How to be a Thin Lizzie


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
on a virtual rampage.Just act like one's father { Known by Dick }
as in Dick Cheney.Be a cocky ballbuster Pol masquerading as
if some Wyoming Conservative.No that would be Dick's old
drinking buddy { pleasant to a fault } Former Wyoming Senator ...
Alan Simpson.Very witty but often awkardly old fashioned.
Now what does this all have to do with some " Thin Lizzie " ?
Maybe the new book out by former GOP House member
Liz Cheney.Who is actually in a very awkward position.
More than suggesting that her once GOP House start
voting for the opposition { Them democrats }.In order to
satiate her desperate dersire to rid the Country of Donald John Trump.
I say it all goes back to how Trump { almost effortlessly } dispatched
Jeb Bush to shame and leaving him no choice other than end his
2015 efforts as a GOP Presidential Candidate.
Trump was right.Jeb was TOO low energy.About as gung ho
as if The Three Stooges were in the Foreign legion and ready to
show off their Military might and savvy.
That's the impetus of why Thin { more like puffy chubby } Liz
Cheney is out making the rounds with no sense at all.
Plus her book.A pack of pure poppycock.Just ad hominem
attacks on both Trump and now the new GOP House for daring
to do what Needs to be done as Conservatives.Not some ballbuster
Neocon ... My Way or the Highway bullying.The Dick Cheney model.
I say where are the Cream pies.No one deserves a Three Stooges pie
in the yapper more than this Thin Lizzie Cheney.
And one can easily take that to the bank.

I think I may have seen that group.Around the time I saw
Dr.John at a Music festival.In My Hippie days.
I went very quickly from a very straight-laced High school
preppie to a Hippie in no time once hitting the Dayton U.
campus as a frosh.Dayton University { a Catholic University } was
rated by Playboy magazine { 1971 } as The Biggest party college in
the United States.Most the kids attending were from places like
New York and New Jeresy or Philly and Pittsburg.
I was the first frosh on campus to go steady.It took about a week
to *serenade a real hottie.A very blond athletic chick from my home
turf { Cleveland }.She was Hippie chick.
The first concert I saw was the Allman Bros. band.
Around the time when Duane Allman was about to
perish.I can't remember the exact month.Sometime in the
Fall of 1971.

* Had her in stiches with my comedic touch.

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