How Transgender Ideology Has Produced Large-Scale Child Abuse

Being anti slavery was the liberal, progressive position. Keeping slavery in place, keeping the status quo was the conservative position. Time after time the conservative position ends up on the wrong side of history. This will be different because "patriot" wants it to be so?
I know your side lives to re-write history, but it's not going to work anymore. Technology has allowed history to be captured and disseminated.

Keeping slavery in place was the Dumbocrats position - and they were not conservatives. Republicans ended slavery, lead the Civil Rights movement, and didn't reject science while the left was trying to exploit the mentally ill.

You're really confused about this whole conservative/liberal thing aren't you?

Slavery was the status quo, in other words the conservative position. Ending slavery was the liberal, progressive position. The American Revolution was being liberal, radical, progressive position. Party affiliation is completely a relevant when we're talking about conservative and liberal in history.

I was able to keep a straight face until Patriot claimed that conservatives lead the civil rights movement. Now, my Dr. Pepper is dripping from my monitor, where it shot out of my nose!

You're really confused about this whole conservative/liberal thing aren't you?

Slavery was the status quo, in other words the conservative position. Ending slavery was the liberal, progressive position. The American Revolution was being liberal, radical, progressive position. Party affiliation is completely a relevant when we're talking about conservative and liberal in history.
I'm not confused - I'm just not allowing you to rewrite history. There was nothing "progressive" about the American Revolution. They were people who wanted liberty from government/power - just like conservatives today.

Conservative position: Stick with slavery, segregation and King George

Opposite of that? The liberal, radical, progressive, forward thinking position.
I was able to keep a straight face until Patriot claimed that conservatives lead the civil rights movement. Now, my Dr. Pepper is dripping from my monitor, where it shot out of my nose!
Clearly somebody missed history class in high school... :eusa_whistle:
1. More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats

"Most people don't realize that today at all -- in proportional terms, a far higher percentage of Republicans voted for this bill than did Democrats"
How embarrassing for both Vandalshandle and Seawytch. This is such common knowledge that even left-wing CNN can't deny it. Dumbocrats overwhelmingly opposed the Civil Rights movement just as they overwhelmingly opposed ending slavery. In fact, LBJ had to threaten his own party to get the few votes they got from the left.

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act -
I was able to keep a straight face until Patriot claimed that conservatives lead the civil rights movement. Now, my Dr. Pepper is dripping from my monitor, where it shot out of my nose!
Clearly somebody missed history class in high school... :eusa_whistle:
1. More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats

"Most people don't realize that today at all -- in proportional terms, a far higher percentage of Republicans voted for this bill than did Democrats"
How embarrassing for both Vandalshandle and Seawytch. This is such common knowledge that even left-wing CNN can't deny it. Dumbocrats overwhelmingly opposed the Civil Rights movement just as they overwhelmingly opposed ending slavery. In fact, LBJ had to threaten his own party to get the few votes they got from the left.

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act -

Son, I didn't miss the civil rates struggle history in high school. I LIVED it. The South was democratic in those days, and refused to vote for civil rights. The republican presidential candidate voted against civil rights. After LBJ (D) got it passed anyway, every one of the southern states that were opposed to civil rights elected republicans instead, and because of the civil rights struggle, every one of those southern states are now republican, in protest. So, please, don't bring your Limbaugh revisionist crap here. We all know better. I grew up in the South when all this was going one, and none of those Mississippi rednecks waving their confederate flags vote democratic.
I was able to keep a straight face until Patriot claimed that conservatives lead the civil rights movement. Now, my Dr. Pepper is dripping from my monitor, where it shot out of my nose!
Clearly somebody missed history class in high school... :eusa_whistle:
1. More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats

"Most people don't realize that today at all -- in proportional terms, a far higher percentage of Republicans voted for this bill than did Democrats"
How embarrassing for both Vandalshandle and Seawytch. This is such common knowledge that even left-wing CNN can't deny it. Dumbocrats overwhelmingly opposed the Civil Rights movement just as they overwhelmingly opposed ending slavery. In fact, LBJ had to threaten his own party to get the few votes they got from the left.

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act -

Son, I didn't miss the civil rates struggle history in high school. I LIVED it. The South was democratic in those days, and refused to vote for civil rights. The republican presidential candidate voted against civil rights. After LBJ (D) got it passed anyway, every one of the southern states that were opposed to civil rights elected republicans instead, and because of the civil rights struggle, every one of those southern states are now republican, in protest. So, please, don't bring your Limbaugh revisionist crap here. We all know better. I grew up in the South when all this was going one, and none of those Mississippi rednecks waving their confederate flags vote democratic.

