How Republicans will turn Obama into a "Great American President"

That's an "observation". Like Republicans are 90% white or think education is for snobs or kept this administration from investigating BP or feel they don't want 47% of the country or hate science. None of those are attacks. They are observations backed up with video and quotes.

Now, Republicans smell bad could be either. Depending on whether or not it's true.

thats called being can make the same point you are trying to make without saying that.....but you say it anyway.....because you are very racial person...who hates white republicans....

You hate white Republicans? Why?

how come you wont answer what i said about you Dean?....will you have to admit you are a bigot?.....what is it?...dont be scared.....just be honest.....
Obama's failure to compromise? Hilarious. We know Republicans held meetings creating plans to bring Obama down even before he was sworn in. You know that right? Republicans told us about the meetings. That's how we know.

What's amusing, that you actually BUY that Obama White House talking point! First of all the GOP is the opposition to the Democrats and would be expected to have meetings on how to counter an agenda they feared would harm the country. They didn't try to hide them because what they were talking about was hardly secret or anything new. Only an idiot like yourself wouldn't realize that Democrats have had meetings to figure out how to win the House back from the GOP. Why? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE THE OPPOSING PARTY!!!

But more importantly, Barack Obama was sworn in with huge majorities in the House and the Senate. It didn't matter what the Republicans "plotted" in their meetings because Obama held all the cards, something that Rahm Emanuel made clear when his response to a question about what the GOP would think about one of their proposals was "Fuck them...we've got the votes!" The reason that government is as polarized as it is that "Fuck them" attitude that the Obama Administration came into office with. Back in 2009 Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid GLEEFULLY told their GOP counterparts to figuratively go wait in the hall while they passed ObamaCare and the Stimulus. When they lost control of the House in the 2010 midterms THEN all of a sudden it was the GOP controlled House that wasn't playing ball! All of a sudden elections didn't have consequences like they did in 2008 and all of a sudden there was a need for compromise! Funny how that yen for compromise didn't exist back in 2009!

I don't think there was any room for the gop to negotiate anything that would have used tax revenue, and new tax revenue even though it didn't involve income taxes, that would have been used to pay for private insurance for individuals. Bennett in Utah was teapartied for even considering it in years prior to Obama, but he was hardly the first goper to consider it. But, the anger that led to the teaparty predated Obamacare .... Not that it isn't a clusterfk.

I suspect the gop could have compromised on some aspect of a stimulus. Not the direct spending, but tax rebates and UI and even putting more money into highways ... all that's been bipartisan before.

But generally I agree. Obama didn't have a lot of democrat friends in the Senate. He's the smartest guy in every room he enters .... even before he gets there or even thinks of going there.

With all due respect, Bendog...the Tea Party did predate ObamaCare but it was ObamaCare that made the Tea Party a force in politics...and ObamaCare that drove the 2010 midterm elections that saw the Tea Party flex it's political muscle.

And I truly hope you were trying for levity with the smartest guy in the room comment! At this point what Barack Obama has proved repeatedly is that he's the most overrated guy in the room when it comes to smarts. I'd love to ask some of his professors at Harvard Law what they saw from Barry that warranted academics honors because to be quite blunt with you...great intellect is not something he's demonstrated all that often since leaving Cambridge for the real world.
What's amusing, that you actually BUY that Obama White House talking point! First of all the GOP is the opposition to the Democrats and would be expected to have meetings on how to counter an agenda they feared would harm the country. They didn't try to hide them because what they were talking about was hardly secret or anything new. Only an idiot like yourself wouldn't realize that Democrats have had meetings to figure out how to win the House back from the GOP. Why? BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU DO WHEN YOU'RE THE OPPOSING PARTY!!!

