How rich can you get ?

Makes no sense to think about the kind of money Bezos or Gates have.

How about you hit the big lottery?

5 things to do if you hit the $512 million Mega Millions jackpot

So you take the lump sum and pay your taxes and still end up with $250-$300 million. That is way beyond my ability to comprehend. What could you do with it?

I'd give most of it away. Establish a big scholarship fund. Give some to medical research, vets programs and some environmental stuff.
Makes no sense to think about the kind of money Bezos or Gates have.

How about you hit the big lottery?

5 things to do if you hit the $512 million Mega Millions jackpot

So you take the lump sum and pay your taxes and still end up with $250-$300 million. That is way beyond my ability to comprehend. What could you do with it?

I'd give most of it away. Establish a big scholarship fund. Give some to medical research, vets programs and some environmental stuff.
I would most likely take up drinking again. Then I would give it away to poor people.
Guys like bezos, Carlos slim, zukerberg, buffet they’re just engaged in a game. That’s all it is

Funny how the right get angry at these rich people who don't believe what they believe in, even though they've won playing the game that they claim to love.
Guys like bezos, Carlos slim, zukerberg, buffet they’re just engaged in a game. That’s all it is

Funny how the right get angry at these rich people who don't believe what they believe in, even though they've won playing the game that they claim to love.

They "won" because they cheated using the very tactics that you claim to hate (that we actually do hate). I despise bezos because he has sponged off of the American taxpayer and abused his workers. You idiots laud him because he gives you money. He's like the narco trafficker killing thousands but buying off the local peons with a few bucks because they're too stupid to figure out they're being bought.
Just enough so I don’t have to think about it.
That is the best answer for a wise person! Have to much of it and people make you a target and try to take it away. Just enough to not have to worry is best place to be especialy if others do not know you are in that place. I tell every one except creditors that I am broke!
It’s true, money cannot buy happiness, but if you are already happy, money won’t hurt you. Also, poverty can’t buy happiness either.
It’s true, money cannot buy happiness, but if you are already happy, money won’t hurt you. Also, poverty can’t buy happiness either.
Ask Jack Whittaker, Abraham Shakespeare,Sandra Hayes, Donna Mikkin, and Richard Lustig if they agree! These are well known people who regret getting rich. I can introduce you to a few more I know personally!
It’s true, money cannot buy happiness, but if you are already happy, money won’t hurt you. Also, poverty can’t buy happiness either.
Ask Jack Whittaker, Abraham Shakespeare,Sandra Hayes, Donna Mikkin, and Richard Lustig if they agree! These are well known people who regret getting rich. I can introduce you to a few more I know personally!

And they regret it because they had issues that sudden wealth exacerbated. There is a reason why poor people remain poor....and it is not all because they have no money.
It’s true, money cannot buy happiness, but if you are already happy, money won’t hurt you. Also, poverty can’t buy happiness either.
Ask Jack Whittaker, Abraham Shakespeare,Sandra Hayes, Donna Mikkin, and Richard Lustig if they agree! These are well known people who regret getting rich. I can introduce you to a few more I know personally!

And they regret it because they had issues that sudden wealth exacerbated. There is a reason why poor people remain poor....and it is not all because they have no money.
If you do not realize that enough wealth makes the sharks circle you are crazy. I have to do buisness with a billionare every once in a while. The security protocal is a big pain in the ass and I know he would like to do some thing as simple as go to a grocery store by him self! I have several buddies that came from money that the sharks got to Money can indeed create problems also!
It’s true, money cannot buy happiness, but if you are already happy, money won’t hurt you. Also, poverty can’t buy happiness either.
Ask Jack Whittaker, Abraham Shakespeare,Sandra Hayes, Donna Mikkin, and Richard Lustig if they agree! These are well known people who regret getting rich. I can introduce you to a few more I know personally!

And they regret it because they had issues that sudden wealth exacerbated. There is a reason why poor people remain poor....and it is not all because they have no money.
If you do not realize that enough wealth makes the sharks circle you are crazy. I have to do buisness with a billionare every once in a while. The security protocal is a big pain in the ass and I know he would like to do some thing as simple as go to a grocery store by him self! I have several buddies that came from money that the sharks got to Money can indeed create problems also!

I do business with multiple billionaires. Some are even friends. I don't know a single billionaire who wishes to do mundane stuff like going to the store. Why waste time that you can pay others to do?
It’s true, money cannot buy happiness, but if you are already happy, money won’t hurt you. Also, poverty can’t buy happiness either.
Ask Jack Whittaker, Abraham Shakespeare,Sandra Hayes, Donna Mikkin, and Richard Lustig if they agree! These are well known people who regret getting rich. I can introduce you to a few more I know personally!

And they regret it because they had issues that sudden wealth exacerbated. There is a reason why poor people remain poor....and it is not all because they have no money.
If you do not realize that enough wealth makes the sharks circle you are crazy. I have to do buisness with a billionare every once in a while. The security protocal is a big pain in the ass and I know he would like to do some thing as simple as go to a grocery store by him self! I have several buddies that came from money that the sharks got to Money can indeed create problems also!

