How to win back the women's and Latinos' vote....

Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
so in your mind, Donald pointing out what a nasty bitch hillary is, when in fact she is a nasty bitch, is somehow an insult to all women? Got it.
Ya gotta love liberlogic.
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I think it's less about his specifically calling her nasty and more about the fact that he made a point of doing so, made a point of insulting her and leaning into his mic no less, while she was speaking, and the brickbat was thoroughly unrelated to topic being discussed. It's hard to demonstrate that one respects women -- or anyone else for that matter, but Trump claimed expressly that nobody respects women more than he -- when one goes out of one's way to affront a woman while she's speaking. One might want to argue that he forgot it was a woman with whom he shared the stage, but that line doesn't hold water for his epithet makes the point that she is a woman.

Yes indeed. Because she is a woman she has the right to interrupt and talk over him though, right?

The comments I wrote make no remark about what behaviors anyone else exhibits. The reason they do not is because I was not writing about anyone other than Trump.

What is it with folks on this forum that when one person makes a remark, among the most hackneyed responses to be found is that of asking some inanly oversimplified question about someone or something other than the person, place or thing that was actually being discussed? In your case, if you care to refute or describe your objections to my explanation for what be "the big deal" about Trump's "nasty woman" interjection, by all means do so. If, however, you don't differ with what I posited, then talk to someone else. Whatever route you chose is fine by me, but at least demonstrate a modicum of coherence and focus your remarks on the person, Trump, whose behavior and words are being discussed.

Yes, I must allow you to smear Trump without pointing out anything at all concerning your own candidate's faults. Grow up. It doesn't work that way.

Isn't it hilarious how these morons argue there should be one standard for Trump and a different standard for Hillary? They aren't even embarrassed about it!
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
so in your mind, Donald pointing out what a nasty bitch hillary is, when in fact she is a nasty bitch, is somehow an insult to all women? Got it.
Ya gotta love liberlogic.
love it? I cant even begin to understand it.
I guess thats why they seem to walk around insulted by everything in the world.
My truck is white, I guess by liberal logic that would make me a racist because if I were more in tune with minorities, it would have been brown or black.
If you don't like what we post

Well, there's a certain amount of entertainment in having right wing morons spewing their stupidity, so carry on.........its better for you than having to face reality....LOL
Now Putin, Putin is NASTY

can you picture an exchange between Putin, baiting Trump as CIC?

Putin: "I dare you to invade North Korea"................

Why would Putin bait Trump? Is he also worried about his crimes being exposed by Wikileaks?

Can you picture Putin blackmailing Hillary because he has a mountain of incriminating information about her?
Now Putin, Putin is NASTY

can you picture an exchange between Putin, baiting Trump as CIC?

Putin: "I dare you to invade North Korea"................
actually, if the U.S were to work with Russia, and I mean honestly work with them to get rid of ISIS, and we stopped interfering with their internal affairs, Russia might just tell North Korea that then should back down before the U.S just eliminates them.
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
so in your mind, Donald pointing out what a nasty bitch hillary is, when in fact she is a nasty bitch, is somehow an insult to all women? Got it.
Ya gotta love liberlogic.
love it? I cant even begin to understand it.
I guess thats why they seem to walk around insulted by everything in the world.
My truck is white, I guess by liberal logic that would make me a racist because if I were more in tune with minorities, it would have been brown or black.
Expressing their indignation about other people is what makes life worth living for left wingers.
Now Putin, Putin is NASTY

can you picture an exchange between Putin, baiting Trump as CIC?

Putin: "I dare you to invade North Korea"................

Why would Putin bait Trump? Is he also worried about his crimes being exposed by Wikileaks?

Can you picture Putin blackmailing Hillary because he has a mountain of incriminating information about her?
maybe hillary could get madonna to go over and blow Putin.. oh wait, that would cause WW3 to threaten Putin like that.
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I think it's less about his specifically calling her nasty and more about the fact that he made a point of doing so, made a point of insulting her and leaning into his mic no less, while she was speaking, and the brickbat was thoroughly unrelated to topic being discussed. It's hard to demonstrate that one respects women -- or anyone else for that matter, but Trump claimed expressly that nobody respects women more than he -- when one goes out of one's way to affront a woman while she's speaking. One might want to argue that he forgot it was a woman with whom he shared the stage, but that line doesn't hold water for his epithet makes the point that she is a woman.
Yup. The Tweets were coming out of his mouth and he was in full Trump mode. Rude behavior which is widely accepted in some circles thanks to immersion in social media. I just don't think it rates as misogynistic. Ill bred, yes.

Okay....the remark need not be misogynistically inspired. Is an ill bred candidate one who deserves our electoral benediction? I sure don't think so. At this point, I think we all can see Trump's character does not genuinely accord much respect to women. Whether the man's dissoluteness manifests itself via remarks and deeds imbued with misogyny, churlishness, or simple crassness doesn't matter all that much. None of that is acceptable.
You are preaching to the choir, 320. But keep up the good work. It's nice to see a liberal lifeboat in the storm.

TY, I think. LOL

You know quite well I'm not by any means a liberal, most especially on economic matters. If merely having some manners and trying to adhere to the Golden Rule makes me a liberal, well, okay then, I guess I am.

Then why don't you expect Hilary to adhere to the golden rule?
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
so in your mind, Donald pointing out what a nasty bitch hillary is, when in fact she is a nasty bitch, is somehow an insult to all women? Got it.
Ya gotta love liberlogic.
love it? I cant even begin to understand it.
I guess thats why they seem to walk around insulted by everything in the world.
My truck is white, I guess by liberal logic that would make me a racist because if I were more in tune with minorities, it would have been brown or black.
Expressing their indignation about other people is what makes life worth living for left wingers.
You would think they might at least make sure they were not doing the exact same thing or worse before the opened their mouth.
Its like the stupid bitch last night starting in about the violence at the Trump rallies, knowing full well her campaign strategy was busted on put on you tube just hours before.
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
The suburban women will be up for grabs (-: in 20-20, but the gop can kiss off latino/Hispanics for a generation.

