How the democrats can replace Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

Not happening, stop with this silliness.
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

Do him like Scalia.
Biden is the Democrat Party's best chance in November. If they can't win with Joe, they can't win with anyone else.

Joe isn't going anywhere.

Even if he croaks, the DNC leaders have all seen Weekend at Bernies and know what to do.

An addle brained President is easier to manipulate, they don't want anyone sharper.
It would be interesting to know what Vlad and Xi are thinking right now. What change in their calculus.

I assume not much because they have more honest spies than the West have honest media and politicians. They were probably made aware of this decline some time ago which is why Biden hasn't spoken to Putin in I believe two years or so.
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

Look, after the whole establishment and MSM has been revealed as GASLIGHTING the American Public on the health of Joe Biden, the question is---------->can ANY Leftist defeat Trump now, and what are the odds of that happening.

The DNC knows about the odds because of advanced polling. And if they do, so do the most likely candidates to replace Biden. If it shows it is more than likely a losing proposition, who does anyone think would volunteer to be the sacrificial lamb? Newsome won't, he is waiting for 28! Hillary might, but then they have to explain away passing over Harris, making it even worse politically.

The only person who MIGHT be able to pull this off is Michelle Obama, but I do not think she is even remotely interested. Michelles nomination would blunt bypassing Harris, and she doesn't have anywhere near the unfavorables as the rest of the DNC.

If they can NOT get Michelle, just stick with Joe because you are just making a bad situation worse than it already is.......unless of course they are willing to run Harris, and see her get crushed electorally.
Not happening, stop with this silliness.

Tell that to the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, TIME MAGAZINE….


You had better get on that quickly.

You cannot blame MAGA for the entire Dem Party losing their minds Thursday night.

IT IS ABOUT THE DONOR CLASS. If they lose their big dollar donors, they are effed.
It would be interesting to know what Vlad and Xi are thinking right now. What change in their calculus.

I assume not much because they have more honest spies than the West have honest media and politicians. They were probably made aware of this decline some time ago which is why Biden hasn't spoken to Putin in I believe two years or so.

Xi would be insane not to move on Taiwan before the election.

If it is intention to ever actually do it…before the election is the time.
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

I'd love to see the look on Biden's face when they asked him to step down. He probably couldn't comprehend what they were asking.

I'd love to see the look on Biden's face when they asked him to step down. He probably couldn't comprehend what they were asking.

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Americans need to face facts----------->if you vote for Joe in November, you are not actually voting for him, you are voting for Harris.

I would say the odds are 50-50 that the Dems whole plan was to get Joe in, then because of health reasons, allow Harris to take over. Appears Joe blew that strat up quickly, just by opening his mouth on stage for 90 minutes.
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

shit shinola mr.jpg

No one really cares about Biden or Trump. Here is the deal. It is all identity politics nowadays. Even if Biden was a vegetable, the dems would still vote for him and the vegetable would not hamper the filthy commies from promoting their agenda...just as they have been doing for the last 3.7 years.

Here is an example...

A transqueer or abortion lover would never vote against promoting their agenda. A black would never vote against dreams of hitting the lotto with reparations or a free get out of jail card. And so on and so forth. Same way I'd never vote to turn America into Mehcio or confiscate my guns. Why would I vote for the ATF to give me the Malinowski treatment?

But a filthy, commie dem...will happily vote for the ATF to Malinowski me. is all identity politics nowadays.
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Many states won't take a name off the ballot unless the person dies... so in about half the states there could be two democrats on the ballot... they would be splitting their own vote... this is what you get democrats when you allow a power mad Obama to call the shots....
When are you going to kick that Kenyan to the curb?....
No way would Biden on his own deny RFK Jr secret service protection... there is only one bastard that would do that and its Obama.... we are in the Obama third term and he desperately wants a fourth... to finally end the USA....
Here's another factor. If no Leftist can win in 2024, the Democrat Party might as well put up Sleepy Joe and mail it in.

Why waste an up and coming Democrat like Pocahontas in 2024 when its not going to be a Democrat year anyhow.
No way would Biden on his own deny RFK Jr secret service protection... there is only one bastard that would do that and its Obama.... we are in the Obama third term and he desperately wants a fourth... to finally end the USA....

It wouldn't be a negative to the left if RFK Jr was attacked like his old man and uncle were.

They would just use the event to push forward even more extreme gun control
The democrat convention is in August. If Biden steps down before then, his delegates that he won in the democrat primaries (some 4,000 at the moment) would be free to vote for whoever they want at the convention. That means a big fight on the convention floor that the party does not want. So - to avoid that, Biden doesn't step down until after the convention is over and he is the nominee. And THAT leaves the issue up to the 435 members on Democratic National Committee to pick whoever they want as their choice to run in Biden's place. This is a much cleaner way to eliminate the Biden problem for them, and it ain't their fault that Biden dropped out, right?

But, can they get the new person's name on the ballot? Don't know. But the thing is, whoever they pick will get a lot of votes because he/she ain't Trump. Maybe it really doesn't matter who it ultimately is, there are a good many people who will vote against Trump no matter who the other person is. Would it be likely that the democrat beats Trump? Maybe not, but Biden sure as hell won't.

I would like to remind everyone that "you cant indict a sitting president". Once Joe is removed there will be a bunch of AG's going after Joe for aiding and abetting the murders of US women and children.

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