I do business with multiple billionaires. Some are even friends. I don't know a single billionaire who wishes to do mundane stuff like going to the store. Why waste time that you can pay others to do?
You are full of shit! If you do not understand the dangers of having money and what it takes to protect it, you do not have a lot of it! So kiss my ass pretender
And the majority of it is because bezos treats his employees like shit, and he stole from the American taxpayer. He IS the personification of the evil capitalist, but the progressives love him.

And Trumpy, who screws his creditors left and right is a hero.

Not just his creditors but his suppliers.

There are all sorts of stories in New York and S Florida of him stiffing small mom and pop suppliers.
It’s true, money cannot buy happiness, but if you are already happy, money won’t hurt you. Also, poverty can’t buy happiness either.
Ask Jack Whittaker, Abraham Shakespeare,Sandra Hayes, Donna Mikkin, and Richard Lustig if they agree! These are well known people who regret getting rich. I can introduce you to a few more I know personally!

Why would I care what a fool thinks?
It’s true, money cannot buy happiness, but if you are already happy, money won’t hurt you. Also, poverty can’t buy happiness either.
Ask Jack Whittaker, Abraham Shakespeare,Sandra Hayes, Donna Mikkin, and Richard Lustig if they agree! These are well known people who regret getting rich. I can introduce you to a few more I know personally!

And they regret it because they had issues that sudden wealth exacerbated. There is a reason why poor people remain poor....and it is not all because they have no money.
If you do not realize that enough wealth makes the sharks circle you are crazy. I have to do buisness with a billionare every once in a while. The security protocal is a big pain in the ass and I know he would like to do some thing as simple as go to a grocery store by him self! I have several buddies that came from money that the sharks got to Money can indeed create problems also!

I do business with multiple billionaires. Some are even friends. I don't know a single billionaire who wishes to do mundane stuff like going to the store. Why waste time that you can pay others to do?
You are full of shit! If you do not understand the dangers of having money and what it takes to protect it, you do not have a lot of it! So kiss my ass pretender

So, because unlike you I actually DO know billionaires, and KNOW that they don't waste their time doing mundane tasks that any servant can do thus freeing up the very valuable time of the billionaire to either make money, lots and lots and lots of it, or have fun, you resort to screaming and calling me names? I understand the billionaire mentality way the hell better than you dude.

There are indeed dangers to having money. Smart people who are poor, HIRE money managers so that they don't go crazy and spend themselves into oblivion. There have been thousands of people who have won large amounts of money over the years. The smart ones figured out how to keep it. The not smart ones became poor again, and then blamed their new found wealth for their problems instead of recognizing that it was THEIR problems that caused their misery.
I worked my way up from near poverty and between my wife and I we make enough to have qualified for penalties under Obamacare. I’m much happier now than when I was little more than a bum. Another couple hundred thou a year would most likely make me even happier.
And the majority of it is because bezos treats his employees like shit, and he stole from the American taxpayer. He IS the personification of the evil capitalist, but the progressives love him.
Amazon VP says warehouse workers get the exact same benefits as he does
Áine Cain Aug. 3, 2017,
Amazon VP says warehouse workers get the exact same benefits as he does

On Wednesday, Amazon opened up 10 warehouses around the country to job candidates as part of a massive hiring effort.

It received a staggering 20,000 applications.

Business Insider visited the online retailer's Robbinsville, New Jersey location and saw hundreds of people lined up and waiting to apply.

Speaking with some of the prospective candidates, we found that the company's benefits package proved to be a major draw.

"We invest in benefits from day one," VP of HR John Olsen told Business Insider the same day. "My benefits package is the same as a benefits package here at the fulfillment center. I think we've got an egalitarian process."

After our visit, Amazon corporate communications manager Nina Lindsey sent through a full breakdown of Amazon's benefits:

"Full-time employees at our fulfillment centers offer highly-competitive pay, health insurance, disability insurance, retirement savings plans and company stock. The company also offers up to 20 weeks of paid leave and innovative benefits such as Leave Share and Ramp Back, which give new parents flexibility with their growing families. Leave Share lets employees share their Amazon paid leave with their spouse or domestic partner if their spouse's employer doesn't offer paid leave. Ramp Back gives new moms additional control over the pace at which they return to work. Just as with Amazon's health care plan, these benefits are egalitarian - they're the same for fulfillment center and customer service employees as they are for Amazon's most senior executives.

"Part-time employees who work more than 20 hours per week receive benefits, including life and disability insurance, dental and vision insurance with premiums paid in full by Amazon, and funding towards medical insurance.

"Both full-time and part-time hourly employees are eligible for Amazon's innovative Career Choice program that pre-pays 95% of tuition for courses related to in-demand fields, regardless of whether the skills are relevant to a future career at Amazon. The company has built dedicated Career Choice classrooms at more than 25 fulfillment centers to make it easier for employees to go back to school by offering classes onsite."

Hourly employees accrue sick, personal, and vacation time on a set schedule. Benefits are different for part-time employees working primarily at sortation centers.​
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