How Transgender Ideology Has Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse

What are you going to do when the laws you support require that this person use the women's restroom because he still has vagina?


If we had a truly sane society, then a person such as that would either not have been allowed to be created, or else would be confined to a mental institution. A woman, horrifically mutilated to appear as a man, is not a man.

If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.

You can wish all you want to that transgendered people didn't exist. They do. Laws that kooks like you and the equally homophobic "Patriot" that never served support would require that people like Buck Angel use the restroom of their birth gender. Do you know how incredibly stupid that is? That means Buck would have to use the women's restroom even if he "went all the way" and had a penis.

Gods you people are backwards and ignorant.
If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.

You can wish all you want to that transgendered people didn't exist. They do. Laws that kooks like you and the equally homophobic "Patriot" that never served support would require that people like Buck Angel use the restroom of their birth gender. Do you know how incredibly stupid that is? That means Buck would have to use the women's restroom even if he "went all the way" and had a penis.

Gods you people are backwards and ignorant.

People with all sorts of mental and moral defects exist. We can wish that they didn't, but they do.

This does not, in any way, obligate us as a society to treat dangerously insane and perverted freaks as if they are somehow normal and acceptable,and to allow them free reign to spread their perversion and madness and filth in our society.

Freaks such as this Buck Angel do not belong in free society. That is what we have prisons and mental hospitals for. And sane people are certainly not under any obligation to sacrifice even the smallest measure of our safety or modesty to pander to these sick freaks.

It is highly ironic that after defending this madness and evil, that you would presume to call anyone else “backward and ignorant”. You don't even know the difference between men and women. How much more ignorant than that is it possible to get?
What are you going to do when the laws you support require that this person use the women's restroom because he still has vagina?


If we had a truly sane society, then a person such as that would either not have been allowed to be created, or else would be confined to a mental institution. A woman, horrifically mutilated to appear as a man, is not a man.

If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.

You can wish all you want to that transgendered people didn't exist. They do. Laws that kooks like you and the equally homophobic "Patriot" that never served support would require that people like Buck Angel use the restroom of their birth gender. Do you know how incredibly stupid that is? That means Buck would have to use the women's restroom even if he "went all the way" and had a penis.

Gods you people are backwards and ignorant.
If he went all the way and got a penis I would have no problem with him using the Mens room.
Penis's in one room Vagini's in the other.
If he went all the way and got a penis I would have no problem with him using the Mens room.
Penis's in one room Vagini's in the other.

“He” will always be female, no matter what surgical mutilations she has done to her.
Lots of young children are being irreparably harmed thanks to failed left-wing policies.
Prior to the widespread promotion of transition affirmation, 75% to 95% of gender-dysphoric youth ended up happy with their biological sex after simply passing through puberty.
The left wants the mentally insane and small children make the decisions that drive society. It's absurd. It's asinine. And it's the type of idiocy that could only come from the left. Adults don't allow children to make major decisions about their life. You let them choose what flavor of lollipop. You let them choose what toy to pick out at the store. You do not allow them to choose gender reassignment surgery, or what city the family will live in, or what automobile to purchase.

I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.
transgenderism is a modern fiction, and this is part of the all to human need to conform to an ideal because that ideal has become the part of the current cultural paradigm. It's amazing how the universe turned under the thumb of lawyers than need a cause to create. Gay rights is a contrived issue layers pulled out of...their pocket.
If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.

You can wish all you want to that transgendered people didn't exist. They do. Laws that kooks like you and the equally homophobic "Patriot" that never served support would require that people like Buck Angel use the restroom of their birth gender. Do you know how incredibly stupid that is? That means Buck would have to use the women's restroom even if he "went all the way" and had a penis.

Gods you people are backwards and ignorant.

People with all sorts of mental and moral defects exist. We can wish that they didn't, but they do.

This does not, in any way, obligate us as a society to treat dangerously insane and perverted freaks as if they are somehow normal and acceptable,and to allow them free reign to spread their perversion and madness and filth in our society.

Freaks such as this Buck Angel do not belong in free society. That is what we have prisons and mental hospitals for. And sane people are certainly not under any obligation to sacrifice even the smallest measure of our safety or modesty to pander to these sick freaks.

