How the trans crusade made me rethink support for gay marriage

Churches who don't want to marry Gays , " FORCED"

Not a single church in this nation has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes. Not one. As it should be.

LMAO, did you miss the Christian lady who refused to marry gays in TN i think it was . wth have you been .

Kim Davis isn't a church. I am sorry that my marriage has somehow cheapened her fourth marriage. lol

Yeah that was it. Kentucky it was by the way. ................. LOL

But my point is they were being forced during that bastard Obama, and if they didn't comply it was jail time.

View attachment 148556

She went to jail b/c she refused to follow a lawful court order. She lost every legal challenge and the Supreme Court wouldn't even hear her case. Why? Because she didn't have a legal leg to stand on.

At the end of the day, not a single church has been forced to marry anyone against their wishes in this country.
Churches who don't want to marry Gays , " FORCED"

Not a single church in this nation has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes. Not one. As it should be.

LMAO, did you miss the Christian lady who refused to marry gays in TN i think it was . wth have you been .

Kim Davis isn't a church. I am sorry that my marriage has somehow cheapened her fourth marriage. lol

Yeah that was it. Kentucky it was by the way. ................. LOL

But my point is they were being forced during that bastard Obama, and if they didn't comply it was jail time.

View attachment 148556

She was forced to do something as part of her job as a state employee. And that is nothing at all like a church being forced to marry homosexuals.
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Over the course of the last few months, whenever I write or tweet anything, on any topic, I usually receive a caustic social media response about my position on transgenderism. These trolls post links to my tweets about the subject and screenshots, as if showing me my own recent opinion is some sort of gotcha. These individuals even send tweets to my husband and employers, perhaps in hope that they will use their power over me to get my opinion in check with The Approved Position.

How The Trans Crusade Made Me Rethink Support For Gay Marriage

Yep being made as well as forced. Because, weak minds tend to feel guilty creating a forced agenda tends to acceptance. because if you don't ,why you are a racist. or omg a homophobe which is exactly what they taught them to say they meaning Obama and his corrupt social engineering idiots.
I'm gender fluid but only when the men's room is closed off for repairs or cleaning...........

View attachment 148546
Our illustrious school system has become more factory that stamps out like minded liberals rather than a educational institution. And we have to import Indian nationals to IT jobs and Mexicans for labor intensive jobs, that dosen't leave much for liberal brainwashed kids to aspire to since they can barely read or write and they are lazy as hell. Good lord this country is screwed.
We are being forced to accept homosexuality as 'normal' when it is not at all typical. Just because something happens does not make it other words, we are being forced to accept the abnormal as normal....The leftist media lexicon promotes it too by using made up words like 'homophobe'....'transgender'......etc. It's all bullshit. There is nothing 'normal' about a guy poking another guy's asshole.

Who is forcing you to accept homosexuality as normal? You can consider it abnormal all you like.

How is it normal when the preponderance of human beings prefer the opposite sex as a marriage partner?

What does it matter if it is normal or not? Being left-handed isn't normal. Being red-headed isn't normal. Being color-blind isn't normal. Being a genius isn't normal. There are many, many things that are not normal. So?
He's on
Are you being poked in the ass against your will? No? Then what business is it of yours what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Or do you emulate Torquemada?

It isn't my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Keep it to yourself instead of trying to make it 'normal.' Because it isn't.
Churches who don't want to marry Gays , " FORCED"

Not a single church in this nation has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes. Not one. As it should be.

LMAO, did you miss the Christian lady who refused to marry gays in TN i think it was . wth have you been .

Kim Davis isn't a church. I am sorry that my marriage has somehow cheapened her fourth marriage. lol

Yeah that was it. Kentucky it was by the way. ................. LOL

But my point is they were being forced during that bastard Obama, and if they didn't comply it was jail time.

View attachment 148556

She went to jail b/c she refused to follow a lawful court order. She lost every legal challenge and the Supreme Court wouldn't even hear her case. Why? Because she didn't have a legal leg to stand on.

At the end of the day, not a single church has been forced to marry anyone against their wishes in this country.

Yeah I guess you kind of have a point there. Where she was a church situation, just a country clerk thingy.
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There is no such thing as 'transgender'. It is a made up word to try and normalize a mental disorder. The people suffering from gender and/or body dysphoria need psychiatric help, not surgery. I feel sorry for them but absolutely refuse to cave and pretend this is all within the realm of normal. It isn't. And I've read stories of schools shoving this crap onto little kids. Sick.