But more importantly, Barack Obama was sworn in with huge majorities in the House and the Senate. It didn't matter what the Republicans "plotted" in their meetings because Obama held all the cards, something that Rahm Emanuel made clear when his response to a question about what the GOP would think about one of their proposals was "Fuck them...we've got the votes!" The reason that government is as polarized as it is that "Fuck them" attitude that the Obama Administration came into office with. Back in 2009 Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid GLEEFULLY told their GOP counterparts to figuratively go wait in the hall while they passed ObamaCare and the Stimulus. When they lost control of the House in the 2010 midterms THEN all of a sudden it was the GOP controlled House that wasn't playing ball! All of a sudden elections didn't have consequences like they did in 2008 and all of a sudden there was a need for compromise! Funny how that yen for compromise didn't exist back in 2009!

I don't think there was any room for the gop to negotiate anything that would have used tax revenue, and new tax revenue even though it didn't involve income taxes, that would have been used to pay for private insurance for individuals. Bennett in Utah was teapartied for even considering it in years prior to Obama, but he was hardly the first goper to consider it. But, the anger that led to the teaparty predated Obamacare .... Not that it isn't a clusterfk.

I suspect the gop could have compromised on some aspect of a stimulus. Not the direct spending, but tax rebates and UI and even putting more money into highways ... all that's been bipartisan before.

But generally I agree. Obama didn't have a lot of democrat friends in the Senate. He's the smartest guy in every room he enters .... even before he gets there or even thinks of going there.

With all due respect, Bendog...the Tea Party did predate ObamaCare but it was ObamaCare that made the Tea Party a force in politics...and ObamaCare that drove the 2010 midterm elections that saw the Tea Party flex it's political muscle.

And I truly hope you were trying for levity with the smartest guy in the room comment! At this point what Barack Obama has proved repeatedly is that he's the most overrated guy in the room when it comes to smarts. I'd love to ask some of his professors at Harvard Law what they saw from Barry that warranted academics honors because to be quite blunt with you...great intellect is not something he's demonstrated all that often since leaving Cambridge for the real world.

Obama's ego cannot be measured. (-: I don't disagree with you, but I do recall gop senators considering various policies that would use public money to finance healthcare for those who didn't get it from employers. Bennett was, imo, one of the more thought full. And the Mormons are known for civics. But expanding Medicaid? No.

I think Bush really fueled the TPM. And I voted for the sob in 2000, but he didn't turn out to be too conservative. (I voted McCain in the primary, and was never a big W fan. McCain wasn't a fan of the tax cut, himself.) Deficits exploded, and the Medicare drug expansion that was unfunded. Not to mention the unfunded wars. Starve the beast became synonomous with conservative, when in fact once people get something, it's tough to take it away ... politically. It came to a head with the debt ceiling.

Obamacare and the stimulus were unpoplular, but govt was already unpopular. And, no matter how good on policy any universal care scheme would have been, a segment of the populace would have been against anything. And that made it impossible for gop senators to be for anything. And, some very rich people saw them as tools to service their own agendas.

Now what would have happed if Ted Kennedy lived, and if he an Orin Hatch had seen what they could agree upon? I dunno. Kennedys do seem to die an inopportune times, though.

PS, but nothing, not even God, will make Obama a great potus.
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Now what would have happed if Ted Kennedy lived, and if he an Orin Hatch had seen what they could agree upon? I dunno. Kennedys do seem to die an inopportune times, though.


Ted Kennedy died politically along with the innocent young lady.

It just took a little time for the physical aspect to catch up.
same chit different day

Here's how Obama turned rdean into a cult memeber

FOLLOW me the Dear wonderful leader...I promise I won't give you kool aide laced with poison..

thats called being can make the same point you are trying to make without saying that.....but you say it anyway.....because you are very racial person...who hates white republicans....

You hate white Republicans? Why?

how come you wont answer what i said about you Dean?....will you have to admit you are a bigot?.....what is it?...dont be scared.....just be honest.....

Republicans are 90% white. That demonstrates a lack of diversity on their part, not hate on mine. I didn't make them 90% white. You do know that, right? Clearly they are NOT on "open tent" party. Like, oh, I don't know, like "Democrats"?

