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How Stalin Fooled the World and Why It Matters Today

You'll actually find that Stalin is a beloved figure in Russia to this day.

There are many reasons for that. One is Russians love strong leaders, no matter how brutal their methods. Stalin did take a mostly agrarian society and transform it into a modern industrial giant for it's time, millions suffered and died but he did it in what might be considered record time.
One other, more modern reason is Russia is partially controlled by the Mafiya which is firmly imbedded in the government, less stability for average individuals than was found under the Soviet system. People generally pine for old times if they feel the new times are worse and will often "romanticize" the past.
I'm pretty sure Peepeepee will have a conniption over this. Good. :D

Thats very true, if Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot were born in Russia they would be looked upon as heroes and good men.


Gnome Chumpsky


Chomsky has supported controversial author Norman Finkelstein, author of The Holocaust Industry, who has argued that claims of anti-Semitism are used to silence critics of Israel and that the Holocaust is exploited by some Jewish institutions for their own gain.[14] Noam Chomsky has also supported the right of Holocaust deniers, among them the notorious Robert Faurisson, to express their views. Chomsky has claimed he sees this as a free-speech issue and does not himself support Holocaust deniers.[15]

It should be noted that both Finkelstein and Chomsky are from Jewish-American backgrounds [16][17], and that both Chomsky's parents were devout and involved in Jewish scholarship. It is unclear whether Chomsky still practices Judaism.

1.Chomsky denied the Cambodian Genocide, claiming that the killing had been inflated "by a factor of 100."[18][19] He further asserted that the (in reality) 2 to 3 million Cambodians slaughtered by the Khmer Rouge from 1975 to 1978 were morally comparable to Nazi collaborators during WW2, and that Pol Pot's Cambodia was "comparable to France after liberation [from the Nazis]."[20]

2.Chomsky recently (1995) claimed, in the wake of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that the death toll in Cambodia may have been inflated "by a factor of a thousand."[21] Since he was responding to an estimate of two million dead, his words would imply that the real toll was on the order of two thousand. (Note: Investigators have uncovered and examined the remains of 1,386,734 Cambodians found in mass graves near Khmer Rouge execution centers whose cause of death has been determined by the
investigators to have been virtually exclusively execution by the former Khmer Rouge regime.[22][23][24] Because no more than roughly half of those who died during the Khmer Rouge years were executed (the rest having died from other causes like state-created famine, the deliberate withholding of basic necessities by the state, the refusal by the state to allow foreign aid, the abolishing of medicine and hospitals by the state, systematic overwork and slave labor by the state, and normal mortality), the Documentation Center of Cambodia estimates that the former regime killed or otherwise caused the unnecessary deaths of, between 2 and 2.5 million Cambodians (with 2.5 to 3 million dying and half a million of these representing normal mortality for the period).[25] A UN investigation reported 2-3 million dead, while UNICEF estimated 3 million dead.[26] Even the Khmer Rouge acknowledged that 2 million had been killed—though they attributed those deaths to a subsequent Vietnamese invasion.
Noam Chomsky - Conservapedia
Here's mostly just the Ukraine...... Estimated 7 million died.

Reference Stalin's purges, et al:
Soviet Union, Stalin's regime (1924-53): 20,000,000

Oh, and when I indicated Russians love strong leaders I was referring to two things, consolidating the ethnic groups under one group for ease of discussion and I was equating the concept of strong as Machiavellian.

1. Don't forget to add "estimated by Dr Goebbelse". Since he was the prime source of US "knowledge" about famine in Ukraine, to the point that most Americans still don't know that the famine was not only in Ukraine, but in other regions of the Soviet Union. Anyway, here is the prime source of Western and American "historians":

Oh, almost forgot, in Ukraine itself only the Western regions are hot on supporting this myth about "Holodomor", but the interesting part about it is that Western Ukraine was part of POLAND at the time of famine!

And it brings us to the question everyone avoid answering:
if Stalin was to blame for famine in Ukraine, whom do you blame for 1930-s famine in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, US and UK?

2. The prime source of this number is Solzhenitsyn -- a FICTIONAL WRITER. Meanwhile, the official statistics for "purges" (which is 1937, and not 1924-1953!) stand as follows:
1937 the whole system of GULAG contained 1.196.369 people. Out of that number 87% were "ordinary" criminals. The remaining %% were there for commiting counter-revolutionary crimes: acts of terrorism, sabotage, anti-Soviet agitation, treason.

Care to find "20 million"?

