How to win back the women's and Latinos' vote....

Recessions happen all the time, and then the economy recovers. Obama's recovery is the slowest and weakest since the Great Depression. Judging Obama's policies by comparing now to the bottom of a recession is the sure sign of a moron.

Stop digging, or is the theory of holes too difficult for you to comprehend? Recessions do not happen all the time! Saying they do is a lie!

The Great Recession impacted the entire nation and most of our people. The free fall began in October 2008, before Obama was elected and three months before he took the oath of office.

Those ^^^ are facts, your opinions are absurd on this issue, and too many others to comment upon.

Recessions happen on average every 7 years, moron. The so-called "Great Recession" would have been an ordinary recession if Obama had resisted the urge to cure it. Everything he did just made it worse. He turned a normal recession into a catastrophe. That's what Democrats do.

It was already way passed an ordinary recession when Bush left office
Losing 750,000 jobs a month is not ordinary, a stock market dropping from 14,000 to 8,000 is not ordinary, Banks and auto companies collapsing is not ordinary

Obama stopped a depression, one of his greatest accomplishments

There's no such thing as an "ordinary recession." BTW, the recession Carter handed Reagan was worse. Within two years Reagan had GDP growth at over 7%.

From this link: The 13 Worst Recessions, Depressions, and Panics In American History

1973-75 Recession
This period stood apart from many other U.S. recessions as it was marked distinctly by stagflation – the combination of high unemployment and high inflation. The United States faced a surge in oil prices due to OAPEC’s (Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries) oil embargo, combined with increased spending due to the Vietnam War and a stock market crash after the collapse of the Bretton Woods monetary relation system, officially putting an end to the economic boom which followed WWII. Unemployment peaked at 9% and, although the recession is recognized as having ended in 1975, the country experienced low economic growth for years afterwards.

Early 1980’s Recession
In the late 1970’s, inflation was on the rise in the United States, in part left over from the 1973 recession. As a result, the Federal Reserve tightened monetary policy considerably, in turn causing investment purchases to drop as capital became less available. By winter of 1982, however, inflation continued to drop and unemployment rose for several years.

Current Recession
It is difficult to say whether this current recession will be regarded as one of the worst in American history, but it is certainly shaping up that way. The result of an economy built on overextended consumer credit and risky mortgages, the crisis began in March, 2008 as investment bank Bear Stearns became the first of dozens of major American institutions to fail or be bailed out by the Fed. Bear Stearns would soon be joined by AIG, Lehman Brothers, GM, and Countrywide, to name a few. Unemployment has hovered just below 10% for nearly two years. It remains to be seen whether we are in the midst of a recovery or if this is just the eye of the storm.

My question for bripat: Are you a pathological liar, or a simpleton who simply echoes bullshit from bullshiters?
With Fingerboy, I would opt for a combination of all three
My question for bripat: Are you a pathological liar, or a simpleton who simply echoes bullshit from bullshiters?

Of course, BOTH (and an idiot to boot)......LOL
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Yes, it did.

If it was not for the complete corruption of the mainstream media, any attempt by lefties to use the Woman Card in defense of HIllary would be laughed at, loud and long.

BUt constant repetition and limited contradiction is creating the illusion of credibility for the move.

The bit where your side constantly lies about everthing and everyone for the Right is bad enough.

When you take the additional step of blaming us for the results or your vile tactics, that is rubbing salt in the wound.

I remember disagreeing with you about the possibility that your One Party Utopia would result in utter disaster.

Now, it's like you and your are doing everything you can to make sure of that.

No matter how many times you state it.....Playing back what Trump has said is not lying

Nothing in my post referred to anything that Trump said.

Your "reply" is a completely non sequitur.

My point stands.

If it was not for the complete corruption of the mainstream media, any attempt by lefties to use the Woman Card in defense of HIllary would be laughed at, loud and long.

BUt constant repetition and limited contradiction is creating the illusion of credibility for the move.