And I will never see a Democrat dressed like this:


or waving this:


At least not since the conservatives fled the Democratic Party and joined up with the Confederate Republicans. Imagine, waving a confederate flag in front of the house of a black man. How very "Klan".
You hate white Republicans? Why?

how come you wont answer what i said about you Dean?....will you have to admit you are a bigot?.....what is it?...dont be scared.....just be honest.....

Republicans are 90% white. That demonstrates a lack of diversity on their part, not hate on mine. I didn't make them 90% white. You do know that, right? Clearly they are NOT on "open tent" party. Like, oh, I don't know, like "Democrats"?

And I will never see a Democrat dressed like this:


or waving this:


At least not since the conservatives fled the Democratic Party and joined up with the Confederate Republicans. Imagine, waving a confederate flag in front of the house of a black man. How very "Klan".

nice dance i will ask again.....what relevance did telling us about them being 90% white have to do with what you were talking about? could have made your point without saying WHY did you say it?.....
I don't think there was any room for the gop to negotiate anything that would have used tax revenue, and new tax revenue even though it didn't involve income taxes, that would have been used to pay for private insurance for individuals. Bennett in Utah was teapartied for even considering it in years prior to Obama, but he was hardly the first goper to consider it. But, the anger that led to the teaparty predated Obamacare .... Not that it isn't a clusterfk.

I suspect the gop could have compromised on some aspect of a stimulus. Not the direct spending, but tax rebates and UI and even putting more money into highways ... all that's been bipartisan before.

But generally I agree. Obama didn't have a lot of democrat friends in the Senate. He's the smartest guy in every room he enters .... even before he gets there or even thinks of going there.

With all due respect, Bendog...the Tea Party did predate ObamaCare but it was ObamaCare that made the Tea Party a force in politics...and ObamaCare that drove the 2010 midterm elections that saw the Tea Party flex it's political muscle.

And I truly hope you were trying for levity with the smartest guy in the room comment! At this point what Barack Obama has proved repeatedly is that he's the most overrated guy in the room when it comes to smarts. I'd love to ask some of his professors at Harvard Law what they saw from Barry that warranted academics honors because to be quite blunt with you...great intellect is not something he's demonstrated all that often since leaving Cambridge for the real world.

Obama's ego cannot be measured. (-: I don't disagree with you, but I do recall gop senators considering various policies that would use public money to finance healthcare for those who didn't get it from employers. Bennett was, imo, one of the more thought full. And the Mormons are known for civics. But expanding Medicaid? No.

I think Bush really fueled the TPM. And I voted for the sob in 2000, but he didn't turn out to be too conservative. (I voted McCain in the primary, and was never a big W fan. McCain wasn't a fan of the tax cut, himself.) Deficits exploded, and the Medicare drug expansion that was unfunded. Not to mention the unfunded wars. Starve the beast became synonomous with conservative, when in fact once people get something, it's tough to take it away ... politically. It came to a head with the debt ceiling.

Obamacare and the stimulus were unpoplular, but govt was already unpopular. And, no matter how good on policy any universal care scheme would have been, a segment of the populace would have been against anything. And that made it impossible for gop senators to be for anything. And, some very rich people saw them as tools to service their own agendas.

Now what would have happed if Ted Kennedy lived, and if he an Orin Hatch had seen what they could agree upon? I dunno. Kennedys do seem to die an inopportune times, though.

PS, but nothing, not even God, will make Obama a great potus.

Bush wasn't overly conservative. Neither was McCain and neither was Romney. The fact is...the GOP has been running moderates for the past twenty years. It's the Democrats that have veered hard to the left with candidates like Obama and Kerry. They both had voting records in the Senate that put them in the far left category yet people like Deanie come on here and accuse the GOP of being "extreme". There are few moderate Democrats left in Washington. They were all tossed out in the 2010 midterms for supporting ObamaCare.

As far as Hatch and Kennedy are concerned? Hatch was always a moderate. Kennedy was seldom one. Status quo for the two parties...
With all due respect, Bendog...the Tea Party did predate ObamaCare but it was ObamaCare that made the Tea Party a force in politics...and ObamaCare that drove the 2010 midterm elections that saw the Tea Party flex it's political muscle.

