How the Christian Right's Homophobia Scares Away Religious Young People

koshergirl, I think I understand you, but you are writing confusedly.

Will you, please, rewrite more clearly what you are trying to say.

Or, Avatar4321, can you interpret what she is trying to say?

I do not want to respond until I get what she means.

Read it until it makes sense. It's not confused at all.

It does not make sense to a reasonable human being. Try again,

Jake. You aren't reasonable.

I know how to write, I checked it, it's fine. You are incapable of wrapping your mind around anything but the simplest concepts..which is why you lie all the time. YOu're compensating for your intellectual laziness and lack of understanding.
You are right: no American women will tolerate it.

I would put any female American soldier against three militant muslim men.
That verse has to do only with a wife and her husband.

Big fail junior. :cool:

And the verse among others dictates against a literal adoption of scripture as the final word.

No American woman will tolerate your perversion of Islam, Sunni Man. They will put you down first.

no american women


I already tried to give Jake to Sunni.

He doesn't want him.

I wouldn't step between Jake and a bomb, I know that.
Read it until it makes sense. It's not confused at all.

It does not make sense to a reasonable human being. Try again,

Jake. You aren't reasonable.

I know how to write, I checked it, it's fine. You are incapable of wrapping your mind around anything but the simplest concepts..which is why you lie all the time. YOu're compensating for your intellectual laziness and lack of understanding.

koshergirl, your writing is not logical, its syntax and diction are garbled, and the sense of it is confusing.

That you disagree is immaterial.

Hey, do you want me to edit for you to actually mean what you think you wrote?
That verse has to do only with a wife and her husband.

Big fail junior. :cool:

And the verse among others dictates against a literal adoption of scripture as the final word.

No American woman will tolerate your perversion of Islam, Sunni Man. They will put you down first.
Women will end up submitting to the right man.

It's in their DNA :cool:

It's in American women's DNA to put down militant muslim men who try to rule over them. American women believe in freedom and liberty, and Sunni Man and his fellows are cowards who afraid of such principles.

That is why the women of Islam, when they come to America, change so dramatically in such a short period of time.
I and every true red-blooded son of the American flag of glory would join with our females in putting down such an alien, ungodly way of treating women.
It is said that Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel (coward in your case). :doubt:

And the first refuge of those who love liberty.

The coward of course is the militant man of Islam. Ever try that nonsense on American planes, and the men and women will rip the terrorists to shreds. They will be without eyes and genitals and right hands by the time the plane lands, with their left hands stuck in their mouths.

And Jake will be hiding behind those brave souls, pissing his pants, sucking his thumb and crying "mommy".
Far right "Christian women", many of them, seem to have a very low self esteem.
Far right "Christian women", many of them, seem to have a very low self esteem.

I've noticed.

I know what the fruits of the spirit are, and by their fruits you shall know them. Nothing is matching up right.

Galatians 5:22-23
New International Version (NIV)
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Not seein it.

koshergirl, I think I understand you, but you are writing confusedly.

Will you, please, rewrite more clearly what you are trying to say.

Or, Avatar4321, can you interpret what she is trying to say?

I do not want to respond until I get what she means.

I can try. I don't exactly have a Urim & Thumim yet.

I think she was saying that there are alot of non-Christians who use the Bible to justify their mistreatment of women. And because they interpret the Bible to recommend the mistreatment of women they likewise assume Christians do as well and that their way is the only way particular verses can be interpreted.

Then she specifically pointed out how some non-Christians use Bible verses to somehow point out that "God hates you".

To be honest, I am having a difficult time following her point after that. I think i understand her reasoning but im not sure I agree with it.
Disagreements arent lies. We need to start realizing that.

I know that.

Sunni Man lies a lot.

It's an offense against all that is true and good to pretend that Sunni Man isn't a lying sack of shit.

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