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How the Republican Government shutdown works

Its strange....the Republicans control Congress now and the only tool they have in their toolbox is the threat of shutting down government

Then they are outraged when services are not available.
"What do you mean the park is closed?"

I would actually think that in a DEMOCACY that whoever has control of the legislative branch should have control of the government. That isn't true of other forms of government but I suspect that beneath this socialist attitude is a desire for those other forms of government.

Sigh, you do realize that our government was set up so that NOBODY would have too much control over the government and that was done deliberately by the Founding Fathers? We've got a Legislative Branch, a Judicial Branch and an Executive Branch so that one person or small group of people can't force their views on the rest of the country because the three branches provide checks and balances. Of course if you have a President who decides to side step Congress and conduct business through Executive Orders then that starts to become a problem.


Uhhhh, after the last government shutdown, the Republicans regained control of Congress and increased their control of state legislatures and governors' mansions in a historic landslide. So I guess shutting down the government and forcing Obama to agree to a semblance of fiscal sanity didn't hurt them too badly, hey?

Do you guys just live on Mars or something? Do you not read/view any rational, accurate news sources?

GOP Memo: Gerrymandering Won Us The House Majority

Senate Democratic minority snagged 20 million more votes than GOP majority
Yes, you conservatives suck at math and history, I agree with that. When did Republicans "take credit" for the money the incompetent Obama spent shutting down government? I don't remember when you did that. But if you say so, you probably did. At least you are now. Conservatives are idiots, stop listening to Faux News and believing whatever they tell you

Conservatives are idiots and bad with math and history?

Liberals pretty much agree that the economy started going south under Bush his last 2 years in his final term in office. THIS was the economic decline Obama and Liberals claim Obama 'inherited'. Liberals also pretty much agree that whoever controls Congress controls the purse strings, and therefore the economy / budget as well....unless it is THEY who control Congress / the purse strings.

During Bush's 1st 6 years in office 9/11 occurred, the economic aftermath of 9/11 happened, and 2 wars were fought. No 'economic decline' was experienced, but approx. 2 1/2 Trillion was added to the debt...in 6 (SIX YEARS)...during a time when there was a pretty close split in Congress. (2 1/2 trillion in 6 years in approx. 1/3rd of the debt Obama added in his 1st 4 years!)

Democrats secured a Super-Majority Control of Congress, controlling the purse strings / budget the last 2 years of Bush's administration...during which time the Liberals say the economy started going south. During this 1 1/2 - 2 year period another 1 1/2 TRILLION was added to the debt...in only 2 years. WHAT was the difference between Bush's 1st 6 years and his last 2? Oh yeah, Democrats took over Congress! They held this Super Majority control of Congress through the end of Obama's 2nd year in office.

The economic decline Obama claims to have inherited came from 2 years of Liberal control of the budget and 2 more years of horrendous fiscal irresponsibility. For instance, while supposedly in a declining economy Obama and the Liberals passed the tremendously FAILED Stimulus bill, a nearly $1 TRILLION addition to the nation's debt in one shot that contained over 7,000 pieces of DNC-ONLY pork, continued such horrible programs as 'Cash for Clunkers' that ended up hurting the economy/poor & middle class families, and ended up costing OVER $742,000 PER JOB Obama claimed to have created / saved!

In Obama's 1st 4 years he set US records for 'monthly', 'annual', and 'total' deficit spending - adding over $6 trillion to the US debt in ONLY 4 years, more debt added than by EVERY US President from Washington to Bush COMBINED, single-handedly securing the 1st US Credit rating down-grade by refusing to accept more budget cuts to prove he was serious about reducing the deficit as he was warned, and added a record number of job-creation / business-strangling regulations.

These are DOCUMENTED, HISTORICAL FACTS which speak for themselves. Responding with opinion or personal attacks do not effect me at all because you are arguing with these documented history / facts, not me.

The final statistical and historical fact is that Obama is ARGUABLY the worst President in US history. Personally, though, I would award that title to the racist LBJ, the man who started the whole liberal program of 'Economic Slavery' that has been used to oppress blacks, ensure more and more Americans remain UN-successful and dependent on the government, and that they continue to vote for the liberal politicians who will keep the 'free' money and handouts flowing.

