How should Democrats vote on Gorsuch?

you cant win that one doofus...thanks to dingy harry
Harry killed the SC nomination filibuster? Wrong, you dumb fucking idiot.
ahhh are you triggered? ....go ahead and fillbuster your ass off ...thanks to dingy harry

1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations

Either do it or face the Harry Reid option. How embarrassing for Democrats would that be ?

Unless a Democratic Senator was elected by voters who want the rightwing agenda advanced,

he should vote no as a proper representation of the voters who chose him to represent them.
Remember that the next time you go cross eyed when a vote doesn't turn out the way you want.
Let the GOP kill the filibuster. It'll make things easier for the next Demcratic president and probably a less than 60 vote Dem majority after 2020.

Kiss obamacare goodbye if that happens.

No need to replace at that point.
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations


The Republicans declared war 9 years ago. Its just time to take them at their world and oppose them on everything at all times.

2018 is going to be a bloodbath for conservatives in Congress. I say don't bury the bodies just put them on barges and dump them way out at sea, like we did with the Vietcong.
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations


5. Elections have consequences

Yes they do, Obama was re-elected and nominated Garland, the man who should have been on the Supreme Court now. To say otherwise is to concede that elections don't always have consequences.
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations


The Republicans declared war 9 years ago. Its just time to take them at their world and oppose them on everything at all times.

2018 is going to be a bloodbath for conservatives in Congress. I say don't bury the bodies just put them on barges and dump them way out at sea, like we did with the Vietcong.

Republicans are acting like their control of Congress and the White House will last forever

An unstable President like Trump can bring down a party real quick
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations


Block and keep Blocking...

The GOP didn't see that one was needed for a year, why would a few more years matter more.... GOP acted like children first, why should Dems suddenly act like adults...

The GOP will keep pulling this crap unless it is continually done back to them.. There behaviour should not be rewarded...
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations


Block and keep Blocking...

The GOP didn't see that one was needed for a year, why would a few more years matter more.... GOP acted like children first, why should Dems suddenly act like adults...

The GOP will keep pulling this crap unless it is continually done back to them.. There behaviour should not be rewarded...

The Democrats need to look towards their next chance to swing the court liberal
Republicans will play nice as long as the court stays conservative
They will do anything it takes to keep it from flipping

Dems need to follow the same tactic
1. Let bygones be bygones and vote on his qualifications
2. Admit the Republicans got one on you with Garland and move on
3. Retaliate for Republicans stealing the Garland seat and block the nomination
4. Declare war and refuse to fill any Republican SCOTUS nominations

I really don't care how they vote but McCaskill from Missouri was right we use the nuclear option and Kennedy,Brier or Ginsburg retires or dies then we only need 51 votes to get a REAL right winger on the court.....dems are playing with fire....but be my guest.
If Republicans are willing to go nuclear on Gorsuch, why wouldn't they do it for a replacement of Ginsburg, Kennedy or Bryer?

Deny, obstruct and let the chips fall where they may. After all, Trump isn't a legitimate President, and is less qualified to make a choice than Lame Duck Obama, who was at least legitimately elected.

Trump was legitimately elected. This is how how deranged the left has become. Full on loonbats. Theres a reason why you have lost over a thousand seats on the state and federal levels over the last 6 years. Lol.
Republicans sink to new lows to get their way
Republicans have given up on the democracy. They will do anything to win now, anything. Cheating and lying are like breathing to them and they actually get offended when they are called on their lies. Like drumpf who is a congenital liar.

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