It is highly ironic that after defending this madness and evil, that you would presume to call anyone else “backward and ignorant”. You don't even know the difference between men and women. How much more ignorant than that is it possible to get?

You ARE backwards and ignorant....or just old. Either way, you're in the minority regarding trans people and their right to use public facilities..

Poll: Most oppose bathroom transgender laws
What are you going to do when the laws you support require that this person use the women's restroom because he still has vagina?


If we had a truly sane society, then a person such as that would either not have been allowed to be created, or else would be confined to a mental institution. A woman, horrifically mutilated to appear as a man, is not a man.

If wishes were horses, even beggars would ride.

You can wish all you want to that transgendered people didn't exist. They do. Laws that kooks like you and the equally homophobic "Patriot" that never served support would require that people like Buck Angel use the restroom of their birth gender. Do you know how incredibly stupid that is? That means Buck would have to use the women's restroom even if he "went all the way" and had a penis.

Gods you people are backwards and ignorant.
If he went all the way and got a penis I would have no problem with him using the Mens room.
Penis's in one room Vagini's in the other.

That's not how these ridiculous laws are being written. These homophobic/transphobic morons are writing laws that say you must use the restroom of your biological birth. That's beyond stupid to ridiculous.
No, old fella, you don't...which is what has ya'll so upset about trans people...
Neither Blayock nor myself are “upset” with trans people. They have a severe mental ilness. We are upset with people like you who exploit them for a very twisted agenda.
Progressives make me sick. These children are being irreparably harmed because the sickos on the left get off on sexual deviance.
Between 80% and 95% of children naturally outgrow their gender dysphoria if they allow natural development to occur and they begin to feel comfortable with their biological gender, Anderson said, citing the available scientific evidence.
Transgender Activists Conduct 'Giant Experiment' on Children, Author Says
Homosexuality is a cancer to humanity

Most RW nutters ^^^ have no clue what transgender even means.

So much hysteria over less than .03% of the population who have always been right beside you in the bathroom.

What's creepy and sick you you nutters doing your Peeping Tom thing.


Most RW nutters ^^^ have no clue what transgender even means.

And if leftists had a clue, they wouldn't try to normalize transgenderism, but instead recognize it for what it really is - a mental illness. :cuckoo:

But you morons are just not that smart, are ya? :laugh:
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Children are not experiments. The left’s actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Many of these people recall a feeling of being pushed into transitioning, as if there were no other options, and they wish that medical professionals had made an effort to help them understand the deeper psychological issues that alienated them from their own bodies.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

A New York Times Writer's Reckless Hit Piece on My Transgender Book
Children are not experiments. The left’s actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Many regret the permanent damage done to their bodies, and some who transitioned as teenagers believe they were not mature enough to make such consequential decisions.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

A New York Times Writer's Reckless Hit Piece on My Transgender Book
This video sums up the liberal left perfectly as multiple ‘Gender Fluid’ and ‘Binary’ students walkout and disrupt a female speaker when she states that ‘men and women are just different.’ This is a must watch liberal meltdown. #58Genders #Binary

Julian Assange ⏳ on Twitter
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Contrary to the claims of activists, sex isn’t “assigned” at birth—and that’s why it can’t be “reassigned.” As I explain in my book When Harry Became Sally: Responding to the Transgender Moment, sex is a bodily reality that can be recognized well before birth with ultrasound imaging. The sex of an organism is defined and identified by the way in which it (he or she) is organized for sexual reproduction.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left.

Sex Change: Physically Impossible, Psychosocially Unhelpful, and Philosophically Misguided
It is criminal that the left exploits these poor, tormented people. Their actions are unforgivable and history will look back on them with disgust.
Fellow Kansans are suffering and dying because of the lie that one's sex is whatever a person believes it to be. The rate of attempted suicide for those who experience "gender dysphoria" is 41%—10 times the national average.
Sickening. Absolutely sickening. Those hurting the most - suffering from a very real mental illness - are terribly exploited by the left. Good for Kansas for standing up for science, biology, reason, logic, and these exploited children.

Kansas Republicans Are Standing Up to Transgender Lies, Protecting Kids From Harm

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