The Patriot that never served doesn't understand that slavery, segregation, and opposition to Civil Rights was more regional and ideological than political. He also doesn't understand that Democrats supporting Civil Rights in the 60s handed Southern Democrats to the conservative Republican party...where they remain to this day.
It has really just been the conservative southern states that have consistently been on the wrong side of history...

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia

By party and region
Note: "Southern", as used in this section, refers to members of Congress from the eleven states that made up the Confederate States of America in the American Civil War. "Northern" refers to members from the other 39 states, regardless of the geographic location of those states.[24]

The original House version:

  • Southern Democrats: 7–87 (7–93%)
  • Southern Republicans: 0–10 (0–100%)
  • Northern Democrats: 145–9 (94–6%)
  • Northern Republicans: 138–24 (85–15%)
The Senate version:

I was able to keep a straight face until Patriot claimed that conservatives lead the civil rights movement. Now, my Dr. Pepper is dripping from my monitor, where it shot out of my nose!
Clearly somebody missed history class in high school... :eusa_whistle:
1. More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats

"Most people don't realize that today at all -- in proportional terms, a far higher percentage of Republicans voted for this bill than did Democrats"
How embarrassing for both Vandalshandle and Seawytch. This is such common knowledge that even left-wing CNN can't deny it. Dumbocrats overwhelmingly opposed the Civil Rights movement just as they overwhelmingly opposed ending slavery. In fact, LBJ had to threaten his own party to get the few votes they got from the left.

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act -

Son, I didn't miss the civil rates struggle history in high school. I LIVED it. The South was democratic in those days, and refused to vote for civil rights. The republican presidential candidate voted against civil rights. After LBJ (D) got it passed anyway, every one of the southern states that were opposed to civil rights elected republicans instead, and because of the civil rights struggle, every one of those southern states are now republican, in protest. So, please, don't bring your Limbaugh revisionist crap here. We all know better. I grew up in the South when all this was going one, and none of those Mississippi rednecks waving their confederate flags vote democratic.

The Patriot that never served doesn't understand that slavery, segregation, and opposition to Civil Rights was more regional and ideological than political. He also doesn't understand that Democrats supporting Civil Rights in the 60s handed Southern Democrats to the conservative Republican party...where they remain to this day.

The Dixiecrats walked out of the Democratic convention when Truman desegregated the military. They tried to elect Strom Thurmond as president, then gave up, and became republicans. What was left of the democratic party became the champion of civil rights.

Dixiecrat - Wikipedia
I was able to keep a straight face until Patriot claimed that conservatives lead the civil rights movement. Now, my Dr. Pepper is dripping from my monitor, where it shot out of my nose!
Clearly somebody missed history class in high school... :eusa_whistle:
1. More Republicans voted in favor of the Civil Rights Act than Democrats

"Most people don't realize that today at all -- in proportional terms, a far higher percentage of Republicans voted for this bill than did Democrats"
How embarrassing for both Vandalshandle and Seawytch. This is such common knowledge that even left-wing CNN can't deny it. Dumbocrats overwhelmingly opposed the Civil Rights movement just as they overwhelmingly opposed ending slavery. In fact, LBJ had to threaten his own party to get the few votes they got from the left.

What you might not know about the 1964 Civil Rights Act -
The South opposed the Civil Rights fact ALL Republicans in the South voted against it while only MOST of the Democrats did...Were Republicans really the party of civil rights in the 1960s? | Harry J Enten




Note that 0% of the GOP in the South voted for the 1964 Civil Rights Act while the Southern Democrats, tho pathetic, mustered 9% and 5% respectively....and in the North, the Democrats still out percentaged the Republican in both the House and Senate.
Son, I didn't miss the civil rates struggle history in high school. I LIVED it. The South was democratic in those days, and refused to vote for civil rights. The republican presidential candidate voted against civil rights.
About the only accurate thing you've said in this thread. Of course, that was only after I had to school you like a small child with a link from CNN.
This is the kind of revisionist idiocy that can only come from progressives. Think about the astounding stupidity of these two sentences.
The South was democratic in those days, and refused to vote for civil rights.
So after I school this little lad with facts (and have to back it up with left-wing CNN), Vandalshandle admits that the Dumbocrats refused to vote for Civil Rights. But only because he had no choice in light of the fact that even CNN was acknowledging it. However, not being willing to admit the truth, he attempts the most bizarre revisionism ever...
After LBJ (D) got it passed anyway, every one of the southern states that were opposed to civil rights elected republicans instead, and because of the civil rights struggle, every one of those southern states are now republican, in protest.
You get that? According to Vandalshandle - in "protest" of the Civil Rights Act being passed, the south (who didn't want it) left the group that tried to prevent it (the Dumbocrats) and joined the group that lead the efforts to create and pass it (the Republicans). :cuckoo:

