military, created over 11 million private sector jobs, 50 months of economic growth, increased Americans net worth by $20 trillion dollars . . .

ALL without any help from the Republican Party.

Obama has done a very good job.

Wow, are you EVER delusional! Let's address your claims one at a time...shall we?

The Obama Stimulus didn't save us from another Great Depression...TARP did much more to stave off that happening and TARP was W's creature, not Barry's. The Stimulus blew 800 billion and unemployment went up! It was so ineffective that the Obama White House had to invent a new economic created or saved to hide how bad job creation was.

He didn't rebuild GM...he restructured GM's debt so the unions who supported him didn't lose as many of their benefits as they would have if GM had simply declared bankruptcy and reorganized. We the taxpayers took it in the shorts to help out Barry's buddies in the UAW.

He brought unemployment down to 6.3%? Well when he took office it was 7.8% and then it skyrocketed up over 10%. Of course the 6.3% number is suspect because unemployment have consistently been adjusted to a higher number at later dates. Then there is the "real unemployment" number which takes into account the millions of Americans who would like to be working full time jobs but have been forced to take part time work because that's all that is available. Nor does it count all the long term unemployed who have simply given up looking for work and are dropped from the counts.

He passed ObamaCare...probably the worst piece of legislation in the history of the nation...something that this Administration is scared to death to implement in all it's "glory" so they keep postponing large parts of it until after Barry is out of office!

Wall Street reform? I've got news for you...they didn't reform any of the things that led to the crash. Your belief that they did simply shows how naive you are.

The stock market rebounded because of non-stop quantitative easing by the Fed allowed wealthy people essentially interest free money to invest. The rich got richer while the Middle Class sat on the sidelines licking their wounds from the beating they took in the markets during the crash. Then Obama turns around and talks about how wrong it is that the rich got richer while the rest of the country got poorer? LOL It's Obama's lack of an economic plan to grow the economy that made THAT happen!

Barry got OBL with intel derived from interrogation methods approved by the Bush Administration and outlawed by his own. Just like with TARP...if Bush doesn't start the ball rolling...Barry doesn't accomplish squat! As for Ghaddafi? Barry diddled himself trying to figure out what to do in Libya...he didn't GET anyone...the Libyan people got Ghaddafi.

The fact that you actually believe that Obama got Syria to give up it's WMD's or the Iranians to stop their nuclear program demonstrates that you're as naive as Barry. Neither has happened...nor will it be happening anytime soon. Our Middle East foreign policy is in tatters. Barack Obama doesn't have a plan in place to deal with Syria, Iran or a resurgent Al Queda. He's just hoping nobody notices until he leaves office.

He "freed" gays in the military? I didn't realize they were imprisoned!

Since the vast majority of jobs that were created in the Private Sector were created in States with GOP Governors with economic plans in stark contrast to the President's it's laughable to credit Barack Obama for job creation that took place in Texas and North Dakota. A more apt description would be that the Private Sector managed to create jobs DESPITE the Obama Administration.

Just that one line proves you are delusional.
Then of course we need to discuss the failures of the Obama White House...

Let's start with bipartisanship. If you remember, Barry started his Presidency with large majorities in the House and the Senate. He lectured the GOP that "elections have consequences...I won!" and then told them to go wait in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid drew up ObamaCare and the Stimulus. Well guess what? When the 2010 midterms came and Democrats lost historically high numbers of seats because the American people were unhappy with the direction Harry and Nancy had taken us. So now we have the most polarized government in our long history and a President who has displayed ZERO ability to forge political compromise!