But if you want to look at broader statistics: Between 1921 (before the USSR was formed! before the civil war was over!) and 1964 (10 years after Stalin's death!) for counter-revolutionary crimes (acts of terrorism, sabotage, anti-Soviet agitation, treason) were sentenced to death 642 980 people!!!!!

Care to point me in the direction of your "20 million"?

3. You are a fucking idiot! People who lived in the USSR did not need any "consolidation under one ethnic group", they were already consolidated by living in the Russian Empire!
And just to broaden your horizons, in the USSR the power was shared between ALL ethnicities, just have a look at the names of government and party officials.

Right on cue.......... :cuckoo:

Noooooo, the soviet never lied, nooooo, the soviet is pure in their intentions and only want people to know the truth as they see it (or else).............


And not surprising you completely missed what I was saying about consolidating the peoples (again) for ease of discussion........ Not that I expect you to even fathom the concept.

BTW who's typing this for you? You haven't shown the mental acuity to construct coherent thoughts into useful communication strands. I know! Putin is doing this. Hi Putin! Have you decided to reopen the gulags yet? Oh I forgot, two thirds of your "buddies" are Mafiya......... No, no gulags, better to just kill people outright........
Ahh, the good old days of the soviet are still with us...... with a twist...... now instead of insane criminal ideologues it's insane criminals who are in control.

Right on cue.......... :cuckoo:




In other words, you don't have anything to rebut the facts about US borrowing propaganda clichés about "Holodomor" from Nazis and "........ millions" from a fictional writer as US "historian's" prime sources.

And now, ANSWER MY QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!
If, in your opinion, Stalin is to blame for the famine in the USSR, who is to blame for 1930-s famine in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, UK and US?

Ahhhhh, poor propagandist won't even look at the evidence already posted..... Yup there ol Peepeepee, I posted the evidence that Stalin TOOK the grain from the Ukraine, leaving them with nothing. But that comes from decadent imperialist American (and Western) historians spreading lies about the great glorious God of the Soviet Body eternal, Comrade Stalin!
All bow down and worship his greatness! Kiss his feet (or else Beriya whill "help" you do it..........). :lmao:
I know it's hard to deal with, but the reality is Stalin was a paranoid mass murderer, equal to or worse than Hitler....... Sorry to bust you bubble.
I posted the evidence that Stalin TOOK the grain from the Ukraine,


poor propagandist


Kiss his feet

"Stalin" did NOT take anything. The STATE reqired CENTRALISED BANK of grain. Thanks to that bank, the USSR never experienced famine again. As soon as the scale of the famine became known, Ukraine received all help it needed in order to stop the spread of famine into the following year. Unlike Poland, Hungary, Romania, US and UK where famine was rife all into 1939!

Yes, Ukraine should not have given as much grain as it did, for that the government of Ukrainian SSR was tried and some went to prisons and labour camps making up the numbers of what you call "innocent victims of Stalin's oppression".

And now, answer the question you so desperately avoid:
If, in your opinion, Stalin is to blame for the famine in the USSR, who is to blame for 1930-s famine in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, UK and US?

Yeah the Ukraine government.......... :lmao:

As for your repeated "question"...... Please tell me you're not trying to compare the responsible governments in those countries to the brutal dictatorship of Stalin. Oh wait, I forgot, Stalin was a saint and had no control over what his people and puppet governments did, especially to his and Lenin,s old enemies, the Ukrainian peoples and those they supported....... :lmao:

Oh and I'm sure Stalin and/or his predecessor made scapegoats of some Stalin appointed leaders of the Ukraine to distance themselves from what they themselves had done. :thup:
Last edited:
Yeah the Ukraine government.......... :lmao:

As for your repeated "question"...... Please tell me you're not trying to compare the responsible governments in those countries to the brutal dictatorship of Stalin. Oh wait, I forgot, Stalin was a saint and had no control over what his people and puppet governments did, especially to his and Lenin,s old enemies, the Ukrainian peoples and those they supported....... :lmao:

I'm sorry, you did not know that each of the republics had its own government?! Well... that's American edumacation for you -- beyond laughable!

I will repeat my question: who is to blame for 1930-s famine in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, UK and US?
Answer it, please!

I answered it. You didn't like the answer.
You were the one who claimed the Ukraine had it's own government under Stalin....... Having problems with short term memory? It wouldn't surprise me considering your other problems.
How Stalin Fooled the World and Why It Matters Today

It can't be that hard if Bush did it.
You were the one who claimed the Ukraine had it's own government under Stalin....... .