And I truly hope you were trying for levity with the smartest guy in the room comment! At this point what Barack Obama has proved repeatedly is that he's the most overrated guy in the room when it comes to smarts. I'd love to ask some of his professors at Harvard Law what they saw from Barry that warranted academics honors because to be quite blunt with you...great intellect is not something he's demonstrated all that often since leaving Cambridge for the real world.

Obama's ego cannot be measured. (-: I don't disagree with you, but I do recall gop senators considering various policies that would use public money to finance healthcare for those who didn't get it from employers. Bennett was, imo, one of the more thought full. And the Mormons are known for civics. But expanding Medicaid? No.

I think Bush really fueled the TPM. And I voted for the sob in 2000, but he didn't turn out to be too conservative. (I voted McCain in the primary, and was never a big W fan. McCain wasn't a fan of the tax cut, himself.) Deficits exploded, and the Medicare drug expansion that was unfunded. Not to mention the unfunded wars. Starve the beast became synonomous with conservative, when in fact once people get something, it's tough to take it away ... politically. It came to a head with the debt ceiling.

Obamacare and the stimulus were unpoplular, but govt was already unpopular. And, no matter how good on policy any universal care scheme would have been, a segment of the populace would have been against anything. And that made it impossible for gop senators to be for anything. And, some very rich people saw them as tools to service their own agendas.

Now what would have happed if Ted Kennedy lived, and if he an Orin Hatch had seen what they could agree upon? I dunno. Kennedys do seem to die an inopportune times, though.

PS, but nothing, not even God, will make Obama a great potus.

Bush wasn't overly conservative. Neither was McCain and neither was Romney. The fact is...the GOP has been running moderates for the past twenty years. It's the Democrats that have veered hard to the left with candidates like Obama and Kerry. They both had voting records in the Senate that put them in the far left category yet people like Deanie come on here and accuse the GOP of being "extreme". There are few moderate Democrats left in Washington. They were all tossed out in the 2010 midterms for supporting ObamaCare.

As far as Hatch and Kennedy are concerned? Hatch was always a moderate. Kennedy was seldom one. Status quo for the two parties...

yep, and they've turned their base in far left nasty people like this thread for example
so why do so many educated liberals go and take up the jobs in those uneducated backwards red states?......would living there be worth it?.....why do they go Dean?....what is the lure?....

That's an easy one. Less competition, money and the chance to be a big fish in a little pond.

yea im sure thats it.....if some engineer in my State making say 150 thousand a year goes to Texas for 165 thousand a that 15 thousand worth it to put up with those uneducated Texans and their lifestyle?...come on Dean admit the real reason they go.....its because in those "lessor" States they are not being taxed to death and they know that where they are moving they have basically the same standard of honest once in your life.....

More likely, they can't compete so they go looking for a job where the people simply aren't as good and there is less competition. Then there are the uneducated willing to work and get paid under the table.

You look at the facts and data and put together the most likely scenario.

If Red States bring in educated people, then what happens to the poor fools who already live there?

And why aren't Blue States trying to lure them back? Could it be because they aren't that good?

Why is this even more problematic for Republicans? Since they are 90% white and don't welcome diversity, the incoming, many times, are likely to be minorities. People Republicans hate. So ignorant right wingers at the USMB are actually applauding what is making the GOP base in Red States "desperate". Go figure.
With all due respect, Bendog...the Tea Party did predate ObamaCare but it was ObamaCare that made the Tea Party a force in politics...and ObamaCare that drove the 2010 midterm elections that saw the Tea Party flex it's political muscle.

And I truly hope you were trying for levity with the smartest guy in the room comment! At this point what Barack Obama has proved repeatedly is that he's the most overrated guy in the room when it comes to smarts. I'd love to ask some of his professors at Harvard Law what they saw from Barry that warranted academics honors because to be quite blunt with you...great intellect is not something he's demonstrated all that often since leaving Cambridge for the real world.

