How Transgender Ideology Has Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse

Seriously...the left is not satisfied unless they can homosexualize everything. I honestly never cared about the homosexual issue. But the left’s insane obsession with forcing it down the throats of children makes me want to join the homophobic effort to ban, ostracize, and demonize homosexuality.

This innocent looking bunny has the leftist trolls out in full force

Pedophilia is next.

There is no other explanation for the left wrong-wing agenda to push sexual perversion on children. They are trying to set society up to accept the sexual abuse of children, and this is a step toward that purpose.
You can’t make this stuff up. The left continues to deny science, biology, reality, etc.
But Time was judged guilty of using “a simplistic and outdated understanding of biology to perpetuate some very dangerous ideas about trans women,” and failing to acknowledge that biological sex “isn’t something we’re actually born with, it’s something that doctors or our parents assign us at birth.”
Yeah, um, biological sex is something you are absolutely born with. It is scientifically indisputable.

Transgender Ideology Is Riddled With Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones.
This is what happens when one rejects logic, reason, and reality in favor of emotions. When that happens, all positions contradict themselves and a person comes across sounding like an absolute lunatic...
On the one hand, they claim that the real self is something other than the physical body, in a new form of Gnostic dualism, yet at the same time they embrace a materialist philosophy in which only the material world exists. They say that gender is purely a social construct, while asserting that a person can be “trapped” in the wrong gender.
How can one be “trapped” in a physical situation if in fact gender is merely a “social construct”? By the very argument, it proves that gender is biological and not a “construct” at all.

Transgender Ideology Is Riddled With Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones.
This is what happens when one rejects logic, reason, and reality in favor of emotions. When that happens, all positions contradict themselves and a person comes across sounding like an absolute lunatic...
They say there are no meaningful differences between man and woman, yet they rely on rigid sex stereotypes to argue that “gender identity” is real, while human embodiment is not. They claim that truth is whatever a person says it is, yet they believe there’s a real self to be discovered inside that person.
How can “gender identity” be real if in fact gender is merely a “social construct”? By the very argument, one need only to ignore the “social construct” to be completely happy and content. No surgeries required. No transition required. No hormones required. Oops...

Transgender Ideology Is Riddled With Contradictions. Here Are the Big Ones.
The left continues to take their lies and their rejection of science to unprecedented levels.
The champions of social justice want you to believe that gender is fluid. Once the chains of gender science were lifted, the movement went, well… off the chain. By February 2014 there were 58 listed genders.

Four months later, there were 71. Today, there are over 112 listed genders. Mysteriously missing from the list are male and female. Wanna know why? Because they know, as all school children know, that — in reality — there are only two genders, but you can’t be reminded of that. You have to FIGHT ON FOR THE CAUSE!
Only the left could attempt to even list a third gender, much less the bat-shit crazy 112 genders.

Quick, hide the cutlery!
It is truly a tragedy that progressives are willing to exploit their fellow human beings - especially children - for their disturbing sexual deviance.
And so it led me to a point of thinking that I needed a gender change. And then one of these experts in gender dysphoria diagnosed me with gender dysphoria and said I needed hormone therapy and surgery. As you can see from standing here, they were totally wrong because I was born a boy.
There are few terms more comical than “gender dysphoria experts”. They are actually “Gaystapo Adverse Cowards”.

Watch a Man Who Lived as a Woman Reject the Lies of LGBT Activists
The left continues to harm children with their idiotic dedication to extreme sexual deviance.
Two athletes who were born males placed first and second in state track championship events for high school girls, causing anger among other competitors and parents who say they had an unfair advantage over the girls.
The actual girls earned what was stolen from them by males with mental problems.

Parents Object as Transgender Athletes Win Girls Track Events
The progressive exploitation of children is tragic. History will look back on the left like we look at the Nazis or child molesters.

The data is all in. The facts are indisputable. Gender is not “fluid” and the left’s push to convince children to change their sex or “identify” as something else is child abuse.

DISTURBING: Modern feminists don’t want you to hear about this tragic ‘gender fluidity’ experiment

You and Glen Beck are both complete morons. You just proved the opposite point than you wanted to. That child's gender was forced on them and was not the will of the child. It's what they used to do before with innersexed children before they realized that not letting the child choose was causing psychological damage.
The data is all in. The facts are indisputable. Gender is not “fluid” and the left’s push to convince children to change their sex or “identify” as something else is child abuse.

DISTURBING: Modern feminists don’t want you to hear about this tragic ‘gender fluidity’ experiment

You and Glen Beck are both complete morons. You just proved the opposite point than you wanted to. That child's gender was forced on them and was not the will of the child. It's what they used to do before with innersexed children before they realized that not letting the child choose was causing psychological damage.
Biology says if you have a dick your a boy, if you don't you're a girl. It's not a choice.
The data is all in. The facts are indisputable. Gender is not “fluid” and the left’s push to convince children to change their sex or “identify” as something else is child abuse.

DISTURBING: Modern feminists don’t want you to hear about this tragic ‘gender fluidity’ experiment

You and Glen Beck are both complete morons. You just proved the opposite point than you wanted to. That child's gender was forced on them and was not the will of the child. It's what they used to do before with innersexed children before they realized that not letting the child choose was causing psychological damage.
That's it stupid...keep supporting the policies that completely rejects science and results in people committing suicide. You're commitment to deviant sexual activity over human life and well being is disgusting.
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