So NO you can't present ANY bills the Dems passed 2007-2009 to change Dubya/GOP policy that created Dubya's recession. Thanks

Hint Ronnie Raygun TRIPLED every other US Prez debt AND Dubya doubled every other US POrez debt (while he lost 1+ million PRIVATE sector jobs).. lol

Today's Republican Party will have to disown The Great Ronnie God because he granted Amnesty to Undocumented Workers.
They never will. NEVER!

Sent from my SM-N910T3 using Tapatalk
No one is clueless on that period of time. Bush was in charge, and was the commander-in-chief. The economy tanked and Iraq turned from a quagmire into a fiasco.

What does Iraq have to do with the economy? Are you agreeing with the other idiot who seems to think that Bush didn't pass TARP? Because if you are...then you are indeed CLUELESS!!!!!

What did Iraq's invasion and occupation have to do with the economy? You are kidding, aren't you? If not, please refrain from calling anyone clueless.

Are you making the claim that our invasion of Iraq caused the financial collapse? Because if you are...that's one of the more absurd statements I've ever seen on here, Wry!

I'm sorry, this Straw Man is build with wet straw covered in asbestos; your spin can't turn.

No single cause created the financial collapse of Oct. 2008, and the Great Recession. Spending Billions on the war of choice was part of it, as were the housing bubble, the Greed of Wall Street, the neglect of Congress and the White House.

Much like the attack on 911, the dots were there and ignored. The Master's of the Universe were making lots of money, and what Pol will turn their back on the power elite by killing the golden goose?

So our spending money on the war in Iraq caused a financial collapse to take place around the world? Really, Wry? Funny, those other countries didn't invade Iraq...why did their economies crater as well as ours? Did you really just make that argument after spouting off about "cause and effect"?

When did I write, "our spending money on the war in Iraq caused a financial collapse to take place around the world". There is no SINGLE cause other than human nature and human failings.

There is no SINGLE political party to point a finger at, no single POTUS and no SINGLE leader in the Senate or the H. of Rep. No SINGLE insurance Company, no SINGLE bank and no SINGLE Brokerage House; they were all equally culpable.
You're too stupid to realize that paltry $400 was only done so that Barry could claim that he kept his campaign promise that he'd lower taxes for 95% of Americans.
TARP did far more to keep us out of a depression than Obama's stimulus ever did and that was Bush's baby! The Obama stimulus was Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid handing out goodies to their folks while letting the rest of the country twist in the wind while they went chasing after the ACA.

TARP? Oh right that 5 page document Dubya wanted. Hint GOP voted against it Bubs, BUT BOTH TARP AND STIMULUS was required THANKS TO GOP FAILED POLICIES, AGAIN




Failure? Sure, wasted tax cuts that Obama HOPED to get SOME GOP support with, AGREED! Like Dubya's $3+ trillion tax cuts were a waste TOO!

TARP was passed under George W. Bush, you moron! It was continued under Barack Obama. Are you really this clueless about what took place in 2007 through 2009?

No one is clueless on that period of time. Bush was in charge, and was the commander-in-chief. The economy tanked and Iraq turned from a quagmire into a fiasco.

What does Iraq have to do with the economy? Are you agreeing with the other idiot who seems to think that Bush didn't pass TARP? Because if you are...then you are indeed CLUELESS!!!!!

You don't "think" going to a war on false premises, put on the credit card that cost $4 trillion hurt the US economy? lol

No Bubba, I argued TRUTHFULLY that the GOP refused to vote for Dubya's TARP, The Dems had to get it passed dumbsdh*t!

TARP was a bi-partisan bill passed with both support from the Democratic side and the GOP side. If the GOP refused to vote for it...it wouldn't have happened. You've obviously confused yourself by thinking that because the FIRST version of TARP wasn't passed in the House that a modified version wasn't subsequently (in less than a week I believe?) passed by the Senate and then also approved by the House? At least you've admitted that TARP was indeed Bush's! A plan that he took substantial political heat to pass yet a plan that worked to calm things down financially at the worst part of the economic collapse. A plan that Barry, Harry and Nancy subsequently used to reward political supporters of theirs like the CEO of Solyndra and the UAW.
TARP? Oh right that 5 page document Dubya wanted. Hint GOP voted against it Bubs, BUT BOTH TARP AND STIMULUS was required THANKS TO GOP FAILED POLICIES, AGAIN




Failure? Sure, wasted tax cuts that Obama HOPED to get SOME GOP support with, AGREED! Like Dubya's $3+ trillion tax cuts were a waste TOO!