Obama's ego cannot be measured. (-: I don't disagree with you, but I do recall gop senators considering various policies that would use public money to finance healthcare for those who didn't get it from employers. Bennett was, imo, one of the more thought full. And the Mormons are known for civics. But expanding Medicaid? No.

I think Bush really fueled the TPM. And I voted for the sob in 2000, but he didn't turn out to be too conservative. (I voted McCain in the primary, and was never a big W fan. McCain wasn't a fan of the tax cut, himself.) Deficits exploded, and the Medicare drug expansion that was unfunded. Not to mention the unfunded wars. Starve the beast became synonomous with conservative, when in fact once people get something, it's tough to take it away ... politically. It came to a head with the debt ceiling.

Obamacare and the stimulus were unpoplular, but govt was already unpopular. And, no matter how good on policy any universal care scheme would have been, a segment of the populace would have been against anything. And that made it impossible for gop senators to be for anything. And, some very rich people saw them as tools to service their own agendas.

Now what would have happed if Ted Kennedy lived, and if he an Orin Hatch had seen what they could agree upon? I dunno. Kennedys do seem to die an inopportune times, though.

PS, but nothing, not even God, will make Obama a great potus.

Bush wasn't overly conservative. Neither was McCain and neither was Romney. The fact is...the GOP has been running moderates for the past twenty years. It's the Democrats that have veered hard to the left with candidates like Obama and Kerry. They both had voting records in the Senate that put them in the far left category yet people like Deanie come on here and accuse the GOP of being "extreme". There are few moderate Democrats left in Washington. They were all tossed out in the 2010 midterms for supporting ObamaCare.

As far as Hatch and Kennedy are concerned? Hatch was always a moderate. Kennedy was seldom one. Status quo for the two parties...

Bush was an extreme conservative. He deregulated Wall Street (which led to the economic meltdown), he started an unnecessary war over oil and he cut taxes for the wealthy by trillions. He was Reagan on steroids.
same chit different day

Here's how Obama turned rdean into a cult memeber

FOLLOW me the Dear wonderful leader...I promise I won't give you kool aide laced with poison..

Ha,ha, you claim the left is nasty/evil and look at the post you make....hypocrite much?
That's an easy one. Less competition, money and the chance to be a big fish in a little pond.

yea im sure thats it.....if some engineer in my State making say 150 thousand a year goes to Texas for 165 thousand a that 15 thousand worth it to put up with those uneducated Texans and their lifestyle?...come on Dean admit the real reason they go.....its because in those "lessor" States they are not being taxed to death and they know that where they are moving they have basically the same standard of honest once in your life.....

More likely, they can't compete so they go looking for a job where the people simply aren't as good and there is less competition. Then there are the uneducated willing to work and get paid under the table.

You look at the facts and data and put together the most likely scenario.

If Red States bring in educated people, then what happens to the poor fools who already live there?

And why aren't Blue States trying to lure them back? Could it be because they aren't that good?

Why is this even more problematic for Republicans? Since they are 90% white and don't welcome diversity, the incoming, many times, are likely to be minorities. People Republicans hate. So ignorant right wingers at the USMB are actually applauding what is making the GOP base in Red States "desperate". Go figure.

Your concept of who liberals are and who conservatives are is SO off the wall, borders on farce! For some unknown reason you've come to the conclusion that everyone south of the Mason-Dixon line is not only a cross burning Klansman but borderline retarded. Here's a wake-up call for you...neither is true. People have been migrating south in a steady stream for decades now...for jobs, for the climate and for a better way of life. The truth is vast areas of the industrialized north have become wastelands that NOBODY wants to live in. The smart ones got out years ago...the dumb ones are still there.
Obama's ego cannot be measured. (-: I don't disagree with you, but I do recall gop senators considering various policies that would use public money to finance healthcare for those who didn't get it from employers. Bennett was, imo, one of the more thought full. And the Mormons are known for civics. But expanding Medicaid? No.

