How the Liberal University Hurts the Liberal Student

We all know that Liberals dominate Higher Education..

But did you ever stop to think how this lack of the true diversity, the diversity of thought, hampers the education of Liberal Students?

I came to be an arch-conservative through the influence of university professors. Sciences are a refuge from the insanity. Many mathematicians and physicist and geneticists aren't totally drinking the kool-aid on campus.

What's interesting, and what research actually demonstrates, is that those professors who have skills desired in the labor marketplace are far less liberals than those with "skills" only desired within the academy. Hang out with scientists and engineers and you can find moments of sanity. The problem though isn't really professors, it's idiot students who are on peacocking parades to demonstrate their leftiness and because of the way campus life is organized, you're both paying for their idiocy and you can't escape it actually touching your life. I had more trouble with student leftism being crammed down my throat than I ever did with politicized professors.

It was from some of my professors that I learned the tactic of squid ink. Very helpful.
Absolutely believe there are greedy evil megarich Pubs and stupid rich racists who steal us blind and brainwash fools like you. see sig.

Apple stole money from FraNcoWTF! They made him buy an iPAd! Check line 43.b.ii of my sig line Pubduppes!!
If you can't tell the difference between liberal Apple, Costco etc and money grubbers like the Kochs, Big Oil, Health, Pharma, Insurance, Coal, Walmart, Fox News- well that would be like all your other ''knowledge''- total BS.
one thing is for certain.., franofool is a lying liberscum being the idiot he is one can tell he MAY have gone to Boulder and wandered the streets for his advanced education. :lmao:

'If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.' -- Frank Zappa
Absolutely believe there are greedy evil megarich Pubs and stupid rich racists who steal us blind and brainwash fools like you. see sig.

Apple stole money from FraNcoWTF! They made him buy an iPAd! Check line 43.b.ii of my sig line Pubduppes!!
If you can't tell the difference between liberal Apple, Costco etc and money grubbers like the Kochs, Big Oil, Health, Pharma, Insurance, Coal, Walmart, Fox News- well that would be like all your other ''knowledge''- total BS.

How did the mean old Koch Brothers (who pay Rdean to post here to embarrass Liberals) take your money? Was it the Nigerian diamond mine?
Did you know that liberals dominate truth, science, etc, and Pubs are terminally FOS?

You are one funny mofo. I wish I could catch you in a moment of utter, soul-baring honestly and ask you whether you actually believe this or you just utter it as a partisan defensive weapon.

From one of the most conservative papers in the country:
Scientists leave GOP due to attitudes toward science The Salt Lake Tribune
I bet USMB Republicans are saying, "Good, we don't want them in our party anyway".
We all know that Liberals dominate Higher Education..

But did you ever stop to think how this lack of the true diversity, the diversity of thought, hampers the education of Liberal Students?

I came to be an arch-conservative through the influence of university professors. Sciences are a refuge from the insanity. Many mathematicians and physicist and geneticists aren't totally drinking the kool-aid on campus.

What's interesting, and what research actually demonstrates, is that those professors who have skills desired in the labor marketplace are far less liberals than those with "skills" only desired within the academy. Hang out with scientists and engineers and you can find moments of sanity. The problem though isn't really professors, it's idiot students who are on peacocking parades to demonstrate their leftiness and because of the way campus life is organized, you're both paying for their idiocy and you can't escape it actually touching your life. I had more trouble with student leftism being crammed down my throat than I ever did with politicized professors.

It was from some of my professors that I learned the tactic of squid ink. Very helpful.

Hilarious. You have nothing to back that up. In fact, it proves you have never been to college, unless, of course, it was BAH-BULL college.

If the GOP base went to an actual college, they wouldn't have to imagine, they could find out how they really are.
We all know that Liberals dominate Higher Education..

But did you ever stop to think how this lack of the true diversity, the diversity of thought, hampers the education of Liberal Students?

I came to be an arch-conservative through the influence of university professors. Sciences are a refuge from the insanity. Many mathematicians and physicist and geneticists aren't totally drinking the kool-aid on campus.