TARP was passed under George W. Bush, you moron! It was continued under Barack Obama. Are you really this clueless about what took place in 2007 through 2009?

No one is clueless on that period of time. Bush was in charge, and was the commander-in-chief. The economy tanked and Iraq turned from a quagmire into a fiasco.

What does Iraq have to do with the economy? Are you agreeing with the other idiot who seems to think that Bush didn't pass TARP? Because if you are...then you are indeed CLUELESS!!!!!

What did Iraq's invasion and occupation have to do with the economy? You are kidding, aren't you? If not, please refrain from calling anyone clueless.

Are you making the claim that our invasion of Iraq caused the financial collapse? Because if you are...that's one of the more absurd statements I've ever seen on here, Wry!

Nope, pretty sure Wry understands Dubya cheering on the Banksters bubble AS Dubya gutted the FBI after warnings about creating a larger EPIDEMIC than Ronnie's S&L crisis was the cause. You know the GOP's "USUAL" , let markets hose US philosophy!
Uhhhh, after the last government shutdown, the Republicans regained control of Congress and increased their control of state legislatures and governors' mansions in a historic landslide. So I guess shutting down the government and forcing Obama to agree to a semblance of fiscal sanity didn't hurt them too badly, hey?

Do you guys just live on Mars or something? Do you not read/view any rational, accurate news sources?

Simple explanations are for the simple people. Tell a lie often enough and simple people believe it to be true.

As a good liberal I'm always willing to educate those who confuse cause and effect:

Questionable Cause

How exactly does declaring "Questionable Cause" make what Mike posted a lie? Because you say that it is? Why do you think that the GOP accomplished a historic victory in 2010? What's your complex explanation of that? Barack Obama summed it up by saying "We got shellacked!" What would you like to add to that?

Stupid red staters voting against their own best interests, GOP gerrymandering and then recognize Dems received 20+ million more votes as minority in the Senate?
TARP was passed under George W. Bush, you moron! It was continued under Barack Obama. Are you really this clueless about what took place in 2007 through 2009?

No one is clueless on that period of time. Bush was in charge, and was the commander-in-chief. The economy tanked and Iraq turned from a quagmire into a fiasco.

What does Iraq have to do with the economy? Are you agreeing with the other idiot who seems to think that Bush didn't pass TARP? Because if you are...then you are indeed CLUELESS!!!!!

What did Iraq's invasion and occupation have to do with the economy? You are kidding, aren't you? If not, please refrain from calling anyone clueless.

Are you making the claim that our invasion of Iraq caused the financial collapse? Because if you are...that's one of the more absurd statements I've ever seen on here, Wry!

Nope, pretty sure Wry understands Dubya cheering on the Banksters bubble AS Dubya gutted the FBI after warnings about creating a larger EPIDEMIC than Ronnie's S&L crisis was the cause. You know the GOP's "USUAL" , let markets hose US philosophy!

Bush was one of the few people in Washington warning about the real estate bubble being something we needed to worry about. If you'll recall...when he cautioned Congress about it...people like Todd and Frank pooh poohed his concern telling everyone that things were just fine the way that they were!
What does Iraq have to do with the economy? Are you agreeing with the other idiot who seems to think that Bush didn't pass TARP? Because if you are...then you are indeed CLUELESS!!!!!

What did Iraq's invasion and occupation have to do with the economy? You are kidding, aren't you? If not, please refrain from calling anyone clueless.

Are you making the claim that our invasion of Iraq caused the financial collapse? Because if you are...that's one of the more absurd statements I've ever seen on here, Wry!

I'm sorry, this Straw Man is build with wet straw covered in asbestos; your spin can't turn.

No single cause created the financial collapse of Oct. 2008, and the Great Recession. Spending Billions on the war of choice was part of it, as were the housing bubble, the Greed of Wall Street, the neglect of Congress and the White House.

Much like the attack on 911, the dots were there and ignored. The Master's of the Universe were making lots of money, and what Pol will turn their back on the power elite by killing the golden goose?

So our spending money on the war in Iraq caused a financial collapse to take place around the world? Really, Wry? Funny, those other countries didn't invade Iraq...why did their economies crater as well as ours? Did you really just make that argument after spouting off about "cause and effect"?

