How Transgender Ideology Has Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse

Yeah, I'll bet. I've already seen the public reaction to anti trans bills like you support.
The left has to lie about everything. It not “anti-trans” at all. It’s anti-bat-shit crazy. Men do not belong in women’s bathrooms or lockerooms. If they did, the facilities wouldn’t specifically have “WOMEN” placed on the doors.
Yeah, I'll bet. I've already seen the public reaction to anti trans bills like you support.
The left has to lie about everything. It not “anti-trans” at all. It’s anti-bat-shit crazy. Men do not belong in women’s bathrooms or lockerooms. If they did, the facilities wouldn’t specifically have “WOMEN” placed on the doors.

Cisgendered men don't, transgendered women do belong. No anti trans pecker checker law is going to change that...regardless of how much you howl at the moon.
Cisgendered men don't, transgendered women do belong. No anti trans pecker checker law is going to change that...regardless of how much you howl at the moon.

Sane people never use the word “cisgendered” as if it mean anything. Only those who are so hopelessly f•••ed-up in the head as to not know the difference between male and female think that there is any meaning to that word. That would be the same f•••-up-in-the-head people who think that a “transgendered woman” is anything other than a severely mentally- an morally-defective man who belongs in a mental institution, and certainly does not belong in any women's' intimate facilities.
Cisgendered men don't, transgendered women do belong. No anti trans pecker checker law is going to change that...regardless of how much you howl at the moon.

Sane people never use the word “cisgendered” as if it mean anything. Only those who are so hopelessly f•••ed-up in the head as to not know the difference between male and female think that there is any meaning to that word. That would be the same f•••-up-in-the-head people who think that a “transgendered woman” is anything other than a severely mentally- an morally-defective man who belongs in a mental institution, and certainly does not belong in any women's' intimate facilities.

Welcome to the 21st Century old fella. Get used to the brave new world....or you can keep yelling at clouds.
Lots of young children are being irreparably harmed thanks to failed left-wing policies.
Prior to the widespread promotion of transition affirmation, 75% to 95% of gender-dysphoric youth ended up happy with their biological sex after simply passing through puberty.
The left wants the mentally insane and small children make the decisions that drive society. It's absurd. It's asinine. And it's the type of idiocy that could only come from the left. Adults don't allow children to make major decisions about their life. You let them choose what flavor of lollipop. You let them choose what toy to pick out at the store. You do not allow them to choose gender reassignment surgery, or what city the family will live in, or what automobile to purchase.

I’m a Pediatrician. How Transgender Ideology Has Infiltrated My Field and Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse.
Lots, well now that is specific and to the point...
Sane people never use the word “cisgendered” as if it mean anything. Only those who are so hopelessly f•••ed-up in the head as to not know the difference between male and female think that there is any meaning to that word. That would be the same f•••-up-in-the-head people who think that a “transgendered woman” is anything other than a severely mentally- and morally-defective man who belongs in a mental institution, and certainly does not belong in any women's' intimate facilities.

Welcome to the 21st Century old fella. Get used to the brave new world....or you can keep yelling at clouds.

Doesn't matter what century it is—men will never be women, women will never be men, and only those who are severely f•••ed-up in the head will fail to grasp the distinction. Biology doesn't change.
Sane people never use the word “cisgendered” as if it mean anything. Only those who are so hopelessly f•••ed-up in the head as to not know the difference between male and female think that there is any meaning to that word. That would be the same f•••-up-in-the-head people who think that a “transgendered woman” is anything other than a severely mentally- and morally-defective man who belongs in a mental institution, and certainly does not belong in any women's' intimate facilities.

Welcome to the 21st Century old fella. Get used to the brave new world....or you can keep yelling at clouds.

Doesn't matter what century it is—men will never be women, women will never be men, and only those who are severely f•••ed-up in the head will fail to grasp the distinction. Biology doesn't change.

You’re decades behind.

How old are you, Rip Van Winkle?
You’re decades behind.

How old are you, Rip Van Winkle?

My age has nothing to do with it.

Biology is what it is, what it has always been, and what it will always be. The insane delusions of freaks, perverts, and madmen do not change reality. Only someone who is severely f•••ed in the head fails to grasp the distinction between male and female, or believes that one can genuinely become the other.
You’re decades behind.

How old are you, Rip Van Winkle?

My age has nothing to do with it.

Biology is what it is, what it has always been, and what it will always be. The insane delusions of freaks, perverts, and madmen do not change reality. Only someone who is severely f•••ed in the head fails to grasp the distinction between male and female, or believes that one can genuinely become the other.


Sure it does old man...

poll released today by the Public Religion Research Institute found 72 percent of Americans now favor passing laws to protect lesbian, gay and transgender people from discrimination, including three-quarters of Democrats and two-thirds of Republicans. A majority of Americans also oppose so-called “bathroom bills,” which require transgender people to use the restrooms that correspond to their sex at birth.
Sure it does old man...

poll released today by the Public Religion Research Institute found 72 percent of Americans now favor passing laws to protect lesbian, gay and transgender people from discrimination, including three-quarters of Democrats and two-thirds of Republicans. A majority of Americans also oppose so-called “bathroom bills,” which require transgender people to use the restrooms that correspond to their sex at birth.