So you think the smart move would be for the GOP to have granted them amnesty?
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
so in your mind, Donald pointing out what a nasty bitch hillary is, when in fact she is a nasty bitch, is somehow an insult to all women? Got it.
Ya gotta love liberlogic.
love it? I cant even begin to understand it.
I guess thats why they seem to walk around insulted by everything in the world.
My truck is white, I guess by liberal logic that would make me a racist because if I were more in tune with minorities, it would have been brown or black.
Expressing their indignation about other people is what makes life worth living for left wingers.
You would think they might at least make sure they were not doing the exact same thing or worse before the opened their mouth.
Its like the stupid bitch last night starting in about the violence at the Trump rallies, knowing full well her campaign strategy was busted on put on you tube just hours before.
Yeah, I couldn't believe the dumb bitch said that. Her mindless apologists probably don't even understand why it was stupid.
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I think it's less about his specifically calling her nasty and more about the fact that he made a point of doing so, made a point of insulting her and leaning into his mic no less, while she was speaking, and the brickbat was thoroughly unrelated to topic being discussed. It's hard to demonstrate that one respects women -- or anyone else for that matter, but Trump claimed expressly that nobody respects women more than he -- when one goes out of one's way to affront a woman while she's speaking. One might want to argue that he forgot it was a woman with whom he shared the stage, but that line doesn't hold water for his epithet makes the point that she is a woman.

Yes indeed. Because she is a woman she has the right to interrupt and talk over him though, right?

The comments I wrote make no remark about what behaviors anyone else exhibits. The reason they do not is because I was not writing about anyone other than Trump.

What is it with folks on this forum that when one person makes a remark, among the most hackneyed responses to be found is that of asking some inanly oversimplified question about someone or something other than the person, place or thing that was actually being discussed? In your case, if you care to refute or describe your objections to my explanation for what be "the big deal" about Trump's "nasty woman" interjection, by all means do so. If, however, you don't differ with what I posited, then talk to someone else. Whatever route you chose is fine by me, but at least demonstrate a modicum of coherence and focus your remarks on the person, Trump, whose behavior and words are being discussed.

Yes, I must allow you to smear Trump without pointing out anything at all concerning your own candidate's faults. Grow up. It doesn't work that way.

  • What is the precise "smear" I levied against Trump in my "red" remarks quoted above?
  • Since when is pointing out the dichotomy between what one says and one's subsequent actions a smear?
    • Did Trump call Mrs. Clinton a nasty woman? Yes.
    • Is calling someone "nasty" derogatory? Yes.
    • Did Trump lean into his mic when he made the remark? Yes.
    • Did Trump make that remark while Mrs. Clinton was speaking? Yes.
    • Is it disrespectful to interrupt someone while they're speaking? Yes.
    • Did Trump assert that nobody respects women more than he? Yes.
    • Is Mrs. Clinton a woman? Yes.
  • When one says "A" and then proceeds to do the opposite of "A," who bears the burden for one's contradictory words and deeds? Oneself or others?

HIllary is a women. She isn't all women. Saying you have respect for women doesn't require you to respect every last one of them. Only a true leftwing moron would make such an argument. Hillary is a vile disgusting reptile wallowing in the mud. Trump simply pointed out the obvious.
Trump should offer free toasters or irons.......Women love stuff like that

For the Latino vote, Free Taco Bowls from Trump Tower......yum, yum
Would that compare favorably with all the free shit Hillary is offering them?
Maybe if Trump offered women taxpayer subsidized boob jobs he could get their vote

I say he needs to offer the free condoms. That appears to be the reason your Liberal sluts support Hillary. Hillary has sworn to repeal the Hyde act and have the taxpayers pay for yur Liberal sluts' abortions.
What new technology have black people created? Mexicans?

One needs to only lightly scratch the surface of most right wingers like MiddleFingerBoy, and the racism comes pouring out.....
I notice that you haven't answered the question. Instead you accuse me of being a racist. That's what left wingers always do when answering the question would be an embarrassment.
I have no idea why everyone is latching on to "what a nasty woman." Big fucking deal. That's not misogynistic. And I'm Miss Sensitivity when it comes to that shit, as you know.

I mention that because of 2 things....One, he could have said "nasty person" and NOT underscore his already tarnished misogynistic reputation......and two, it was a comment he made while she was talking and he was reacting to Hillary's subtle slur of him which also underscore his very, very thin skin.

You are such a flaming hypocrite. You have no problem with Hillary making a "subtle slur" about Trump, but when he returns fire, he's beyond the pale. And how does using "woman" make him misogynist?

We all understand that any attack on Hillary will be interpreted by douche bags like you as misogynist. If you could win on the issues and her record, then you would be talking about them instead of these incessant cheap shots.

Every time you post you only succeed in proving that you're a douche bag.
Hillary baited....Trump jumped at the bait

What do you think Putin would do?

Like Trump told Hillary, Putin has made total fools out of both her and Obama for years now.
Yes, good ol' moronic Trump throws out such "wonderful" phrases as, "what a nasty woman" and "bad hombres"......That's the way to do it, you racist and misogynistic orange clown.....LOL
It's as if he were trying to be the worst candidate ever.

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He does not need to try. He is, and that reflect badly on the Republican Party, they reaped what they sowed.

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