Save it

if anything, the MSM has been soft on Donald Trump
Any other candidate would be out on his ass the first time he said something remotely as offensive

And again, you express denial, but without addressing my point about your candidate.

Are you ever going to either admit that my point is valid, or try to explain why you think it is not?
Your point is endless petty whining about how life is not fair to Trump

You obviously are not going to address my point at all, no matter how I push or try to get you to.

I guess this one must be one that you are really afraid of.

SInce you completely refuse to address anything I say, but insist on posting negative sounding pap, to create the illusion of response, this is for you.

And once again, the lefty can't say anything to challenge my point, but is too dishonest to admit it.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

:lol: I'll be your huckleberry .. where is your 'point?'

If your point is that Hillary is a public figure only because of her husband .. well, that would be typical right-wing ignorance.

If magic could thrust you into the positions that she's had .. could you do it?

Of course you couldn't .. you're much too stupid to last 5 minutes in the positions that she's had.

Hillary, on the other hand, has used those positions to propel her to the highest office in the country .. while you spend your days posting dogshit ignorance on a message board. :0)

SHe used her HUSBAND, to propel herself to high office.

She would never had had the name recognition to run for Senator without being married to a powerful man.

She would not have been able to get the nomination to run for that office, without the power that came from being married to a powerful man.

lol............. we HAVE come a long way baby, & you haven't gotten the memo yet? poor poor poorly educated you....


Actually the fact that your first woman president is a former First Lady, instead of making it on her own, is the Opposite of you coming a long way.

And shove your poorly educated shit up your ass, you asshole.
How many Presidents have made it on their own?

Hillary got exposure as First Lady. Exposure that revealed she was very smart, had good political instincts and was a hard worker

No other First Lady was able to parlay that exposure into a political career that led to the presidency

Most other first ladies were probably not interested in pursuing a political career after their husbands term.

Yes, most presidents have serious connections that helped launch them, I am sure.

I don't know how many of them STARTED out with their first office being a national one.

My point is that it contradicts the Feminist Narrative. She did NOT make it own her own.

She has NOT come a long way. SHe rode her husband to where she is today.
:lol: I'll be your huckleberry .. where is your 'point?'

If your point is that Hillary is a public figure only because of her husband .. well, that would be typical right-wing ignorance.

If magic could thrust you into the positions that she's had .. could you do it?

Of course you couldn't .. you're much too stupid to last 5 minutes in the positions that she's had.

Hillary, on the other hand, has used those positions to propel her to the highest office in the country .. while you spend your days posting dogshit ignorance on a message board. :0)

SHe used her HUSBAND, to propel herself to high office.

She would never had had the name recognition to run for Senator without being married to a powerful man.

She would not have been able to get the nomination to run for that office, without the power that came from being married to a powerful man.

lol............. we HAVE come a long way baby, & you haven't gotten the memo yet? poor poor poorly educated you....


Actually the fact that your first woman president is a former First Lady, instead of making it on her own, is the Opposite of you coming a long way.

And shove your poorly educated shit up your ass, you asshole.
How many Presidents have made it on their own?

Hillary got exposure as First Lady. Exposure that revealed she was very smart, had good political instincts and was a hard worker

No other First Lady was able to parlay that exposure into a political career that led to the presidency

Most other first ladies were probably not interested in pursuing a political career after their husbands term.

Yes, most presidents have serious connections that helped launch them, I am sure.

I don't know how many of them STARTED out with their first office being a national one.

My point is that it contradicts the Feminist Narrative. She did NOT make it own her own.

She has NOT come a long way. SHe rode her husband to where she is today.
Let's look at recent Republican candidates for President

Trump: Multimillionaire father
Romney: Father a former governor and Presidential candidate
McCain: Father an Admiral who got him in the Naval Academy
Bush 43: Father an exPresident
Bush 41: Father an exSenator

But it is Hillary who had everything handed to her
Now THAT is more like actual insulting disrespect. The "lesbian" label certainly smacks of something--either dumb shit trailer trash talk or misogyny, I don't know

I consider your use of the word "trailer trash" a micro-aggression"...maybe even a macro-aggression".