When did I write, "our spending money on the war in Iraq caused a financial collapse to take place around the world". There is no SINGLE cause other than human nature and human failings.

There is no SINGLE political party to point a finger at, no single POTUS and no SINGLE leader in the Senate or the H. of Rep. No SINGLE insurance Company, no SINGLE bank and no SINGLE Brokerage House; they were all equally culpable.

PS: And the culpable didn't suffer, that was to be borne by Main St and still is, even as Wall Street's profits continue to grow and the Pols have been rewarded by the Supreme Court with the SuperPacs.
Uhhhh, after the last government shutdown, the Republicans regained control of Congress and increased their control of state legislatures and governors' mansions in a historic landslide. So I guess shutting down the government and forcing Obama to agree to a semblance of fiscal sanity didn't hurt them too badly, hey?

Do you guys just live on Mars or something? Do you not read/view any rational, accurate news sources?

Simple explanations are for the simple people. Tell a lie often enough and simple people believe it to be true.

As a good liberal I'm always willing to educate those who confuse cause and effect:

Questionable Cause

How exactly does declaring "Questionable Cause" make what Mike posted a lie? Because you say that it is? Why do you think that the GOP accomplished a historic victory in 2010? What's your complex explanation of that? Barack Obama summed it up by saying "We got shellacked!" What would you like to add to that?

Stupid red staters voting against their own best interests, GOP gerrymandering and then recognize Dems received 20+ million more votes as minority in the Senate?

Oh, so the GOP crushed the Democrats in 2010 because voters were "stupid" in Red States? That's your complex explanation of why the Democrats suffered historic defeats both on the national level and locally in those midterms?
You really ARE claiming that the Bush Administration approved Solyndra and didn't shelve it...aren't you? Wow...that's amazing. I mean really amazing! You're either terminally stupid...or shamelessly dishonest.

STICK With BS and ignore credible links Bubba, it's ALL you EVER have, opinions based on BS

Weekly Standard: Solyndra Debacle? Blame Bush

'By the time the Obama administration took office in late January 2009, the loan programs' staff had already established a goal of, and timeline for, issuing the company a conditional loan guarantee commitment in March 2009,' said Jonathan Silver, who heads the Energy loan program.

Weekly Standard: Solyndra Debacle? Blame Bush

May 2005: Just as a global silicon shortage begins driving up prices of solar photovoltaics [PV], Solyndra is founded to provide a cost-competitive alternative to silicon-based panels.

July 2005: The Bush Administration signs the Energy Policy Act of 2005 into law, creating the 1703 loan guarantee program.

February 2006 – October 2006: In February, Solyndra raises its first round of venture financing worth $10.6 million from CMEA Capital, Redpoint Ventures, and U.S. Venture Partners. In October, Argonaut Venture Capital, an investment arm of George Kaiser, invests $17 million into Solyndra. Madrone Capital Partners, an investment arm of the Walton family, invests $7 million. Those investments are part of a $78.2 million fund.

December 2006: Solyndra Applies for a Loan Guarantee under the 1703 program.

Late 2007: Loan guarantee program is funded. Solyndra was one of 16 clean-tech companies deemed ready to move forward in the due diligence process. The Bush Administration DOE moves forward to develop a conditional commitment.

October 2008: Then Solyndra CEO Chris Gronet touted reasons for building in Silicon Valley and noted that the “company’s second factory also will be built in Fremont, since a Department of Energy loan guarantee mandates a U.S. location.”

November 2008: Silicon prices remain very high on the spot market, making non-silicon based thin film technologies like Solyndra’s very attractive to investors. Solyndra also benefits from having very low installation costs. The company raises $144 million from ten different venture investors, including the Walton-family run Madrone Capital Partners. This brings total private investment to more than $450 million to date.

January 2009: In an effort to show it has done something to support renewable energy, the Bush Administration tries to take Solyndra before a DOE credit review committee before President Obama is inaugurated. The committee, consisting of career civil servants with financial expertise, remands the loan back to DOE “without prejudice” because it wasn’t ready for conditional commitment.

March 2009: The same credit committee approves the strengthened loan application. The deal passes on to DOE’s credit review board. Career staff (not political appointees) within the DOE issue a conditional commitment setting out terms for a guarantee.

