How to get punched at a campaign rally

Looks like that old man was playing the knock out game. Good to see he was charged with assault.
The negroes never get charged.
I'm sure he gives a shit about 'being charged'.
Sure going to ruin his life right?
Watch for tens of thousands of White men to take up a 'new hobby'.
Serves the fucking negro thugs right!

You don't condone violence.....but.....
Maybe some Trump supporters should do the same thing Hillary supporters are doing at Trump rallies. They should show up to a Hillary rally and say something that pisses off a democrat. They can say something like "I love America". That should really piss one off and watch that person get punched in the face. Trump then can run that footage as a campaign commericial. It can say something "see how violent Hillary supporters are".
Protesters already have shown up at Hillary events. And no one punched them.

So much for your masturbation fantasy.

Well hopefully not.. but if so, rest assured it will not be reported. Everything is pixie dust and unicorn farts in liberal lalaland.
So...those who get "roughed up" while protesting at a Hillary rally are too stupid to have phones?
I really don't condone violence but if you show up to a rally for the purpose of pissing people off to the point where some nice 78 year old man loses control then you have it coming. I can go up to someone and say all sorts of things with the goal of getting them to punch me in the face. I can then claim to be the victim in the whole thing. Would that seem fair?

BTW, self-defense laws do not apply to situations where you create the situation in the first place.
I hope that this guy knows that his line of reasoning is exactly the same as:

"She dressed that way, therefore she deserved to be raped."

Now, if you, SuperDemocrat, are a fan of raping women based on how they dress...then, I certainly don't agree with that, but at least you keep your line of reasoning the same.

However, if you see a problem with raping women based on how they dress...then perhaps you can see a problem with sucker punching somebody based off of the fact that you don't like them.
Actually, I'm glad to see this happening. I truly am. It's good to see people standing up again, rather than bowing to these liberal jack-offs who think that "their free speech" trumps everyone else's. Glad to see it. Hippies - take notice. You want to interrupt someone that's giving a speech - hope you get the shit kicked out of you.

The funny thing is is that if you punch a hippie they cry foul and when they punch you they still cry like they are the victim. It is like you can't win. You might as well just shoot one in the head. At least then they can really claim that they are are the victim.

Here's the deal - these hippie assholes think that somehow their "rights" trump everyone else's. However, when they deny someone else their rights (in this case a speech) they are asking to get the shit kicked out of them. We need more of this today. Put these assholes in their place where they belong.

It's that Liberal double standard. If righties showed up at a Clinton event and got their asses whipped, the exact same people would be condoning it, saying that the assaults are justified.

Indeed. Here's the deal with the commie liberals: They believe that they have "rights" to interrupt, disrupt and terrorize. It just doesn't compute that while they have the same rights that I do - they DO NOT have the right to deny me my rights. When they do i.e., interrupting a speaker at a campaign rally - don't be surprised when they get the shit kicked out of them.

I LOVE it..... it makes me smile :) and do a little Happy Dance!! :dance:
Actually, I'm glad to see this happening. I truly am. It's good to see people standing up again, rather than bowing to these liberal jack-offs who think that "their free speech" trumps everyone else's. Glad to see it. Hippies - take notice. You want to interrupt someone that's giving a speech - hope you get the shit kicked out of you.
YAY for sucker punching people! YAY!

Got news for you. America is waking up. Let that asshole disrupt another campaign rally. If it takes a sucker punch - so be it. Kick the shit out of the hippie assholes.
I really don't condone violence but if you show up to a rally for the purpose of pissing people off to the point where some nice 78 year old man loses control then you have it coming. I can go up to someone and say all sorts of things with the goal of getting them to punch me in the face. I can then claim to be the victim in the whole thing. Would that seem fair?

BTW, self-defense laws do not apply to situations where you create the situation in the first place.
I hope that this guy knows that his line of reasoning is exactly the same as:

"She dressed that way, therefore she deserved to be raped."

Now, if you, SuperDemocrat, are a fan of raping women based on how they dress...then, I certainly don't agree with that, but at least you keep your line of reasoning the same.

However, if you see a problem with raping women based on how they dress...then perhaps you can see a problem with sucker punching somebody based off of the fact that you don't like them.

So, equating rape with a punch? I'll say it once again - disrupt another gathering and he'll get the same damned thing. To that 78 year old man - Good on you Bro!! My kind of guy!
I really don't condone violence but if you show up to a rally for the purpose of pissing people off to the point where some nice 78 year old man loses control then you have it coming. I can go up to someone and say all sorts of things with the goal of getting them to punch me in the face. I can then claim to be the victim in the whole thing. Would that seem fair?

BTW, self-defense laws do not apply to situations where you create the situation in the first place.
I hope that this guy knows that his line of reasoning is exactly the same as:

"She dressed that way, therefore she deserved to be raped."

Now, if you, SuperDemocrat, are a fan of raping women based on how they dress...then, I certainly don't agree with that, but at least you keep your line of reasoning the same.

However, if you see a problem with raping women based on how they dress...then perhaps you can see a problem with sucker punching somebody based off of the fact that you don't like them.

So, equating rape with a punch? I'll say it once again - disrupt another gathering and he'll get the same damned thing. To that 78 year old man - Good on you Bro!! My kind of guy!
I'm equating justifying your action based upon another person's actions when that other person's actions are self-contained, affecting only those that lend credence to that action.

I use a pretty extreme example (rape) in order to better highlight exactly how asinine that line of reasoning is.

So, again, if you enjoy that line of reasoning, you must also support rapists that blame the dress of their victim as the reason for their actions.

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