Obama's failure to compromise? Hilarious. We know Republicans held meetings creating plans to bring Obama down even before he was sworn in. You know that right? Republicans told us about the meetings. That's how we know.
Fast & Furious? What can you say about one of the most outrageously idiotic programs in memory! Obama's Justice Department decided to restart a Bush era program that hoped to track the sale of guns in the US that were then being smuggled across the US/Mexican border for resale...a program that the Bush Justice Department scuttled because they found that even with cooperation from the Mexican authorities that they were unable to keep track of the weapons. The Bush White House had the good sense to halt that program. Yet somehow...someone in the Holder Justice Department decided that they'd let guns walk again...only this time they wouldn't even try to track them. Apparently they WANTED the guns to end up in the hands of narco-terrorists in Mexico so as to prove their contention that stricter gun control laws were needed here in the US. And if some Mexican nationals got killed...they didn't seem to care! It was only after a US Border Patrolman was killed and angry whistle blowers went to the press with what was being done that the Obama Justice Department stopped the walking of guns.

Why would Obama run guns? Oh, to make stricter gun laws here? Then why did he do this?

Gun Laws Signed By Obama - How Many There Are

Obama signed only two major laws that address how guns are carried in America, and both actually expand the rights of gun owners.

One of the laws allows gun owners to carry weapons in national parks; that law took effect in February 2012 and replaced President Ronald Reagan's policy of required guns be locked in glove compartments of trunks of car that enter national parks.

Another gun law signed by Obama allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked baggage, a move that reversed a measure put in place after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.


Do you understand how easy it is to make you look foolish?




See the difference?

If you don't, we know what you are




See the difference?

If you don't, we know what you are

Oh I can see the difference all right. It's the difference between a three pointer and an air ball. And he did it in front of the soldiers.
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Then of course we need to discuss the failures of the Obama White House...

Let's start with bipartisanship. If you remember, Barry started his Presidency with large majorities in the House and the Senate. He lectured the GOP that "elections have consequences...I won!" and then told them to go wait in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid drew up ObamaCare and the Stimulus. Well guess what? When the 2010 midterms came and Democrats lost historically high numbers of seats because the American people were unhappy with the direction Harry and Nancy had taken us. So now we have the most polarized government in our long history and a President who has displayed ZERO ability to forge political compromise!

Obama's failure to compromise? Hilarious. We know Republicans held meetings creating plans to bring Obama down even before he was sworn in. You know that right? Republicans told us about the meetings. That's how we know.

What's amusing, that you actually BUY that Obama White House talking point! First of all the GOP is the opposition to the Democrats and would be expected to have meetings on how to counter an agenda they feared would harm the country. They didn't try to hide them because what they were talking about was hardly secret or anything new. Only an idiot like yourself wouldn't realize that Democrats have had meetings to figure out how to win the House back from the GOP. Why? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE THE OPPOSING PARTY!!!

But more importantly, Barack Obama was sworn in with huge majorities in the House and the Senate. It didn't matter what the Republicans "plotted" in their meetings because Obama held all the cards, something that Rahm Emanuel made clear when his response to a question about what the GOP would think about one of their proposals was "Fuck them...we've got the votes!" The reason that government is as polarized as it is that "Fuck them" attitude that the Obama Administration came into office with. Back in 2009 Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid GLEEFULLY told their GOP counterparts to figuratively go wait in the hall while they passed ObamaCare and the Stimulus. When they lost control of the House in the 2010 midterms THEN all of a sudden it was the GOP controlled House that wasn't playing ball! All of a sudden elections didn't have consequences like they did in 2008 and all of a sudden there was a need for compromise! Funny how that yen for compromise didn't exist back in 2009!
Fast & Furious? What can you say about one of the most outrageously idiotic programs in memory! Obama's Justice Department decided to restart a Bush era program that hoped to track the sale of guns in the US that were then being smuggled across the US/Mexican border for resale...a program that the Bush Justice Department scuttled because they found that even with cooperation from the Mexican authorities that they were unable to keep track of the weapons. The Bush White House had the good sense to halt that program. Yet somehow...someone in the Holder Justice Department decided that they'd let guns walk again...only this time they wouldn't even try to track them. Apparently they WANTED the guns to end up in the hands of narco-terrorists in Mexico so as to prove their contention that stricter gun control laws were needed here in the US. And if some Mexican nationals got killed...they didn't seem to care! It was only after a US Border Patrolman was killed and angry whistle blowers went to the press with what was being done that the Obama Justice Department stopped the walking of guns.

