How the trans crusade made me rethink support for gay marriage

Now now, Leo had to have forced anal sex as part of the homersexual agenda just yesterday, he's still a little sore about it..

Now Now, Mister' drop drawers'.....Don't assume others like your homosexual bare backing that you advertise daily with your Avatar. ;)
There is no such thing as 'transgender'. It is a made up word to try and normalize a mental disorder. The people suffering from gender and/or body dysphoria need psychiatric help, not surgery. I feel sorry for them but absolutely refuse to cave and pretend this is all within the realm of normal. It isn't. And I've read stories of schools shoving this crap onto little kids. Sick.

Now THAT is truly stupid.

Even if it were a "mental disorder", someone would decide to "make up a word" to describe it. Otherwise, how would idiot RWNJs know what to call it when they lie about them?

For example, if mental health professionals had not named it narcissistic personality disorder, how would we know what to call pino trump?

Transgender is, of course, very real. It used to be that we had no treatment for transgender people and they suffered they entire lives. We do now and our humanity should make it impossible to walk away from the pain these people live with.

But hey, I'm not a fundie nutter christian so I actually care about people.

It is not real. No matter how much surgery one has, they can not change their gender. Science agrees.

They are men living their lives dressed as women, but they are not women.

They are women living their lives dressed as men, but they are not men.

Forcing the rest of us to indulge them in their mental disorder does them no favors.
What does it matter if it is normal or not? Being left-handed isn't normal. Being red-headed isn't normal. Being color-blind isn't normal. Being a genius isn't normal. There are many, many things that are not normal. So?
He's on
It isn't my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Keep it to yourself instead of trying to make it 'normal.' Because it isn't.

HUH? Whose
Obviously not....... Really, self awareness is a virtue, you should try it sometime.

Well...You're the one asking for tissue. Whatsamatta? Can't handle being owned?
He does that a lot. Accusing others of what he does is one of his nasty habits. I don't believe he can help himself. He has an external locus of control.
Oh look, an amateur wannabe psychologist........ :lmao:
He's on

HUH? Whose
Obviously not....... Really, self awareness is a virtue, you should try it sometime.

Well...You're the one asking for tissue. Whatsamatta? Can't handle being owned?
He does that a lot. Accusing others of what he does is one of his nasty habits. I don't believe he can help himself. He has an external locus of control.
Oh look, an amateur wannabe psychologist........ :lmao:
Nah, just trained in how to spot people with an external locus of control like yourself.
HUH? Whose
Obviously not....... Really, self awareness is a virtue, you should try it sometime.

Well...You're the one asking for tissue. Whatsamatta? Can't handle being owned?
He does that a lot. Accusing others of what he does is one of his nasty habits. I don't believe he can help himself. He has an external locus of control.
Oh look, an amateur wannabe psychologist........ :lmao:
Nah, just trained in how to spot people with an external locus of control like yourself.
Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?
Now now, Leo had to have forced anal sex as part of the homersexual agenda just yesterday, he's still a little sore about it..

Now Now, Mister' drop drawers'.....Don't assume others like your homosexual bare backing that you advertise daily with your Avatar. ;)
Do you always think like that about children?

No, frankly I was worried about you thinking it is 'funny' to drop drawers in public. I wouldn't let you near my children.
Obviously not....... Really, self awareness is a virtue, you should try it sometime.

Well...You're the one asking for tissue. Whatsamatta? Can't handle being owned?
He does that a lot. Accusing others of what he does is one of his nasty habits. I don't believe he can help himself. He has an external locus of control.
Oh look, an amateur wannabe psychologist........ :lmao:
Nah, just trained in how to spot people with an external locus of control like yourself.
Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?

What have I been wrong about?
We are being forced to accept homosexuality as 'normal' when it is not at all typical. Just because something happens does not make it other words, we are being forced to accept the abnormal as normal....The leftist media lexicon promotes it too by using made up words like 'homophobe'....'transgender'......etc. It's all bullshit. There is nothing 'normal' about a guy poking another guy's asshole.
The sick agenda is on display here. Why cant you get over the fact that not everybody conforms to your narrow world view ?

I fully accept that SOME people (very view) do not conform but non-conformance is abnormal..Why can't you admit that? I actually accept homosexuality as something that happens rarely and have nothing against homosexuals but please don't try to claim it is normal and make our children homosexual. How would YOU like it if I said Trump-haters promote a sick agenda? BTW.....Parents who claim their normal children can choose their gender should be arrested, put in jail and have their children taken away.
Oh dear. You do realise that you cant "make people Gay" ? You cant catch it either.
I believe that the majority of Americans support gay marriage and that is now enshrined in law.
You need to get on board with the modern world.
Or not - nobody gives a fuck what backward knobheads think.