That would be like trying to convince people one day that the Al Qaeda operatives responsible for 9/11 actually loved the U.S. and flew the planes into the World Trade Towers in protest of Islam. :eusa_doh:
This is the kind of revisionist idiocy that can only come from progressives. Think about the astounding stupidity of these two sentences.
The South was democratic in those days, and refused to vote for civil rights.
So after I school this little lad with facts (and have to back it up with left-wing CNN), Vandalshandle admits that the Dumbocrats refused to vote for Civil Rights. But only because he had no choice in light of the fact that even CNN was acknowledging it. However, not being willing to admit the truth, he attempts the most bizarre revisionism ever...
After LBJ (D) got it passed anyway, every one of the southern states that were opposed to civil rights elected republicans instead, and because of the civil rights struggle, every one of those southern states are now republican, in protest.
You get that? According to Vandalshandle - in "protest" of the Civil Rights Act being passed, the south (who didn't want it) left the group that tried to prevent it (the Dumbocrats) and joined the group that lead the efforts to create and pass it (the Republicans). :cuckoo:

That would be like trying to convince people one day that the Al Qaeda operatives responsible for 9/11 actually loved the U.S. and flew the planes into the World Trade Towers in protest of Islam. :eusa_doh:

Gee, Patriot, I am so grateful that you clued me in on the fact that the democratic South voted against Civil Rights. Why, If i had not already read that on the back of the dust cover of Al Franken's latest book, "Giant of the Senate", and if I had not been raised in Atlanta in the civil Rights struggle era, I would never have know it, without your timely schooling.

However, what you obviously fail to understand is that because the democratic south voted against civil rights, they have been voting republican ever since, because the republican party doesn't give a rat's ass about civil rights, and that suits the deep south just fine. As a matter of fact, there is not a single democratic senator in office, to my knowledge, who is from a deep South state.

Turn off your AM radio, Patriot. It is rotting your brain.
Last edited:
Gee, Patriot, I am so grateful that you clued me in on the fact that the democratic South voted against Civil Rights.

However, what you obviously fail to understand is that because the democratic south voted against civil rights, they have been voting republican ever since
And genius here doubles-down again on his idiocy. He's actually attempting to make the bat-shit crazy argument that the people who vehemently opposed Civil Rights (the Dumbocrats) all joined the side that passed Civil Rights (the Republicans).

Gee, Patriot, I am so grateful that you clued me in on the fact that the democratic South voted against Civil Rights. Why, If i had not already read that on the back of the dust cover of Al Franken's latest book, "Giant of the Senate", and if I had not been raised in Atlanta in the civil Rights struggle era, I would never have know it, without your timely schooling.
Yeah - I know. You proved that in post #161.
I was able to keep a straight face until Patriot claimed that conservatives lead the civil rights movement. Now, my Dr. Pepper is dripping from my monitor, where it shot out of my nose!
Now your desperately trying to save face while also attempting to rewrite history to protect your precious Dumbocrat Party.

Republicans lead the Civil Rights movement. Dumbocrats vehemently opposed it.
I am sure that Patriot will explain that they are actually democrats pretending to be Goldwater supporters, which is why they are wearing masks. Who knows? It could be true in his alternative universe.
Says the man who stated that Dr. Pepper shot through his nose and all over his monitor when I said that Republicans lead the Civil Rights movement. :laugh:
I am sure that Patriot will explain that they are actually democrats pretending to be Goldwater supporters, which is why they are wearing masks. Who knows? It could be true in his alternative universe.
Says the man who stated that Dr. Pepper shot through his nose and all over his monitor when I said that Republicans lead the Civil Rights movement. :laugh:

Come on, Patriot, admit it. You took Spin 101 at Trump U, before switching to an Alternative Facts major.
I am sure that Patriot will explain that they are actually democrats pretending to be Goldwater supporters, which is why they are wearing masks. Who knows? It could be true in his alternative universe.
Says the man who stated that Dr. Pepper shot through his nose and all over his monitor when I said that Republicans lead the Civil Rights movement. :laugh:

Come on, Patriot, admit it. You took Spin 101 at Trump U, before switching to an Alternative Facts major.
Well you just took a spin at P@triot U and it was very humbling for you!
Here is what the reputable pediatric organization says.

American Academy of Pediatrics Opposes Legislation that Discriminates Against Transgender Children

The American College of Pediatricians is not a reputable pediatric organization.

The OP is trying to sell you a fake Rolex.

Puberty blockers ARE NOT approved for use in suspected trans children because of its harmful side effects and because they increase risk of cancer and stroke. Any doctor who prescribes them for that use is violating his oath.

Kids are NOT lab rats in your social experiment.

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