Polls cannot change scientific facts.
Sure it does old man...

poll released today by the Public Religion Research Institute found 72 percent of Americans now favor passing laws to protect lesbian, gay and transgender people from discrimination, including three-quarters of Democrats and two-thirds of Republicans. A majority of Americans also oppose so-called “bathroom bills,” which require transgender people to use the restrooms that correspond to their sex at birth.

Polls cannot change scientific facts.

What you understand of science couldn’t fill the void where Trump’s brain is supposed to be.
No anti trans pecker checker law is going to change that...regardless of how much you howl at the moon. doesn’t take a “pecker checker” to prevent mentally disturbed, sexually deviant, cross-dressers from entering facilities they don’t belong in.

Furthermore, the idiotic laws that you support allow full access by your so-called “cisgender” males. So you just contradicted yourself.
No anti trans pecker checker law is going to change that...regardless of how much you howl at the moon. doesn’t take a “pecker checker” to prevent mentally disturbed, sexually deviant, cross-dressers from entering facilities they don’t belong in.

Furthermore, the idiotic laws that you support allow full access by your so-called “cisgender” males. So you just contradicted yourself.

No, it does not. Your ignorance is showing. You obviously don't know what cisgendered means.
No anti trans pecker checker law is going to change that...regardless of how much you howl at the moon. doesn’t take a “pecker checker” to prevent mentally disturbed, sexually deviant, cross-dressers from entering facilities they don’t belong in.

Furthermore, the idiotic laws that you support allow full access by your so-called “cisgender” males. So you just contradicted yourself.

No, it does not. Your ignorance is showing. You obviously don't know what cisgendered means.
You’re right my dear - I don’t. I literally have no idea what “cisgendered” means. Based on the context, I took it to mean “normal”. And if that’s correct, then my statement is 100% accurate.

Normal people don’t immerse themselves in your precious idiotic gender terms. We accept there is male, there is female, and then there are mentally disturbed, sexual deviants (who turn you on for some bizarre as she reason).
No anti trans pecker checker law is going to change that...regardless of how much you howl at the moon. doesn’t take a “pecker checker” to prevent mentally disturbed, sexually deviant, cross-dressers from entering facilities they don’t belong in.

Furthermore, the idiotic laws that you support allow full access by your so-called “cisgender” males. So you just contradicted yourself.

No, it does not. Your ignorance is showing. You obviously don't know what cisgendered means.
You’re right my dear - I don’t. I literally have no idea what “cisgendered” means. Based on the context, I took it to mean “normal”. And if that’s correct, then my statement is 100% accurate.

Normal people don’t immerse themselves in your precious idiotic gender terms. We accept there is male, there is female, and then there are mentally disturbed, sexual deviants (who turn you on for some bizarre as she reason).

Inclusive bathrooms don't allow cisgendered men access to women's restrooms. The "normal" world understands this...which is why anti trans bathroom bills fail so spectacularly.

North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' will cost the state $3.76 billion
Inclusive bathrooms don't allow cisgendered men access to women's restrooms.
Uh...the fuck they don’t. For someone who claims to “care” about this issue, you sure are completely clueless about it. They absolutely allow ANY man to use the bathroom they feel “most comfortable” using. That is a fact. This thread is filled with links about it.
Inclusive bathrooms don't allow cisgendered men access to women's restrooms.
Uh...the fuck they don’t. For someone who claims to “care” about this issue, you sure are completely clueless about it. They absolutely allow ANY man to use the bathroom they feel “most comfortable” using. That is a fact. This thread is filled with links about it.

No they don't, you ignorant Trumpster. They allow trans men and women to use the restroom of the gender they associate with. In the localities that have these laws, there are no issues with trans people and public facilities.

Trans people molesting anyone in public restrooms - 0
Alabama Senate candidates molesting teens - 9
Inclusive bathrooms don't allow cisgendered men access to women's restrooms.
Uh...the fuck they don’t. For someone who claims to “care” about this issue, you sure are completely clueless about it. They absolutely allow ANY man to use the bathroom they feel “most comfortable” using. That is a fact. This thread is filled with links about it.

No they don't, you ignorant Trumpster. They allow trans men and women to use the restroom of the gender they associate with. In the localities that have these laws, there are no issues with trans people and public facilities.

Trans people molesting anyone in public restrooms - 0
Alabama Senate candidates molesting teens - 9
Here you go - you ignorant nitwit. Let me know when you’re ready to admit how you’re wrong and completely uninformed about this issue...

Seattle, Wash. community is in uproar after a man undressed in the women’s locker room at a local pool. The women inside the locker room at the time attempted to kick him out, but the guy refused and said “the law has changed and I have the right to be here.”

He returned to the restroom for a second time later that evening, when young girls were changing for swim practice.

Wash. man uses women's bathroom to test transgender ruling

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