Now THAT is truly stupid.

Even if it were a "mental disorder", someone would decide to "make up a word" to describe it. Otherwise, how would idiot RWNJs know what to call it when they lie about them?

For example, if mental health professionals had not named it narcissistic personality disorder, how would we know what to call pino trump?

Transgender is, of course, very real. It used to be that we had no treatment for transgender people and they suffered they entire lives. We do now and our humanity should make it impossible to walk away from the pain these people live with.

But hey, I'm not a fundie nutter christian so I actually care about people.

Yeah I guess you kind of have a point there. Where she was a church situation, just a country clerk thingy.

Now if this was a church my opinion would be entirely different as they have the constitutional right to run their parish how they see fit. Besides, such a legal case would be laughed out of the courthouse before the ink was even dry.
Over the course of the last few months, whenever I write or tweet anything, on any topic, I usually receive a caustic social media response about my position on transgenderism. These trolls post links to my tweets about the subject and screenshots, as if showing me my own recent opinion is some sort of gotcha. These individuals even send tweets to my husband and employers, perhaps in hope that they will use their power over me to get my opinion in check with The Approved Position.

How The Trans Crusade Made Me Rethink Support For Gay Marriage

Yep being made as well as forced. Because, weak minds tend to feel guilty creating a forced agenda tends to acceptance. because if you don't ,why you are a racist. or omg a homophobe which is exactly what they taught them to say they meaning Obama and his corrupt social engineering idiots.
I'm gender fluid but only when the men's room is closed off for repairs or cleaning...........

View attachment 148546
Our illustrious school system has become more factory that stamps out like minded liberals rather than a educational institution. And we have to import Indian nationals to IT jobs and Mexicans for labor intensive jobs, that dosen't leave much for liberal brainwashed kids to aspire to since they can barely read or write and they are lazy as hell. Good lord this country is screwed.
Ahem, my child is not for you to attack you heartless kunt...You don't know shit from Shinola, as far as I am concerned stick it where the sun don't shine..leave my kids out of your lies and propaganda...
Not a single church in this nation has been forced to marry any couple, gay or otherwise, against their wishes. Not one. As it should be.

LMAO, did you miss the Christian lady who refused to marry gays in TN i think it was . wth have you been .

Kim Davis isn't a church. I am sorry that my marriage has somehow cheapened her fourth marriage. lol

Yeah that was it. Kentucky it was by the way. ................. LOL

But my point is they were being forced during that bastard Obama, and if they didn't comply it was jail time.

View attachment 148556

She went to jail b/c she refused to follow a lawful court order. She lost every legal challenge and the Supreme Court wouldn't even hear her case. Why? Because she didn't have a legal leg to stand on.

At the end of the day, not a single church has been forced to marry anyone against their wishes in this country.

Yeah I guess you kind of have a point there. Where she was a church situation, just a country clerk thingy.
Engrish please..
We are being forced to accept homosexuality as 'normal' when it is not at all typical. Just because something happens does not make it other words, we are being forced to accept the abnormal as normal....The leftist media lexicon promotes it too by using made up words like 'homophobe'....'transgender'......etc. It's all bullshit. There is nothing 'normal' about a guy poking another guy's asshole.

Who is forcing you to accept homosexuality as normal? You can consider it abnormal all you like.

How is it normal when the preponderance of human beings prefer the opposite sex as a marriage partner?

What does it matter if it is normal or not? Being left-handed isn't normal. Being red-headed isn't normal. Being color-blind isn't normal. Being a genius isn't normal. There are many, many things that are not normal. So?
He's on
Are you being poked in the ass against your will? No? Then what business is it of yours what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Or do you emulate Torquemada?

It isn't my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Keep it to yourself instead of trying to make it 'normal.' Because it isn't.

HUH? Whose
We are being forced to accept homosexuality as 'normal' when it is not at all typical. Just because something happens does not make it other words, we are being forced to accept the abnormal as normal....The leftist media lexicon promotes it too by using made up words like 'homophobe'....'transgender'......etc. It's all bullshit. There is nothing 'normal' about a guy poking another guy's asshole.

