how should the usa respond is israel attacks iran pre-emptively

1. What would Israel attack? Attack the centrifuges spewing radioactive shit all over the place. Picture hundreds of mini-Chernobles.

I prefer a decap strike...still want those nukes bud? The problem is that it would enrage the SNs. This is where the CIA needs to get creative. I have a lot of really neat ideas....I'm sure they do too.

The thing about the use of the term "SNs" is not just the overt racism... rather it's the fact that using a specifically hateful term against one side of a debate undermines your point.

You had a decent point here, for instance, but as soon as you said "SNs" I stopped listening.
Akmafuckingalphabet is an idiot as are the jihadist Mullahs currently ruling Iran.

If they ever attacked Isreal it would be all over for them. Isreal has shown many times that she is more then capable when it comes to defendiing the country.

The problems would come if and when that ever came to pass.
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I would feel a bit more secure if I knew we had some good leadership in Washington. Nothing in the White House or in Congress is capable of leading the US through WWIII. It's on the horizon.

I'm sure some republicans felt that way about FDR too.
you silly, rationalizing killers. Isreal won't attack iran now any more than they were going to over the last 5 saber rattling years. To watch you people cheerlead such actions illustrates why it was so easy to get you ramped up for an invasion of Iraq over the exact same accusations.
how should the usa respond if israel attacks iran pre-emptively

Perhaps sending some flowers and a box of chocolates?

Dear Israel,

Thank you for your thoughtful gift!



Who will pay for it?

I'm pretty sure you could pass the hat and get a nice box of chocolates with a big bouquet or roses and a enough left over to ship same to Tel Aviv overnight express without going to too many doors.
you silly, rationalizing killers. Isreal won't attack iran now any more than they were going to over the last 5 saber rattling years. To watch you people cheerlead such actions illustrates why it was so easy to get you ramped up for an invasion of Iraq over the exact same accusations.

True , why would israel attack Iran when they can wait till the next republicans president gets into office so we can do their work for them?
Nuke Israel.

The US supported Israel to keep a base in the mid-east as an obstacle to Soviet expansion. Now that the USSR is gone, we don't need Israel. Nuke 'em and apologize to the Arabs.
I am sure everyone has heard the latest news on the iran nuke program. Israel wants to attack but usa is waiting to get russia and china to back 'hard sanctions'. Israel has stated they are willing to go against usa's strong warnings that we would not support them if they strike without our approval. do you think obama & crew would actually back this or that congress would force it so that we had to back them militarily? what do you think we should do?

personally I think israel needs to attack and/or that we need to help due to the threat iran is, but they control so much our interests that we wouldn't cross iran at this point. iran could bring iraq into total chaos quickly due to their controlling of currently now usa-paid off sunni and other insurgent groups. We would also anger saudi arabia since they just signed a truce deal with iran-backed terrorist groups with the help of the usa. iran could also close of the strait and have oil prices triple overnight.

Simply make it clear that they don't have our support morally or militarily, and that the foreign aid and military aid will be cut off immediately. Of course, we should cut off that aid immediately regardless.
Akmafuckingalphabet is an idiot as are the jihadist Mullahs currently ruling Iran.

If they ever attacked Isreal it would be all over for them. Isreal has shown many times that she is more then capable when it comes to defendiing the country.

The problems would come if and when that ever came to pass.

Israel ONLY won in '67 because the US of A stepped in and financed and supplied the war on their side, and because of what happened with the Yom Kippur War in'73!

Nice that the US had so much cash laying around that we can support ourselves and Israel, too!

As for Iran, we are getting what we deserve there, we brought this on ourselves!
How The CIA Screwed Up Iran|TPN :: No Illusions with Cameron Reilly

"Riveting" account of U.S. Presidents and the Middle East

Congress Watch | A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion
Nuke Israel.

The US supported Israel to keep a base in the mid-east as an obstacle to Soviet expansion. Now that the USSR is gone, we don't need Israel. Nuke 'em and apologize to the Arabs.