And you should be aware that most mobile home owners vote straight-ticket democrat.
SHe used her HUSBAND, to propel herself to high office.

She would never had had the name recognition to run for Senator without being married to a powerful man.

She would not have been able to get the nomination to run for that office, without the power that came from being married to a powerful man.

lol............. we HAVE come a long way baby, & you haven't gotten the memo yet? poor poor poorly educated you....


Actually the fact that your first woman president is a former First Lady, instead of making it on her own, is the Opposite of you coming a long way.

And shove your poorly educated shit up your ass, you asshole.
How many Presidents have made it on their own?

Hillary got exposure as First Lady. Exposure that revealed she was very smart, had good political instincts and was a hard worker

No other First Lady was able to parlay that exposure into a political career that led to the presidency

Most other first ladies were probably not interested in pursuing a political career after their husbands term.

Yes, most presidents have serious connections that helped launch them, I am sure.

I don't know how many of them STARTED out with their first office being a national one.

My point is that it contradicts the Feminist Narrative. She did NOT make it own her own.

She has NOT come a long way. SHe rode her husband to where she is today.
Let's look at recent Republican candidates for President

Trump: Multimillionaire father
Romney: Father a former governor and Presidential candidate
McCain: Father an Admiral who got him in the Naval Academy
Bush 43: Father an exPresident
Bush 41: Father an exSenator

But it is Hillary who had everything handed to her

I have not claimed that recent republican presidents were self made men. I am well aware that they were NOT.

YOU and yours are claiming that Hillary is a feminist icon and denying that she has everything handed to her.

I am calling you on your bullshit.

She advanced her career by being the woman behind the man.

Very traditional of her. NOt feminist. Not empowering.
lol............. we HAVE come a long way baby, & you haven't gotten the memo yet? poor poor poorly educated you....


Actually the fact that your first woman president is a former First Lady, instead of making it on her own, is the Opposite of you coming a long way.

And shove your poorly educated shit up your ass, you asshole.
How many Presidents have made it on their own?

Hillary got exposure as First Lady. Exposure that revealed she was very smart, had good political instincts and was a hard worker

No other First Lady was able to parlay that exposure into a political career that led to the presidency

Most other first ladies were probably not interested in pursuing a political career after their husbands term.

Yes, most presidents have serious connections that helped launch them, I am sure.

I don't know how many of them STARTED out with their first office being a national one.

My point is that it contradicts the Feminist Narrative. She did NOT make it own her own.

She has NOT come a long way. SHe rode her husband to where she is today.
Let's look at recent Republican candidates for President

Trump: Multimillionaire father
Romney: Father a former governor and Presidential candidate
McCain: Father an Admiral who got him in the Naval Academy
Bush 43: Father an exPresident
Bush 41: Father an exSenator

But it is Hillary who had everything handed to her

I have not claimed that recent republican presidents were self made men. I am well aware that they were NOT.

YOU and yours are claiming that Hillary is a feminist icon and denying that she has everything handed to her.

I am calling you on your bullshit.

She advanced her career by being the woman behind the man.

Very traditional of her. NOt feminist. Not empowering.
Hillary had public visibility and name recognition handed to her
After that she was on her own

She started her career as a woman behind the man. From that point on she had to convince the people that she could do the job
I mean really, not a single damn one of them ever came forth until now? Unbelievable.

Did you notice (probably not) that all these women came out with their accusations AFTER Trump claimed that he NEVER abused women???

not to mention many have said they figured he'd go after them & ruin their lives like he is known to have done to so many people....

Well, after all, Donald Trump is not Hillary. You should not expect everyone to be as prolific as Hillary is in going after women.

your orange overlord is going down in flames, that is if he doesn't have a meltdown first. :popcorn:
I can see from here the spittle on your screen.....Take a laxative....LOL

And once again, the lefty can't say anything to challenge my point, but is too dishonest to admit it.

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

:lol: I'll be your huckleberry .. where is your 'point?'