I answered it.

I know that I claimed that Ukrainian SSR had its own government, like all other Soviet republics! You did not know that?! That says a lot about American education!
That's exactly what I said: "I'm sorry, you did not know that each of the republics had its own government?! Well... that's American edumacation for you -- beyond laughable!" -- do you have difficulties with reading or with understanding?

No, you did not answer! You went into some verbal diarrhea.

Uuuummmm, I acknowledged that the Soviet Republics (yeah, interesting choice of word) had governments, approved of or appointed by Stalin so yeah, knumb knuts, I knew that.
I see you still don't like my answer. Life's a bitch and it's appears, so are you...... :dunno:
It must be sickening being you. How do you do it?
Uuuummmm, I acknowledged that the Soviet Republics (yeah, interesting choice of word) had governments, approved of or appointed by Stalin so yeah, knumb knuts, I knew that.

I see you still don't like my answer. Life's a bitch and it's appears, so are you...... :dunno:
It must be sickening being you. How do you do it?

You did not know about that! And after you finally Googled it, you try to worm your way out of the point in question:


Just give me a name/names!

Yeah, I googled it....... :lmao:

I'll give one name, the failed poster Peepeepee.........
Dayamn are you fun!!
I'll give one name, the failed poster Peepeepee.........

And that's Americans in all their glory: as soon as they are asked a question that requires a bit of THINKING instead of mumbling some slogan drummed into their heads by US propaganda machine, their lonely brain cell goes into a melt-down producing unintelligible "peee".


Yet another demonstration as to why Americans are thought of as a nation of idiots.

Funny though how you're the only one who thinks everyone else but me here is buying your bull shit...... :lmao:

Keep patting yourself on the back with your "American" deflections and obvious obfuscations........ BTW, you're not that good at it......... Practice, more practice........ :thup:
And that's Americans in all their glory: as soon as they are asked a question that requires a bit of THINKING instead of mumbling some slogan drummed into their heads by US propaganda machine, their lonely brain cell goes into a melt-down producing unintelligible "peee".


Yet another demonstration as to why Americans are thought of as a nation of idiots.

At least we agree that America has dumbed down in educational terms and it never really developed an international taste style of its own .Other than one NOT based on quality .
It is a shocking further indictment of a race that is gun and violence crazed
I posted the evidence that Stalin TOOK the grain from the Ukraine,


poor propagandist


Kiss his feet

"Stalin" did NOT take anything. The STATE reqired CENTRALISED BANK of grain. Thanks to that bank, the USSR never experienced famine again. As soon as the scale of the famine became known, Ukraine received all help it needed in order to stop the spread of famine into the following year. Unlike Poland, Hungary, Romania, US and UK where famine was rife all into 1939!

Yes, Ukraine should not have given as much grain as it did, for that the government of Ukrainian SSR was tried and some went to prisons and labour camps making up the numbers of what you call "innocent victims of Stalin's oppression".

And now, answer the question you so desperately avoid:
If, in your opinion, Stalin is to blame for the famine in the USSR, who is to blame for 1930-s famine in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Germany, UK and US?

Stalin is to blame for the famine - Google Search


Proving Intent
Lynne Viola, a professor of history at the University of Toronto, has conducted extensive research on Stalinist-era crimes. Speaking from Moscow, where she was attending a conference on the history of Stalinism, Viola said the 1932-33 famines were aimed not at a particular nationality, but at a particular class -- the kulaks, or peasants.

"This was very much an urban revolution led by a party that had very little knowledge of the countryside, and in fact disdained the peasantry," Viola says. "So my sense is that Stalin and company really had little concern if people were dying in the countryside. There was simply an inhumane attitude toward the peasantry. And the result of that, first of all, were these excessive forced requisitionings of grain. Everything was taken."


Surviving Generations Recall 'Forgotten Genocides'

Stalin is to blame for the famine - Google Search
Lynne Viola, a professor of history at the University of Toronto,

took picture from 1922 famine in Povolgie. And some photos are those from German death camps. But as we already know, Western "historians" are nothing more than propaganda prostitutes who hold you, Western population for idiots (and they are right!).

But famine is famine, people do die during it. Which brings us to my question you, people, go to such pains to avoid answering:

whom do you blame for famine of 1930-s in USA, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Slovakia and UK?

Please, answer it!

Comrade Stalin took over Russia with a wooden plough ,and left her with the ATOMIC BOMB!

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