What's interesting, and what research actually demonstrates, is that those professors who have skills desired in the labor marketplace are far less liberals than those with "skills" only desired within the academy. Hang out with scientists and engineers and you can find moments of sanity. The problem though isn't really professors, it's idiot students who are on peacocking parades to demonstrate their leftiness and because of the way campus life is organized, you're both paying for their idiocy and you can't escape it actually touching your life. I had more trouble with student leftism being crammed down my throat than I ever did with politicized professors.

It was from some of my professors that I learned the tactic of squid ink. Very helpful.

Hilarious. You have nothing to back that up. In fact, it proves you have never been to college, unless, of course, it was BAH-BULL college.

If the GOP base went to an actual college, they wouldn't have to imagine, they could find out how they really are.

We all know that Liberals dominate Higher Education..

But did you ever stop to think how this lack of the true diversity, the diversity of thought, hampers the education of Liberal Students?

I came to be an arch-conservative through the influence of university professors. Sciences are a refuge from the insanity. Many mathematicians and physicist and geneticists aren't totally drinking the kool-aid on campus.

What's interesting, and what research actually demonstrates, is that those professors who have skills desired in the labor marketplace are far less liberals than those with "skills" only desired within the academy. Hang out with scientists and engineers and you can find moments of sanity. The problem though isn't really professors, it's idiot students who are on peacocking parades to demonstrate their leftiness and because of the way campus life is organized, you're both paying for their idiocy and you can't escape it actually touching your life. I had more trouble with student leftism being crammed down my throat than I ever did with politicized professors.

It was from some of my professors that I learned the tactic of squid ink. Very helpful.

Hilarious. You have nothing to back that up. In fact, it proves you have never been to college, unless, of course, it was BAH-BULL college.

If the GOP base went to an actual college, they wouldn't have to imagine, they could find out how they really are.


I tried so hard to find a similar chart on conservatives in college and this article was the closest I could find.

Grading Edge for Conservative Students insidehighered

Here's what the research found:

  • The more liberal students are, the more likely they are to take courses in fields like sociology and American studies where "questions of social justice" are a focus. Conservative students are more likely to enroll in departments like economics and business. This is a key fact, Kemmelmeir said, because the fields conservatives tend to study are fields where average grades are lower -- across all political groups. So when conservative students complain that their grades are lower than their liberal friends, they might be right -- but it has nothing to do with bias.
We all know that Liberals dominate Higher Education..

But did you ever stop to think how this lack of the true diversity, the diversity of thought, hampers the education of Liberal Students?

I came to be an arch-conservative through the influence of university professors. Sciences are a refuge from the insanity. Many mathematicians and physicist and geneticists aren't totally drinking the kool-aid on campus.

What's interesting, and what research actually demonstrates, is that those professors who have skills desired in the labor marketplace are far less liberals than those with "skills" only desired within the academy. Hang out with scientists and engineers and you can find moments of sanity. The problem though isn't really professors, it's idiot students who are on peacocking parades to demonstrate their leftiness and because of the way campus life is organized, you're both paying for their idiocy and you can't escape it actually touching your life. I had more trouble with student leftism being crammed down my throat than I ever did with politicized professors.

It was from some of my professors that I learned the tactic of squid ink. Very helpful.

Hilarious. You have nothing to back that up. In fact, it proves you have never been to college, unless, of course, it was BAH-BULL college.

If the GOP base went to an actual college, they wouldn't have to imagine, they could find out how they really are.


I tried so hard to find a similar chart on conservatives in college and this article was the closest I could find.

Grading Edge for Conservative Students insidehighered

Here's what the research found:

  • The more liberal students are, the more likely they are to take courses in fields like sociology and American studies where "questions of social justice" are a focus. Conservative students are more likely to enroll in departments like economics and business. This is a key fact, Kemmelmeir said, because the fields conservatives tend to study are fields where average grades are lower -- across all political groups. So when conservative students complain that their grades are lower than their liberal friends, they might be right -- but it has nothing to do with bias.