June 2009: As more silicon production facilities come online while demand for PV wavers due to the economic slowdown, silicon prices start to drop. Meanwhile, the Chinese begin rapidly scaling domestic manufacturing and set a path toward dramatic, unforeseen cost reductions in PV. Between June of 2009 and August of 2011, PV prices drop more than 50%.

September 2009: Solyndra raises an additional $219 million. Shortly after, the DOE closes a $535 million loan guarantee after six months of due diligence. This is the first loan guarantee issued under the 1705 program. From application to closing, the process took three years – not the 41 days that is sometimes reported. OMB did raise some concerns in August not about the loan itself but how the loan should be “scored.” OMB testified Wednesday that they were comfortable with the final scoring.

January – June 2010: As the price of conventional silicon-based PV continues to fall due to low silicon prices and a glut of solar modules, investors and analysts start questioning Solyndra’s ability to compete in the marketplace. Despite pulling its IPO (as dozens of companies did in 2010), Solyndra raises an additional $175 million from investors.

November 2010: Solyndra closes an older manufacturing facility and concentrates operations at Fab 2, the plant funded by the $535 million loan guarantee. The Fab 2 plant is completed that same month — on time and on budget — employing around 3,000 construction workers during the build-out, just as the DOE projected.

February 2011: Due to a liquidity crisis, investors provide $75 million to help restructure the loan guarantee. The DOE rightly assumed it was better to give Solyndra a fighting chance rather than liquidate the company – which was a going concern – for market value, which would have guaranteed significant losses.

March 2011: Republican Representatives complain that DOE funds are not being spent quickly enough.

Exclusive Timeline: Bush Administration Advanced Solyndra Loan Guarantee for Two Years, Media Blow the Story


Solyndra? Dubya's thing?

Solyndra=1% of DOE energy money

Reuters: Venture Capitalists Point To Solyndra As One Of The Top 10 Companies "Ripest" To Go Public. Reuters reported in August 2009:
Investors eye top startups as IPO market awakens - Aug. 19, 2009

Market Conditions Shifted Significantly from 2009 to 2011

"advantages that were more important in 2009 when it received a $535 million U.S. loan guarantee to build a factory" than they are now, noting that the price of the silicon-based panels with which Solyndra was competing "has fallen 46 percent since then."
Obama’s Solar Bets May Avoid Solyndra’s Fate With Low Costs

Bush Admin. Advanced16 Projects, Including Solyndra, Out Of 143 Submissions
Hearings and Votes | Energy & Commerce Committee

DOE Under Bush Admin. Set Out Timeline For Completing Solyndra Review
http://energy.gov/sites/prod/files/Solar Background Document 1.pdf

Are you really going to come on here and defend the Solyndra loan as a good move, Dad? I mean REALLY?

Solyndra! You jerks make a big deal over a small mistake. Cheney's belief that Iraq would greet us a liberators costs over 4,500 Americans their lives, and untold Billions of Dollars.

Let's talk about how much Cheney steered to Halliburton, shall we?

If Solyndra were the only "small mistake" that was made then you might have a point but it wasn't...there were numerous "green" companies that got big money from the Obama Administration only to go belly up. They ended up costing jobs...not creating them.

Nice job at trying to divert the discussion from Obama to a Vice President who's been out of office for almost eight years now. Cheney and Haliburton? That's the best you've got?


Now you're claiming that Solyndra made money for the Treasury? You're a complete moron, Dad! Seriously!

Yes Bubba, your cherry picking what people are saying make you look like special Ed, you have 2 accounts Bubba?

Yep, the GOP's/Dubya's 2005 energy bill, which included Solyndra, made the Gov't money, despite the GOP, setting aside $10 billion for losses!
No one is clueless on that period of time. Bush was in charge, and was the commander-in-chief. The economy tanked and Iraq turned from a quagmire into a fiasco.

What does Iraq have to do with the economy? Are you agreeing with the other idiot who seems to think that Bush didn't pass TARP? Because if you are...then you are indeed CLUELESS!!!!!

What did Iraq's invasion and occupation have to do with the economy? You are kidding, aren't you? If not, please refrain from calling anyone clueless.

Are you making the claim that our invasion of Iraq caused the financial collapse? Because if you are...that's one of the more absurd statements I've ever seen on here, Wry!

I'm sorry, this Straw Man is build with wet straw covered in asbestos; your spin can't turn.