If your point is that Hillary is a public figure only because of her husband .. well, that would be typical right-wing ignorance.

If magic could thrust you into the positions that she's had .. could you do it?

Of course you couldn't .. you're much too stupid to last 5 minutes in the positions that she's had.

Hillary, on the other hand, has used those positions to propel her to the highest office in the country .. while you spend your days posting dogshit ignorance on a message board. :0)

SHe used her HUSBAND, to propel herself to high office.

She would never had had the name recognition to run for Senator without being married to a powerful man.

She would not have been able to get the nomination to run for that office, without the power that came from being married to a powerful man.

lol............. we HAVE come a long way baby, & you haven't gotten the memo yet? poor poor poorly educated you....


Actually the fact that your first woman president is a former First Lady, instead of making it on her own, is the Opposite of you coming a long way.

And shove your poorly educated shit up your ass, you asshole.



As a young woman, Hillary was active in young Republican groups and campaigned for Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater in 1964. She was inspired to work in public service after hearing a speech in Chicago by the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr., and became a Democrat in 1968.

Education and Early Career
Rodham attended Wellesley College, where she was active in student politics and elected senior class president before graduating in 1969. She then attended Yale Law School, where she met Bill Clinton. Graduating with honors in 1973, she went on to enroll at Yale Child Study Center, where she took courses on children and medicine and completed one post-graduate year of study.

Clinton worked at various jobs during her summers as a college student. In 1971, she first came to Washington, D.C. to work on U.S. Senator Walter Mondale's sub-committee on migrant workers. In the summer of 1972, she worked in the western states for the campaign of Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern.

In the spring of 1974, Rodham became a member of the presidential impeachment inquiry staff, advising the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives during the Watergate Scandal.

After President Richard M. Nixon resigned in August, she became a faculty member of the University of Arkansas Law School in Fayetteville, where her Yale Law School classmate and boyfriend Bill Clinton was teaching as well.

Pragmatic Activist

As president of the student government at Wellesley, Hillary became an activist committed to working within the system. Seeking to ward off violence in the wake of King's assassination, she helped organize a disciplined two-day strike on campus and worked as a liaison to channel constructive dialogue and meaningful action. Her commencement address garnered national attention in Life magazine.

As a student at Yale Law School, Hillary continued to pursue her interests in social justice, children and families, and politics. She was on the board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action, worked at the Yale Child Study Center, took on cases of child abuse, volunteered at New Haven Legal Services, and researched the problems of migrant workers for Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migrant Labor. In her post-graduate year, she continued her work studying children and medicine and served as staff attorney for the Children's Defense Fund in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

WGBH American Experience . Clinton | PBS

"And shove your poorly educated shit up your ass, you asshole.

:lol: I'll be your huckleberry .. where is your 'point?'

If your point is that Hillary is a public figure only because of her husband .. well, that would be typical right-wing ignorance.

If magic could thrust you into the positions that she's had .. could you do it?

Of course you couldn't .. you're much too stupid to last 5 minutes in the positions that she's had.

Hillary, on the other hand, has used those positions to propel her to the highest office in the country .. while you spend your days posting dogshit ignorance on a message board. :0)

SHe used her HUSBAND, to propel herself to high office.

She would never had had the name recognition to run for Senator without being married to a powerful man.

She would not have been able to get the nomination to run for that office, without the power that came from being married to a powerful man.

lol............. we HAVE come a long way baby, & you haven't gotten the memo yet? poor poor poorly educated you....


Actually the fact that your first woman president is a former First Lady, instead of making it on her own, is the Opposite of you coming a long way.

And shove your poorly educated shit up your ass, you asshole.
How many Presidents have made it on their own?

Hillary got exposure as First Lady. Exposure that revealed she was very smart, had good political instincts and was a hard worker

No other First Lady was able to parlay that exposure into a political career that led to the presidency

Most other first ladies were probably not interested in pursuing a political career after their husbands term.