I know that you think you've scored some devastating slam at conservatives but you haven't. This is well known on college campuses and is a constant source of bitching. Grading in organic chem, molecular genetics, differential equations, quantum physics, electrical circuit design, quantitative methods of finance, statistical modeling is notoriously more difficult than the grading in Female Oppression during the Colonial Era, Early Feminists in Native America culture, Hidden Racism in Modern American Advertising, etc. Liberals go for the joke courses and conservatives go for the substantive courses and liberals get plenty of top grades for vomiting out liberal nonsense and conservatives get graded by tough standards in real, substantive courses.
'If you want to get laid, go to college. If you want an education, go to the library.' -- Frank Zappa

What an insightful quote (I'm being serious). I think it's very true. However I'd guess that most people who go to libraries to learn probably got some kind of post-secondary education.
We all know that Liberals dominate Higher Education..

But did you ever stop to think how this lack of the true diversity, the diversity of thought, hampers the education of Liberal Students?

I came to be an arch-conservative through the influence of university professors. Sciences are a refuge from the insanity. Many mathematicians and physicist and geneticists aren't totally drinking the kool-aid on campus.

What's interesting, and what research actually demonstrates, is that those professors who have skills desired in the labor marketplace are far less liberals than those with "skills" only desired within the academy. Hang out with scientists and engineers and you can find moments of sanity. The problem though isn't really professors, it's idiot students who are on peacocking parades to demonstrate their leftiness and because of the way campus life is organized, you're both paying for their idiocy and you can't escape it actually touching your life. I had more trouble with student leftism being crammed down my throat than I ever did with politicized professors.

It was from some of my professors that I learned the tactic of squid ink. Very helpful.

Who did this research??
We all know that Liberals dominate Higher Education..

But did you ever stop to think how this lack of the true diversity, the diversity of thought, hampers the education of Liberal Students?

I came to be an arch-conservative through the influence of university professors. Sciences are a refuge from the insanity. Many mathematicians and physicist and geneticists aren't totally drinking the kool-aid on campus.

What's interesting, and what research actually demonstrates, is that those professors who have skills desired in the labor marketplace are far less liberals than those with "skills" only desired within the academy. Hang out with scientists and engineers and you can find moments of sanity. The problem though isn't really professors, it's idiot students who are on peacocking parades to demonstrate their leftiness and because of the way campus life is organized, you're both paying for their idiocy and you can't escape it actually touching your life. I had more trouble with student leftism being crammed down my throat than I ever did with politicized professors.

It was from some of my professors that I learned the tactic of squid ink. Very helpful.

Hilarious. You have nothing to back that up. In fact, it proves you have never been to college, unless, of course, it was BAH-BULL college.

If the GOP base went to an actual college, they wouldn't have to imagine, they could find out how they really are.


I tried so hard to find a similar chart on conservatives in college and this article was the closest I could find.

Grading Edge for Conservative Students insidehighered

Here's what the research found:

  • The more liberal students are, the more likely they are to take courses in fields like sociology and American studies where "questions of social justice" are a focus. Conservative students are more likely to enroll in departments like economics and business. This is a key fact, Kemmelmeir said, because the fields conservatives tend to study are fields where average grades are lower -- across all political groups. So when conservative students complain that their grades are lower than their liberal friends, they might be right -- but it has nothing to do with bias.

I know that you think you've scored some devastating slam at conservatives but you haven't. This is well known on college campuses and is a constant source of bitching. Grading in organic chem, molecular genetics, differential equations, quantum physics, electrical circuit design, quantitative methods of finance, statistical modeling is notoriously more difficult than the grading in Female Oppression during the Colonial Era, Early Feminists in Native America culture, Hidden Racism in Modern American Advertising, etc. Liberals go for the joke courses and conservatives go for the substantive courses and liberals get plenty of top grades for vomiting out liberal nonsense and conservatives get graded by tough standards in real, substantive courses.

We can tell from your quantitative analyses that you never attended college courses which would allow you to inject proof to back up your theory...
We all know that Liberals dominate Higher Education..

But did you ever stop to think how this lack of the true diversity, the diversity of thought, hampers the education of Liberal Students?