Who is forcing you to accept homosexuality as normal? You can consider it abnormal all you like.

How is it normal when the preponderance of human beings prefer the opposite sex as a marriage partner?

What does it matter if it is normal or not? Being left-handed isn't normal. Being red-headed isn't normal. Being color-blind isn't normal. Being a genius isn't normal. There are many, many things that are not normal. So?
He's on
Are you being poked in the ass against your will? No? Then what business is it of yours what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Or do you emulate Torquemada?

It isn't my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Keep it to yourself instead of trying to make it 'normal.' Because it isn't.

HUH? Whose
Obviously not....... Really, self awareness is a virtue, you should try it sometime.
Who is forcing you to accept homosexuality as normal? You can consider it abnormal all you like.

How is it normal when the preponderance of human beings prefer the opposite sex as a marriage partner?

What does it matter if it is normal or not? Being left-handed isn't normal. Being red-headed isn't normal. Being color-blind isn't normal. Being a genius isn't normal. There are many, many things that are not normal. So?
He's on
Are you being poked in the ass against your will? No? Then what business is it of yours what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Or do you emulate Torquemada?

It isn't my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Keep it to yourself instead of trying to make it 'normal.' Because it isn't.

HUH? Whose
Obviously not....... Really, self awareness is a virtue, you should try it sometime.

Well...You're the one asking for tissue. Whatsamatta? Can't handle being owned?
Society accepts insanity. It should stop.

One would think that the libbie-lefties who absolutely hate Nazis would realize what media propaganda leading to societal insanity can cause.

Yeah, I can just see how gays, lesbians, and transgenders are getting ready to be the next totalitarian regime leading to a world war and attempted genocide. :lol:

Can you? Sorry I don't agree but go ahead and make believe. Nice try though....Unfortunately your rebuttal is completely insane. Have fun with your hatred....:ahole-1:
Society accepts insanity. It should stop.

One would think that the libbie-lefties who absolutely hate Nazis would realize what media propaganda leading to societal insanity can cause.

Yeah, I can just see how gays, lesbians, and transgenders are getting ready to be the next totalitarian regime leading to a world war and attempted genocide. :lol:

Deleted...double post
Society accepts insanity. It should stop.

One would think that the libbie-lefties who absolutely hate Nazis would realize what media propaganda leading to societal insanity can cause.

Yeah, I can just see how gays, lesbians, and transgenders are getting ready to be the next totalitarian regime leading to a world war and attempted genocide. :lol:

Can you? Sorry I don't agree but go ahead and make believe. Nice try though....Unfortunately your rebuttal is completely insane. Have fun with your hatred....:ahole-1:

You're the one who compared propaganda (which in the context of this thread is propaganda about homosexuals and/or transgendered) to the Nazis. ;)
Now now, Leo had to have forced anal sex as part of the homersexual agenda just yesterday, he's still a little sore about it..
How is it normal when the preponderance of human beings prefer the opposite sex as a marriage partner?

What does it matter if it is normal or not? Being left-handed isn't normal. Being red-headed isn't normal. Being color-blind isn't normal. Being a genius isn't normal. There are many, many things that are not normal. So?
He's on
Are you being poked in the ass against your will? No? Then what business is it of yours what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Or do you emulate Torquemada?

It isn't my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Keep it to yourself instead of trying to make it 'normal.' Because it isn't.

HUH? Whose
Obviously not....... Really, self awareness is a virtue, you should try it sometime.

Well...You're the one asking for tissue. Whatsamatta? Can't handle being owned?
By you? :rofl:
How is it normal when the preponderance of human beings prefer the opposite sex as a marriage partner?

What does it matter if it is normal or not? Being left-handed isn't normal. Being red-headed isn't normal. Being color-blind isn't normal. Being a genius isn't normal. There are many, many things that are not normal. So?
He's on
Are you being poked in the ass against your will? No? Then what business is it of yours what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Or do you emulate Torquemada?

It isn't my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Keep it to yourself instead of trying to make it 'normal.' Because it isn't.

HUH? Whose
Obviously not....... Really, self awareness is a virtue, you should try it sometime.

Well...You're the one asking for tissue. Whatsamatta? Can't handle being owned?
He does that a lot. Accusing others of what he does is one of his nasty habits. I don't believe he can help himself. He has an external locus of control.

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