Yes, most presidents have serious connections that helped launch them, I am sure.
ught & apparently still do
I don't know how many of them STARTED out with their first office being a national one.

My point is that it contradicts the Feminist Narrative. She did NOT make it own her own.

She has NOT come a long way. SHe rode her husband to where she is today.

lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow.... just wow. did you ever stop to think that whether or not they WANTED to pursue a political career, wasn't gonna happen was because the opportunity wasn't there, but great resistance to it by knuckledraggers such as *YOU* was? they thought ( & still do) that we weren't capable of deciding on such complex & demanding issues & actually governing them... after all, we shouldn't worry our pretty little heads off & let the 'boys' handle it, right? you need to pick your fucking knuckles up off the ground when you walk, dude.
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SHe used her HUSBAND, to propel herself to high office.

She would never had had the name recognition to run for Senator without being married to a powerful man.

She would not have been able to get the nomination to run for that office, without the power that came from being married to a powerful man.

lol............. we HAVE come a long way baby, & you haven't gotten the memo yet? poor poor poorly educated you....


Actually the fact that your first woman president is a former First Lady, instead of making it on her own, is the Opposite of you coming a long way.

And shove your poorly educated shit up your ass, you asshole.
How many Presidents have made it on their own?

Hillary got exposure as First Lady. Exposure that revealed she was very smart, had good political instincts and was a hard worker

No other First Lady was able to parlay that exposure into a political career that led to the presidency

Most other first ladies were probably not interested in pursuing a political career after their husbands term.

Yes, most presidents have serious connections that helped launch them, I am sure.
ught & apparently still do
I don't know how many of them STARTED out with their first office being a national one.

My point is that it contradicts the Feminist Narrative. She did NOT make it own her own.

She has NOT come a long way. SHe rode her husband to where she is today.

lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow.... just wow. did you ever stop to think that whether or not they WANTED to pursue a political career, wasn't gonna happen was because the opportunity wasn't there, but great resistance to it by knuckledraggers such as *YOU* was? they thought ( & still do) that we weren't capable of deciding on such complex & demanding issues & actually governing them... after all, we shouldn't worry our pretty little heads off & let the 'boys' handle it, right? you need to pick your fucking knuckles up off the ground when you walk, dude.

I'm not sure what point you think you are making or arguing against. BTW, Fuck you.

Regardless of your insulting hysteria, my point stands.

Hillary rode her husband's career to high office.

Her story is NOT a "You've come a long way baby" Feminist Victory.
Two weeks to go and the women's and Hispanic vote will be lost by Trump by historic margins

Looking for women and Hispanics to hand Texas to Hillary in what would be a major humiliation for Republicans
Two weeks to go and the women's and Hispanic vote will be lost by Trump by historic margins

Looking for women and Hispanics to hand Texas to Hillary in what would be a major humiliation for Republicans

Says the man to dim to realize that he is arguing against himself.
Two weeks to go and the women's and Hispanic vote will be lost by Trump by historic margins

Looking for women and Hispanics to hand Texas to Hillary in what would be a major humiliation for Republicans

Says the man to dim to realize that he is arguing against himself.

Are you a "bad hombre" or a "nasty woman"?

I am a harmless middle aged white guy.

YOu are still too dim to realize that your above post is arguing against your previous posts about the coming One Party Rule in America.

I would accuse you of talking out of both sides of your mouth, but I believe that you are honestly unaware of how contradictory your views are.
Hillary had public visibility and name recognition handed to her
After that she was on her own

She started her career as a woman behind the man. From that point on she had to convince the people that she could do the job

And she's failed miserably at every job handed to her.....that's what makes her such an angry old witch...she knows she's an idiot.
Hillary had public visibility and name recognition handed to her
After that she was on her own

She started her career as a woman behind the man. From that point on she had to convince the people that she could do the job

And she's failed miserably at every job handed to her.....that's what makes her such an angry old witch...she knows she's an idiot.

Evidently not....she is about to be elected President

Those who think she "failed miserably" are stuck on Trump

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