Yet you have no problem with the most gay-public-executing, gay torturing homosexual slaughterhouse of a religion on this planet, Islam. That is a FACT! Do you not understand how breathtakingly full of shit that makes you?
But yet the christian crusade is so supported without question to the reality that it is based on nothing more then thoughtless bullshit.

The thing is these trans and gays are human beings and have rights.

You're no better then the taliban if you think otherwise.
Are you being poked in the ass against your will? No? Then what business is it of yours what two consenting adults do behind closed doors? Or do you emulate Torquemada?

It isn't my business what anyone does in the privacy of their own home. Keep it to yourself instead of trying to make it 'normal.' Because it isn't.
In your humble opinion.
hmmm I suppose I sort of agree with the OP's premise, for sure the lefties have pushed too far. Still I've not really changed my position so much, not that it was particularly popular with transgender supporters in the first place...

I am a believer in "individual" rights so I fully support SSM and even the concept of transgender on it's face - if they want to think they are the opposite sex so they're not feeling out of sorts or depressed that's fine. If they want their friends and family to call them he/she/they/them that's fine too. However I do draw the line at expecting others to "agree" with being gay (it's their right to disagree with it just the same as I can agree with it.) I also do not at all think it's right to 'expect' someone who's never met an individual transgender to read their mind as per their pronouns - much less to be punished for using the wrong one. I think the baker can refuse to make the cake for the gay couple, but I don't think the clerk can refuse to make the SSM legal; maybe if she'd let her co-workers sign the things it could have gone under the radar, but she crossed the line when she refused to let anyone sign them and gave SSM licenses no reasonable option at all to become legal (that rightly got her in legal trouble.)

It is perhaps worth noting though that I don't personally see "transgenderism" as a... "real" or maybe a "physical" thing - I think of it as a "psychological" thing. I'm a proponent of the man and woman genders - transgenderism to me is more like ... using a nick-name because you don't like your birth name as much. If one wants to change their name, or their gender, I don't really have a problem with that, however, if your legal name is Douglas, and someone says "Hi Douglas," a person who prefers the name "Doug" shouldn't get their panties in a twist about it. I mean really most of this transgender identity stuff only matters in the private and personal relationships one has, not to strangers on the street or classmates and co-workers. It's like getting offended because someone can't tell what sex a baby is at a glance; reasonable people just correct and move on with life, they don't get offended or outraged, and try to sue and bullshit. That's just rediculious.

Honestly, I think these folks have deeper issues when they get twisted up about mispronouning and shit; not exactly "mental" issues (aside from if they are feeling confused about it,) but like self-confidence issues. IF they were confident and secure in how they personally perceived themselves then someone else having a different "gender perception" of them wouldn't be treated like some kind of "threat." Its like I am fully secure in my "sexual preferences" and my "gender identity spectrum" and as such it doesn't bother me if someone thinks it's gross or weird or even wrong. Their differing opinion simply doesn't matter in the grander scheme of my life, I /know/ where I'm at, as do the people who matter to me, and that is the only stuff that really matters. I do not need "confirmation" from others as to where I stand, I don't need others to "recognize" it, "encourage" it, or "believe" it for it to be "true" to me.

It's very similar to "faith" in my head. If someone believes in God that's their personal right and choice; however it doesn't mean everyone else has to believe in God too...
Now now, Leo had to have forced anal sex as part of the homersexual agenda just yesterday, he's still a little sore about it..

Now Now, Mister' drop drawers'.....Don't assume others like your homosexual bare backing that you advertise daily with your Avatar. ;)
Do you always think like that about children?

No, frankly I was worried about you thinking it is 'funny' to drop drawers in public. I wouldn't let you near my children.
Good, I don't ever want to be around you brats they probably have pejorative problems like yourself..
Well...You're the one asking for tissue. Whatsamatta? Can't handle being owned?
He does that a lot. Accusing others of what he does is one of his nasty habits. I don't believe he can help himself. He has an external locus of control.
Oh look, an amateur wannabe psychologist........ :lmao:
Nah, just trained in how to spot people with an external locus of control like yourself.
Do you ever get tired of being so wrong?

What have I been wrong about?
Pretty much everything but that post wasn't addressing you.

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