No single cause created the financial collapse of Oct. 2008, and the Great Recession. Spending Billions on the war of choice was part of it, as were the housing bubble, the Greed of Wall Street, the neglect of Congress and the White House.

Much like the attack on 911, the dots were there and ignored. The Master's of the Universe were making lots of money, and what Pol will turn their back on the power elite by killing the golden goose?

So our spending money on the war in Iraq caused a financial collapse to take place around the world? Really, Wry? Funny, those other countries didn't invade Iraq...why did their economies crater as well as ours? Did you really just make that argument after spouting off about "cause and effect"?

No he didn't you lying POS
What did Iraq's invasion and occupation have to do with the economy? You are kidding, aren't you? If not, please refrain from calling anyone clueless.

Are you making the claim that our invasion of Iraq caused the financial collapse? Because if you are...that's one of the more absurd statements I've ever seen on here, Wry!

I'm sorry, this Straw Man is build with wet straw covered in asbestos; your spin can't turn.

No single cause created the financial collapse of Oct. 2008, and the Great Recession. Spending Billions on the war of choice was part of it, as were the housing bubble, the Greed of Wall Street, the neglect of Congress and the White House.

Much like the attack on 911, the dots were there and ignored. The Master's of the Universe were making lots of money, and what Pol will turn their back on the power elite by killing the golden goose?

So our spending money on the war in Iraq caused a financial collapse to take place around the world? Really, Wry? Funny, those other countries didn't invade Iraq...why did their economies crater as well as ours? Did you really just make that argument after spouting off about "cause and effect"?

When did I write, "our spending money on the war in Iraq caused a financial collapse to take place around the world". There is no SINGLE cause other than human nature and human failings.

There is no SINGLE political party to point a finger at, no single POTUS and no SINGLE leader in the Senate or the H. of Rep. No SINGLE insurance Company, no SINGLE bank and no SINGLE Brokerage House; they were all equally culpable.

PS: And the culpable didn't suffer, that was to be borne by Main St and still is, even as Wall Street's profits continue to grow and the Pols have been rewarded by the Supreme Court with the SuperPacs.

Wall Street profits have continued to grow because we've done non stop Quantitative Easing since Barry took office and those fat cats have had essentially interest free money to invest and get rich with. Pumping up the stock market bubble is the only economic "success" that the Obama Administration has had. Other than that it's plans to stimulate the economy consist of constant calls for a watered down version of the same infrastructure spending that failed to create shovel ready jobs during the Obama Stimulus.
Are you really going to come on here and defend the Solyndra loan as a good move, Dad? I mean REALLY?

Solyndra! You jerks make a big deal over a small mistake. Cheney's belief that Iraq would greet us a liberators costs over 4,500 Americans their lives, and untold Billions of Dollars.

Let's talk about how much Cheney steered to Halliburton, shall we?

If Solyndra were the only "small mistake" that was made then you might have a point but it wasn't...there were numerous "green" companies that got big money from the Obama Administration only to go belly up. They ended up costing jobs...not creating them.

Nice job at trying to divert the discussion from Obama to a Vice President who's been out of office for almost eight years now. Cheney and Haliburton? That's the best you've got?


Now you're claiming that Solyndra made money for the Treasury? You're a complete moron, Dad! Seriously!

Yes Bubba, your cherry picking what people are saying make you look like special Ed, you have 2 accounts Bubba?

Yep, the GOP's/Dubya's 2005 energy bill, which included Solyndra, made the Gov't money, despite the GOP, setting aside $10 billion for losses!

How much money did the US make off of the Solyndra loan that was approved by the Obama Administration?
TARP? Oh right that 5 page document Dubya wanted. Hint GOP voted against it Bubs, BUT BOTH TARP AND STIMULUS was required THANKS TO GOP FAILED POLICIES, AGAIN




Failure? Sure, wasted tax cuts that Obama HOPED to get SOME GOP support with, AGREED! Like Dubya's $3+ trillion tax cuts were a waste TOO!

TARP was passed under George W. Bush, you moron! It was continued under Barack Obama. Are you really this clueless about what took place in 2007 through 2009?

No one is clueless on that period of time. Bush was in charge, and was the commander-in-chief. The economy tanked and Iraq turned from a quagmire into a fiasco.

What does Iraq have to do with the economy? Are you agreeing with the other idiot who seems to think that Bush didn't pass TARP? Because if you are...then you are indeed CLUELESS!!!!!

