How to deal with tyrants like Imanutjob

Hilly already promised that no matter what they did, the United States would nobly and stoically do nothing. Except maybe pay them off now and then.
Hey dumbfuck. I said they were Middle Eastern. Iran is in the Middle East you stupid son of a bitch.

Iran is ancient Persia, stupid. It is NOT Arabia. They speak Farsi and are white (to the extent that they are still Persian, the Arab influx has been extreme of the last couple of decades.)

You are another blowhard leftist thinking that the shit you are spoon fed from the Soros hate sites is actually accurate.

I'll give you a clue, for free: "ignorant leftist" is redundant.

Nice one, dropping that knowledge bomb on their faces....but you may have to explain what a Persian is, I doubt they know any history.
I don't see a big problem with Iran. Instead of being racist towards them, we should be more diplomatic and negotiate for peace.

Especially as they attack our ships!

Iranian Patrol Boats Harass Another U.S. Navy Ship

Hey, Iran bribed Deplorable Hillary, so it's okay if they attack the U.S. Navy, that's part of the access she sold them. :thup:
The US is antagonizing Iran by patrolling waters off their coast. How do you think we'd react?
What makes you think we are not in international waters and international airspace as is being reported? I've wondered about that, myself, but how do you know?
Our warships are in international waters less than 5 km from Iranian territory. If the Iranians did the same to the US, we would freak out. But it's supposed to be OK because the US can do anything they want.

Yep, because of your boys Obama and Clinton we rule the world.....don't like a ductatir, just make them disappear. Shit Bush had an excuse to get rid of hussein, what was the rationale for Mubarak or Quafdafi again?
Why don't you fucking man up and admit you made a mistake. Jesus Christ.

OK, I made a mistake. I didn't think you and the liberals are so mind boggling stupid that I had to tell you what everyone already knows.

Explain how whether he is in office today or not changes my thread title or the OP.

Word parsing that I didn't know Imanutjob is out of office? Wow, you can go home and pat your kids on the head and kiss your wife knowing you contributed to humanity today.

Seriously, I didn't think it was necessary. If you didn't have your head shoved up your ass so far with all the posts I've written that you read then you would have to know I know basic facts like that
You libertarians are pathetic and cowardly. Who's going to pay for broken stoplights if we don't have any taxes? And no, its not going to be "every man for himself" Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand bullshit. Sometimes we help others in need. You guys are the last people I would want fighting beside me on the battle ground. You would leave a fellow soldier for dead because they should "help themselves".

I'm not an anarchist, douche
No. You are a Libertarian.

Wrong again, I'm a libertarian, douche
That's what I said you fucking imbicile
OK, I made a mistake. I didn't think you and the liberals are so mind boggling stupid that I had to tell you what everyone already knows.

Explain how whether he is in office today or not changes my thread title or the OP.

Word parsing that I didn't know Imanutjob is out of office? Wow, you can go home and pat your kids on the head and kiss your wife knowing you contributed to humanity today.

Seriously, I didn't think it was necessary. If you didn't have your head shoved up your ass so far with all the posts I've written that you read then you would have to know I know basic facts like that
You libertarians are pathetic and cowardly. Who's going to pay for broken stoplights if we don't have any taxes? And no, its not going to be "every man for himself" Atlas Shrugged, Ayn Rand bullshit. Sometimes we help others in need. You guys are the last people I would want fighting beside me on the battle ground. You would leave a fellow soldier for dead because they should "help themselves".

I'm not an anarchist, douche
No. You are a Libertarian.

Wrong again, I'm a libertarian, douche
That's what I said you fucking imbicile

No, we said completely different things. You said I'm a member of the Libertarian Party. I'm not. My philosophy is libertarian. I'm not in any party.

You're another sad product of government schools, you didn't even learn how to capitalize or what it means. Don't you want better for your children than the crappy government education you got?

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