I came to be an arch-conservative through the influence of university professors. Sciences are a refuge from the insanity. Many mathematicians and physicist and geneticists aren't totally drinking the kool-aid on campus.

What's interesting, and what research actually demonstrates, is that those professors who have skills desired in the labor marketplace are far less liberals than those with "skills" only desired within the academy. Hang out with scientists and engineers and you can find moments of sanity. The problem though isn't really professors, it's idiot students who are on peacocking parades to demonstrate their leftiness and because of the way campus life is organized, you're both paying for their idiocy and you can't escape it actually touching your life. I had more trouble with student leftism being crammed down my throat than I ever did with politicized professors.

It was from some of my professors that I learned the tactic of squid ink. Very helpful.

Hilarious. You have nothing to back that up. In fact, it proves you have never been to college, unless, of course, it was BAH-BULL college.

If the GOP base went to an actual college, they wouldn't have to imagine, they could find out how they really are.


I tried so hard to find a similar chart on conservatives in college and this article was the closest I could find.

Grading Edge for Conservative Students insidehighered

Here's what the research found:

  • The more liberal students are, the more likely they are to take courses in fields like sociology and American studies where "questions of social justice" are a focus. Conservative students are more likely to enroll in departments like economics and business. This is a key fact, Kemmelmeir said, because the fields conservatives tend to study are fields where average grades are lower -- across all political groups. So when conservative students complain that their grades are lower than their liberal friends, they might be right -- but it has nothing to do with bias.

I know that you think you've scored some devastating slam at conservatives but you haven't. This is well known on college campuses and is a constant source of bitching. Grading in organic chem, molecular genetics, differential equations, quantum physics, electrical circuit design, quantitative methods of finance, statistical modeling is notoriously more difficult than the grading in Female Oppression during the Colonial Era, Early Feminists in Native America culture, Hidden Racism in Modern American Advertising, etc. Liberals go for the joke courses and conservatives go for the substantive courses and liberals get plenty of top grades for vomiting out liberal nonsense and conservatives get graded by tough standards in real, substantive courses.

We can tell from your quantitative analyses that you never attended college courses which would allow you to inject proof to back up your theory...

The "genetics" really got me. Conservatives, the majority of conservatives don't and never will believe in the science of evolution. And if you go to one of those "liberal" universities, you can't hardly find a course called "evolution" because the field has grown so enormous. There is the evolution of the eye, or the skin, or certain organs, or primates, or disease and on and on. The list is endless. I've posted article after link that describes the flight of scientists from the Republican Party. When so many left the GOP under George Bush because his administration was changing their data to match GOP politics.
Clearly, that party is ANTI-science. They just are. It's who they are.

And yet, to this day, they cry that it's liberals who are anti science or science that is closed minded to all the evidence of magical creation. It's appalling.
The "genetics" really got me. Conservatives, the majority of conservatives don't and never will believe in the science of evolution.

You think that liberals accept evolution? Ask a liberal if blacks have a lower mean IQ due to genetics. Ask a liberal if blacks are more violent due to genetics. Ask a liberal if blacks are more promiscuous due to genetics. The very questions are out of bounds but each question is based on solid evolutionary principles, wherein mutation, selection effects, drift, and reproductively isolated population groups can lead to those very outcomes.

After blowing their tops, chanting their religious mantra of "race is a social construction" they'll hex you as a racist for daring to invoke evolutionary principles with respect to modern human populations. Everyone knows that we're all the same under the skin, so says Marx.

And yet, to this day, they cry that it's liberals who are anti science or science that is closed minded to all the evidence of magical creation. It's appalling.

Hey, it's liberals who believe so strongly that astrology is a science, not conservatives.
If it was really a problem, why would private institutions be at least as liberal?
The Marxist takeover of our universities, that began back in the 1930's, has had a significant negative impact on the United States. Students are indoctrinated in the ideology of socialism and victimology. "But what about my rights!" This whiney crybaby attitude is a detriment to our nation. Campuses need to focus on producing good citizens and I think any male that wants to go to college must serve 4 years in the military first.

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