You don't "think" going to a war on false premises, put on the credit card that cost $4 trillion hurt the US economy? lol

No Bubba, I argued TRUTHFULLY that the GOP refused to vote for Dubya's TARP, The Dems had to get it passed dumbsdh*t!

TARP was a bi-partisan bill passed with both support from the Democratic side and the GOP side. If the GOP refused to vote for it...it wouldn't have happened. You've obviously confused yourself by thinking that because the FIRST version of TARP wasn't passed in the House that a modified version wasn't subsequently (in less than a week I believe?) passed by the Senate and then also approved by the House? At least you've admitted that TARP was indeed Bush's! A plan that he took substantial political heat to pass yet a plan that worked to calm things down financially at the worst part of the economic collapse. A plan that Barry, Harry and Nancy subsequently used to reward political supporters of theirs like the CEO of Solyndra and the UAW.

Yep, less than 100 GOPers voted for Dubya's bill to rescue US after he cheered on the Banksters credit bubble. Weird it took, by a LARGE majority, the Dems to save US from ANOTHER GOP great depression with TARP and the Obama stimulus!
No one is clueless on that period of time. Bush was in charge, and was the commander-in-chief. The economy tanked and Iraq turned from a quagmire into a fiasco.

What does Iraq have to do with the economy? Are you agreeing with the other idiot who seems to think that Bush didn't pass TARP? Because if you are...then you are indeed CLUELESS!!!!!

What did Iraq's invasion and occupation have to do with the economy? You are kidding, aren't you? If not, please refrain from calling anyone clueless.

Are you making the claim that our invasion of Iraq caused the financial collapse? Because if you are...that's one of the more absurd statements I've ever seen on here, Wry!

Nope, pretty sure Wry understands Dubya cheering on the Banksters bubble AS Dubya gutted the FBI after warnings about creating a larger EPIDEMIC than Ronnie's S&L crisis was the cause. You know the GOP's "USUAL" , let markets hose US philosophy!

Bush was one of the few people in Washington warning about the real estate bubble being something we needed to worry about. If you'll recall...when he cautioned Congress about it...people like Todd and Frank pooh poohed his concern telling everyone that things were just fine the way that they were!

Todd and Barney? Oh right the 2003-2004 ACCOUNTING scandals BEFORE Dubya's cheered on the Banksters bubble?

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."

June 17, 2004

Builders to fight Bush's low-income plan

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Home builders, realtors and others are preparing to fight a Bush administration plan that would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase financing of homes for low-income people, a home builder group said Thursday.

Home builders fight Bush's low-income housing - Jun. 17, 2004

Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime

Predatory lending was widely understood to present a looming national crisis.

What did the Bush administration do in response? Did it reverse course and decide to take action to halt this burgeoning scourge?

Not only did the Bush administration do nothing to protect consumers, it embarked on an aggressive and unprecedented campaign to prevent states from protecting their residents from the very problems to which the federal government was turning a blind eye

In 2003, during the height of the predatory lending crisis, the OCC invoked a clause from the 1863 National Bank Act to issue formal opinions preempting all state predatory lending laws, thereby rendering them inoperative

Eliot Spitzer - Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime

Its strange....the Republicans control Congress now and the only tool they have in their toolbox is the threat of shutting down government

Then they are outraged when services are not available.
"What do you mean the park is closed?"

I would actually think that in a DEMOCACY that whoever has control of the legislative branch should have control of the government. That isn't true of other forms of government but I suspect that beneath this socialist attitude is a desire for those other forms of government.

Sigh, you do realize that our government was set up so that NOBODY would have too much control over the government and that was done deliberately by the Founding Fathers? We've got a Legislative Branch, a Judicial Branch and an Executive Branch so that one person or small group of people can't force their views on the rest of the country because the three branches provide checks and balances. Of course if you have a President who decides to side step Congress and conduct business through Executive Orders then that starts to become a problem.



It's not the number of EO that you should be looking at, Sparky...but what each of them DID! Vast numbers of the ones you've cited were nothing more than slight changes to governmental policy made by a sitting President without having to go through Congress which is what EOs were designed to do. Barack Obama has not used EO's in that way at all however...he's used them to circumvent the wishes of Congress and the American people and push a liberal agenda that the American people didn't want.

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