I think Bush really fueled the TPM. And I voted for the sob in 2000, but he didn't turn out to be too conservative. (I voted McCain in the primary, and was never a big W fan. McCain wasn't a fan of the tax cut, himself.) Deficits exploded, and the Medicare drug expansion that was unfunded. Not to mention the unfunded wars. Starve the beast became synonomous with conservative, when in fact once people get something, it's tough to take it away ... politically. It came to a head with the debt ceiling.

Obamacare and the stimulus were unpoplular, but govt was already unpopular. And, no matter how good on policy any universal care scheme would have been, a segment of the populace would have been against anything. And that made it impossible for gop senators to be for anything. And, some very rich people saw them as tools to service their own agendas.

Now what would have happed if Ted Kennedy lived, and if he an Orin Hatch had seen what they could agree upon? I dunno. Kennedys do seem to die an inopportune times, though.

PS, but nothing, not even God, will make Obama a great potus.

Bush wasn't overly conservative. Neither was McCain and neither was Romney. The fact is...the GOP has been running moderates for the past twenty years. It's the Democrats that have veered hard to the left with candidates like Obama and Kerry. They both had voting records in the Senate that put them in the far left category yet people like Deanie come on here and accuse the GOP of being "extreme". There are few moderate Democrats left in Washington. They were all tossed out in the 2010 midterms for supporting ObamaCare.

As far as Hatch and Kennedy are concerned? Hatch was always a moderate. Kennedy was seldom one. Status quo for the two parties...

Bush was an extreme conservative. He deregulated Wall Street (which led to the economic meltdown), he started an unnecessary war over oil and he cut taxes for the wealthy by trillions. He was Reagan on steroids.

Your ignorance knows no bounds! You're the Superman of to heap piles of bullshit as tall as a skyscraper!
yea im sure thats it.....if some engineer in my State making say 150 thousand a year goes to Texas for 165 thousand a that 15 thousand worth it to put up with those uneducated Texans and their lifestyle?...come on Dean admit the real reason they go.....its because in those "lessor" States they are not being taxed to death and they know that where they are moving they have basically the same standard of honest once in your life.....

More likely, they can't compete so they go looking for a job where the people simply aren't as good and there is less competition. Then there are the uneducated willing to work and get paid under the table.

You look at the facts and data and put together the most likely scenario.

If Red States bring in educated people, then what happens to the poor fools who already live there?

And why aren't Blue States trying to lure them back? Could it be because they aren't that good?

Why is this even more problematic for Republicans? Since they are 90% white and don't welcome diversity, the incoming, many times, are likely to be minorities. People Republicans hate. So ignorant right wingers at the USMB are actually applauding what is making the GOP base in Red States "desperate". Go figure.

Your concept of who liberals are and who conservatives are is SO off the wall, borders on farce! For some unknown reason you've come to the conclusion that everyone south of the Mason-Dixon line is not only a cross burning Klansman but borderline retarded. Here's a wake-up call for you...neither is true. People have been migrating south in a steady stream for decades now...for jobs, for the climate and for a better way of life. The truth is vast areas of the industrialized north have become wastelands that NOBODY wants to live in. The smart ones got out years ago...the dumb ones are still there.

rdean is an ignorant and massive hypocrite
You hate white Republicans? Why?

how come you wont answer what i said about you Dean?....will you have to admit you are a bigot?.....what is it?...dont be scared.....just be honest.....

Republicans are 90% white. That demonstrates a lack of diversity on their part, not hate on mine. I didn't make them 90% white. You do know that, right? Clearly they are NOT on "open tent" party. Like, oh, I don't know, like "Democrats"?

And I will never see a Democrat dressed like this:


or waving this:


At least not since the conservatives fled the Democratic Party and joined up with the Confederate Republicans. Imagine, waving a confederate flag in front of the house of a black man. How very "Klan".

silly leftard; the Right is less racist then obama's racist chicago buddies from the Nation of Islam; or his Pastor for 20 YEARS Reverend Wright
awwww a picture of the confederate flag?

and that means what leftard?
isnt it true the vast majority of Black Americans are shot, stabbed, or killed in some manner in your liberal cities?

you're simply a laughable loser wallowing in your jaded intellectual dishonesty

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