How to deal with tyrants like Imanutjob

kaz, what should we do about Pervez Musharraf?

And what about Osama bin Laden? What should we do about him?
Hey dumbfuck. I said they were Middle Eastern. Iran is in the Middle East you stupid son of a bitch.

Iran is ancient Persia, stupid. It is NOT Arabia. They speak Farsi and are white (to the extent that they are still Persian, the Arab influx has been extreme of the last couple of decades.)

You are another blowhard leftist thinking that the shit you are spoon fed from the Soros hate sites is actually accurate.

I'll give you a clue, for free: "ignorant leftist" is redundant.
No shit, fuckface. I never said any of that. I only said that they were Middle Eastern. Get a grip.
I don't see a big problem with Iran. Instead of being racist towards them, we should be more diplomatic and negotiate for peace.

Especially as they attack our ships!

Iranian Patrol Boats Harass Another U.S. Navy Ship

Hey, Iran bribed Deplorable Hillary, so it's okay if they attack the U.S. Navy, that's part of the access she sold them. :thup:
The US is antagonizing Iran by patrolling waters off their coast. How do you think we'd react?
What makes you think we are not in international waters and international airspace as is being reported? I've wondered about that, myself, but how do you know?
Our warships are in international waters less than 5 km from Iranian territory. If the Iranians did the same to the US, we would freak out. But it's supposed to be OK because the US can do anything they want.

So anyone in the Middle East can just shut it all down because there are a lot of other counties close by? That's the idiot that you are.

Sinking a bunch of ships, blowing up an oil refinery and shooting a missile at the Ayatollah's home may get their attention. Hope he's home at the time ...
Hey dumbfuck. I said they were Middle Eastern. Iran is in the Middle East you stupid son of a bitch.

Iran is ancient Persia, stupid. It is NOT Arabia. They speak Farsi and are white (to the extent that they are still Persian, the Arab influx has been extreme of the last couple of decades.)

You are another blowhard leftist thinking that the shit you are spoon fed from the Soros hate sites is actually accurate.

I'll give you a clue, for free: "ignorant leftist" is redundant.
No shit, fuckface. I never said any of that. I only said that they were Middle Eastern. Get a grip.

We were discussing their race and you said they are "middle eastern"
We got your number, Kaz. Easier to use Imanutjob than look up who the current President is, or how to spell it.

Not enough personal confidence to speak for yourself, huh? I can see why, frankly
Admit it. You know it's true.

Your hand is down your pants right now. Admit it. you know it's true. Actually, with as many of my posts you read, you know it's not.

So if your standard is not bringing up examples from three years ago, why are you OK with Nazis then which is over seventy years ago? I'm thinking flagrant hypocrisy. Am I right? Democrats are an endless source of new standards, which don't apply to you ...
Give it up, Kaz. You proposed doing stuff TODAY to oppose the Iranian's CURRENT harassment of our military. And you referred to a guy who hasn't been President for three years. Nothing to do with Democrats, it's called a brain.

Bull shit, I'm referring to their long term harassment. Stop acting like an eight year old
Can't help myself....sorry.....LOL
They're Middle Eastern you stupid son of a bitch
Actually Iranians are Persian, you dim witted moron
No shit, Sherlock. I said Middle Eastern, not Arab, you stupid son of a bitch.

So you said their race is "middle eastern?" Yeah ...
No I did not. I indicated that as an anti-Middle Eastern racist, you are constantly expressing feelings and expressions of hostility, hatred, discrimination, and prejudice towards Iran and its culture, and towards other people living in Middle Eastern countries.
I don't see a big problem with Iran. Instead of being racist towards them, we should be more diplomatic and negotiate for peace.

Especially as they attack our ships!

Iranian Patrol Boats Harass Another U.S. Navy Ship

Hey, Iran bribed Deplorable Hillary, so it's okay if they attack the U.S. Navy, that's part of the access she sold them. :thup:
The US is antagonizing Iran by patrolling waters off their coast. How do you think we'd react?
What makes you think we are not in international waters and international airspace as is being reported? I've wondered about that, myself, but how do you know?
Our warships are in international waters less than 5 km from Iranian territory. If the Iranians did the same to the US, we would freak out. But it's supposed to be OK because the US can do anything they want.

So anyone in the Middle East can just shut it all down because there are a lot of other counties close by? That's the idiot that you are.

Sinking a bunch of ships, blowing up an oil refinery and shooting a missile at the Ayatollah's home may get their attention. Hope he's home at the time ...
What in the hell are you talking about? Stop babbling gibberish and post something intelligible.
1) Deal with him out of proportion. He shoots at one ship, we sink 10. He sinks an oil tanker, we destroy an Iranian harbor

2) Don't go for his military strength, blow up expensive shit. Like Oil refineries. Not only does he have to pay for rebuilding the refinery but he loses the oil profits while he does

3) Respond consistently and swiftly at every provocation

4) Tell him in advance what we are going to do and emphasize we aren't going to call him out for not being belligerent, we're going to call him out when he is

How about the next president not being a Jew-hating muslim?
  • Thanks
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The problem with retaliating in the Strait of Hormuz is that Iran can bring all their assets to the party in a matter of minutes. The only solution is employing cruise-missiles aimed at the ayatollah's offices and living quarters....behead the fucking regime and run for it.
That is the stupidest question I have heard in a long time. What junior college did you drop out of?

Your phrasing is sloppy, and presented your claim from the first person. How did I think you would react? Since it was Iran who reacted, one can conclude that you count yourself among the Iranians.

I understand though that in reality you are a barely literate leftist and mocking your poor grammatical skills may be unfair.
Not enough personal confidence to speak for yourself, huh? I can see why, frankly
Admit it. You know it's true.

Your hand is down your pants right now. Admit it. you know it's true. Actually, with as many of my posts you read, you know it's not.

So if your standard is not bringing up examples from three years ago, why are you OK with Nazis then which is over seventy years ago? I'm thinking flagrant hypocrisy. Am I right? Democrats are an endless source of new standards, which don't apply to you ...
Give it up, Kaz. You proposed doing stuff TODAY to oppose the Iranian's CURRENT harassment of our military. And you referred to a guy who hasn't been President for three years. Nothing to do with Democrats, it's called a brain.

Bull shit, I'm referring to their long term harassment. Stop acting like an eight year old
Can't help myself....sorry.....LOL

Is that something to be smug about? Crap, the old fart's home must be boring
Who is this tyrant you speak of?

You don't know who I'm referring to by Imanutjob? Seriously? Wow, every time I think I can't think liberals are any dumber, you prove me wrong. And impressively so. I need to stop doubting you.

OK, so here's what you do. I'll give you a hint. Go to Google and type in "Iranian Imanutjob" and the answer will appear #1 in the list. You're welcome
The guy that's three years out of office? You sure you don't want to humble your last post?

He's trying to get it back, finally a candidate the homos at Columbia can support.
I don't see a big problem with Iran. Instead of being racist towards them, we should be more diplomatic and negotiate for peace.

Boy, you must be a PHD, as in PHucking Dumb. When did scientist declare the Iranian race? Oh I know, your dear leader did it by EO, right? He's a PHD too ya know.
They're Middle Eastern you stupid son of a bitch.
Ok so where does racism come in then?
Our warships are in international waters less than 5 km from Iranian territory. If the Iranians did the same to the US, we would freak out

So anyone in the Middle East can just shut it all down because there are a lot of other counties close by?
What in the hell are you talking about? Stop babbling gibberish and post something intelligible.

It would be a lot easier to converse with you if you read your own posts

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