How to win back the women's and Latinos' vote....

By 2020 America will be much too brown to elect another republican moron to the White House.

You party is all-white and racist .. not a recipe for winning in an evolved nation.

Yes, the dumbing down of America is on schedule. Soon, we won't have the intelligence to invent anything at all.

Then hop on the next shuttle to the moon .. or, take the next Viking ship to Valhalla .. but America will continue without you.

Indeed. Perhaps you can get all your new technology from Japan.

Sure, because only you and the rest of the uneducated Trump clowns know how to create new technology.

What new technology have black people created? Mexicans?
Jazz and Rock and Roll
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I mention that because of 2 things....One, he could have said "nasty person" and NOT underscore his already tarnished misogynistic reputation......and two, it was a comment he made while she was talking and he was reacting to Hillary's subtle slur of him which also underscore his very, very thin skin.

You are such a flaming hypocrite. You have no problem with Hillary making a "subtle slur" about Trump, but when he returns fire, he's beyond the pale. And how does using "woman" make him misogynist?

We all understand that any attack on Hillary will be interpreted by douche bags like you as misogynist. If you could win on the issues and her record, then you would be talking about them instead of these incessant cheap shots.

Every time you post you only succeed in proving that you're a douche bag.
Hillary baited....Trump jumped at the bait

What do you think Putin would do?

So HIllary can bait Trump, but she isn't nasty? Is there anything she could do that would make you criticize her? Of course not. You will lick her butthole like a good little toady.
Yes, the dumbing down of America is on schedule. Soon, we won't have the intelligence to invent anything at all.

Then hop on the next shuttle to the moon .. or, take the next Viking ship to Valhalla .. but America will continue without you.

Indeed. Perhaps you can get all your new technology from Japan.

Sure, because only you and the rest of the uneducated Trump clowns know how to create new technology.

What new technology have black people created? Mexicans?
Jazz and Rock and Roll

That isn't technology, dumbass.
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I think it's less about his specifically calling her nasty and more about the fact that he made a point of doing so, made a point of insulting her and leaning into his mic no less, while she was speaking, and the brickbat was thoroughly unrelated to topic being discussed. It's hard to demonstrate that one respects women -- or anyone else for that matter, but Trump claimed expressly that nobody respects women more than he -- when one goes out of one's way to affront a woman while she's speaking. One might want to argue that he forgot it was a woman with whom he shared the stage, but that line doesn't hold water for his epithet makes the point that she is a woman.

Why would anyone who isn't a congenital moron believe Trump is required to respect Hillary? She insults him every time she opens her mouth. She never talks about the issues. All she does is make personal attacks on him.She the world's biggest piece of shit. Not only that, but she dug up a bunch of lying crack whores to smear him with bogus accusations. She also sent thugs to his rallies to instigate violence and attempt to make his supporters look violent.

What about this woman deserves respect?
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I think it's less about his specifically calling her nasty and more about the fact that he made a point of doing so, made a point of insulting her and leaning into his mic no less, while she was speaking, and the brickbat was thoroughly unrelated to topic being discussed. It's hard to demonstrate that one respects women -- or anyone else for that matter, but Trump claimed expressly that nobody respects women more than he -- when one goes out of one's way to affront a woman while she's speaking. One might want to argue that he forgot it was a woman with whom he shared the stage, but that line doesn't hold water for his epithet makes the point that she is a woman.
Yup. The Tweets were coming out of his mouth and he was in full Trump mode. Rude behavior which is widely accepted in some circles thanks to immersion in social media. I just don't think it rates as misogynistic. Ill bred, yes.

But Hillary isn't "ill bred?"
Wonder why guys who have never been pregnant seem so sure what a woman should do with her body,& a woman who has never been in that situation. beyond me. go ask a few nurses to explain it to you.
What new technology have black people created? Mexicans?

One needs to only lightly scratch the surface of most right wingers like MiddleFingerBoy, and the racism comes pouring out.....
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Wonder why guys who have never been pregnant seem so sure what a woman should do with her body,& a woman who has never been in that situation. beyond me. go ask a few nurses to explain it to you.

Amazing, isn't it.......and this from the party that walks around claiming that government should keep out of people's affairs......
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I mention that because of 2 things....One, he could have said "nasty person" and NOT underscore his already tarnished misogynistic reputation......and two, it was a comment he made while she was talking and he was reacting to Hillary's subtle slur of him which also underscore his very, very thin skin.