Why would Obama run guns? Oh, to make stricter gun laws here? Then why did he do this?

Gun Laws Signed By Obama - How Many There Are

Obama signed only two major laws that address how guns are carried in America, and both actually expand the rights of gun owners.

One of the laws allows gun owners to carry weapons in national parks; that law took effect in February 2012 and replaced President Ronald Reagan's policy of required guns be locked in glove compartments of trunks of car that enter national parks.

Another gun law signed by Obama allows Amtrak passengers to carry guns in checked baggage, a move that reversed a measure put in place after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.


Do you understand how easy it is to make you look foolish?

So kindly explain what the rationale WAS behind starting up Fast & Furious, Deanie? They must have had some reason for running guns into another sovereign nation to be used by narco-terrorists to kill hundreds. I'd love to hear what your explanation of what the "goals" of Fast & Furious were...
Then of course we need to discuss the failures of the Obama White House...

Let's start with bipartisanship. If you remember, Barry started his Presidency with large majorities in the House and the Senate. He lectured the GOP that "elections have consequences...I won!" and then told them to go wait in the hall while Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid drew up ObamaCare and the Stimulus. Well guess what? When the 2010 midterms came and Democrats lost historically high numbers of seats because the American people were unhappy with the direction Harry and Nancy had taken us. So now we have the most polarized government in our long history and a President who has displayed ZERO ability to forge political compromise!

Obama's failure to compromise? Hilarious. We know Republicans held meetings creating plans to bring Obama down even before he was sworn in. You know that right? Republicans told us about the meetings. That's how we know.

What's amusing, that you actually BUY that Obama White House talking point! First of all the GOP is the opposition to the Democrats and would be expected to have meetings on how to counter an agenda they feared would harm the country. They didn't try to hide them because what they were talking about was hardly secret or anything new. Only an idiot like yourself wouldn't realize that Democrats have had meetings to figure out how to win the House back from the GOP. Why? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE THE OPPOSING PARTY!!!

But more importantly, Barack Obama was sworn in with huge majorities in the House and the Senate. It didn't matter what the Republicans "plotted" in their meetings because Obama held all the cards, something that Rahm Emanuel made clear when his response to a question about what the GOP would think about one of their proposals was "Fuck them...we've got the votes!" The reason that government is as polarized as it is that "Fuck them" attitude that the Obama Administration came into office with. Back in 2009 Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid GLEEFULLY told their GOP counterparts to figuratively go wait in the hall while they passed ObamaCare and the Stimulus. When they lost control of the House in the 2010 midterms THEN all of a sudden it was the GOP controlled House that wasn't playing ball! All of a sudden elections didn't have consequences like they did in 2008 and all of a sudden there was a need for compromise! Funny how that yen for compromise didn't exist back in 2009!

I don't think there was any room for the gop to negotiate anything that would have used tax revenue, and new tax revenue even though it didn't involve income taxes, that would have been used to pay for private insurance for individuals. Bennett in Utah was teapartied for even considering it in years prior to Obama, but he was hardly the first goper to consider it. But, the anger that led to the teaparty predated Obamacare .... Not that it isn't a clusterfk.

I suspect the gop could have compromised on some aspect of a stimulus. Not the direct spending, but tax rebates and UI and even putting more money into highways ... all that's been bipartisan before.

But generally I agree. Obama didn't have a lot of democrat friends in the Senate. He's the smartest guy in every room he enters .... even before he gets there or even thinks of going there.




See the difference?

If you don't, we know what you are

Oh I can see the difference all right. It's the difference between a three pointer and an air ball. And he did it in front of the soldiers.

Nice shot by the Pres...he's obviously been spending more time on his 3 point stroke than he has fixing the economy and getting people back to work...but hey, a man has to have priorities!

And just because he throws like a girl and rides a girl's bike doesn't mean a thing...really...I mean it...not a thing!
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