How sad...but lovin it


I give you....the TRUTH
Feb 9, 2011
We just elected a republican governor in this last election cycle. During the campaign I pointed out that Republicans will give to the rich while taking from the poor and middle class. Where I was lectured by conservative retirees on how by voting republican was so much better because they have a better handle on economics and values.

Now these same people are talking about a recall of this governor because he wants to tax their pensions. This is hillarious, and it goes to show that Taxing and cuts are good as long as it applies to other people, and not them. Conservatives are funny that way.
We just elected a republican governor in this last election cycle. During the campaign I pointed out that Republicans will give to the rich while taking from the poor and middle class. Where I was lectured by conservative retirees on how by voting republican was so much better because they have a better handle on economics and values.

Now these same people are talking about a recall of this governor because he wants to tax their pensions. This is hillarious, and it goes to show that Taxing and cuts are good as long as it applies to other people, and not them. Conservatives are funny that way.

Actually it goes to show that people in MI are idiots. Further evidence: They elected Debbie Stabenow.
My guess is the people who want to recall the gov are not the same people who elected him.
My guess is the people who want to recall the gov are not the same people who elected him.

The ones that did the lecturing voted for him and now they want to recall him. Principals are great until you have to practice them. Seen this before with GWB.
The MSM made such a show of the WI supreme court race only to have the voters prove the MSM to be the propagandists that we all know they are.

The recall won't get anywhere, the 2012 elections should be decisive. Voters/taxpayers are really pissed.
We just elected a republican governor in this last election cycle. During the campaign I pointed out that Republicans will give to the rich while taking from the poor and middle class. Where I was lectured by conservative retirees on how by voting republican was so much better because they have a better handle on economics and values.

Now these same people are talking about a recall of this governor because he wants to tax their pensions. This is hillarious, and it goes to show that Taxing and cuts are good as long as it applies to other people, and not them. Conservatives are funny that way.

Of course. Kinda like the whole..
"Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.."
Line. Attacking the middle class is all fine and well, until it actually hits them too..

Obviously the people who say only anti-Republican voters are calling for recalls haven't taken a look at the polls. When Republicans starting f#cking with Unions, their approval ratings tanked, and polls showed that even Scott Walker would lose if he were running today.

These issues are only (R) vs. (D) issues when it comes to politicians. There are middle class people of every stripe, and they don't like their futures messed with, regardless of who does it.
My guess is the people who want to recall the gov are not the same people who elected him.

The ones that did the lecturing voted for him and now they want to recall him. Principals are great until you have to practice them. Seen this before with GWB.

Any word on how the giveaway of the park land along the river in Benton Harbor is going down with the public?
We just elected a republican governor in this last election cycle. During the campaign I pointed out that Republicans will give to the rich while taking from the poor and middle class. Where I was lectured by conservative retirees on how by voting republican was so much better because they have a better handle on economics and values.

Now these same people are talking about a recall of this governor because he wants to tax their pensions. This is hillarious, and it goes to show that Taxing and cuts are good as long as it applies to other people, and not them. Conservatives are funny that way.

Of course. Kinda like the whole..
"Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.."
Line. Attacking the middle class is all fine and well, until it actually hits them too..

Obviously the people who say only anti-Republican voters are calling for recalls haven't taken a look at the polls. When Republicans starting f#cking with Unions, their approval ratings tanked, and polls showed that even Scott Walker would lose if he were running today.

These issues are only (R) vs. (D) issues when it comes to politicians. There are middle class people of every stripe, and they don't like their futures messed with, regardless of who does it.

Your absolutely right, there are seniors of all stripes that are pissed and going for the recall. Not not all of them debated that he had the right idea, and was perfect for michigan, just the Republicans who voted for him, and now have turned on him. It is the hypocracy of the conservative that needs to keep being pointed out.
The ones that did the lecturing voted for him and now they want to recall him. Principals are great until you have to practice them. Seen this before with GWB.

Any word on how the giveaway of the park land along the river in Benton Harbor is going down with the public?

haven't heard.

Well, that situation to me is pretty emblematic of what to expect if this country gives the GoOpers their way, too. I've been to that place a few times and it's gorgeous. Gov. Snyder just fired the Benton Harbor government and is reportedly looking to sell off that land because it's obviously not making any $$$ for anyone as a public park.
The GOP has, for some time, led the middle class along with fiction on how giving the wealthy tax breaks will help them. It is beginning to catch up to them. The GOP and their retarded brothers, the Baggers, are pushing the tax breaks for the rich just a tad too far. Cutting is understood when it is for people in the lower eocnomic level. You know, those people who can't speak loud enough to make a difference.

But now they are hitting on the middle income bracket. But the middle class has now begun to ask, why should we suffer to give the wealthy a break. It is getting to the point that it will hurt the GOP.

Good Thread Spectrum. It will probably be buried.
My guess is the people who want to recall the gov are not the same people who elected him.

The ones that did the lecturing voted for him and now they want to recall him. Principals are great until you have to practice them. Seen this before with GWB.

The lecturing for what?

Have a link or something? Cuz this sounds like bs.

Sorry I forgot to bring my video camera to dinner, so I could record my Republican family, aquaintences and friends.

The lecture was how Republicans had a better way than Democrats, and they would balance the state budget better than the Democrats would. I told them Republicans were going to take their shit, but they disagreed. Now they are cryin like no tomarrow. They hate it when I'm proven right, somw day they will learn...they don't have enough money to be a Republican.
The ones that did the lecturing voted for him and now they want to recall him. Principals are great until you have to practice them. Seen this before with GWB.

The lecturing for what?

Have a link or something? Cuz this sounds like bs.

Sorry I forgot to bring my video camera to dinner, so I could record my Republican family, aquaintences and friends.

The lecture was how Republicans had a better way than Democrats, and they would balance the state budget better than the Democrats would. I told them Republicans were going to take their shit, but they disagreed. Now they are cryin like no tomarrow. They hate it when I'm proven right, somw day they will learn...they don't have enough money to be a Republican.

Hell of a dream eh?

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