You are such a flaming hypocrite. You have no problem with Hillary making a "subtle slur" about Trump, but when he returns fire, he's beyond the pale. And how does using "woman" make him misogynist?

We all understand that any attack on Hillary will be interpreted by douche bags like you as misogynist. If you could win on the issues and her record, then you would be talking about them instead of these incessant cheap shots.

Every time you post you only succeed in proving that you're a douche bag.
Hillary baited....Trump jumped at the bait

What do you think Putin would do?

So HIllary can bait Trump, but she isn't nasty? Is there anything she could do that would make you criticize her? Of course not. You will lick her butthole like a good little toady.

Didn't say she isn't nasty
Nasty enough to play Trump like a pathetic little boy

Now Putin, Putin is NASTY

Notice how Hillary is laughing at Trump during the debate while he fumes?
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I think it's less about his specifically calling her nasty and more about the fact that he made a point of doing so, made a point of insulting her and leaning into his mic no less, while she was speaking, and the brickbat was thoroughly unrelated to topic being discussed. It's hard to demonstrate that one respects women -- or anyone else for that matter, but Trump claimed expressly that nobody respects women more than he -- when one goes out of one's way to affront a woman while she's speaking. One might want to argue that he forgot it was a woman with whom he shared the stage, but that line doesn't hold water for his epithet makes the point that she is a woman.

Yes indeed. Because she is a woman she has the right to interrupt and talk over him though, right?

The comments I wrote make no remark about what behaviors anyone else exhibits. The reason they do not is because I was not writing about anyone other than Trump.

What is it with folks on this forum that when one person makes a remark, among the most hackneyed responses to be found is that of asking some inanly oversimplified question about someone or something other than the person, place or thing that was actually being discussed? In your case, if you care to refute or describe your objections to my explanation for what be "the big deal" about Trump's "nasty woman" interjection, by all means do so. If, however, you don't differ with what I posited, then talk to someone else. Whatever route you chose is fine by me, but at least demonstrate a modicum of coherence and focus your remarks on the person, Trump, whose behavior and words are being discussed.

That's called highlighting your hypocrisy, moron. Only a leftwing dumbass would fail to understand why people out that their favored candidate has all the qualities they attack in Trump. Left wingers are simply incapable of recognizing hypocrisy.
Wonder why guys who have never been pregnant seem so sure what a woman should do with her body,& a woman who has never been in that situation. beyond me. go ask a few nurses to explain it to you.

(BTW, "No Exit" is my favorite play...............the title kind of applies to Trump's campaign, doesn't it?)
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I mention that because of 2 things....One, he could have said "nasty person" and NOT underscore his already tarnished misogynistic reputation......and two, it was a comment he made while she was talking and he was reacting to Hillary's subtle slur of him which also underscore his very, very thin skin.

You are such a flaming hypocrite. You have no problem with Hillary making a "subtle slur" about Trump, but when he returns fire, he's beyond the pale. And how does using "woman" make him misogynist?

We all understand that any attack on Hillary will be interpreted by douche bags like you as misogynist. If you could win on the issues and her record, then you would be talking about them instead of these incessant cheap shots.

Every time you post you only succeed in proving that you're a douche bag.
Hillary baited....Trump jumped at the bait

What do you think Putin would do?

So HIllary can bait Trump, but she isn't nasty? Is there anything she could do that would make you criticize her? Of course not. You will lick her butthole like a good little toady.

Didn't say she isn't nasty
Nasty enough to play Trump like a pathetic little boy

Now Putin, Putin is NASTY

Notice how Hillary is laughing at Trump during the debate while he fumes?

So you attack Trump for identifying her correctly?
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
so in your mind, Donald pointing out what a nasty bitch hillary is, when in fact she is a nasty bitch, is somehow an insult to all women? Got it.
Yes, I must allow you to smear Trump without pointing out anything at all concerning your own candidate's faults. Grow up. It doesn't work that way.

You, of course, are fully capable of starting a thread listing all of Clinton's faults (of which there are many)...however, this current thread is about the charlatan, Trump.
If you don't like what we post then complain to the sysops. Otherwise, shut the fuck up.

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