Hah. So not only are you a Marxist, you're an anti-Semite. Imagine that.
Israel ONLY won in '67 because the US of A stepped in and financed and supplied the war on their side,

Israel only survived in 67 because the Arabs had such poor training. I recall a quote from the era - an exchange between two Syrian officers in a tank company
Lt - "Sir why do you look pensive, our men are filled with the spirit of the Jihad?"
Captain - "Because they need to be filled with the spirit of the Soviet manual on the proper tactical use of the T54"

The next day the company was destroyed by an Israeli force of six tanks because the tank commanders ignored their captain and made a disorganized dash across open terrain toward the prepared Israeli position.

At least if Israel hits Iran the US can talk tough against Israel and not have the Iranians hate us for it. The real Iranians - the youth who are pro-America rather than the religious zealots who are still running the country.
Nuke Israel.

The US supported Israel to keep a base in the mid-east as an obstacle to Soviet expansion. Now that the USSR is gone, we don't need Israel. Nuke 'em and apologize to the Arabs.

Hah. So not only are you a Marxist, you're an anti-Semite. Imagine that.

Why would you say that?

I said "nuke Israel" not "nuke semites."

By-the-way, Arabs are semites .
I think we should publicly criticize Israel and privately give'm a pat on the back. :)
Nuke Israel.

The US supported Israel to keep a base in the mid-east as an obstacle to Soviet expansion. Now that the USSR is gone, we don't need Israel. Nuke 'em and apologize to the Arabs.

Hah. So not only are you a Marxist, you're an anti-Semite. Imagine that.

All Israelis are NOT semites. you need to go read some history. By the way, a whole lot of Middle Easterners who are NOT Israeli ARE Semites. Go READ SOME HISTORY instead of remaining a totally ignorant ass!
Be happy someone besides the USA has the stones to do something. USA should stay out of their way and
just give them intel.
Can we just build one huge anti-nuke wall between us and that whole one fifth of the Earth we call the Middle East and hope they all nuke each other off the planet? Saving the sane world from any more of a headache from babysitting their bullshit. I'm really tired of Israel this and Iran that... damn bunch of children, and what the Hell do we get out of it? Safety and freedom? HAHA.

Do you feel "secure"?

I'm saying if we're going to babysit and solve all of their problems shouldn't daddy UN give us a check every month or something? Surely, whatever Israel does, we'll see a check for it.
I, for one, will cheer

adorable... you con men are always so cute when you're advocating bigger explosions and death.

curious, will you continue to cheer when Iran responds by sending a Shahab IV up the ass of a U.S. base or aircraft carrier in the region and thousands of U.S. troops are vaporized in an instant? I wouldn't be. ... This isn't Saddam's 1991 F-troop we're talking about here. This is advanced weaponry, prepared for years for this very scenario of pre-emptive aggression by Israel.

I know some posters here are overcome by blood-lust, but they should really think before advocating such lunkhead ignorance.

Because, make no mistake about it, if/when Israel is dumb enough to strike, in the minds of the Mullah's, it's on... and they don't much care what the U.S. response is. Any belief by the Israelis that a pre-emptive strike would not assure their own self-destruction (immediate, or delayed) is pure hubris.

If they were ever going to strike, they should have done so 20 years ago.
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I, for one, will cheer

adorable... you con men are always so cute when you're advocating bigger explosions and death.

curious, will you continue to cheer when Iran responds by sending a Shahab IV up the ass of a U.S. base or aircraft carrier in the region and thousands of U.S. troops are vaporized in an instant? I wouldn't be. ... This isn't Saddam's 1991 F-troop we're talking about here. This is advanced weaponry, prepared for years for this very scenario of pre-emptive aggression by Israel.

I know some posters here are overcome by blood-lust, but they should really think before advocating such lunkhead ignorance.

Because, make no mistake about it, if/when Israel is dumb enough to strike, in the minds of the Mullah's, it's on... and they don't much care what the U.S. response is. Any belief by the Israelis that a pre-emptive strike would not assure their own self-destruction (immediate, or delayed) is pure hubris.

If they were ever going to strike, they should have done so 20 years ago.

Then "somebody" needs to tell Israel it is time to play nice in the sandbox...

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